#!/usr/bin/env python # from os import open, write, read import numpy as num celltype_map = {'IEEE4ByteReal': num.float32, 'IEEE8ByteReal': num.float64} def write_ermapper_grid(ofile, data, header = {}): """ write_ermapper_grid(ofile, data, header = {}): Function to write a 2D numeric array to an ERMapper grid. There are a series of conventions adopted within this code, specifically: 1) The registration coordinate for the data is the SW (or lower-left) corner of the data 2) The registration coordinates refer to cell centres 3) The data is a 2D numeric array with the NW-most data in element (0,0) and the SE-most data in element (N,M) where N is the last line and M is the last column 4) There has been no testng of the use of a rotated grid. Best to keep data in an NS orientation Input Parameters: ofile: string - filename for output (note the output will consist of two files ofile and ofile.ers. Either of these can be entered into this function data: array - 2D array containing the data to be output to the grid header: dictionary - contains spatial information about the grid, in particular: header['datum'] datum for the data ('"GDA94"') header['projection'] - either '"GEOGRAPHIC"' or '"PROJECTED"' header['coordinatetype'] - either 'EN' (for eastings/northings) or 'LL' (for lat/long) header['rotation'] - rotation of grid ('0:0:0.0') header['celltype'] - data type for writing data ('IEEE4ByteReal') header['nullcellvalue'] - value for null cells ('-99999') header['xdimension'] - cell size in x-dir in units dictated by 'coordinatetype' ('100') header['registrationcellx'] == '0' header['ydimension'] - cell size in y-dir in units dictated by 'coordinatetype' ('100') header['longitude'] - co-ordinate of registration cell ('0:0:0') header['latitude'] - co-ordinate of registration line ('0:0:0') header['nrofbands'] - number of bands ('1') header['value'] - name of grid ('"Default_Band"') Some entries are determined automatically from the data header['nroflines'] - number of lines in data header['nrofcellsperline'] - number of columns in data header['registrationcelly'] == last line of data Written by Trevor Dhu, Geoscience Australia 2005 """ # extract filenames for header and data files from ofile ers_index = ofile.find('.ers') if ers_index > 0: data_file = ofile[0:ers_index] header_file = ofile else: data_file = ofile header_file = ofile + '.ers' # Check that the data is a 2 dimensional array data_size = num.shape(data) assert len(data_size) == 2 header['nroflines'] = str(data_size[0]) header['nrofcellsperline'] = str(data_size[1]) header = create_default_header(header) write_ermapper_header(header_file, header) write_ermapper_data(data, data_file, data_format = header['celltype']) def read_ermapper_grid(ifile): ers_index = ifile.find('.ers') if ers_index > 0: data_file = ifile[0:ers_index] header_file = ifile else: data_file = ifile header_file = ifile + '.ers' header = read_ermapper_header(header_file) nroflines = int(header['nroflines']) nrofcellsperlines = int(header['nrofcellsperline']) data = read_ermapper_data(data_file) data = num.reshape(data,(nroflines,nrofcellsperlines)) return data def write_ermapper_header(ofile, header = {}): header = create_default_header(header) # Determine if the dataset is in lats/longs or eastings/northings and set header parameters # accordingly if header['coordinatetype'] == 'LL': X_Class = 'Longitude' Y_Class = 'Latitude' elif header['coordinatetype'] == 'EN': X_Class = 'Eastings' Y_Class = 'Northings' # open the header file for writing to fid = open(ofile,'wt') # Begin writing the header fid.write('DatasetHeader Begin\n') fid.write('\tVersion\t\t= "6.4"\n') fid.write('\tDatasetType\t= ERStorage\n') fid.write('\tDataType\t= Raster\n') fid.write('\tByteOrder\t= LSBFirst\n') # Write the coordinate space information fid.write('\tCoordinateSpace Begin\n') fid.write('\t\tDatum\t\t\t = ' + header['datum'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tProjection\t\t = ' + header['projection'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tCoordinateType\t = ' + header['coordinatetype'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tRotation\t\t = ' + header['rotation'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tUnits\t\t = ' + header['units'] + '\n') fid.write('\tCoordinateSpace End\n') # Write the raster information fid.write('\tRasterInfo Begin\n') fid.write('\t\tCellType\t\t\t = ' + header['celltype'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tNullCellValue\t\t = ' + header['nullcellvalue'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tRegistrationCellX\t\t = ' + header['registrationcellx'] +'\n') fid.write('\t\tRegistrationCellY\t\t = ' + header['registrationcelly'] +'\n') # Write the cellsize information fid.write('\t\tCellInfo Begin\n') fid.write('\t\t\tXDimension\t\t\t = ' + header['xdimension'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\t\tYDimension\t\t\t = ' + header['ydimension'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tCellInfo End\n') # Continue with wrting the raster information fid.write('\t\tNrOfLines\t\t\t = ' + header['nroflines'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tNrOfCellsPerLine\t = ' + header['nrofcellsperline'] + '\n') # Write the registration coordinate information fid.write('\t\tRegistrationCoord Begin\n') ###print X_Class fid.write('\t\t\t' + X_Class + '\t\t\t = ' + header[X_Class.lower()] + '\n') fid.write('\t\t\t' + Y_Class + '\t\t\t = ' + header[Y_Class.lower()] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tRegistrationCoord End\n') # Continue with wrting the raster information fid.write('\t\tNrOfBands\t\t\t = ' + header['nrofbands'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tBandID Begin\n') fid.write('\t\t\tValue\t\t\t\t = ' + header['value'] + '\n') fid.write('\t\tBandID End\n') fid.write('\tRasterInfo End\n') fid.write('DatasetHeader End\n') fid.close def read_ermapper_header(ifile): # function for reading an ERMapper header from file header = {} fid = open(ifile,'rt') header_string = fid.readlines() fid.close() for line in header_string: if line.find('=') > 0: tmp_string = line.strip().split('=') header[tmp_string[0].strip().lower()]= tmp_string[1].strip() return header def write_ermapper_data(grid, ofile, data_format=num.float32): try: data_format = celltype_map[data_format] except: pass #if isinstance(data_format, basestring): # #celltype_map is defined at top of code # if celltype_map.has_key(data_format): # data_format = celltype_map[data_format] # else: # msg = 'Format %s is not yet defined by celltype_map' %data_format # raise msg # Convert the array to data_format (default format is Float32) grid_as_float = grid.astype(data_format) # Convert array to a string for writing to output file output_string = grid_as_float.tostring() # open output file in a binary format and write the output string fid = open(ofile,'wb') fid.write(output_string) fid.close() def read_ermapper_data(ifile, data_format = num.float32): # open input file in a binary format and read the input string fid = open(ifile,'rb') input_string = fid.read() fid.close() # convert input string to required format (Note default format is num.float32) grid_as_float = num.fromstring(input_string,data_format) return grid_as_float def create_default_header(header = {}): # fill any blanks in a header dictionary with default values # input parameters: # header: a dictionary containing fields that are not meant # to be filled with default values if not header.has_key('datum'): header['datum'] = '"GDA94"' if not header.has_key('projection'): header['projection'] = '"GEOGRAPHIC"' if not header.has_key('coordinatetype'): header['coordinatetype'] = 'LL' if not header.has_key('rotation'): header['rotation'] = '0:0:0.0' if not header.has_key('units'): header['units'] = '"METERS"' if not header.has_key('celltype'): header['celltype'] = 'IEEE4ByteReal' if not header.has_key('nullcellvalue'): header['nullcellvalue'] = '-99999' if not header.has_key('xdimension'): header['xdimension'] = '100' if not header.has_key('latitude'): header['latitude'] = '0:0:0' if not header.has_key('longitude'): header['longitude'] = '0:0:0' if not header.has_key('ydimension'): header['ydimension'] = '100' if not header.has_key('nroflines'): header['nroflines'] = '3' if not header.has_key('nrofcellsperline'): header['nrofcellsperline'] = '4' if not header.has_key('registrationcellx'): header['registrationcellx'] = '0' if not header.has_key('registrationcelly'): header['registrationcelly'] = str(int(header['nroflines'])-1) if not header.has_key('nrofbands'): header['nrofbands'] = '1' if not header.has_key('value'): header['value'] = '"Default_Band"' return header