import copy import numpy as num from anuga.coordinate_transforms.geo_reference import Geo_reference class General_mesh: """Collection of 2D triangular elements A triangular element is defined in terms of three vertex ids, ordered counter clock-wise, each corresponding to a given node which is represented as a coordinate set (x,y). Vertices from different triangles can point to the same node. The nodes are implemented as an Nx2 numeric array containing the x and y coordinates. To instantiate: Mesh(nodes, triangles) where nodes is either a list of 2-tuples or an Nx2 numeric array of floats representing all x, y coordinates in the mesh. triangles is either a list of 3-tuples or an Mx3 numeric array of integers representing indices of all vertices in the mesh. Each vertex is identified by its index i in [0, N-1]. Example: a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0,0.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] nodes = [a, b, c, e] triangles = [ [1,0,2], [1,2,3] ] # bac, bce # Create mesh with two triangles: bac and bce mesh = Mesh(nodes, triangles) Other: In addition mesh computes an Mx6 array called vertex_coordinates. This structure is derived from coordinates and contains for each triangle the three x,y coordinates at the vertices. See for a specialisation of the general mesh class which includes information about neighbours and the mesh boundary. The mesh object is purely geometrical and contains no information about quantities defined on the mesh. """ # FIXME: It would be a good idea to use geospatial data as an alternative # input def __init__(self, nodes, triangles, geo_reference=None, number_of_full_nodes=None, number_of_full_triangles=None, verbose=False): """Build triangular 2d mesh from nodes and triangle information Input: nodes: x,y coordinates represented as a sequence of 2-tuples or a Nx2 numeric array of floats. triangles: sequence of 3-tuples or Mx3 numeric array of non-negative integers representing indices into the nodes array. georeference (optional): If specified coordinates are assumed to be relative to this origin. number_of_full_nodes and number_of_full_triangles relate to parallelism when each mesh has an extra layer of ghost points and ghost triangles attached to the end of the two arrays. In this case it is usefull to specify the number of real (called full) nodes and triangles. If omitted they will default to all. """ if verbose: print 'General_mesh: Building basic mesh structure in ANUGA domain' self.triangles = num.array(triangles, self.nodes = num.array(nodes, num.float) # Register number of elements and nodes self.number_of_triangles = N = self.triangles.shape[0] self.number_of_nodes = self.nodes.shape[0] if number_of_full_nodes is None: self.number_of_full_nodes = self.number_of_nodes else: assert int(number_of_full_nodes) self.number_of_full_nodes = number_of_full_nodes if number_of_full_triangles is None: self.number_of_full_triangles = self.number_of_triangles else: assert int(number_of_full_triangles) self.number_of_full_triangles = number_of_full_triangles # FIXME: this stores a geo_reference, but when coords are returned # This geo_ref is not taken into account! if geo_reference is None: self.geo_reference = Geo_reference() # Use defaults else: self.geo_reference = geo_reference # Input checks msg = ('Triangles must an Mx3 numeric array or a sequence of 3-tuples. ' 'The supplied array has the shape: %s' % str(self.triangles.shape)) assert len(self.triangles.shape) == 2, msg msg = ('Nodes must an Nx2 numeric array or a sequence of 2-tuples' 'The supplied array has the shape: %s' % str(self.nodes.shape)) assert len(self.nodes.shape) == 2, msg msg = 'Vertex indices reference non-existing coordinate sets' assert num.max(self.triangles) < self.nodes.shape[0], msg # FIXME: Maybe move to statistics? # Or use with get_extent xy_extent = [min(self.nodes[:,0]), min(self.nodes[:,1]), max(self.nodes[:,0]), max(self.nodes[:,1])] self.xy_extent = num.array(xy_extent, num.float) # Allocate space for geometric quantities self.normals = num.zeros((N, 6), num.float) self.areas = num.zeros(N, num.float) self.edgelengths = num.zeros((N, 3), num.float) # Get x,y coordinates for all triangles and store self.vertex_coordinates = V = self.compute_vertex_coordinates() # Initialise each triangle if verbose: print 'General_mesh: Computing areas, normals and edgelengths' for i in range(N): if verbose and i % ((N+10)/10) == 0: print '(%d/%d)' % (i, N) x0, y0 = V[3*i, :] x1, y1 = V[3*i+1, :] x2, y2 = V[3*i+2, :] # Area self.areas[i] = abs((x1*y0-x0*y1) + (x2*y1-x1*y2) + (x0*y2-x2*y0))/2 msg = 'Triangle (%f,%f), (%f,%f), (%f, %f)' % (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2) msg += ' is degenerate: area == %f' % self.areas[i] assert self.areas[i] > 0.0, msg # Normals # The normal vectors # - point outward from each edge # - are orthogonal to the edge # - have unit length # - Are enumerated according to the opposite corner: # (First normal is associated with the edge opposite # the first vertex, etc) # - Stored as six floats n0x,n0y,n1x,n1y,n2x,n2y per triangle n0 = num.array([x2-x1, y2-y1], num.float) l0 = num.sqrt(num.sum(n0**2)) n1 = num.array([x0-x2, y0-y2], num.float) l1 = num.sqrt(num.sum(n1**2)) n2 = num.array([x1-x0, y1-y0], num.float) l2 = num.sqrt(num.sum(n2**2)) # Normalise n0 /= l0 n1 /= l1 n2 /= l2 # Compute and store self.normals[i, :] = [n0[1], -n0[0], n1[1], -n1[0], n2[1], -n2[0]] # Edgelengths self.edgelengths[i, :] = [l0, l1, l2] # Build structure listing which trianglse belong to which node. if verbose: print 'Building inverted triangle structure' self.build_inverted_triangle_structure() def __len__(self): return self.number_of_triangles def __repr__(self): return ('Mesh: %d vertices, %d triangles' % (self.nodes.shape[0], len(self))) def get_normals(self): """Return all normal vectors. Return normal vectors for all triangles as an Nx6 array (ordered as x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 for each triangle) """ return self.normals def get_normal(self, i, j): """Return normal vector j of the i'th triangle. Return value is the numeric array slice [x, y] """ return self.normals[i, 2*j:2*j+2] def get_edgelength(self, i, j): """Return length of j'th edge of the i'th triangle. Return value is the numeric array slice [x, y] """ return self.edgelengths[i, j] def get_number_of_nodes(self): return self.number_of_nodes def get_nodes(self, absolute=False): """Return all nodes in mesh. The nodes are ordered in an Nx2 array where N is the number of nodes. This is the same format they were provided in the constructor i.e. without any duplication. Boolean keyword argument absolute determines whether coordinates are to be made absolute by taking georeference into account Default is False as many parts of ANUGA expects relative coordinates. (To see which, switch to default absolute=True and run tests). """ N = self.number_of_full_nodes V = self.nodes[:N,:] if absolute is True: if not self.geo_reference.is_absolute(): V = self.geo_reference.get_absolute(V) return V def get_node(self, i, absolute=False): """Return node coordinates for triangle i. Boolean keyword argument absolute determines whether coordinates are to be made absolute by taking georeference into account Default is False as many parts of ANUGA expects relative coordinates. (To see which, switch to default absolute=True and run tests). Note: This method returns a modified _copy_ of the nodes slice if absolute is True. If absolute is False, just return the slice. This is related to the ensure_numeric() returning a copy problem. """ V = self.nodes[i,:] if absolute is True: if not self.geo_reference.is_absolute(): # get a copy so as not to modify the internal self.nodes array V = copy.copy(V) V += num.array([self.geo_reference.get_xllcorner(), self.geo_reference.get_yllcorner()], num.float) return V def get_vertex_coordinates(self, triangle_id=None, absolute=False): """Return vertex coordinates for all triangles. Return all vertex coordinates for all triangles as a 3*M x 2 array where the jth vertex of the ith triangle is located in row 3*i+j and M the number of triangles in the mesh. if triangle_id is specified (an integer) the 3 vertex coordinates for triangle_id are returned. Boolean keyword argument absolute determines whether coordinates are to be made absolute by taking georeference into account Default is False as many parts of ANUGA expects relative coordinates. """ V = self.vertex_coordinates if triangle_id is None: if absolute is True: if not self.geo_reference.is_absolute(): V = self.geo_reference.get_absolute(V) return V else: i = triangle_id msg = 'triangle_id must be an integer' assert int(i) == i, msg assert 0 <= i < self.number_of_triangles i3 = 3*i if absolute is True and not self.geo_reference.is_absolute(): offset=num.array([self.geo_reference.get_xllcorner(), self.geo_reference.get_yllcorner()], num.float) return num.array([V[i3,:]+offset, V[i3+1,:]+offset, V[i3+2,:]+offset], num.float) else: return num.array([V[i3,:], V[i3+1,:], V[i3+2,:]], num.float) def get_vertex_coordinate(self, i, j, absolute=False): """Return coordinates for vertex j of the i'th triangle. Return value is the numeric array slice [x, y] """ msg = 'vertex id j must be an integer in [0,1,2]' assert j in [0,1,2], msg V = self.get_vertex_coordinates(triangle_id=i, absolute=absolute) return V[j,:] def compute_vertex_coordinates(self): """Return all vertex coordinates for all triangles as a 3*M x 2 array where the jth vertex of the ith triangle is located in row 3*i+j. This function is used to precompute this important structure. Use get_vertex coordinates to retrieve the points. """ M = self.number_of_triangles vertex_coordinates = num.zeros((3*M, 2), num.float) for i in range(M): for j in range(3): k = self.triangles[i,j] # Index of vertex j in triangle i vertex_coordinates[3*i+j,:] = self.nodes[k] return vertex_coordinates def get_triangles(self, indices=None): """Get mesh triangles. Return Mx3 integer array where M is the number of triangles. Each row corresponds to one triangle and the three entries are indices into the mesh nodes which can be obtained using the method get_nodes() Optional argument, indices is the set of triangle ids of interest. """ M = self.number_of_full_triangles if indices is None: return self.triangles return num.take(self.triangles, indices, axis=0) def get_disconnected_triangles(self): """Get mesh based on nodes obtained from get_vertex_coordinates. Return array Mx3 array of integers where each row corresponds to a triangle. A triangle is a triplet of indices into point coordinates obtained from get_vertex_coordinates and each index appears only once This provides a mesh where no triangles share nodes (hence the name disconnected triangles) and different nodes may have the same coordinates. This version of the mesh is useful for storing meshes with discontinuities at each node and is e.g. used for storing data in sww files. The triangles created will have the format [[0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7,8], ... [3*M-3 3*M-2 3*M-1]] """ M = len(self) # Number of triangles K = 3*M # Total number of unique vertices return num.reshape(num.arange(K,, (M,3)) def get_unique_vertices(self, indices=None): """FIXME(Ole): This function needs a docstring""" triangles = self.get_triangles(indices=indices) unique_verts = {} for triangle in triangles: unique_verts[triangle[0]] = 0 unique_verts[triangle[1]] = 0 unique_verts[triangle[2]] = 0 return unique_verts.keys() def get_triangles_and_vertices_per_node(self, node=None): """Get triangles associated with given node. Return list of triangle_ids, vertex_ids for specified node. If node in None or absent, this information will be returned for all (full) nodes in a list L where L[v] is the triangle list for node v. """ triangle_list = [] if node is not None: # Get index for this node first = num.sum(self.number_of_triangles_per_node[:node]) # Get number of triangles for this node count = self.number_of_triangles_per_node[node] for i in range(count): index = self.vertex_value_indices[first+i] volume_id = index / 3 vertex_id = index % 3 triangle_list.append( (volume_id, vertex_id) ) triangle_list = num.array(triangle_list, #array default# else: # Get info for all nodes recursively. # If need be, we can speed this up by # working directly with the inverted triangle structure for i in range(self.number_of_full_nodes): L = self.get_triangles_and_vertices_per_node(node=i) triangle_list.append(L) return triangle_list def build_inverted_triangle_structure(self): """Build structure listing triangles belonging to each node Two arrays are created and store as mesh attributes number_of_triangles_per_node: An integer array of length N listing for each node how many triangles use it. N is the number of nodes in mesh. vertex_value_indices: An array of length M listing indices into triangles ordered by node number. The (triangle_id, vertex_id) pairs are obtained from each index as (index/3, index%3) or each index can be used directly into a flattened triangles array. This is for example the case in the quantity.c where this structure is used to average vertex values efficiently. Example: a = [0.0, 0.0] # node 0 b = [0.0, 2.0] # node 1 c = [2.0, 0.0] # node 2 d = [0.0, 4.0] # node 3 e = [2.0, 2.0] # node 4 f = [4.0, 0.0] # node 5 nodes = array([a, b, c, d, e, f]) # bac, bce, ecf, dbe triangles = array([[1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4]]) For this structure: number_of_triangles_per_node = [1 3 3 1 3 1] which means that node a has 1 triangle associated with it, node b has 3, node has 3 and so on. vertex_value_indices = [ 1 0 3 10 2 4 7 9 5 6 11 8] which reflects the fact that node 0 is used by triangle 0, vertex 1 (index = 1) node 1 is used by triangle 0, vertex 0 (index = 0) and by triangle 1, vertex 0 (index = 3) and by triangle 3, vertex 1 (index = 10) node 2 is used by triangle 0, vertex 2 (index = 2) and by triangle 1, vertex 1 (index = 4) and by triangle 2, vertex 1 (index = 7) node 3 is used by triangle 3, vertex 0 (index = 9) node 4 is used by triangle 1, vertex 2 (index = 5) and by triangle 2, vertex 0 (index = 6) and by triangle 3, vertex 2 (index = 11) node 5 is used by triangle 2, vertex 2 (index = 8) Preconditions: self.nodes and self.triangles are defined Postcondition: self.number_of_triangles_per_node is built self.vertex_value_indices is built """ # Count number of triangles per node number_of_triangles_per_node = num.zeros(self.number_of_full_nodes, #array default# for volume_id, triangle in enumerate(self.get_triangles()): for vertex_id in triangle: number_of_triangles_per_node[vertex_id] += 1 # Allocate space for inverted structure number_of_entries = num.sum(number_of_triangles_per_node) vertex_value_indices = num.zeros(number_of_entries, #array default# # Register (triangle, vertex) indices for each node vertexlist = [None] * self.number_of_full_nodes for volume_id in range(self.number_of_full_triangles): a = self.triangles[volume_id, 0] b = self.triangles[volume_id, 1] c = self.triangles[volume_id, 2] for vertex_id, node_id in enumerate([a, b, c]): if vertexlist[node_id] is None: vertexlist[node_id] = [] vertexlist[node_id].append((volume_id, vertex_id)) # Build inverted triangle index array k = 0 for vertices in vertexlist: if vertices is not None: for volume_id, vertex_id in vertices: vertex_value_indices[k] = 3*volume_id + vertex_id k += 1 # Save structure self.number_of_triangles_per_node = number_of_triangles_per_node self.vertex_value_indices = vertex_value_indices def get_extent(self, absolute=False): """Return min and max of all x and y coordinates Boolean keyword argument absolute determines whether coordinates are to be made absolute by taking georeference into account """ C = self.get_vertex_coordinates(absolute=absolute) X = C[:,0:6:2].copy() Y = C[:,1:6:2].copy() xmin = num.min(X) xmax = num.max(X) ymin = num.min(Y) ymax = num.max(Y) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax def get_areas(self): """Get areas of all individual triangles.""" return self.areas def get_area(self): """Return total area of mesh""" return num.sum(self.areas) def set_georeference(self, g): self.geo_reference = g def get_georeference(self): return self.geo_reference