import unittest from point import Point from math import fabs #------------------------------------------------------------- class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.eps = 0.001 # Accept 0.1 % relative error self.RSISE = Point(-35.27456,149.12065) self.Home = Point(-35.25629,149.12494) # 28 Scrivener Street, ACT self.Syd = Point(-33.93479,151.16794) # Sydney Airport self.Nadi = Point(-17.75330,177.45148) # Nadi Airport self.Kobenhavn = Point(55.70248, 12.58364) # Kobenhavn, Denmark def testBearingNorth(self): eps = 1.0e-12 p1 = Point(0.0,0.0) p2 = Point(1.0,0.0) p3 = Point(0.0,1.0) # Assert that bearing is correct within double precision self.failUnless((fabs(p1.BearingTo(p2)-0) < eps),\ 'Computed northward bearing: %d, Should have been: %d'\ %(p1.BearingTo(p2), 0)) def testBearingSouth(self): eps = 1.0e-12 p1 = Point(0.0,0.0) p2 = Point(1.0,0.0) p3 = Point(0.0,1.0) # Assert that bearing is correct within double precision self.failUnless((fabs(p2.BearingTo(p1)-180) < eps),\ 'Computed southhward bearing: %d, Should have been: %d'\ %(p2.BearingTo(p1), 180)) def testBearingWest(self): eps = 1.0e-12 p1 = Point(0.0,0.0) p2 = Point(1.0,0.0) p3 = Point(0.0,1.0) # Assert that bearing is correct within double precision self.failUnless((fabs(p3.BearingTo(p1)-270) < eps),\ 'Computed westward bearing: %d, Should have been: %d'\ %(p3.BearingTo(p1), 270)) def testBearingEast(self): eps = 1.0e-12 p1 = Point(0.0,0.0) p2 = Point(1.0,0.0) p3 = Point(0.0,1.0) # Assert that bearing is correct within double precision self.failUnless((fabs(p1.BearingTo(p3)-90) < eps),\ 'Computed eastward bearing: %d, Should have been: %d'\ %(p1.BearingTo(p3), 90)) def testRSISE2Home(self): D = 2068 # True Distance to Home B = 11 # True Bearing to Home self.failUnless((fabs(self.RSISE.DistanceTo(self.Home) - D)/D < self.eps),\ 'Dist to Home failed') self.failUnless((self.RSISE.BearingTo(self.Home) - B == 0),\ 'Computed bearing to Home: %d, Should have been: %d'\ %(self.RSISE.BearingTo(self.Home), B)) def testRSISE2Sydney(self): D = 239.5 * 1000 # True Distance to Sydney Airport B = 52 # True Bearing to Sydney Airport self.failUnless((fabs(self.RSISE.DistanceTo(self.Syd) - D)/D < self.eps),\ 'Dist to Sydney failed') self.failUnless((self.RSISE.BearingTo(self.Syd) - B == 0),\ 'Computed bearing to Sydney: %d, Should have been: %d'\ %(self.RSISE.BearingTo(self.Syd), B)) def testRSISE2Nadi(self): D = 3406.1 * 1000 # True Distance to Nadi Airport B = 63 # True Bearing to Nadi Airport self.failUnless((fabs(self.RSISE.DistanceTo(self.Nadi) - D)/D < self.eps),\ 'Dist to Nadi failed') self.failUnless((self.RSISE.BearingTo(self.Nadi) - B == 0),\ 'Computed bearing to Nadi: %d, Should have been: %d'\ %(self.RSISE.BearingTo(self.Nadi), B)) def testRSISE2Kobenhavn(self): D = 16025 * 1000 # True Distance to Kobenhavn B = 319 # True Bearing to Kobenhavn self.failUnless((fabs(self.RSISE.DistanceTo(self.Kobenhavn) - D)/D < self.eps),\ 'Computed Distance to Kobenhavn: %d, Should have been: %d' \ %(self.RSISE.DistanceTo(self.Kobenhavn), D)) self.failUnless((self.RSISE.BearingTo(self.Kobenhavn) - B == 0),\ 'Computed Bearing to Kobenhavn: %d, Should have been: %d' \ %(self.RSISE.BearingTo(self.Kobenhavn), B)) #------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": mysuite = unittest.makeSuite(TestCase,'test') runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()