import sys from anuga.shallow_water.shallow_water_domain import Inflow, General_forcing from anuga.culvert_flows.culvert_polygons import create_culvert_polygons from anuga.utilities.system_tools import log_to_file from anuga.utilities.polygon import inside_polygon from anuga.utilities.polygon import is_inside_polygon from anuga.utilities.polygon import plot_polygons from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import mean from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric, sign from anuga.config import g, epsilon from anuga.config import minimum_allowed_height, velocity_protection import numpy as num from math import sqrt class Below_interval(Exception): pass class Above_interval(Exception): pass # FIXME(Ole): Take a good hard look at logging here # FIXME(Ole): Write in C and reuse this function by similar code # in def interpolate_linearly(x, xvec, yvec): msg = 'Input to function interpolate_linearly could not be converted ' msg += 'to numerical scalar: x = %s' % str(x) try: x = float(x) except: raise Exception, msg # Check bounds if x < xvec[0]: msg = 'Value provided = %.2f, interpolation minimum = %.2f.'\ % (x, xvec[0]) raise Below_interval, msg if x > xvec[-1]: msg = 'Value provided = %.2f, interpolation maximum = %.2f.'\ %(x, xvec[-1]) raise Above_interval, msg # Find appropriate slot within bounds i = 0 while x > xvec[i]: i += 1 x0 = xvec[i-1] x1 = xvec[i] alpha = (x - x0)/(x1 - x0) y0 = yvec[i-1] y1 = yvec[i] y = alpha*y1 + (1-alpha)*y0 return y def read_culvert_description(culvert_description_filename): # Read description file fid = open(culvert_description_filename) read_rating_curve_data = False rating_curve = [] for i, line in enumerate(fid.readlines()): if read_rating_curve_data is True: fields = line.split(',') head_difference = float(fields[0].strip()) flow_rate = float(fields[1].strip()) barrel_velocity = float(fields[2].strip()) rating_curve.append([head_difference, flow_rate, barrel_velocity]) if i == 0: # Header continue if i == 1: # Metadata fields = line.split(',') label=fields[0].strip() type=fields[1].strip().lower() assert type in ['box', 'pipe'] width=float(fields[2].strip()) height=float(fields[3].strip()) length=float(fields[4].strip()) number_of_barrels=int(fields[5].strip()) #fields[6] refers to losses description=fields[7].strip() if line.strip() == '': continue # Skip blanks if line.startswith('Rating'): read_rating_curve_data = True # Flow data follows fid.close() return label, type, width, height, length, number_of_barrels, description, rating_curve class Culvert_flow_general: """Culvert flow - transfer water from one hole to another This version will work with either rating curve file or with culvert routine. Input: Two points, pipe_size (either diameter or width, height), mannings_rougness, """ def __init__(self, domain, culvert_description_filename=None, culvert_routine=None, end_point0=None, end_point1=None, enquiry_point0=None, enquiry_point1=None, type='box', width=None, height=None, length=None, number_of_barrels=1, trigger_depth=0.01, # Depth below which no flow happens manning=None, # Mannings Roughness for Culvert sum_loss=None, use_velocity_head=False, # FIXME(Ole): Get rid of - always True use_momentum_jet=False, # FIXME(Ole): Not yet implemented label=None, description=None, update_interval=None, log_file=False, discharge_hydrograph=False, verbose=False): # Input check if height is None: height = width self.height = height self.width = width assert number_of_barrels >= 1 assert use_velocity_head is True or use_velocity_head is False msg = 'Momentum jet not yet moved to general culvert' assert use_momentum_jet is False, msg self.culvert_routine = culvert_routine self.culvert_description_filename = culvert_description_filename if culvert_description_filename is not None: label, type, width, height, length, number_of_barrels, description, rating_curve = read_culvert_description(culvert_description_filename) self.rating_curve = ensure_numeric(rating_curve) self.domain = domain self.trigger_depth = trigger_depth if manning is None: self.manning = 0.012 # Default roughness for pipe if sum_loss is None: self.sum_loss = 0.0 # Store culvert information self.label = label self.description = description self.culvert_type = type self.number_of_barrels = number_of_barrels # Store options self.use_velocity_head = use_velocity_head if label is None: label = 'culvert_flow' label += '_' + str(id(self)) self.label = label # File for storing discharge_hydrograph if discharge_hydrograph is True: self.timeseries_filename = label + '_timeseries.csv' fid = open(self.timeseries_filename, 'w') fid.write('time, discharge\n') fid.close() # Log file for storing general textual output if log_file is True: self.log_filename = label + '.log' log_to_file(self.log_filename, self.label) log_to_file(self.log_filename, description) log_to_file(self.log_filename, self.culvert_type) else: self.log_filename = None # Create the fundamental culvert polygons from polygon P = create_culvert_polygons(end_point0, end_point1, width=width, height=height, number_of_barrels=number_of_barrels) self.culvert_polygons = P # Select enquiry points if enquiry_point0 is None: enquiry_point0 = P['enquiry_point0'] if enquiry_point1 is None: enquiry_point1 = P['enquiry_point1'] if verbose is True: pass #plot_polygons([[end_point0, end_point1], # P['exchange_polygon0'], # P['exchange_polygon1'], # [enquiry_point0, 1.005*enquiry_point0], # [enquiry_point1, 1.005*enquiry_point1]], # figname='culvert_polygon_output') self.enquiry_points = [enquiry_point0, enquiry_point1] self.enquiry_indices = self.get_enquiry_indices() self.check_culvert_inside_domain() # Create inflow object at each end of the culvert. self.openings = [] self.openings.append(Inflow(domain, polygon=P['exchange_polygon0'])) self.openings.append(Inflow(domain, polygon=P['exchange_polygon1'])) # Assume two openings for now: Referred to as 0 and 1 assert len(self.openings) == 2 # Establish initial values at each enquiry point dq = domain.quantities for i, opening in enumerate(self.openings): idx = self.enquiry_indices[i] elevation = dq['elevation'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx])[0] stage = dq['stage'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx])[0] opening.elevation = elevation opening.stage = stage opening.depth = stage-elevation # Determine initial pipe direction. # This may change dynamically based on the total energy difference # Consequently, this may be superfluous delta_z = self.openings[0].elevation - self.openings[1].elevation if delta_z > 0.0: self.inlet = self.openings[0] self.outlet = self.openings[1] else: self.outlet = self.openings[0] self.inlet = self.openings[1] # Store basic geometry self.end_points = [end_point0, end_point1] self.vector = P['vector'] self.length = P['length']; assert self.length > 0.0 if culvert_description_filename is not None: if not num.allclose(self.length, length, rtol=1.0e-2, atol=1.0e-2): msg = 'WARNING: barrel length specified in "%s" (%.2f m)'\ % (culvert_description_filename, length) msg += ' does not match distance between specified' msg += ' end points (%.2f m)' %self.length print msg self.verbose = verbose # For use with update_interval self.last_update = 0.0 self.update_interval = update_interval # Print some diagnostics to log if requested if self.log_filename is not None: s = 'Culvert Effective Length = %.2f m' %(self.length) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) s = 'Culvert Direction is %s\n' %str(self.vector) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) def __call__(self, domain): # Time stuff time = domain.get_time() update = False if self.update_interval is None: # Use next timestep as has been computed in delta_t = domain.timestep update = True else: # Use update interval delta_t = self.update_interval if time - self.last_update > self.update_interval or time == 0.0: update = True if self.log_filename is not None: s = '\nTime = %.2f, delta_t = %f' %(time, delta_t) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) if update is True: self.compute_rates(delta_t) # Execute flow term for each opening # This is where Inflow objects are evaluated using the last rate # that has been calculated # # This will take place at every internal timestep and update the domain for opening in self.openings: opening(domain) def get_enquiry_indices(self): """Get indices for nearest centroids to self.enquiry_points """ domain = self.domain enquiry_indices = [] for point in self.enquiry_points: # Find nearest centroid N = len(domain) points = domain.get_centroid_coordinates(absolute=True) # Calculate indices in exchange area for this forcing term triangle_id = min_dist = sys.maxint for k in range(N): x, y = points[k,:] # Centroid c = point distance = (x-c[0])**2+(y-c[1])**2 if distance < min_dist: min_dist = distance triangle_id = k if triangle_id < sys.maxint: msg = 'found triangle with centroid (%f, %f)'\ %tuple(points[triangle_id, :]) msg += ' for point (%f, %f)' %tuple(point) enquiry_indices.append(triangle_id) else: msg = 'Triangle not found for point (%f, %f)' %point raise Exception, msg return enquiry_indices def check_culvert_inside_domain(self): """Check that all polygons and enquiry points lie within the mesh. """ bounding_polygon = self.domain.get_boundary_polygon() P = self.culvert_polygons for key in P.keys(): if key in ['exchange_polygon0', 'exchange_polygon1']: for point in list(P[key]) + self.enquiry_points: msg = 'Point %s in polygon %s for culvert %s did not'\ %(str(point), key, self.label) msg += 'fall within the domain boundary.' assert is_inside_polygon(point, bounding_polygon), msg def adjust_flow_for_available_water_at_inlet(self, Q, delta_t): """Adjust Q downwards depending on available water at inlet """ if delta_t < epsilon: # No need to adjust if time step is very small or zero # In this case the possible flow will be very large # anyway. return Q # Short hands domain = self.domain dq = domain.quantities time = domain.get_time() I = self.inlet idx = I.exchange_indices # Find triangle with the smallest depth stage = dq['stage'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx]) elevation = dq['elevation'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx]) depth = stage-elevation min_depth = min(depth.flat) # Compute possible flow for exchange region based on # triangle with smallest depth max_Q = min_depth*I.exchange_area/delta_t # Calculate the minimum in absolute terms of # the requsted flow and the possible flow Q_reduced = sign(Q)*min(abs(Q), abs(max_Q)) if abs(Q_reduced) < abs(Q): msg = '%.2fs: Requested flow is ' % time msg += 'greater than what is supported by the smallest ' msg += 'depth at inlet exchange area:\n ' msg += 'h_min*inlet_area/delta_t = %.2f*%.2f/%.2f '\ % (min_depth, I.exchange_area, delta_t) msg += ' = %.2f m^3/s\n ' % Q_reduced msg += 'Q will be reduced from %.2f m^3/s to %.2f m^3/s.' % (Q, Q_reduced) if self.verbose is True: print msg if self.log_filename is not None: log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) return Q_reduced def compute_rates(self, delta_t): """Compute new rates for inlet and outlet """ # Short hands domain = self.domain dq = domain.quantities # Time stuff time = domain.get_time() self.last_update = time if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): log_filename = self.log_filename # Compute stage, energy and velocity at the # enquiry points at each end of the culvert openings = self.openings for i, opening in enumerate(openings): idx = self.enquiry_indices[i] stage = dq['stage'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx])[0] depth = h = stage-opening.elevation # Get velocity xmomentum = dq['xmomentum'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx])[0] ymomentum = dq['xmomentum'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx])[0] if h > minimum_allowed_height: u = xmomentum/(h + velocity_protection/h) v = ymomentum/(h + velocity_protection/h) else: u = v = 0.0 v_squared = u*u + v*v if self.use_velocity_head is True: velocity_head = 0.5*v_squared/g else: velocity_head = 0.0 opening.total_energy = velocity_head + stage opening.specific_energy = velocity_head + depth opening.stage = stage opening.depth = depth opening.velocity = sqrt(v_squared) # We now need to deal with each opening individually # Determine flow direction based on total energy difference delta_total_energy = openings[0].total_energy - openings[1].total_energy if delta_total_energy > 0: #print 'Flow U/S ---> D/S' inlet = openings[0] outlet = openings[1] else: #print 'Flow D/S ---> U/S' inlet = openings[1] outlet = openings[0] delta_total_energy = -delta_total_energy self.inlet = inlet self.outlet = outlet msg = 'Total energy difference is negative' assert delta_total_energy > 0.0, msg # Recompute slope and issue warning if flow is uphill # These values do not enter the computation delta_z = inlet.elevation - outlet.elevation culvert_slope = (delta_z/self.length) if culvert_slope < 0.0: # Adverse gradient - flow is running uphill # Flow will be purely controlled by uphill outlet face if self.verbose is True: print '%.2fs - WARNING: Flow is running uphill.' % time if self.log_filename is not None: s = 'Time=%.2f, inlet stage = %.2f, outlet stage = %.2f'\ %(time, self.inlet.stage, self.outlet.stage) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) s = 'Delta total energy = %.3f' %(delta_total_energy) log_to_file(log_filename, s) # Determine controlling energy (driving head) for culvert if inlet.specific_energy > delta_total_energy: # Outlet control driving_head = delta_total_energy else: # Inlet control driving_head = inlet.specific_energy if self.inlet.depth <= self.trigger_depth: Q = 0.0 else: # Calculate discharge for one barrel and # set inlet.rate and outlet.rate if self.culvert_description_filename is not None: try: Q = interpolate_linearly(driving_head, self.rating_curve[:,0], self.rating_curve[:,1]) except Below_interval, e: Q = self.rating_curve[0,1] msg = '%.2fs: ' % time msg += 'Delta head smaller than rating curve minimum: ' msg += str(e) msg += '\n ' msg += 'I will use minimum discharge %.2f m^3/s ' % Q msg += 'for culvert "%s"' % self.label if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) except Above_interval, e: Q = self.rating_curve[-1,1] msg = '%.2fs: ' % time msg += 'Delta head greater than rating curve maximum: ' msg += str(e) msg += '\n ' msg += 'I will use maximum discharge %.2f m^3/s ' % Q msg += 'for culvert "%s"' % self.label if self.log_filename is not None: log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) else: # User culvert routine Q, barrel_velocity, culvert_outlet_depth =\ self.culvert_routine(inlet.depth, outlet.depth, inlet.velocity, outlet.velocity, inlet.specific_energy, delta_total_energy, g, culvert_length=self.length, culvert_width=self.width, culvert_height=self.height, culvert_type=self.culvert_type, manning=self.manning, sum_loss=self.sum_loss, log_filename=self.log_filename) # Adjust discharge for multiple barrels Q *= self.number_of_barrels Q = self.adjust_flow_for_available_water_at_inlet(Q, delta_t) self.inlet.rate = -Q self.outlet.rate = Q # Log timeseries to file try: fid = open(self.timeseries_filename, 'a') except: pass else: fid.write('%.2f, %.2f\n' %(time, Q)) fid.close() # OBSOLETE (Except for momentum jet in Culvert_flow_energy) class Culvert_flow_rating: """Culvert flow - transfer water from one hole to another Input: Two points, pipe_size (either diameter or width, height), mannings_rougness, inlet/outlet energy_loss_coefficients, internal_bend_coefficent, top-down_blockage_factor and bottom_up_blockage_factor """ def __init__(self, domain, culvert_description_filename=None, end_point0=None, end_point1=None, enquiry_point0=None, enquiry_point1=None, update_interval=None, log_file=False, discharge_hydrograph=False, verbose=False): label, type, width, height, length, number_of_barrels, description, rating_curve = read_culvert_description(culvert_description_filename) # Store culvert information self.label = label self.description = description self.culvert_type = type self.rating_curve = ensure_numeric(rating_curve) self.number_of_barrels = number_of_barrels if label is None: label = 'culvert_flow' label += '_' + str(id(self)) self.label = label # File for storing discharge_hydrograph if discharge_hydrograph is True: self.timeseries_filename = label + '_timeseries.csv' fid = open(self.timeseries_filename, 'w') fid.write('time, discharge\n') fid.close() # Log file for storing general textual output if log_file is True: self.log_filename = label + '.log' log_to_file(self.log_filename, self.label) log_to_file(self.log_filename, description) log_to_file(self.log_filename, self.culvert_type) # Create the fundamental culvert polygons from POLYGON #if self.culvert_type == 'circle': # # Redefine width and height for use with create_culvert_polygons # width = height = diameter P = create_culvert_polygons(end_point0, end_point1, width=width, height=height, number_of_barrels=number_of_barrels) # Select enquiry points if enquiry_point0 is None: enquiry_point0 = P['enquiry_point0'] if enquiry_point1 is None: enquiry_point1 = P['enquiry_point1'] if verbose is True: pass #plot_polygons([[end_point0, end_point1], # P['exchange_polygon0'], # P['exchange_polygon1'], # [enquiry_point0, 1.005*enquiry_point0], # [enquiry_point1, 1.005*enquiry_point1]], # figname='culvert_polygon_output') self.enquiry_points = [enquiry_point0, enquiry_point1] self.enquiry_indices = [] for point in self.enquiry_points: # Find nearest centroid N = len(domain) points = domain.get_centroid_coordinates(absolute=True) # Calculate indices in exchange area for this forcing term triangle_id = min_dist = sys.maxint for k in range(N): x, y = points[k,:] # Centroid c = point distance = (x-c[0])**2+(y-c[1])**2 if distance < min_dist: min_dist = distance triangle_id = k if triangle_id < sys.maxint: msg = 'found triangle with centroid (%f, %f)'\ %tuple(points[triangle_id, :]) msg += ' for point (%f, %f)' %tuple(point) self.enquiry_indices.append(triangle_id) else: msg = 'Triangle not found for point (%f, %f)' %point raise Exception, msg # Check that all polygons lie within the mesh. bounding_polygon = domain.get_boundary_polygon() for key in P.keys(): if key in ['exchange_polygon0', 'exchange_polygon1']: for point in list(P[key]) + self.enquiry_points: msg = 'Point %s in polygon %s for culvert %s did not'\ %(str(point), key, self.label) msg += 'fall within the domain boundary.' assert is_inside_polygon(point, bounding_polygon), msg # Create inflow object at each end of the culvert. self.openings = [] self.openings.append(Inflow(domain, polygon=P['exchange_polygon0'])) self.openings.append(Inflow(domain, polygon=P['exchange_polygon1'])) dq = domain.quantities for i, opening in enumerate(self.openings): elevation = dq['elevation'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[self.enquiry_indices[i]]) opening.elevation = elevation opening.stage = elevation # Simple assumption that culvert is dry initially # Assume two openings for now: Referred to as 0 and 1 assert len(self.openings) == 2 # Determine pipe direction self.delta_z = delta_z = self.openings[0].elevation - self.openings[1].elevation if delta_z > 0.0: self.inlet = self.openings[0] self.outlet = self.openings[1] else: self.outlet = self.openings[0] self.inlet = self.openings[1] # Store basic geometry self.end_points = [end_point0, end_point1] self.vector = P['vector'] self.length = P['length']; assert self.length > 0.0 if not num.allclose(self.length, length, rtol=1.0e-2, atol=1.0e-2): msg = 'WARNING: barrel length specified in "%s" (%.2f m)' %(culvert_description_filename, length) msg += ' does not match distance between specified' msg += ' end points (%.2f m)' %self.length print msg self.verbose = verbose self.last_update = 0.0 # For use with update_interval self.last_time = 0.0 self.update_interval = update_interval # Print something if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): s = 'Culvert Effective Length = %.2f m' %(self.length) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) s = 'Culvert Direction is %s\n' %str(self.vector) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) def __call__(self, domain): # Time stuff time = domain.get_time() update = False if self.update_interval is None: update = True delta_t = domain.timestep # Next timestep has been computed in else: if time - self.last_update > self.update_interval or time == 0.0: update = True delta_t = self.update_interval s = '\nTime = %.2f, delta_t = %f' %(time, delta_t) if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) if update is True: self.last_update = time dq = domain.quantities # Get average water depths at each opening openings = self.openings # There are two Opening [0] and [1] for i, opening in enumerate(openings): # Compute mean values of selected quantitites in the # enquiry area in front of the culvert stage = dq['stage'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[self.enquiry_indices[i]]) # Store current average stage and depth with each opening object opening.depth = stage - opening.elevation opening.stage = stage ################# End of the FOR loop ################################################ # We now need to deal with each opening individually # Determine flow direction based on total energy difference delta_w = self.inlet.stage - self.outlet.stage if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): s = 'Time=%.2f, inlet stage = %.2f, outlet stage = %.2f' %(time, self.inlet.stage, self.outlet.stage) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) if self.inlet.depth <= 0.01: Q = 0.0 else: # Calculate discharge for one barrel and set inlet.rate and outlet.rate try: Q = interpolate_linearly(delta_w, self.rating_curve[:,0], self.rating_curve[:,1]) except Below_interval, e: Q = self.rating_curve[0,1] msg = '%.2fs: Delta head smaller than rating curve minimum: ' %time msg += str(e) msg += '\n I will use minimum discharge %.2f m^3/s for culvert "%s"'\ %(Q, self.label) if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) except Above_interval, e: Q = self.rating_curve[-1,1] msg = '%.2fs: Delta head greater than rating curve maximum: ' %time msg += str(e) msg += '\n I will use maximum discharge %.2f m^3/s for culvert "%s"'\ %(Q, self.label) if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) # Adjust discharge for multiple barrels Q *= self.number_of_barrels # Adjust Q downwards depending on available water at inlet stage = self.inlet.get_quantity_values(quantity_name='stage') elevation = self.inlet.get_quantity_values(quantity_name='elevation') depth = stage-elevation V = 0 for i, d in enumerate(depth): V += d * domain.areas[i] #Vsimple = mean(depth)*self.inlet.exchange_area # Current volume in exchange area #print 'Q', Q, 'dt', delta_t, 'Q*dt', Q*delta_t, 'V', V, 'Vsimple', Vsimple dt = delta_t if Q*dt > V: Q_reduced = 0.9*V/dt # Reduce with safety factor msg = '%.2fs: Computed extraction for this time interval (Q*dt) is ' % time msg += 'greater than current volume (V) at inlet.\n' msg += ' Q will be reduced from %.2f m^3/s to %.2f m^3/s.' % (Q, Q_reduced) #print msg if self.verbose is True: print msg if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) Q = Q_reduced self.inlet.rate = -Q self.outlet.rate = Q # Log timeseries to file try: fid = open(self.timeseries_filename, 'a') except: pass else: fid.write('%.2f, %.2f\n' %(time, Q)) fid.close() # Store value of time self.last_time = time # Execute flow term for each opening # This is where Inflow objects are evaluated using the last rate that has been calculated # # This will take place at every internal timestep and update the domain for opening in self.openings: opening(domain) class Culvert_flow_energy: """Culvert flow - transfer water from one hole to another Using Momentum as Calculated by Culvert Flow !! Could be Several Methods Investigated to do This !!! 2008_May_08 To Ole: OK so here we need to get the Polygon Creating code to create polygons for the culvert Based on the two input Points (X0,Y0) and (X1,Y1) - need to be passed to create polygon The two centers are now passed on to create_polygon. Input: Two points, pipe_size (either diameter or width, height), mannings_rougness, inlet/outlet energy_loss_coefficients, internal_bend_coefficent, top-down_blockage_factor and bottom_up_blockage_factor And the Delta H enquiry should be change from Openings in line 412 to the enquiry Polygons infront of the culvert At the moment this script uses only Depth, later we can change it to Energy... Once we have Delta H can calculate a Flow Rate and from Flow Rate an Outlet Velocity The Outlet Velocity x Outlet Depth = Momentum to be applied at the Outlet... Invert levels are optional. If left out they will default to the elevation at the opening. """ def __init__(self, domain, label=None, description=None, end_point0=None, end_point1=None, width=None, height=None, diameter=None, manning=None, # Mannings Roughness for Culvert invert_level0=None, # Invert level at opening 0 invert_level1=None, # Invert level at opening 1 loss_exit=None, loss_entry=None, loss_bend=None, loss_special=None, blockage_topdwn=None, blockage_bottup=None, culvert_routine=None, number_of_barrels=1, enquiry_point0=None, enquiry_point1=None, update_interval=None, verbose=False): # Input check if diameter is not None: self.culvert_type = 'circle' self.diameter = diameter if height is not None or width is not None: msg = 'Either diameter or width&height must be specified, ' msg += 'but not both.' raise Exception, msg else: if height is not None: if width is None: self.culvert_type = 'square' width = height else: self.culvert_type = 'rectangle' elif width is not None: if height is None: self.culvert_type = 'square' height = width else: msg = 'Either diameter or width&height must be specified.' raise Exception, msg if height == width: self.culvert_type = 'square' self.height = height self.width = width assert self.culvert_type in ['circle', 'square', 'rectangle'] assert number_of_barrels >= 1 self.number_of_barrels = number_of_barrels # Set defaults if manning is None: manning = 0.012 # Default roughness for pipe if loss_exit is None: loss_exit = 1.00 if loss_entry is None: loss_entry = 0.50 if loss_bend is None: loss_bend=0.00 if loss_special is None: loss_special=0.00 if blockage_topdwn is None: blockage_topdwn=0.00 if blockage_bottup is None: blockage_bottup=0.00 if culvert_routine is None: culvert_routine=boyd_generalised_culvert_model if label is None: label = 'culvert_flow' label += '_' + str(id(self)) self.label = label # File for storing culvert quantities self.timeseries_filename = label + '_timeseries.csv' fid = open(self.timeseries_filename, 'w') fid.write('time, E0, E1, Velocity, Discharge\n') fid.close() # Log file for storing general textual output self.log_filename = label + '.log' log_to_file(self.log_filename, self.label) log_to_file(self.log_filename, description) log_to_file(self.log_filename, self.culvert_type) # Create the fundamental culvert polygons from POLYGON if self.culvert_type == 'circle': # Redefine width and height for use with create_culvert_polygons width = height = diameter P = create_culvert_polygons(end_point0, end_point1, width=width, height=height, number_of_barrels=number_of_barrels) # Select enquiry points if enquiry_point0 is None: enquiry_point0 = P['enquiry_point0'] if enquiry_point1 is None: enquiry_point1 = P['enquiry_point1'] if verbose is True: pass #plot_polygons([[end_point0, end_point1], # P['exchange_polygon0'], # P['exchange_polygon1'], # [enquiry_point0, 1.005*enquiry_point0], # [enquiry_point1, 1.005*enquiry_point1]], # figname='culvert_polygon_output') self.enquiry_points = [enquiry_point0, enquiry_point1] self.enquiry_indices = [] for point in self.enquiry_points: # Find nearest centroid N = len(domain) points = domain.get_centroid_coordinates(absolute=True) # Calculate indices in exchange area for this forcing term triangle_id = min_dist = sys.maxint for k in range(N): x, y = points[k,:] # Centroid c = point distance = (x-c[0])**2+(y-c[1])**2 if distance < min_dist: min_dist = distance triangle_id = k if triangle_id < sys.maxint: msg = 'found triangle with centroid (%f, %f)'\ %tuple(points[triangle_id, :]) msg += ' for point (%f, %f)' %tuple(point) self.enquiry_indices.append(triangle_id) else: msg = 'Triangle not found for point (%f, %f)' %point raise Exception, msg # Check that all polygons lie within the mesh. bounding_polygon = domain.get_boundary_polygon() for key in P.keys(): if key in ['exchange_polygon0', 'exchange_polygon1']: for point in P[key]: msg = 'Point %s in polygon %s for culvert %s did not'\ %(str(point), key, self.label) msg += 'fall within the domain boundary.' assert is_inside_polygon(point, bounding_polygon), msg # Create inflow object at each end of the culvert. self.openings = [] self.openings.append(Inflow(domain, polygon=P['exchange_polygon0'])) self.openings.append(Inflow(domain, polygon=P['exchange_polygon1'])) # Assume two openings for now: Referred to as 0 and 1 assert len(self.openings) == 2 # Store basic geometry self.end_points = [end_point0, end_point1] self.invert_levels = [invert_level0, invert_level1] #self.enquiry_polygons = [P['enquiry_polygon0'], P['enquiry_polygon1']] #self.enquiry_polylines = [P['enquiry_polygon0'][:2], # P['enquiry_polygon1'][:2]] self.vector = P['vector'] self.length = P['length']; assert self.length > 0.0 self.verbose = verbose self.last_time = 0.0 self.last_update = 0.0 # For use with update_interval self.update_interval = update_interval # Store hydraulic parameters self.manning = manning self.loss_exit = loss_exit self.loss_entry = loss_entry self.loss_bend = loss_bend self.loss_special = loss_special self.sum_loss = loss_exit + loss_entry + loss_bend + loss_special self.blockage_topdwn = blockage_topdwn self.blockage_bottup = blockage_bottup # Store culvert routine self.culvert_routine = culvert_routine # Create objects to update momentum (a bit crude at this stage) xmom0 = General_forcing(domain, 'xmomentum', polygon=P['exchange_polygon0']) xmom1 = General_forcing(domain, 'xmomentum', polygon=P['exchange_polygon1']) ymom0 = General_forcing(domain, 'ymomentum', polygon=P['exchange_polygon0']) ymom1 = General_forcing(domain, 'ymomentum', polygon=P['exchange_polygon1']) self.opening_momentum = [ [xmom0, ymom0], [xmom1, ymom1] ] # Print something s = 'Culvert Effective Length = %.2f m' %(self.length) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) s = 'Culvert Direction is %s\n' %str(self.vector) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) def __call__(self, domain): log_filename = self.log_filename # Time stuff time = domain.get_time() # Short hand dq = domain.quantities update = False if self.update_interval is None: update = True delta_t = domain.timestep # Next timestep has been computed in else: if time - self.last_update > self.update_interval or time == 0.0: update = True delta_t = self.update_interval s = '\nTime = %.2f, delta_t = %f' %(time, delta_t) if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): log_to_file(log_filename, s) if update is True: self.last_update = time msg = 'Time did not advance' if time > 0.0: assert delta_t > 0.0, msg # Get average water depths at each opening openings = self.openings # There are two Opening [0] and [1] for i, opening in enumerate(openings): # Compute mean values of selected quantitites in the # exchange area in front of the culvert stage = opening.get_quantity_values(quantity_name='stage') w = mean(stage) # Average stage # Use invert level instead of elevation if specified invert_level = self.invert_levels[i] if invert_level is not None: z = invert_level else: elevation = opening.get_quantity_values(quantity_name='elevation') z = mean(elevation) # Average elevation # Estimated depth above the culvert inlet d = w - z # Used for calculations involving depth if d < 0.0: # This is possible since w and z are taken at different locations #msg = 'D < 0.0: %f' %d #raise msg d = 0.0 # Ratio of depth to culvert height. # If ratio > 1 then culvert is running full if self.culvert_type == 'circle': ratio = d/self.diameter else: ratio = d/self.height opening.ratio = ratio # Average measures of energy in front of this opening id = [self.enquiry_indices[i]] stage = dq['stage'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=id) elevation = dq['elevation'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=id) xmomentum = dq['xmomentum'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=id) ymomentum = dq['xmomentum'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=id) depth = stage-elevation if depth > 0.0: u = xmomentum/(depth + velocity_protection/depth) v = ymomentum/(depth + velocity_protection/depth) else: u = v = 0.0 opening.total_energy = 0.5*(u*u + v*v)/g + stage #print 'Et = %.3f m' %opening.total_energy # Store current average stage and depth with each opening object opening.depth = d opening.depth_trigger = d # Use this for now opening.stage = w opening.elevation = z ################# End of the FOR loop ################################################ # We now need to deal with each opening individually # Determine flow direction based on total energy difference delta_Et = openings[0].total_energy - openings[1].total_energy if delta_Et > 0: #print 'Flow U/S ---> D/S' inlet = openings[0] outlet = openings[1] inlet.momentum = self.opening_momentum[0] outlet.momentum = self.opening_momentum[1] else: #print 'Flow D/S ---> U/S' inlet = openings[1] outlet = openings[0] inlet.momentum = self.opening_momentum[1] outlet.momentum = self.opening_momentum[0] delta_Et = -delta_Et self.inlet = inlet self.outlet = outlet msg = 'Total energy difference is negative' assert delta_Et > 0.0, msg delta_h = inlet.stage - outlet.stage delta_z = inlet.elevation - outlet.elevation culvert_slope = (delta_z/self.length) if culvert_slope < 0.0: # Adverse gradient - flow is running uphill # Flow will be purely controlled by uphill outlet face if self.verbose is True: print 'WARNING: Flow is running uphill. Watch Out!', inlet.elevation, outlet.elevation s = 'Delta total energy = %.3f' %(delta_Et) log_to_file(log_filename, s) # Calculate discharge for one barrel and set inlet.rate and outlet.rate Q, barrel_velocity, culvert_outlet_depth = self.culvert_routine(self, inlet, outlet, delta_Et, g) # Adjust discharge for multiple barrels Q *= self.number_of_barrels # Compute barrel momentum barrel_momentum = barrel_velocity*culvert_outlet_depth s = 'Barrel velocity = %f' %barrel_velocity log_to_file(log_filename, s) # Compute momentum vector at outlet outlet_mom_x, outlet_mom_y = self.vector * barrel_momentum s = 'Directional momentum = (%f, %f)' %(outlet_mom_x, outlet_mom_y) log_to_file(log_filename, s) # Log timeseries to file fid = open(self.timeseries_filename, 'a') fid.write('%f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n'\ %(time, openings[0].total_energy, openings[1].total_energy, barrel_velocity, Q)) fid.close() # Update momentum if delta_t > 0.0: xmomentum_rate = outlet_mom_x - outlet.momentum[0].value xmomentum_rate /= delta_t ymomentum_rate = outlet_mom_y - outlet.momentum[1].value ymomentum_rate /= delta_t s = 'X Y MOM_RATE = (%f, %f) ' %(xmomentum_rate, ymomentum_rate) log_to_file(log_filename, s) else: xmomentum_rate = ymomentum_rate = 0.0 # Set momentum rates for outlet jet outlet.momentum[0].rate = xmomentum_rate outlet.momentum[1].rate = ymomentum_rate # Remember this value for next step (IMPORTANT) outlet.momentum[0].value = outlet_mom_x outlet.momentum[1].value = outlet_mom_y if int(domain.time*100) % 100 == 0: s = 'T=%.5f, Culvert Discharge = %.3f f'\ %(time, Q) s += ' Depth= %0.3f Momentum = (%0.3f, %0.3f)'\ %(culvert_outlet_depth, outlet_mom_x,outlet_mom_y) s += ' Momentum rate: (%.4f, %.4f)'\ %(xmomentum_rate, ymomentum_rate) s+='Outlet Vel= %.3f'\ %(barrel_velocity) log_to_file(log_filename, s) # Store value of time self.last_time = time # Execute flow term for each opening # This is where Inflow objects are evaluated and update the domain for opening in self.openings: opening(domain) # Execute momentum terms # This is where Inflow objects are evaluated and update the domain self.outlet.momentum[0](domain) self.outlet.momentum[1](domain) Culvert_flow = Culvert_flow_general