#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file was reverted from changeset:5484 to changeset:5470 on 10th July # by Ole. import unittest import copy import numpy as num from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import mean import tempfile import os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile from struct import pack, unpack import shutil from anuga.shallow_water import * from anuga.shallow_water.data_manager import * from anuga.config import epsilon, g from anuga.utilities.anuga_exceptions import ANUGAError from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import degminsec2decimal_degrees from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.util import file_function from anuga.utilities.system_tools import get_pathname_from_package from anuga.config import netcdf_mode_r, netcdf_mode_w, netcdf_mode_a from anuga.config import netcdf_float # This is needed to run the tests of local functions import data_manager from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn from anuga.coordinate_transforms.geo_reference import Geo_reference, \ DEFAULT_ZONE from anuga.geospatial_data.geospatial_data import Geospatial_data class Test_Data_Manager(unittest.TestCase): # Class variable verbose = False def set_verbose(self): Test_Data_Manager.verbose = True def setUp(self): import time from mesh_factory import rectangular self.verbose = Test_Data_Manager.verbose # Create basic mesh points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(2, 2) # Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.default_order = 2 # Set some field values domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x) domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.03) ###################### # Boundary conditions B = Transmissive_boundary(domain) domain.set_boundary( {'left': B, 'right': B, 'top': B, 'bottom': B}) ###################### #Initial condition - with jumps bed = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values stage = num.zeros(bed.shape, num.float) h = 0.3 for i in range(stage.shape[0]): if i % 2 == 0: stage[i,:] = bed[i,:] + h else: stage[i,:] = bed[i,:] domain.set_quantity('stage', stage) domain.distribute_to_vertices_and_edges() self.initial_stage = copy.copy(domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values) self.domain = domain C = domain.get_vertex_coordinates() self.X = C[:,0:6:2].copy() self.Y = C[:,1:6:2].copy() self.F = bed #Write A testfile (not realistic. Values aren't realistic) self.test_MOST_file = 'most_small' longitudes = [150.66667, 150.83334, 151., 151.16667] latitudes = [-34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34] long_name = 'LON' lat_name = 'LAT' nx = 4 ny = 4 six = 6 for ext in ['_ha.nc', '_ua.nc', '_va.nc', '_e.nc']: fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, netcdf_mode_w) fid.createDimension(long_name,nx) fid.createVariable(long_name,netcdf_float,(long_name,)) fid.variables[long_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[long_name].units='degrees_east' fid.variables[long_name].assignValue(longitudes) fid.createDimension(lat_name,ny) fid.createVariable(lat_name,netcdf_float,(lat_name,)) fid.variables[lat_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[lat_name].units='degrees_north' fid.variables[lat_name].assignValue(latitudes) fid.createDimension('TIME',six) fid.createVariable('TIME',netcdf_float,('TIME',)) fid.variables['TIME'].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables['TIME'].units='seconds' fid.variables['TIME'].assignValue([0.0, 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1]) name = ext[1:3].upper() if name == 'E.': name = 'ELEVATION' fid.createVariable(name,netcdf_float,('TIME', lat_name, long_name)) fid.variables[name].units='CENTIMETERS' fid.variables[name].missing_value=-1.e+034 fid.variables[name].assignValue([[[0.3400644, 0, -46.63519, -6.50198], [-0.1214216, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], [[0.3400644, 2.291054e-005, -23.33335, -6.50198], [-0.1213987, 4.581959e-005, -1.594838e-007, 1.421085e-012], [2.291054e-005, 4.582107e-005, 4.581715e-005, 1.854517e-009], [0, 2.291054e-005, 2.291054e-005, 0]], [[0.3400644, 0.0001374632, -23.31503, -6.50198], [-0.1212842, 0.0002756907, 0.006325484, 1.380492e-006], [0.0001374632, 0.0002749264, 0.0002742863, 6.665601e-008], [0, 0.0001374632, 0.0001374632, 0]], [[0.3400644, 0.0002520159, -23.29672, -6.50198], [-0.1211696, 0.0005075303, 0.01264618, 6.208276e-006], [0.0002520159, 0.0005040318, 0.0005027961, 2.23865e-007], [0, 0.0002520159, 0.0002520159, 0]], [[0.3400644, 0.0003665686, -23.27842, -6.50198], [-0.1210551, 0.0007413362, 0.01896192, 1.447638e-005], [0.0003665686, 0.0007331371, 0.0007313463, 4.734126e-007], [0, 0.0003665686, 0.0003665686, 0]], [[0.3400644, 0.0004811212, -23.26012, -6.50198], [-0.1209405, 0.0009771062, 0.02527271, 2.617787e-005], [0.0004811212, 0.0009622425, 0.0009599366, 8.152277e-007], [0, 0.0004811212, 0.0004811212, 0]]]) fid.close() def tearDown(self): import os for ext in ['_ha.nc', '_ua.nc', '_va.nc', '_e.nc']: #print 'Trying to remove', self.test_MOST_file + ext os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + ext) def test_sww_constant(self): """Test that constant sww information can be written correctly (non smooth) """ self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' #Remove?? self.domain.smooth = False sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) #Open existing file for append # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'] y = fid.variables['y'] z = fid.variables['elevation'] V = fid.variables['volumes'] assert num.allclose (x[:], self.X.flatten()) assert num.allclose (y[:], self.Y.flatten()) assert num.allclose (z[:], self.F.flatten()) P = len(self.domain) for k in range(P): assert V[k, 0] == 3*k assert V[k, 1] == 3*k+1 assert V[k, 2] == 3*k+2 fid.close() os.remove(sww.filename) def test_sww_header(self): """Test that constant sww information can be written correctly (non smooth) """ self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' #Remove?? self.domain.smooth = False sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) #Open existing file for append # Get the variables sww_revision = fid.revision_number try: revision_number = get_revision_number() except: revision_number = None assert str(revision_number) == sww_revision fid.close() #print "sww.filename", sww.filename os.remove(sww.filename) def test_sww_range(self): """Test that constant sww information can be written correctly Use non-smooth to be able to compare to quantity values. """ self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.set_store_vertices_uniquely(True) sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) dqs = self.domain.get_quantity('stage') dqx = self.domain.get_quantity('xmomentum') dqy = self.domain.get_quantity('ymomentum') xmom_min = ymom_min = stage_min = sys.maxint xmom_max = ymom_max = stage_max = -stage_min for t in self.domain.evolve(yieldstep = 1, finaltime = 1): wmax = max(dqs.get_values().flatten()) if wmax > stage_max: stage_max = wmax wmin = min(dqs.get_values().flatten()) if wmin < stage_min: stage_min = wmin uhmax = max(dqx.get_values().flatten()) if uhmax > xmom_max: xmom_max = uhmax uhmin = min(dqx.get_values().flatten()) if uhmin < xmom_min: xmom_min = uhmin vhmax = max(dqy.get_values().flatten()) if vhmax > ymom_max: ymom_max = vhmax vhmin = min(dqy.get_values().flatten()) if vhmin < ymom_min: ymom_min = vhmin # Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Open existing file for append # Get the variables range = fid.variables['stage_range'][:] assert num.allclose(range,[stage_min, stage_max]) range = fid.variables['xmomentum_range'][:] #print range assert num.allclose(range, [xmom_min, xmom_max]) range = fid.variables['ymomentum_range'][:] #print range assert num.allclose(range, [ymom_min, ymom_max]) fid.close() os.remove(sww.filename) def test_sww_extrema(self): """Test that extrema of quantities can be retrieved at every vertex Extrema are updated at every *internal* timestep """ domain = self.domain domain.set_name('extrema_test' + str(id(self))) domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True assert domain.quantities_to_be_monitored is None assert domain.monitor_polygon is None assert domain.monitor_time_interval is None domain.set_quantities_to_be_monitored(['xmomentum', 'ymomentum', 'stage-elevation']) assert domain.monitor_polygon is None assert domain.monitor_time_interval is None domain.set_quantities_to_be_monitored(['xmomentum', 'ymomentum', 'stage-elevation'], polygon=domain.get_boundary_polygon(), time_interval=[0,1]) assert len(domain.quantities_to_be_monitored) == 3 assert domain.quantities_to_be_monitored.has_key('stage-elevation') assert domain.quantities_to_be_monitored.has_key('xmomentum') assert domain.quantities_to_be_monitored.has_key('ymomentum') #domain.protect_against_isolated_degenerate_timesteps = True #domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 domain.tight_slope_limiters = 0 # Backwards compatibility domain.use_centroid_velocities = 0 # Backwards compatibility (7/5/8) sww = get_dataobject(domain) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 1, finaltime = 1): pass #print domain.timestepping_statistics() domain.quantity_statistics(precision = '%.8f') # Silent # Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Open existing file for append # Get the variables extrema = fid.variables['stage-elevation.extrema'][:] assert num.allclose(extrema, [0.00, 0.30]) loc = fid.variables['stage-elevation.min_location'][:] assert num.allclose(loc, [0.16666667, 0.33333333]) loc = fid.variables['stage-elevation.max_location'][:] assert num.allclose(loc, [0.8333333, 0.16666667]) time = fid.variables['stage-elevation.max_time'][:] assert num.allclose(time, 0.0) extrema = fid.variables['xmomentum.extrema'][:] assert num.allclose(extrema,[-0.06062178, 0.47873023]) or\ num.allclose(extrema, [-0.06062178, 0.47847986]) or\ num.allclose(extrema, [-0.06062178, 0.47848481]) # 27/5/9 extrema = fid.variables['ymomentum.extrema'][:] assert num.allclose(extrema,[0.00, 0.0625786]) or num.allclose(extrema,[0.00, 0.06062178]) time_interval = fid.variables['extrema.time_interval'][:] assert num.allclose(time_interval, [0,1]) polygon = fid.variables['extrema.polygon'][:] assert num.allclose(polygon, domain.get_boundary_polygon()) fid.close() #print "sww.filename", sww.filename os.remove(sww.filename) def test_sww_constant_smooth(self): """Test that constant sww information can be written correctly (non smooth) """ self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) #Open existing file for append # Get the variables X = fid.variables['x'][:] Y = fid.variables['y'][:] Z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] V = fid.variables['volumes'] assert num.allclose([X[0], Y[0]], num.array([0.0, 0.0])) assert num.allclose([X[1], Y[1]], num.array([0.0, 0.5])) assert num.allclose([X[2], Y[2]], num.array([0.0, 1.0])) assert num.allclose([X[4], Y[4]], num.array([0.5, 0.5])) assert num.allclose([X[7], Y[7]], num.array([1.0, 0.5])) assert Z[4] == -0.5 assert V[2,0] == 4 assert V[2,1] == 5 assert V[2,2] == 1 assert V[4,0] == 6 assert V[4,1] == 7 assert V[4,2] == 3 fid.close() os.remove(sww.filename) def test_sww_variable(self): """Test that sww information can be written correctly """ self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.reduction = mean sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) #Open existing file for append # Get the variables time = fid.variables['time'] stage = fid.variables['stage'] Q = self.domain.quantities['stage'] Q0 = Q.vertex_values[:,0] Q1 = Q.vertex_values[:,1] Q2 = Q.vertex_values[:,2] A = stage[0,:] #print A[0], (Q2[0,0] + Q1[1,0])/2 assert num.allclose(A[0], (Q2[0] + Q1[1])/2) assert num.allclose(A[1], (Q0[1] + Q1[3] + Q2[2])/3) assert num.allclose(A[2], Q0[3]) assert num.allclose(A[3], (Q0[0] + Q1[5] + Q2[4])/3) #Center point assert num.allclose(A[4], (Q1[0] + Q2[1] + Q0[2] +\ Q0[5] + Q2[6] + Q1[7])/6) fid.close() os.remove(sww.filename) def test_sww_variable2(self): """Test that sww information can be written correctly multiple timesteps. Use average as reduction operator """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.reduction = mean sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) #Open existing file for append # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'] y = fid.variables['y'] z = fid.variables['elevation'] time = fid.variables['time'] stage = fid.variables['stage'] #Check values Q = self.domain.quantities['stage'] Q0 = Q.vertex_values[:,0] Q1 = Q.vertex_values[:,1] Q2 = Q.vertex_values[:,2] A = stage[1,:] assert num.allclose(A[0], (Q2[0] + Q1[1])/2) assert num.allclose(A[1], (Q0[1] + Q1[3] + Q2[2])/3) assert num.allclose(A[2], Q0[3]) assert num.allclose(A[3], (Q0[0] + Q1[5] + Q2[4])/3) #Center point assert num.allclose(A[4], (Q1[0] + Q2[1] + Q0[2] +\ Q0[5] + Q2[6] + Q1[7])/6) fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(sww.filename) def no_test_sww_variable3(self): """Test that sww information can be written correctly multiple timesteps using a different reduction operator (min) """ # Different reduction in sww files has been made obsolete. import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.reduction = min sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'] y = fid.variables['y'] z = fid.variables['elevation'] time = fid.variables['time'] stage = fid.variables['stage'] #Check values Q = self.domain.quantities['stage'] Q0 = Q.vertex_values[:,0] Q1 = Q.vertex_values[:,1] Q2 = Q.vertex_values[:,2] A = stage[1,:] assert num.allclose(A[0], min(Q2[0], Q1[1])) assert num.allclose(A[1], min(Q0[1], Q1[3], Q2[2])) assert num.allclose(A[2], Q0[3]) assert num.allclose(A[3], min(Q0[0], Q1[5], Q2[4])) #Center point assert num.allclose(A[4], min(Q1[0], Q2[1], Q0[2], Q0[5], Q2[6], Q1[7])) fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(sww.filename) def test_sync(self): """test_sync - Test info stored at each timestep is as expected (incl initial condition) """ import time, os, config from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile self.domain.set_name('synctest') self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = False self.domain.store = True self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = True self.domain.use_centroid_velocities = True # In this case tight_slope_limiters as default # in conjunction with protection # against isolated degenerate timesteps works. #self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 #self.domain.protect_against_isolated_degenerate_timesteps = True #print 'tight_sl', self.domain.tight_slope_limiters #Evolution for t in self.domain.evolve(yieldstep = 1.0, finaltime = 4.0): #########self.domain.write_time(track_speeds=True) stage = self.domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(self.domain.writer.filename, netcdf_mode_r) stage_file = fid.variables['stage'] if t == 0.0: assert num.allclose(stage, self.initial_stage) assert num.allclose(stage_file[:], stage.flatten()) else: assert not num.allclose(stage, self.initial_stage) assert not num.allclose(stage_file[:], stage.flatten()) fid.close() os.remove(self.domain.writer.filename) def test_sww_minimum_storable_height(self): """Test that sww information can be written correctly multiple timesteps using a different reduction operator (min) """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.reduction = min self.domain.minimum_storable_height = 100 sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'] y = fid.variables['y'] z = fid.variables['elevation'] time = fid.variables['time'] stage = fid.variables['stage'] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'] #Check values Q = self.domain.quantities['stage'] Q0 = Q.vertex_values[:,0] Q1 = Q.vertex_values[:,1] Q2 = Q.vertex_values[:,2] A = stage[1,:] assert num.allclose(stage[1,:], z[:]) assert num.allclose(xmomentum, 0.0) assert num.allclose(ymomentum, 0.0) fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(sww.filename) def Not_a_test_sww_DSG(self): """Not a test, rather a look at the sww format """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.reduction = mean sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'] y = fid.variables['y'] z = fid.variables['elevation'] volumes = fid.variables['volumes'] time = fid.variables['time'] # 2D stage = fid.variables['stage'] X = x[:] Y = y[:] Z = z[:] V = volumes[:] T = time[:] S = stage[:,:] # print "****************************" # print "X ",X # print "****************************" # print "Y ",Y # print "****************************" # print "Z ",Z # print "****************************" # print "V ",V # print "****************************" # print "Time ",T # print "****************************" # print "Stage ",S # print "****************************" fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(sww.filename) def test_dem2pts_bounding_box_v2(self): """Test conversion from dem in ascii format to native NetCDF format """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Write test asc file root = 'demtest' filename = root+'.asc' fid = open(filename, 'w') fid.write("""ncols 10 nrows 10 xllcorner 2000 yllcorner 3000 cellsize 1 NODATA_value -9999 """) #Create linear function ref_points = [] ref_elevation = [] x0 = 2000 y = 3010 yvec = range(10) xvec = range(10) z = -1 for i in range(10): y = y - 1 for j in range(10): x = x0 + xvec[j] z += 1 ref_points.append ([x,y]) ref_elevation.append(z) fid.write('%f ' %z) fid.write('\n') fid.close() #print 'sending pts', ref_points #print 'sending elev', ref_elevation #Write prj file with metadata metafilename = root+'.prj' fid = open(metafilename, 'w') fid.write("""Projection UTM Zone 56 Datum WGS84 Zunits NO Units METERS Spheroid WGS84 Xshift 0.0000000000 Yshift 10000000.0000000000 Parameters """) fid.close() #Convert to NetCDF pts convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf(root) dem2pts(root, easting_min=2002.0, easting_max=2007.0, northing_min=3003.0, northing_max=3006.0, verbose=self.verbose) #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(root+'.pts', netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables #print fid.variables.keys() points = fid.variables['points'] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'] #Check values assert fid.xllcorner[0] == 2002.0 assert fid.yllcorner[0] == 3003.0 #create new reference points newz = [] newz[0:5] = ref_elevation[32:38] newz[6:11] = ref_elevation[42:48] newz[12:17] = ref_elevation[52:58] newz[18:23] = ref_elevation[62:68] ref_elevation = [] ref_elevation = newz ref_points = [] x0 = 2002 y = 3007 yvec = range(4) xvec = range(6) for i in range(4): y = y - 1 ynew = y - 3003.0 for j in range(6): x = x0 + xvec[j] xnew = x - 2002.0 ref_points.append ([xnew,ynew]) #Relative point values assert num.allclose(points, ref_points) assert num.allclose(elevation, ref_elevation) #Cleanup fid.close() os.remove(root + '.pts') os.remove(root + '.dem') os.remove(root + '.asc') os.remove(root + '.prj') def test_dem2pts_bounding_box_removeNullvalues_v2(self): """Test conversion from dem in ascii format to native NetCDF format """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Write test asc file root = 'demtest' filename = root+'.asc' fid = open(filename, 'w') fid.write("""ncols 10 nrows 10 xllcorner 2000 yllcorner 3000 cellsize 1 NODATA_value -9999 """) #Create linear function ref_points = [] ref_elevation = [] x0 = 2000 y = 3010 yvec = range(10) xvec = range(10) #z = range(100) z = num.zeros(100, num.int) #array default# NODATA_value = -9999 count = -1 for i in range(10): y = y - 1 for j in range(10): x = x0 + xvec[j] ref_points.append ([x,y]) count += 1 z[count] = (4*i - 3*j)%13 if j == 4: z[count] = NODATA_value #column inside clipping region if j == 8: z[count] = NODATA_value #column outside clipping region if i == 9: z[count] = NODATA_value #row outside clipping region if i == 4 and j == 6: z[count] = NODATA_value #arbitrary point inside clipping region ref_elevation.append( z[count] ) fid.write('%f ' %z[count]) fid.write('\n') fid.close() #print 'sending elev', ref_elevation #Write prj file with metadata metafilename = root+'.prj' fid = open(metafilename, 'w') fid.write("""Projection UTM Zone 56 Datum WGS84 Zunits NO Units METERS Spheroid WGS84 Xshift 0.0000000000 Yshift 10000000.0000000000 Parameters """) fid.close() #Convert to NetCDF pts convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf(root) dem2pts(root, easting_min=2002.0, easting_max=2007.0, northing_min=3003.0, northing_max=3006.0, verbose=self.verbose) #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(root+'.pts', netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables #print fid.variables.keys() points = fid.variables['points'] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'] #Check values assert fid.xllcorner[0] == 2002.0 assert fid.yllcorner[0] == 3003.0 #create new reference points newz = num.zeros(19, num.int) #array default# newz[0:2] = ref_elevation[32:34] newz[2:5] = ref_elevation[35:38] newz[5:7] = ref_elevation[42:44] newz[7] = ref_elevation[45] newz[8] = ref_elevation[47] newz[9:11] = ref_elevation[52:54] newz[11:14] = ref_elevation[55:58] newz[14:16] = ref_elevation[62:64] newz[16:19] = ref_elevation[65:68] ref_elevation = newz ref_points = [] new_ref_points = [] x0 = 2002 y = 3007 yvec = range(4) xvec = range(6) for i in range(4): y = y - 1 ynew = y - 3003.0 for j in range(6): x = x0 + xvec[j] xnew = x - 2002.0 if j <> 2 and (i<>1 or j<>4): ref_points.append([x,y]) new_ref_points.append ([xnew,ynew]) assert num.allclose(points, new_ref_points) assert num.allclose(elevation, ref_elevation) #Cleanup fid.close() os.remove(root + '.pts') os.remove(root + '.dem') os.remove(root + '.asc') os.remove(root + '.prj') def test_dem2pts_bounding_box_removeNullvalues_v3(self): """Test conversion from dem in ascii format to native NetCDF format Check missing values on clipping boundary """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Write test asc file root = 'demtest' filename = root+'.asc' fid = open(filename, 'w') fid.write("""ncols 10 nrows 10 xllcorner 2000 yllcorner 3000 cellsize 1 NODATA_value -9999 """) #Create linear function ref_points = [] ref_elevation = [] x0 = 2000 y = 3010 yvec = range(10) xvec = range(10) #z = range(100) z = num.zeros(100, num.int) #array default# NODATA_value = -9999 count = -1 for i in range(10): y = y - 1 for j in range(10): x = x0 + xvec[j] ref_points.append ([x,y]) count += 1 z[count] = (4*i - 3*j)%13 if j == 4: z[count] = NODATA_value #column inside clipping region if j == 8: z[count] = NODATA_value #column outside clipping region if i == 6: z[count] = NODATA_value #row on clipping boundary if i == 4 and j == 6: z[count] = NODATA_value #arbitrary point inside clipping region ref_elevation.append( z[count] ) fid.write('%f ' %z[count]) fid.write('\n') fid.close() #print 'sending elev', ref_elevation #Write prj file with metadata metafilename = root+'.prj' fid = open(metafilename, 'w') fid.write("""Projection UTM Zone 56 Datum WGS84 Zunits NO Units METERS Spheroid WGS84 Xshift 0.0000000000 Yshift 10000000.0000000000 Parameters """) fid.close() #Convert to NetCDF pts convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf(root) dem2pts(root, easting_min=2002.0, easting_max=2007.0, northing_min=3003.0, northing_max=3006.0, verbose=self.verbose) #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(root+'.pts', netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables #print fid.variables.keys() points = fid.variables['points'] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'] #Check values assert fid.xllcorner[0] == 2002.0 assert fid.yllcorner[0] == 3003.0 #create new reference points newz = num.zeros(14, num.int) #array default# newz[0:2] = ref_elevation[32:34] newz[2:5] = ref_elevation[35:38] newz[5:7] = ref_elevation[42:44] newz[7] = ref_elevation[45] newz[8] = ref_elevation[47] newz[9:11] = ref_elevation[52:54] newz[11:14] = ref_elevation[55:58] ref_elevation = newz ref_points = [] new_ref_points = [] x0 = 2002 y = 3007 yvec = range(4) xvec = range(6) for i in range(4): y = y - 1 ynew = y - 3003.0 for j in range(6): x = x0 + xvec[j] xnew = x - 2002.0 if j <> 2 and (i<>1 or j<>4) and i<>3: ref_points.append([x,y]) new_ref_points.append ([xnew,ynew]) #print points[:],points[:].shape #print new_ref_points, len(new_ref_points) assert num.allclose(elevation, ref_elevation) assert num.allclose(points, new_ref_points) #Cleanup fid.close() os.remove(root + '.pts') os.remove(root + '.dem') os.remove(root + '.asc') os.remove(root + '.prj') def test_hecras_cross_sections2pts(self): """Test conversion from HECRAS cross sections in ascii format to native NetCDF pts format """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Write test asc file root = 'hecrastest' filename = root+'.sdf' fid = open(filename, 'w') fid.write(""" # RAS export file created on Mon 15Aug2005 11:42 # by HEC-RAS Version 3.1.1 BEGIN HEADER: UNITS: METRIC DTM TYPE: TIN DTM: v:\1\cit\perth_topo\river_tin STREAM LAYER: c:\\x_local\hecras\21_02_03\up_canning_cent3d.shp CROSS-SECTION LAYER: c:\\x_local\hecras\21_02_03\up_can_xs3d.shp MAP PROJECTION: UTM PROJECTION ZONE: 50 DATUM: AGD66 VERTICAL DATUM: NUMBER OF REACHES: 19 NUMBER OF CROSS-SECTIONS: 2 END HEADER: BEGIN CROSS-SECTIONS: CROSS-SECTION: STREAM ID:Southern-Wungong REACH ID:Southern-Wungong STATION:21410 CUT LINE: 407546.08 , 6437277.542 407329.32 , 6437489.482 407283.11 , 6437541.232 SURFACE LINE: 407546.08, 6437277.54, 52.14 407538.88, 6437284.58, 51.07 407531.68, 6437291.62, 50.56 407524.48, 6437298.66, 49.58 407517.28, 6437305.70, 49.09 407510.08, 6437312.74, 48.76 END: CROSS-SECTION: STREAM ID:Swan River REACH ID:Swan Mouth STATION:840.* CUT LINE: 381178.0855 , 6452559.0685 380485.4755 , 6453169.272 SURFACE LINE: 381178.09, 6452559.07, 4.17 381169.49, 6452566.64, 4.26 381157.78, 6452576.96, 4.34 381155.97, 6452578.56, 4.35 381143.72, 6452589.35, 4.43 381136.69, 6452595.54, 4.58 381114.74, 6452614.88, 4.41 381075.53, 6452649.43, 4.17 381071.47, 6452653.00, 3.99 381063.46, 6452660.06, 3.67 381054.41, 6452668.03, 3.67 END: END CROSS-SECTIONS: """) fid.close() #Convert to NetCDF pts hecras_cross_sections2pts(root) #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(root+'.pts', netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables #print fid.variables.keys() points = fid.variables['points'] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'] #Check values ref_points = [[407546.08, 6437277.54], [407538.88, 6437284.58], [407531.68, 6437291.62], [407524.48, 6437298.66], [407517.28, 6437305.70], [407510.08, 6437312.74]] ref_points += [[381178.09, 6452559.07], [381169.49, 6452566.64], [381157.78, 6452576.96], [381155.97, 6452578.56], [381143.72, 6452589.35], [381136.69, 6452595.54], [381114.74, 6452614.88], [381075.53, 6452649.43], [381071.47, 6452653.00], [381063.46, 6452660.06], [381054.41, 6452668.03]] ref_elevation = [52.14, 51.07, 50.56, 49.58, 49.09, 48.76] ref_elevation += [4.17, 4.26, 4.34, 4.35, 4.43, 4.58, 4.41, 4.17, 3.99, 3.67, 3.67] #print points[:] #print ref_points assert num.allclose(points, ref_points) #print attributes[:] #print ref_elevation assert num.allclose(elevation, ref_elevation) #Cleanup fid.close() os.remove(root + '.sdf') os.remove(root + '.pts') def test_sww2dem_asc_elevation_depth(self): """test_sww2dem_asc_elevation_depth Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView Also check geo_reference is correct """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # Setup self.domain.set_name('datatest') prjfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation.prj' ascfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation.asc' swwfile = self.domain.get_name() + '.sww' self.domain.set_datadir('.') self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) self.domain.set_quantity('stage', 1.0) self.domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56, 308500, 6189000) sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() cellsize = 0.25 #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] # Check georeferencig: zone, xllcorner and yllcorner assert fid.zone[0] == 56 assert fid.xllcorner[0] == 308500 assert fid.yllcorner[0] == 6189000 fid.close() #Export to ascii/prj files sww2dem(self.domain.get_name(), quantity = 'elevation', cellsize = cellsize, number_of_decimal_places = 9, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') #Check prj (meta data) prjid = open(prjfile) lines = prjid.readlines() prjid.close() L = lines[0].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'projection' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'utm' L = lines[1].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zone' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '56' L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'datum' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'wgs84' L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zunits' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'no' L = lines[4].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'units' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'meters' L = lines[5].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'spheroid' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'wgs84' L = lines[6].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xshift' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '500000' L = lines[7].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yshift' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '10000000' L = lines[8].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'parameters' #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[0].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'ncols' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[1].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'nrows' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) L = lines[4].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'cellsize' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), cellsize) L = lines[5].strip().split() assert L[0].strip() == 'NODATA_value' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '-9999' #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), -i*cellsize - y) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) #Export to ascii/prj files sww2dem(self.domain.get_name(), quantity = 'depth', cellsize = cellsize, number_of_decimal_places = 9, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') #Check asc file ascfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_depth.asc' prjfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_depth.prj' ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[0].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'ncols' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[1].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'nrows' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) L = lines[4].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'cellsize' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), cellsize) L = lines[5].strip().split() assert L[0].strip() == 'NODATA_value' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '-9999' #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), 1 - (-i*cellsize - y)) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile) def test_export_grid(self): """ test_export_grid(self): Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile try: os.remove('teg*.sww') except: pass #Setup self.domain.set_name('teg') prjfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation.prj' ascfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation.asc' swwfile = self.domain.get_name() + '.sww' self.domain.set_datadir('.') self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) self.domain.set_quantity('stage', 1.0) self.domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000) sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() cellsize = 0.25 #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] fid.close() #Export to ascii/prj files export_grid(self.domain.get_name(), quantities = 'elevation', cellsize = cellsize, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), -i*cellsize - y) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile) def test_export_gridII(self): """ test_export_gridII(self): Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile try: os.remove('teg*.sww') except: pass #Setup self.domain.set_name('tegII') swwfile = self.domain.get_name() + '.sww' self.domain.set_datadir('.') self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) self.domain.set_quantity('stage', 1.0) self.domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000) sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #'stage') self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() #'stage') cellsize = 0.25 #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] #print 'stage', stage #print 'xmom', xmomentum #print 'ymom', ymomentum fid.close() #Export to ascii/prj files if True: export_grid(self.domain.get_name(), quantities = ['elevation', 'depth'], cellsize = cellsize, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') else: export_grid(self.domain.get_name(), quantities = ['depth'], cellsize = cellsize, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') export_grid(self.domain.get_name(), quantities = ['elevation'], cellsize = cellsize, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') prjfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation.prj' ascfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation.asc' #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) #print "ascfile", ascfile #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): #print " -i*cellsize - y", -i*cellsize - y #print "float(L[i])", float(L[i]) assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), -i*cellsize - y) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) #Check asc file ascfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_depth.asc' prjfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_depth.prj' ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): #print " -i*cellsize - y", -i*cellsize - y #print "float(L[i])", float(L[i]) assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), 1 - (-i*cellsize - y)) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile) def test_export_gridIII(self): """ test_export_gridIII Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile try: os.remove('teg*.sww') except: pass #Setup self.domain.set_name('tegIII') swwfile = self.domain.get_name() + '.sww' self.domain.set_datadir('.') self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) self.domain.set_quantity('stage', 1.0) self.domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000) sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #'stage') self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() #'stage') cellsize = 0.25 #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] fid.close() #Export to ascii/prj files extra_name_out = 'yeah' if True: export_grid(self.domain.get_name(), quantities = ['elevation', 'depth'], extra_name_out = extra_name_out, cellsize = cellsize, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') else: export_grid(self.domain.get_name(), quantities = ['depth'], cellsize = cellsize, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') export_grid(self.domain.get_name(), quantities = ['elevation'], cellsize = cellsize, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') prjfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation_yeah.prj' ascfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation_yeah.asc' #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) #print "ascfile", ascfile #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): #print " -i*cellsize - y", -i*cellsize - y #print "float(L[i])", float(L[i]) assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), -i*cellsize - y) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) #Check asc file ascfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_depth_yeah.asc' prjfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_depth_yeah.prj' ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), 1 - (-i*cellsize - y)) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile) def test_export_grid_bad(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView """ try: export_grid('a_small_round-egg', quantities = ['elevation', 'depth'], cellsize = 99, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') except IOError: pass else: self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Bad input did not throw exception error!') def test_export_grid_parallel(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile base_name = 'tegp' #Setup self.domain.set_name(base_name+'_P0_8') swwfile = self.domain.get_name() + '.sww' self.domain.set_datadir('.') self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) self.domain.set_quantity('stage', 1.0) self.domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000) sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.0001) #Setup self.domain.set_name(base_name+'_P1_8') swwfile2 = self.domain.get_name() + '.sww' sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.0002) sww.store_timestep() cellsize = 0.25 #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] fid.close() #Export to ascii/prj files extra_name_out = 'yeah' export_grid(base_name, quantities = ['elevation', 'depth'], extra_name_out = extra_name_out, cellsize = cellsize, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') prjfile = base_name + '_P0_8_elevation_yeah.prj' ascfile = base_name + '_P0_8_elevation_yeah.asc' #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): #print " -i*cellsize - y", -i*cellsize - y #print "float(L[i])", float(L[i]) assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), -i*cellsize - y) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) prjfile = base_name + '_P1_8_elevation_yeah.prj' ascfile = base_name + '_P1_8_elevation_yeah.asc' #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): #print " -i*cellsize - y", -i*cellsize - y #print "float(L[i])", float(L[i]) assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), -i*cellsize - y) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile) #Check asc file ascfile = base_name + '_P0_8_depth_yeah.asc' prjfile = base_name + '_P0_8_depth_yeah.prj' ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), 1 - (-i*cellsize - y)) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) #Check asc file ascfile = base_name + '_P1_8_depth_yeah.asc' prjfile = base_name + '_P1_8_depth_yeah.prj' ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), 1 - (-i*cellsize - y)) #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile2) def test_sww2dem_larger(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView. Here: ncols 11 nrows 11 xllcorner 308500 yllcorner 6189000 cellsize 10.000000 NODATA_value -9999 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 -190 -200 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 -190 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Setup from mesh_factory import rectangular #Create basic mesh (100m x 100m) points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(2, 2, 100, 100) #Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.default_order = 2 domain.set_name('datatest') prjfile = domain.get_name() + '_elevation.prj' ascfile = domain.get_name() + '_elevation.asc' swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56, 308500, 6189000) # domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) domain.set_quantity('stage', 0) B = Transmissive_boundary(domain) domain.set_boundary( {'left': B, 'right': B, 'top': B, 'bottom': B}) # sww = get_dataobject(domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() cellsize = 10 #10m grid #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] #Export to ascii/prj files sww2dem(domain.get_name(), quantity = 'elevation', cellsize = cellsize, number_of_decimal_places = 9, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc', block_size=2) #Check prj (meta data) prjid = open(prjfile) lines = prjid.readlines() prjid.close() L = lines[0].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'projection' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'utm' L = lines[1].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zone' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '56' L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'datum' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'wgs84' L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zunits' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'no' L = lines[4].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'units' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'meters' L = lines[5].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'spheroid' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'wgs84' L = lines[6].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xshift' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '500000' L = lines[7].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yshift' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '10000000' L = lines[8].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'parameters' #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[0].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'ncols' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '11' L = lines[1].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'nrows' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '11' L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) L = lines[4].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'cellsize' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), cellsize) L = lines[5].strip().split() assert L[0].strip() == 'NODATA_value' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '-9999' #Check grid values (FIXME: Use same strategy for other sww2dem tests) for i, line in enumerate(lines[6:]): for j, value in enumerate( line.split() ): assert num.allclose(float(value), -(10-i+j)*cellsize, atol=1.0e-12, rtol=1.0e-12) # Note: Equality can be obtained in this case, # but it is better to use allclose. #assert float(value) == -(10-i+j)*cellsize fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile) def test_sww2dem_boundingbox(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView. This will test that mesh can be restricted by bounding box Original extent is 100m x 100m: Eastings: 308500 - 308600 Northings: 6189000 - 6189100 Bounding box changes this to the 50m x 50m square defined by Eastings: 308530 - 308570 Northings: 6189050 - 6189100 The cropped values should be -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 and the new lower reference point should be Eastings: 308530 Northings: 6189050 Original dataset is the same as in test_sww2dem_larger() """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Setup from mesh_factory import rectangular #Create basic mesh (100m x 100m) points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(2, 2, 100, 100) #Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.default_order = 2 domain.set_name('datatest') prjfile = domain.get_name() + '_elevation.prj' ascfile = domain.get_name() + '_elevation.asc' swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56, 308500, 6189000) # domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) domain.set_quantity('stage', 0) B = Transmissive_boundary(domain) domain.set_boundary( {'left': B, 'right': B, 'top': B, 'bottom': B}) # sww = get_dataobject(domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() cellsize = 10 #10m grid #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] #Export to ascii/prj files sww2dem(domain.get_name(), quantity = 'elevation', cellsize = cellsize, number_of_decimal_places = 9, easting_min = 308530, easting_max = 308570, northing_min = 6189050, northing_max = 6189100, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') fid.close() #Check prj (meta data) prjid = open(prjfile) lines = prjid.readlines() prjid.close() L = lines[0].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'projection' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'utm' L = lines[1].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zone' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '56' L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'datum' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'wgs84' L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zunits' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'no' L = lines[4].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'units' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'meters' L = lines[5].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'spheroid' assert L[1].strip().lower() == 'wgs84' L = lines[6].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xshift' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '500000' L = lines[7].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yshift' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '10000000' L = lines[8].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'parameters' #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[0].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'ncols' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[1].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'nrows' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '6' L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308530) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189050) L = lines[4].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'cellsize' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), cellsize) L = lines[5].strip().split() assert L[0].strip() == 'NODATA_value' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '-9999' #Check grid values for i, line in enumerate(lines[6:]): for j, value in enumerate( line.split() ): #assert float(value) == -(10-i+j)*cellsize assert float(value) == -(10-i+j+3)*cellsize #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile) def test_sww2dem_asc_stage_reduction(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView This tests the reduction of quantity stage using min """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Setup self.domain.set_name('datatest') prjfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_stage.prj' ascfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_stage.asc' swwfile = self.domain.get_name() + '.sww' self.domain.set_datadir('.') self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) self.domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000) sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() cellsize = 0.25 #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] #Export to ascii/prj files sww2dem(self.domain.get_name(), quantity = 'stage', cellsize = cellsize, number_of_decimal_places = 9, reduction = min, format = 'asc', verbose=self.verbose) #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[0].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'ncols' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[1].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'nrows' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) L = lines[4].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'cellsize' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), cellsize) L = lines[5].strip().split() assert L[0].strip() == 'NODATA_value' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '-9999' #Check grid values (where applicable) for j in range(5): if j%2 == 0: L = lines[6+j].strip().split() jj = 4-j for i in range(5): if i%2 == 0: index = jj/2 + i/2*3 val0 = stage[0,index] val1 = stage[1,index] #print i, j, index, ':', L[i], val0, val1 assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), min(val0, val1)) fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile) def test_sww2dem_asc_derived_quantity(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView This tests the use of derived quantities """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Setup self.domain.set_name('datatest') prjfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_depth.prj' ascfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_depth.asc' swwfile = self.domain.get_name() + '.sww' self.domain.set_datadir('.') self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) self.domain.set_quantity('stage', 0.0) self.domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000) sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() cellsize = 0.25 #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] #Export to ascii/prj files sww2dem(self.domain.get_name(), basename_out = 'datatest_depth', quantity = 'stage - elevation', cellsize = cellsize, number_of_decimal_places = 9, reduction = min, format = 'asc', verbose = self.verbose) #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[0].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'ncols' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[1].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'nrows' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) L = lines[4].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'cellsize' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), cellsize) L = lines[5].strip().split() assert L[0].strip() == 'NODATA_value' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '-9999' #Check grid values (where applicable) for j in range(5): if j%2 == 0: L = lines[6+j].strip().split() jj = 4-j for i in range(5): if i%2 == 0: index = jj/2 + i/2*3 val0 = stage[0,index] - z[index] val1 = stage[1,index] - z[index] #print i, j, index, ':', L[i], val0, val1 assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), min(val0, val1)) fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile) def test_sww2dem_asc_missing_points(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView This test includes the writing of missing values """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Setup mesh not coinciding with rectangle. #This will cause missing values to occur in gridded data points = [ [1.0, 1.0], [0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]] vertices = [ [4,1,3], [5,2,4], [1,4,2], [2,0,1]] #Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices) domain.default_order=2 #Set some field values domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.03) ###################### # Boundary conditions B = Transmissive_boundary(domain) domain.set_boundary( {'exterior': B} ) ###################### #Initial condition - with jumps bed = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values stage = num.zeros(bed.shape, num.float) h = 0.3 for i in range(stage.shape[0]): if i % 2 == 0: stage[i,:] = bed[i,:] + h else: stage[i,:] = bed[i,:] domain.set_quantity('stage', stage) domain.distribute_to_vertices_and_edges() domain.set_name('datatest') prjfile = domain.get_name() + '_elevation.prj' ascfile = domain.get_name() + '_elevation.asc' swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000) sww = get_dataobject(domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() cellsize = 0.25 #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(swwfile, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] try: geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) except AttributeError, e: geo_reference = Geo_reference(DEFAULT_ZONE,0,0) #Export to ascii/prj files sww2dem(domain.get_name(), quantity = 'elevation', cellsize = cellsize, number_of_decimal_places = 9, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'asc') #Check asc file ascid = open(ascfile) lines = ascid.readlines() ascid.close() L = lines[0].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'ncols' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[1].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'nrows' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '5' L = lines[2].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 308500) L = lines[3].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yllcorner' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), 6189000) L = lines[4].strip().split() assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'cellsize' assert num.allclose(float(L[1].strip().lower()), cellsize) L = lines[5].strip().split() assert L[0].strip() == 'NODATA_value' assert L[1].strip().lower() == '-9999' #Check grid values for j in range(5): L = lines[6+j].strip().split() assert len(L) == 5 y = (4-j) * cellsize for i in range(5): #print i if i+j >= 4: assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), -i*cellsize - y) else: #Missing values assert num.allclose(float(L[i]), -9999) fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(prjfile) os.remove(ascfile) os.remove(swwfile) def test_sww2ers_simple(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile NODATA_value = 1758323 #Setup self.domain.set_name('datatest') headerfile = self.domain.get_name() + '.ers' swwfile = self.domain.get_name() + '.sww' self.domain.set_datadir('.') self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) self.domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000) sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() cellsize = 0.25 #Check contents #Get NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] #Export to ers files sww2dem(self.domain.get_name(), quantity = 'elevation', cellsize = cellsize, number_of_decimal_places = 9, NODATA_value = NODATA_value, verbose = self.verbose, format = 'ers') #Check header data from ermapper_grids import read_ermapper_header, read_ermapper_data header = read_ermapper_header(self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation.ers') #print header assert header['projection'].lower() == '"utm-56"' assert header['datum'].lower() == '"wgs84"' assert header['units'].lower() == '"meters"' assert header['value'].lower() == '"elevation"' assert header['xdimension'] == '0.25' assert header['ydimension'] == '0.25' assert float(header['eastings']) == 308500.0 #xllcorner assert float(header['northings']) == 6189000.0 #yllcorner assert int(header['nroflines']) == 5 assert int(header['nrofcellsperline']) == 5 assert int(header['nullcellvalue']) == NODATA_value #FIXME - there is more in the header #Check grid data grid = read_ermapper_data(self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation') #FIXME (Ole): Why is this the desired reference grid for -x-y? ref_grid = [NODATA_value, NODATA_value, NODATA_value, NODATA_value, NODATA_value, -1, -1.25, -1.5, -1.75, -2.0, -0.75, -1.0, -1.25, -1.5, -1.75, -0.5, -0.75, -1.0, -1.25, -1.5, -0.25, -0.5, -0.75, -1.0, -1.25] #print grid assert num.allclose(grid, ref_grid) fid.close() #Cleanup #FIXME the file clean-up doesn't work (eg Permission Denied Error) #Done (Ole) - it was because sww2ers didn't close it's sww file os.remove(sww.filename) os.remove(self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation') os.remove(self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation.ers') def test_sww2pts_centroids(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to pts data at specified coordinates - in this case, the centroids. """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # Used for points that lie outside mesh NODATA_value = 1758323 # Setup self.domain.set_name('datatest') ptsfile = self.domain.get_name() + '_elevation.pts' swwfile = self.domain.get_name() + '.sww' self.domain.set_datadir('.') self.domain.format = 'sww' self.smooth = True #self.set_store_vertices_uniquely(False) self.domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x-y) self.domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000) sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() #self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 self.domain.evolve_to_end(finaltime = 0.01) sww.store_timestep() # Check contents in NetCDF fid = NetCDFFile(sww.filename, netcdf_mode_r) # Get the variables x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time = fid.variables['time'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] volumes = fid.variables['volumes'][:] # Invoke interpolation for vertex points points = num.concatenate( (x[:,num.newaxis],y[:,num.newaxis]), axis=1 ) points = num.ascontiguousarray(points) sww2pts(self.domain.get_name(), quantity = 'elevation', data_points = points, NODATA_value = NODATA_value, verbose = self.verbose) ref_point_values = elevation point_values = Geospatial_data(ptsfile).get_attributes() #print 'P', point_values #print 'Ref', ref_point_values assert num.allclose(point_values, ref_point_values) # Invoke interpolation for centroids points = self.domain.get_centroid_coordinates() #print points sww2pts(self.domain.get_name(), quantity = 'elevation', data_points = points, NODATA_value = NODATA_value, verbose = self.verbose) ref_point_values = [-0.5, -0.5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1.5, -1.5] #At centroids point_values = Geospatial_data(ptsfile).get_attributes() #print 'P', point_values #print 'Ref', ref_point_values assert num.allclose(point_values, ref_point_values) fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(sww.filename) os.remove(ptsfile) def test_ferret2sww1(self): """Test that georeferencing etc works when converting from ferret format (lat/lon) to sww format (UTM) """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile import os, sys #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; # TIME = 0, 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1 ; # # First value (index=0) in small_ha.nc is 0.3400644 cm, # Fourth value (index==3) is -6.50198 cm #Read from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn #fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file) fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '_ha.nc') first_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] fourth_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,3] fid.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) #ferret2sww('small', verbose=False, # origin = (56, 0, 0)) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0)) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) #print zone, e, n #Read output file 'small.sww' #fid = NetCDFFile('small.sww') fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented assert num.allclose(x[0], e) assert num.allclose(y[0], n) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] #print ymomentum assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], first_value/100) #Meters #Check fourth value assert num.allclose(stage[0,3], fourth_value/100) #Meters fid.close() #Cleanup import os os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww_zscale(self): """Test that zscale workse """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile import os, sys #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; # TIME = 0, 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1 ; # # First value (index=0) in small_ha.nc is 0.3400644 cm, # Fourth value (index==3) is -6.50198 cm #Read from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '_ha.nc') first_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] fourth_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,3] fid.close() #Call conversion (with no scaling) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0)) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') #Check values stage_1 = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum_1 = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum_1 = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] assert num.allclose(stage_1[0,0], first_value/100) #Meters assert num.allclose(stage_1[0,3], fourth_value/100) #Meters fid.close() #Call conversion (with scaling) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, zscale = 5, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0)) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') #Check values stage_5 = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum_5 = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum_5 = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage_5[0,0], 5*first_value/100) #Meters assert num.allclose(stage_5[0,3], 5*fourth_value/100) #Meters assert num.allclose(5*stage_1, stage_5) # Momentum will also be changed due to new depth depth_1 = stage_1-elevation depth_5 = stage_5-elevation for i in range(stage_1.shape[0]): for j in range(stage_1.shape[1]): if depth_1[i,j] > epsilon: scale = depth_5[i,j]/depth_1[i,j] ref_xmomentum = xmomentum_1[i,j] * scale ref_ymomentum = ymomentum_1[i,j] * scale #print i, scale, xmomentum_1[i,j], xmomentum_5[i,j] assert num.allclose(xmomentum_5[i,j], ref_xmomentum) assert num.allclose(ymomentum_5[i,j], ref_ymomentum) fid.close() #Cleanup import os os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww_2(self): """Test that georeferencing etc works when converting from ferret format (lat/lon) to sww format (UTM) """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; # TIME = 0, 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1 ; # # First value (index=0) in small_ha.nc is 0.3400644 cm, # Fourth value (index==3) is -6.50198 cm from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn #fid = NetCDFFile('small_ha.nc') fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '_ha.nc') #Pick a coordinate and a value time_index = 1 lat_index = 0 lon_index = 2 test_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][time_index, lat_index, lon_index] test_time = fid.variables['TIME'][:][time_index] test_lat = fid.variables['LAT'][:][lat_index] test_lon = fid.variables['LON'][:][lon_index] linear_point_index = lat_index*4 + lon_index fid.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0)) #Work out the UTM coordinates for test point zone, e, n = redfearn(test_lat, test_lon) #Read output file 'small.sww' fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] #Check that test coordinate is correctly represented assert num.allclose(x[linear_point_index], e) assert num.allclose(y[linear_point_index], n) #Check test value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[time_index, linear_point_index], test_value/100) fid.close() #Cleanup import os os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww_lat_long(self): # Test that min lat long works #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; #Read from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '_ha.nc') first_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] fourth_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,3] fid.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) #ferret2sww('small', verbose=self.verbose, # origin = (56, 0, 0)) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0), minlat=-34.5, maxlat=-34) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) #print zone, e, n #Read output file 'small.sww' #fid = NetCDFFile('small.sww') fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented assert 16 == len(x) fid.close() #Cleanup import os os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww_lat_longII(self): # Test that min lat long works #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; #Read from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '_ha.nc') first_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] fourth_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,3] fid.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) #ferret2sww('small', verbose=False, # origin = (56, 0, 0)) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=False, origin = (56, 0, 0), minlat=-34.4, maxlat=-34.2) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) #print zone, e, n #Read output file 'small.sww' #fid = NetCDFFile('small.sww') fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented assert 12 == len(x) fid.close() #Cleanup import os os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww3(self): """Elevation included """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; # ELEVATION = [-1 -2 -3 -4 # -5 -6 -7 -8 # ... # ... -16] # where the top left corner is -1m, # and the ll corner is -13.0m # # First value (index=0) in small_ha.nc is 0.3400644 cm, # Fourth value (index==3) is -6.50198 cm from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn import os fid1 = NetCDFFile('test_ha.nc',netcdf_mode_w) fid2 = NetCDFFile('test_ua.nc',netcdf_mode_w) fid3 = NetCDFFile('test_va.nc',netcdf_mode_w) fid4 = NetCDFFile('test_e.nc',netcdf_mode_w) h1_list = [150.66667,150.83334,151.] h2_list = [-34.5,-34.33333] long_name = 'LON' lat_name = 'LAT' time_name = 'TIME' nx = 3 ny = 2 for fid in [fid1,fid2,fid3]: fid.createDimension(long_name,nx) fid.createVariable(long_name,netcdf_float,(long_name,)) fid.variables[long_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[long_name].units='degrees_east' fid.variables[long_name].assignValue(h1_list) fid.createDimension(lat_name,ny) fid.createVariable(lat_name,netcdf_float,(lat_name,)) fid.variables[lat_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[lat_name].units='degrees_north' fid.variables[lat_name].assignValue(h2_list) fid.createDimension(time_name,2) fid.createVariable(time_name,netcdf_float,(time_name,)) fid.variables[time_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[time_name].units='seconds' fid.variables[time_name].assignValue([0.,1.]) #if fid == fid3: break for fid in [fid4]: fid.createDimension(long_name,nx) fid.createVariable(long_name,netcdf_float,(long_name,)) fid.variables[long_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[long_name].units='degrees_east' fid.variables[long_name].assignValue(h1_list) fid.createDimension(lat_name,ny) fid.createVariable(lat_name,netcdf_float,(lat_name,)) fid.variables[lat_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[lat_name].units='degrees_north' fid.variables[lat_name].assignValue(h2_list) name = {} name[fid1]='HA' name[fid2]='UA' name[fid3]='VA' name[fid4]='ELEVATION' units = {} units[fid1]='cm' units[fid2]='cm/s' units[fid3]='cm/s' units[fid4]='m' values = {} values[fid1]=[[[5., 10.,15.], [13.,18.,23.]],[[50.,100.,150.],[130.,180.,230.]]] values[fid2]=[[[1., 2.,3.], [4.,5.,6.]],[[7.,8.,9.],[10.,11.,12.]]] values[fid3]=[[[13., 12.,11.], [10.,9.,8.]],[[7.,6.,5.],[4.,3.,2.]]] values[fid4]=[[-3000,-3100,-3200],[-4000,-5000,-6000]] for fid in [fid1,fid2,fid3]: fid.createVariable(name[fid],netcdf_float,(time_name,lat_name,long_name)) fid.variables[name[fid]].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[name[fid]].units=units[fid] fid.variables[name[fid]].assignValue(values[fid]) fid.variables[name[fid]].missing_value = -99999999. #if fid == fid3: break for fid in [fid4]: fid.createVariable(name[fid],netcdf_float,(lat_name,long_name)) fid.variables[name[fid]].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[name[fid]].units=units[fid] fid.variables[name[fid]].assignValue(values[fid]) fid.variables[name[fid]].missing_value = -99999999. fid1.sync(); fid1.close() fid2.sync(); fid2.close() fid3.sync(); fid3.close() fid4.sync(); fid4.close() fid1 = NetCDFFile('test_ha.nc',netcdf_mode_r) fid2 = NetCDFFile('test_e.nc',netcdf_mode_r) fid3 = NetCDFFile('test_va.nc',netcdf_mode_r) first_amp = fid1.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] third_amp = fid1.variables['HA'][:][0,0,2] first_elevation = fid2.variables['ELEVATION'][0,0] third_elevation= fid2.variables['ELEVATION'][:][0,2] first_speed = fid3.variables['VA'][0,0,0] third_speed = fid3.variables['VA'][:][0,0,2] fid1.close() fid2.close() fid3.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) ferret2sww('test', verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0), inverted_bathymetry=False) os.remove('test_va.nc') os.remove('test_ua.nc') os.remove('test_ha.nc') os.remove('test_e.nc') #Read output file 'test.sww' fid = NetCDFFile('test.sww') #Check first value elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] #print ymomentum first_height = first_amp/100 - first_elevation third_height = third_amp/100 - third_elevation first_momentum=first_speed*first_height/100 third_momentum=third_speed*third_height/100 assert num.allclose(ymomentum[0][0],first_momentum) #Meters assert num.allclose(ymomentum[0][2],third_momentum) #Meters fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove('test.sww') def test_ferret2sww4(self): """Like previous but with augmented variable names as in files produced by ferret as opposed to MOST """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; # ELEVATION = [-1 -2 -3 -4 # -5 -6 -7 -8 # ... # ... -16] # where the top left corner is -1m, # and the ll corner is -13.0m # # First value (index=0) in small_ha.nc is 0.3400644 cm, # Fourth value (index==3) is -6.50198 cm from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn import os fid1 = NetCDFFile('test_ha.nc',netcdf_mode_w) fid2 = NetCDFFile('test_ua.nc',netcdf_mode_w) fid3 = NetCDFFile('test_va.nc',netcdf_mode_w) fid4 = NetCDFFile('test_e.nc',netcdf_mode_w) h1_list = [150.66667,150.83334,151.] h2_list = [-34.5,-34.33333] # long_name = 'LON961_1261' # lat_name = 'LAT481_841' # time_name = 'TIME1' long_name = 'LON' lat_name = 'LAT' time_name = 'TIME' nx = 3 ny = 2 for fid in [fid1,fid2,fid3]: fid.createDimension(long_name,nx) fid.createVariable(long_name,netcdf_float,(long_name,)) fid.variables[long_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[long_name].units='degrees_east' fid.variables[long_name].assignValue(h1_list) fid.createDimension(lat_name,ny) fid.createVariable(lat_name,netcdf_float,(lat_name,)) fid.variables[lat_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[lat_name].units='degrees_north' fid.variables[lat_name].assignValue(h2_list) fid.createDimension(time_name,2) fid.createVariable(time_name,netcdf_float,(time_name,)) fid.variables[time_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[time_name].units='seconds' fid.variables[time_name].assignValue([0.,1.]) #if fid == fid3: break for fid in [fid4]: fid.createDimension(long_name,nx) fid.createVariable(long_name,netcdf_float,(long_name,)) fid.variables[long_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[long_name].units='degrees_east' fid.variables[long_name].assignValue(h1_list) fid.createDimension(lat_name,ny) fid.createVariable(lat_name,netcdf_float,(lat_name,)) fid.variables[lat_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[lat_name].units='degrees_north' fid.variables[lat_name].assignValue(h2_list) name = {} name[fid1]='HA' name[fid2]='UA' name[fid3]='VA' name[fid4]='ELEVATION' units = {} units[fid1]='cm' units[fid2]='cm/s' units[fid3]='cm/s' units[fid4]='m' values = {} values[fid1]=[[[5., 10.,15.], [13.,18.,23.]],[[50.,100.,150.],[130.,180.,230.]]] values[fid2]=[[[1., 2.,3.], [4.,5.,6.]],[[7.,8.,9.],[10.,11.,12.]]] values[fid3]=[[[13., 12.,11.], [10.,9.,8.]],[[7.,6.,5.],[4.,3.,2.]]] values[fid4]=[[-3000,-3100,-3200],[-4000,-5000,-6000]] for fid in [fid1,fid2,fid3]: fid.createVariable(name[fid],netcdf_float,(time_name,lat_name,long_name)) fid.variables[name[fid]].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[name[fid]].units=units[fid] fid.variables[name[fid]].assignValue(values[fid]) fid.variables[name[fid]].missing_value = -99999999. #if fid == fid3: break for fid in [fid4]: fid.createVariable(name[fid],netcdf_float,(lat_name,long_name)) fid.variables[name[fid]].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[name[fid]].units=units[fid] fid.variables[name[fid]].assignValue(values[fid]) fid.variables[name[fid]].missing_value = -99999999. fid1.sync(); fid1.close() fid2.sync(); fid2.close() fid3.sync(); fid3.close() fid4.sync(); fid4.close() fid1 = NetCDFFile('test_ha.nc',netcdf_mode_r) fid2 = NetCDFFile('test_e.nc',netcdf_mode_r) fid3 = NetCDFFile('test_va.nc',netcdf_mode_r) first_amp = fid1.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] third_amp = fid1.variables['HA'][:][0,0,2] first_elevation = fid2.variables['ELEVATION'][0,0] third_elevation= fid2.variables['ELEVATION'][:][0,2] first_speed = fid3.variables['VA'][0,0,0] third_speed = fid3.variables['VA'][:][0,0,2] fid1.close() fid2.close() fid3.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) ferret2sww('test', verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0) , inverted_bathymetry=False) os.remove('test_va.nc') os.remove('test_ua.nc') os.remove('test_ha.nc') os.remove('test_e.nc') #Read output file 'test.sww' fid = NetCDFFile('test.sww') #Check first value elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] #print ymomentum first_height = first_amp/100 - first_elevation third_height = third_amp/100 - third_elevation first_momentum=first_speed*first_height/100 third_momentum=third_speed*third_height/100 assert num.allclose(ymomentum[0][0],first_momentum) #Meters assert num.allclose(ymomentum[0][2],third_momentum) #Meters fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove('test.sww') def test_ferret2sww_nz_origin(self): from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn #Call conversion (with nonzero origin) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 100000, 200000)) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) #Read output file 'small.sww' #fid = NetCDFFile('small.sww', netcdf_mode_r) fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented assert num.allclose(x[0], e-100000) assert num.allclose(y[0], n-200000) fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww_lat_longII(self): # Test that min lat long works #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; #Read from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '_ha.nc') first_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] fourth_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,3] fid.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) #ferret2sww('small', verbose=self.verbose, # origin = (56, 0, 0)) try: ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0), minlat=-34.5, maxlat=-35) except AssertionError: pass else: self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Bad input did not throw exception error!') def test_sww_extent(self): """Not a test, rather a look at the sww format """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.reduction = mean self.domain.set_datadir('.') #self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 sww = get_dataobject(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() self.domain.time = 2. #Modify stage at second timestep stage = self.domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values self.domain.set_quantity('stage', stage/2) sww.store_timestep() file_and_extension_name = self.domain.get_name() + ".sww" #print "file_and_extension_name",file_and_extension_name [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, stagemin, stagemax] = \ extent_sww(file_and_extension_name ) assert num.allclose(xmin, 0.0) assert num.allclose(xmax, 1.0) assert num.allclose(ymin, 0.0) assert num.allclose(ymax, 1.0) # FIXME (Ole): Revisit these numbers #assert num.allclose(stagemin, -0.85), 'stagemin=%.4f' %stagemin #assert num.allclose(stagemax, 0.15), 'stagemax=%.4f' %stagemax #Cleanup os.remove(sww.filename) def test_sww2domain1(self): ################################################ #Create a test domain, and evolve and save it. ################################################ from mesh_factory import rectangular #Create basic mesh yiel=0.01 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(10,10) #Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,11,11) domain.smooth = False domain.store = True domain.set_name('bedslope') domain.default_order=2 #Bed-slope and friction domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x/3) domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.1) # Boundary conditions from math import sin, pi Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) Bt = Transmissive_boundary(domain) Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([0.2,0.,0.]) Bw = Time_boundary(domain=domain,f=lambda t: [(0.1*sin(t*2*pi)), 0.0, 0.0]) #domain.set_boundary({'left': Bd, 'right': Br, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) domain.set_boundary({'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Bd, 'bottom': Bd}) domain.quantities_to_be_stored.extend(['xmomentum','ymomentum']) #Initial condition h = 0.05 elevation = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values domain.set_quantity('stage', elevation + h) domain.check_integrity() #Evolution #domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = yiel, finaltime = 0.05): #domain.write_time() pass ########################################## #Import the example's file as a new domain ########################################## from data_manager import sww2domain import os filename = domain.datadir + os.sep + domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain2 = sww2domain(filename,None,fail_if_NaN=False,verbose=self.verbose) #points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(15,15) #domain2.boundary = boundary ################### ##NOW TEST IT!!! ################### os.remove(filename) bits = ['vertex_coordinates'] for quantity in ['elevation']+domain.quantities_to_be_stored: bits.append('get_quantity("%s").get_integral()' %quantity) bits.append('get_quantity("%s").get_values()' %quantity) for bit in bits: #print 'testing that domain.'+bit+' has been restored' #print bit #print 'done' assert num.allclose(eval('domain.'+bit),eval('domain2.'+bit)) ###################################### #Now evolve them both, just to be sure ######################################x domain.time = 0. from time import sleep final = .1 domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.1) domain.store = False domain.set_boundary({'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Bd, 'bottom': Bd}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = yiel, finaltime = final): #domain.write_time() pass final = final - (domain2.starttime-domain.starttime) #BUT since domain1 gets time hacked back to 0: final = final + (domain2.starttime-domain.starttime) domain2.smooth = False domain2.store = False domain2.default_order=2 domain2.set_quantity('friction', 0.1) #Bed-slope and friction # Boundary conditions Bd2=Dirichlet_boundary([0.2,0.,0.]) domain2.boundary = domain.boundary #print 'domain2.boundary' #print domain2.boundary domain2.set_boundary({'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Bd, 'bottom': Bd}) #domain2.set_boundary({'exterior': Bd}) domain2.check_integrity() for t in domain2.evolve(yieldstep = yiel, finaltime = final): #domain2.write_time() pass ################### ##NOW TEST IT!!! ################## bits = ['vertex_coordinates'] for quantity in ['elevation','stage', 'ymomentum','xmomentum']: bits.append('get_quantity("%s").get_integral()' %quantity) bits.append('get_quantity("%s").get_values()' %quantity) #print bits for bit in bits: #print bit #print eval('domain.'+bit) #print eval('domain2.'+bit) #print eval('domain.'+bit+'-domain2.'+bit) msg = 'Values in the two domains are different for ' + bit assert num.allclose(eval('domain.'+bit),eval('domain2.'+bit), rtol=1.e-5, atol=3.e-8), msg def DISABLEDtest_sww2domain2(self): ################################################################## #Same as previous test, but this checks how NaNs are handled. ################################################################## from mesh_factory import rectangular #Create basic mesh points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(2,2) #Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.smooth = False domain.store = True domain.set_name('test_file') domain.set_datadir('.') domain.default_order=2 #domain.quantities_to_be_stored=['stage'] domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x/3) domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.1) from math import sin, pi Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) Bt = Transmissive_boundary(domain) Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([0.2,0.,0.]) Bw = Time_boundary(domain=domain, f=lambda t: [(0.1*sin(t*2*pi)), 0.0, 0.0]) domain.set_boundary({'left': Bd, 'right': Br, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) h = 0.05 elevation = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values domain.set_quantity('stage', elevation + h) domain.check_integrity() for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 1, finaltime = 2.0): pass #domain.write_time() ################################## #Import the file as a new domain ################################## from data_manager import sww2domain import os filename = domain.datadir + os.sep + domain.get_name() + '.sww' #Fail because NaNs are present try: domain2 = sww2domain(filename,boundary,fail_if_NaN=True,verbose=self.verbose) except: #Now import it, filling NaNs to be 0 filler = 0 domain2 = sww2domain(filename,None,fail_if_NaN=False,NaN_filler = filler,verbose=self.verbose) #Clean up os.remove(filename) bits = ['geo_reference.get_xllcorner()', 'geo_reference.get_yllcorner()', 'vertex_coordinates'] for quantity in ['elevation']+domain.quantities_to_be_stored: bits.append('get_quantity("%s").get_integral()' %quantity) bits.append('get_quantity("%s").get_values()' %quantity) for bit in bits: # print 'testing that domain.'+bit+' has been restored' assert num.allclose(eval('domain.'+bit),eval('domain2.'+bit)) #print filler #print max(max(domain2.get_quantity('xmomentum').get_values())) assert max(max(domain2.get_quantity('xmomentum').get_values()))==filler assert min(min(domain2.get_quantity('xmomentum').get_values()))==filler assert max(max(domain2.get_quantity('ymomentum').get_values()))==filler assert min(min(domain2.get_quantity('ymomentum').get_values()))==filler def test_weed(self): from data_manager import weed coordinates1 = [[0.,0.],[1.,0.],[1.,1.],[1.,0.],[2.,0.],[1.,1.]] volumes1 = [[0,1,2],[3,4,5]] boundary1= {(0,1): 'external',(1,2): 'not external',(2,0): 'external',(3,4): 'external',(4,5): 'external',(5,3): 'not external'} coordinates2,volumes2,boundary2=weed(coordinates1,volumes1,boundary1) points2 = {(0.,0.):None,(1.,0.):None,(1.,1.):None,(2.,0.):None} assert len(points2)==len(coordinates2) for i in range(len(coordinates2)): coordinate = tuple(coordinates2[i]) assert points2.has_key(coordinate) points2[coordinate]=i for triangle in volumes1: for coordinate in triangle: assert coordinates2[points2[tuple(coordinates1[coordinate])]][0]==coordinates1[coordinate][0] assert coordinates2[points2[tuple(coordinates1[coordinate])]][1]==coordinates1[coordinate][1] #FIXME This fails - smooth makes the comparism too hard for allclose def ztest_sww2domain3(self): ################################################ #DOMAIN.SMOOTH = TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ################################################ from mesh_factory import rectangular #Create basic mesh yiel=0.01 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(10,10) #Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,11,11) domain.smooth = True domain.store = True domain.set_name('bedslope') domain.default_order=2 #Bed-slope and friction domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x/3) domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.1) # Boundary conditions from math import sin, pi Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) Bt = Transmissive_boundary(domain) Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([0.2,0.,0.]) Bw = Time_boundary(domain=domain, f=lambda t: [(0.1*sin(t*2*pi)), 0.0, 0.0]) domain.set_boundary({'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Bd, 'bottom': Bd}) domain.quantities_to_be_stored.extend(['xmomentum','ymomentum']) #Initial condition h = 0.05 elevation = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values domain.set_quantity('stage', elevation + h) domain.check_integrity() #Evolution for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = yiel, finaltime = 0.05): # domain.write_time() pass ########################################## #Import the example's file as a new domain ########################################## from data_manager import sww2domain import os filename = domain.datadir + os.sep + domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain2 = sww2domain(filename,None,fail_if_NaN=False,verbose=self.verbose) #points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(15,15) #domain2.boundary = boundary ################### ##NOW TEST IT!!! ################### os.remove(domain.get_name() + '.sww') #FIXME smooth domain so that they can be compared bits = []#'vertex_coordinates'] for quantity in ['elevation']+domain.quantities_to_be_stored: bits.append('quantities["%s"].get_integral()'%quantity) for bit in bits: #print 'testing that domain.'+bit+' has been restored' #print bit #print 'done' #print ('domain.'+bit), eval('domain.'+bit) #print ('domain2.'+bit), eval('domain2.'+bit) assert num.allclose(eval('domain.'+bit),eval('domain2.'+bit),rtol=1.0e-1,atol=1.e-3) pass ###################################### #Now evolve them both, just to be sure ######################################x domain.time = 0. from time import sleep final = .5 domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.1) domain.store = False domain.set_boundary({'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Bd, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = yiel, finaltime = final): #domain.write_time() pass domain2.smooth = True domain2.store = False domain2.default_order=2 domain2.set_quantity('friction', 0.1) #Bed-slope and friction # Boundary conditions Bd2=Dirichlet_boundary([0.2,0.,0.]) Br2 = Reflective_boundary(domain2) domain2.boundary = domain.boundary #print 'domain2.boundary' #print domain2.boundary domain2.set_boundary({'left': Bd2, 'right': Bd2, 'top': Bd2, 'bottom': Br2}) #domain2.boundary = domain.boundary #domain2.set_boundary({'exterior': Bd}) domain2.check_integrity() for t in domain2.evolve(yieldstep = yiel, finaltime = final): #domain2.write_time() pass ################### ##NOW TEST IT!!! ################## print '><><><><>>' bits = [ 'vertex_coordinates'] for quantity in ['elevation','xmomentum','ymomentum']: #bits.append('quantities["%s"].get_integral()'%quantity) bits.append('get_quantity("%s").get_values()' %quantity) for bit in bits: print bit assert num.allclose(eval('domain.'+bit),eval('domain2.'+bit)) def test_decimate_dem(self): """Test decimation of dem file """ import os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Write test dem file root = 'decdemtest' filename = root + '.dem' fid = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w) fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia' fid.description = 'NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable ' +\ 'storage of spatial point data' nrows = 15 ncols = 18 fid.ncols = ncols fid.nrows = nrows fid.xllcorner = 2000.5 fid.yllcorner = 3000.5 fid.cellsize = 25 fid.NODATA_value = -9999 fid.zone = 56 fid.false_easting = 0.0 fid.false_northing = 0.0 fid.projection = 'UTM' fid.datum = 'WGS84' fid.units = 'METERS' fid.createDimension('number_of_points', nrows*ncols) fid.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',)) elevation = fid.variables['elevation'] elevation[:] = (num.arange(nrows*ncols)) fid.close() #generate the elevation values expected in the decimated file ref_elevation = [( 0+ 1+ 2+ 18+ 19+ 20+ 36+ 37+ 38) / 9.0, ( 4+ 5+ 6+ 22+ 23+ 24+ 40+ 41+ 42) / 9.0, ( 8+ 9+ 10+ 26+ 27+ 28+ 44+ 45+ 46) / 9.0, ( 12+ 13+ 14+ 30+ 31+ 32+ 48+ 49+ 50) / 9.0, ( 72+ 73+ 74+ 90+ 91+ 92+108+109+110) / 9.0, ( 76+ 77+ 78+ 94+ 95+ 96+112+113+114) / 9.0, ( 80+ 81+ 82+ 98+ 99+100+116+117+118) / 9.0, ( 84+ 85+ 86+102+103+104+120+121+122) / 9.0, (144+145+146+162+163+164+180+181+182) / 9.0, (148+149+150+166+167+168+184+185+186) / 9.0, (152+153+154+170+171+172+188+189+190) / 9.0, (156+157+158+174+175+176+192+193+194) / 9.0, (216+217+218+234+235+236+252+253+254) / 9.0, (220+221+222+238+239+240+256+257+258) / 9.0, (224+225+226+242+243+244+260+261+262) / 9.0, (228+229+230+246+247+248+264+265+266) / 9.0] #generate a stencil for computing the decimated values stencil = num.ones((3,3), num.float) / 9.0 decimate_dem(root, stencil=stencil, cellsize_new=100) #Open decimated NetCDF file fid = NetCDFFile(root + '_100.dem', netcdf_mode_r) # Get decimated elevation elevation = fid.variables['elevation'] #Check values assert num.allclose(elevation, ref_elevation) #Cleanup fid.close() os.remove(root + '.dem') os.remove(root + '_100.dem') def test_decimate_dem_NODATA(self): """Test decimation of dem file that includes NODATA values """ import os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Write test dem file root = 'decdemtest' filename = root + '.dem' fid = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w) fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia' fid.description = 'NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable ' +\ 'storage of spatial point data' nrows = 15 ncols = 18 NODATA_value = -9999 fid.ncols = ncols fid.nrows = nrows fid.xllcorner = 2000.5 fid.yllcorner = 3000.5 fid.cellsize = 25 fid.NODATA_value = NODATA_value fid.zone = 56 fid.false_easting = 0.0 fid.false_northing = 0.0 fid.projection = 'UTM' fid.datum = 'WGS84' fid.units = 'METERS' fid.createDimension('number_of_points', nrows*ncols) fid.createVariable('elevation', netcdf_float, ('number_of_points',)) elevation = fid.variables['elevation'] #generate initial elevation values elevation_tmp = (num.arange(nrows*ncols)) #add some NODATA values elevation_tmp[0] = NODATA_value elevation_tmp[95] = NODATA_value elevation_tmp[188] = NODATA_value elevation_tmp[189] = NODATA_value elevation_tmp[190] = NODATA_value elevation_tmp[209] = NODATA_value elevation_tmp[252] = NODATA_value elevation[:] = elevation_tmp fid.close() #generate the elevation values expected in the decimated file ref_elevation = [NODATA_value, ( 4+ 5+ 6+ 22+ 23+ 24+ 40+ 41+ 42) / 9.0, ( 8+ 9+ 10+ 26+ 27+ 28+ 44+ 45+ 46) / 9.0, ( 12+ 13+ 14+ 30+ 31+ 32+ 48+ 49+ 50) / 9.0, ( 72+ 73+ 74+ 90+ 91+ 92+108+109+110) / 9.0, NODATA_value, ( 80+ 81+ 82+ 98+ 99+100+116+117+118) / 9.0, ( 84+ 85+ 86+102+103+104+120+121+122) / 9.0, (144+145+146+162+163+164+180+181+182) / 9.0, (148+149+150+166+167+168+184+185+186) / 9.0, NODATA_value, (156+157+158+174+175+176+192+193+194) / 9.0, NODATA_value, (220+221+222+238+239+240+256+257+258) / 9.0, (224+225+226+242+243+244+260+261+262) / 9.0, (228+229+230+246+247+248+264+265+266) / 9.0] #generate a stencil for computing the decimated values stencil = num.ones((3,3), num.float) / 9.0 decimate_dem(root, stencil=stencil, cellsize_new=100) #Open decimated NetCDF file fid = NetCDFFile(root + '_100.dem', netcdf_mode_r) # Get decimated elevation elevation = fid.variables['elevation'] #Check values assert num.allclose(elevation, ref_elevation) #Cleanup fid.close() os.remove(root + '.dem') os.remove(root + '_100.dem') def xxxtestz_sww2ers_real(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to asc/prj format readable by e.g. ArcView """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # the memory optimised least squares # cellsize = 20, # this one seems to hang # cellsize = 200000, # Ran 1 test in 269.703s #Ran 1 test in 267.344s # cellsize = 20000, # Ran 1 test in 460.922s # cellsize = 2000 #Ran 1 test in 5340.250s # cellsize = 200 #this one seems to hang, building matirx A # not optimised # seems to hang # cellsize = 2000 # Ran 1 test in 5334.563s #Export to ascii/prj files sww2dem('karratha_100m', quantity = 'depth', cellsize = 200000, number_of_decimal_places = 9, verbose = True) def test_read_asc(self): """Test conversion from dem in ascii format to native NetCDF format """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile from data_manager import _read_asc #Write test asc file filename = tempfile.mktemp(".000") fid = open(filename, 'w') fid.write("""ncols 7 nrows 4 xllcorner 2000.5 yllcorner 3000.5 cellsize 25 NODATA_value -9999 97.921 99.285 125.588 180.830 258.645 342.872 415.836 473.157 514.391 553.893 607.120 678.125 777.283 883.038 984.494 1040.349 1008.161 900.738 730.882 581.430 514.980 502.645 516.230 504.739 450.604 388.500 338.097 514.980 """) fid.close() bath_metadata, grid = _read_asc(filename, verbose=self.verbose) self.failUnless(bath_metadata['xllcorner'] == 2000.5, 'Failed') self.failUnless(bath_metadata['yllcorner'] == 3000.5, 'Failed') self.failUnless(bath_metadata['cellsize'] == 25, 'Failed') self.failUnless(bath_metadata['NODATA_value'] == -9999, 'Failed') self.failUnless(grid[0][0] == 97.921, 'Failed') self.failUnless(grid[3][6] == 514.980, 'Failed') os.remove(filename) def test_asc_csiro2sww(self): import tempfile bath_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() bath_dir_filename = bath_dir + os.sep +'ba19940524.000' #bath_dir = 'bath_data_manager_test' #print "os.getcwd( )",os.getcwd( ) elevation_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() #elevation_dir = 'elev_expanded' elevation_dir_filename1 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.000' elevation_dir_filename2 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.001' fid = open(bath_dir_filename, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 -1000.000 3000.0 -1000.000 9000.000 -1000.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 0.000 3000.0 0.000 9000.000 0.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 4000.000 4000.0 4000.000 9000.000 4000.000 """) fid.close() ucur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ucur_dir_filename1 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.000' ucur_dir_filename2 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.001' fid = open(ucur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(ucur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() vcur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() vcur_dir_filename1 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.000' vcur_dir_filename2 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.001' fid = open(vcur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(vcur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() sww_file = 'a_test.sww' asc_csiro2sww(bath_dir,elevation_dir, ucur_dir, vcur_dir, sww_file, verbose=self.verbose) # check the sww file fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file, netcdf_mode_r) #Open existing file for read x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['z'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] geo_ref = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) #print "geo_ref",geo_ref x_ref = geo_ref.get_xllcorner() y_ref = geo_ref.get_yllcorner() self.failUnless(geo_ref.get_zone() == 55, 'Failed') assert num.allclose(x_ref, 587798.418) # (-38, 148) assert num.allclose(y_ref, 5793123.477)# (-38, 148.5) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 588095.674 Northing: 5821451.722 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 0 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[0],y[0]), (588095.674 - x_ref, 5821451.722 - y_ref)) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 632145.632 Northing: 5820863.269 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 30 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[2],y[2]), (632145.632 - x_ref, 5820863.269 - y_ref)) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 609748.788 Northing: 5793447.860 #Latitude: -38 0 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 15 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[4],y[4]), (609748.788 - x_ref, 5793447.86 - y_ref)) assert num.allclose(z[0],9000.0 ) assert num.allclose(stage[0][1],0.0 ) #(4000+1000)*60 assert num.allclose(xmomentum[1][1],300000.0 ) fid.close() #tidy up os.remove(bath_dir_filename) os.rmdir(bath_dir) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename1) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(elevation_dir) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename1) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(ucur_dir) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename1) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(vcur_dir) # remove sww file os.remove(sww_file) def test_asc_csiro2sww2(self): import tempfile bath_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() bath_dir_filename = bath_dir + os.sep +'ba19940524.000' #bath_dir = 'bath_data_manager_test' #print "os.getcwd( )",os.getcwd( ) elevation_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() #elevation_dir = 'elev_expanded' elevation_dir_filename1 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.000' elevation_dir_filename2 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.001' fid = open(bath_dir_filename, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 -1000.000 3000.0 -1000.000 9000.000 -1000.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 0.000 3000.0 0.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 4000.000 4000.0 4000.000 9000.000 4000.000 """) fid.close() ucur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ucur_dir_filename1 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.000' ucur_dir_filename2 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.001' fid = open(ucur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(ucur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() vcur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() vcur_dir_filename1 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.000' vcur_dir_filename2 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.001' fid = open(vcur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(vcur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() try: asc_csiro2sww(bath_dir,elevation_dir, ucur_dir, vcur_dir, sww_file, verbose=self.verbose) except: #tidy up os.remove(bath_dir_filename) os.rmdir(bath_dir) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename1) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(elevation_dir) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename1) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(ucur_dir) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename1) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(vcur_dir) else: #tidy up os.remove(bath_dir_filename) os.rmdir(bath_dir) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename1) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(elevation_dir) raise 'Should raise exception' os.remove(ucur_dir_filename1) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(ucur_dir) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename1) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(vcur_dir) def test_asc_csiro2sww3(self): import tempfile bath_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() bath_dir_filename = bath_dir + os.sep +'ba19940524.000' #bath_dir = 'bath_data_manager_test' #print "os.getcwd( )",os.getcwd( ) elevation_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() #elevation_dir = 'elev_expanded' elevation_dir_filename1 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.000' elevation_dir_filename2 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.001' fid = open(bath_dir_filename, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 -1000.000 3000.0 -1000.000 9000.000 -1000.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 0.000 3000.0 0.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 4000.000 4000.0 4000.000 9000.000 4000.000 """) fid.close() ucur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ucur_dir_filename1 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.000' ucur_dir_filename2 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.001' fid = open(ucur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(ucur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() vcur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() vcur_dir_filename1 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.000' vcur_dir_filename2 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.001' fid = open(vcur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(vcur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() sww_file = 'a_test.sww' asc_csiro2sww(bath_dir,elevation_dir, ucur_dir, vcur_dir, sww_file, fail_on_NaN = False, elevation_NaN_filler = 0, mean_stage = 100, verbose=self.verbose) # check the sww file fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file, netcdf_mode_r) #Open existing file for read x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['z'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] geo_ref = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) #print "geo_ref",geo_ref x_ref = geo_ref.get_xllcorner() y_ref = geo_ref.get_yllcorner() self.failUnless(geo_ref.get_zone() == 55, 'Failed') assert num.allclose(x_ref, 587798.418) # (-38, 148) assert num.allclose(y_ref, 5793123.477)# (-38, 148.5) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 588095.674 Northing: 5821451.722 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 0 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[0],y[0]), (588095.674 - x_ref, 5821451.722 - y_ref)) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 632145.632 Northing: 5820863.269 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 30 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[2],y[2]), (632145.632 - x_ref, 5820863.269 - y_ref)) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 609748.788 Northing: 5793447.860 #Latitude: -38 0 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 15 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[4],y[4]), (609748.788 - x_ref, 5793447.86 - y_ref)) assert num.allclose(z[0],9000.0 ) assert num.allclose(stage[0][4],100.0 ) assert num.allclose(stage[0][5],100.0 ) #(100.0 - 9000)*10 assert num.allclose(xmomentum[0][4], -89000.0 ) #(100.0 - -1000.000)*10 assert num.allclose(xmomentum[0][5], 11000.0 ) fid.close() #tidy up os.remove(bath_dir_filename) os.rmdir(bath_dir) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename1) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(elevation_dir) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename1) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(ucur_dir) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename1) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(vcur_dir) # remove sww file os.remove(sww_file) def test_asc_csiro2sww4(self): """ Test specifying the extent """ import tempfile bath_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() bath_dir_filename = bath_dir + os.sep +'ba19940524.000' #bath_dir = 'bath_data_manager_test' #print "os.getcwd( )",os.getcwd( ) elevation_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() #elevation_dir = 'elev_expanded' elevation_dir_filename1 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.000' elevation_dir_filename2 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.001' fid = open(bath_dir_filename, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -9000.000 -1000.000 -3000.0 -2000.000 -1000.000 9000.000 -1000.000 -3000.000 -4000.000 6000.000 2000.000 -5000.000 -9000.000 -1000.000 -3000.0 -2000.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -900.000 -100.000 -300.0 -200.000 -100.000 900.000 -100.000 -300.000 -400.000 600.000 200.000 -500.000 -900.000 -100.000 -300.0 -200.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -990.000 -110.000 -330.0 -220.000 -110.000 990.000 -110.000 -330.000 -440.000 660.000 220.000 -550.000 -990.000 -110.000 -330.0 -220.000 """) fid.close() ucur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ucur_dir_filename1 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.000' ucur_dir_filename2 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.001' fid = open(ucur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 -10.000 90.000 -10.000 -30.000 -40.000 60.000 20.000 -50.000 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(ucur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 -10.000 99.000 -11.000 -30.000 -40.000 66.000 22.000 -50.000 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 """) fid.close() vcur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() vcur_dir_filename1 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.000' vcur_dir_filename2 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.001' fid = open(vcur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 -10.000 80.000 -20.000 -30.000 -40.000 50.000 10.000 -50.000 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(vcur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 -10.000 88.000 -22.000 -30.000 -40.000 55.000 11.000 -50.000 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 """) fid.close() sww_file = tempfile.mktemp(".sww") #sww_file = 'a_test.sww' asc_csiro2sww(bath_dir,elevation_dir, ucur_dir, vcur_dir, sww_file, fail_on_NaN = False, elevation_NaN_filler = 0, mean_stage = 100, minlat = -37.6, maxlat = -37.6, minlon = 148.3, maxlon = 148.3, verbose=self.verbose #,verbose = True ) # check the sww file fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file, netcdf_mode_r) #Open existing file for read x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['z'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] geo_ref = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) #print "geo_ref",geo_ref x_ref = geo_ref.get_xllcorner() y_ref = geo_ref.get_yllcorner() self.failUnless(geo_ref.get_zone() == 55, 'Failed') assert num.allclose(fid.starttime, 0.0) # (-37.45, 148.25) assert num.allclose(x_ref, 610120.388) # (-37.45, 148.25) assert num.allclose(y_ref, 5820863.269 )# (-37.45, 148.5) #Easting: 632145.632 Northing: 5820863.269 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 30 ' 0.00000 '' #print "x",x #print "y",y self.failUnless(len(x) == 4,'failed') # 2*2 self.failUnless(len(x) == 4,'failed') # 2*2 #Zone: 55 #Easting: 632145.632 Northing: 5820863.269 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 30 ' 0.00000 '' # magic number - y is close enough for me. assert num.allclose(x[3], 632145.63 - x_ref) assert num.allclose(y[3], 5820863.269 - y_ref + 5.22155314684e-005) assert num.allclose(z[0],9000.0 ) #z is elevation info #print "z",z # 2 time steps, 4 points self.failUnless(xmomentum.shape == (2,4), 'failed') self.failUnless(ymomentum.shape == (2,4), 'failed') #(100.0 - -1000.000)*10 #assert num.allclose(xmomentum[0][5], 11000.0 ) fid.close() # is the sww file readable? #Lets see if we can convert it to a dem! # if you uncomment, remember to delete the file #print "sww_file",sww_file #dem_file = tempfile.mktemp(".dem") domain = sww2domain(sww_file) ###, dem_file) domain.check_integrity() #tidy up os.remove(bath_dir_filename) os.rmdir(bath_dir) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename1) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(elevation_dir) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename1) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(ucur_dir) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename1) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(vcur_dir) # remove sww file os.remove(sww_file) def test_get_min_max_indexes(self): latitudes = [3,2,1,0] longitudes = [0,10,20,30] # k - lat # l - lon kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes( latitudes,longitudes, -10,4,-10,31) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes == latitudes_new and \ longitudes == longitudes_news, 'failed') ## 2nd test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes( latitudes,longitudes, 0.5,2.5,5,25) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes == latitudes_new and \ longitudes == longitudes_news, 'failed') ## 3rd test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes(\ latitudes, longitudes, 1.1,1.9,12,17) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [2, 1] and \ longitudes_news == [10, 20], 'failed') ## 4th test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes( latitudes,longitudes, -0.1,1.9,-2,17) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [2, 1, 0] and \ longitudes_news == [0, 10, 20], 'failed') ## 5th test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes( latitudes,longitudes, 0.1,1.9,2,17) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [2, 1, 0] and \ longitudes_news == [0, 10, 20], 'failed') ## 6th test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes( latitudes,longitudes, 1.5,4,18,32) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [3, 2, 1] and \ longitudes_news == [10, 20, 30], 'failed') ## 7th test m2d = num.array([[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10,11],[12,13,14,15]], num.int) #array default# kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes( latitudes,longitudes, 1.5,1.5,15,15) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] m2d = m2d[kmin:kmax,lmin:lmax] #print "m2d", m2d #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(num.alltrue(latitudes_new == [2, 1]) and num.alltrue(longitudes_news == [10, 20]), 'failed') self.failUnless(num.alltrue(m2d == [[5,6],[9,10]]), 'failed') def test_get_min_max_indexes_lat_ascending(self): latitudes = [0,1,2,3] longitudes = [0,10,20,30] # k - lat # l - lon kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes( latitudes,longitudes, -10,4,-10,31) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes == latitudes_new and \ longitudes == longitudes_news, 'failed') ## 3rd test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes(\ latitudes, longitudes, 1.1,1.9,12,17) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [1, 2] and \ longitudes_news == [10, 20], 'failed') def test_get_min_max_indexes2(self): latitudes = [-30,-35,-40,-45] longitudes = [148,149,150,151] m2d = num.array([[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10,11],[12,13,14,15]], num.int) #array default# # k - lat # l - lon kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes( latitudes,longitudes, -37,-27,147,149.5) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax #print "m2d", m2d #print "latitudes", latitudes #print "longitudes",longitudes #print "latitudes[kmax]", latitudes[kmax] latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_new = longitudes[lmin:lmax] m2d = m2d[kmin:kmax,lmin:lmax] #print "m2d", m2d #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_new",longitudes_new self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [-30, -35, -40] and longitudes_new == [148, 149,150], 'failed') self.failUnless(num.alltrue(m2d == [[0,1,2],[4,5,6],[8,9,10]]), 'failed') def test_get_min_max_indexes3(self): latitudes = [-30,-35,-40,-45,-50,-55,-60] longitudes = [148,149,150,151] # k - lat # l - lon kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes( latitudes,longitudes, -43,-37,148.5,149.5) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax #print "latitudes", latitudes #print "longitudes",longitudes latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [-35, -40, -45] and longitudes_news == [148, 149,150], 'failed') def test_get_min_max_indexes4(self): latitudes = [-30,-35,-40,-45,-50,-55,-60] longitudes = [148,149,150,151] # k - lat # l - lon kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = data_manager._get_min_max_indexes( latitudes,longitudes) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax #print "latitudes", latitudes #print "longitudes",longitudes latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == latitudes and \ longitudes_news == longitudes, 'failed') def test_tsh2sww(self): import os import tempfile tsh_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") file = open(tsh_file,"w") file.write("4 3 # [attributes]\n \ 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 \n \ 1 1.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 0.02 \n \ 2 0.0 1.0 0.0 10.0 0.03 \n \ 3 0.5 0.25 8.0 12.0 0.04 \n \ # Vert att title \n \ elevation \n \ stage \n \ friction \n \ 2 # [] [] \n\ 0 0 3 2 -1 -1 1 dsg\n\ 1 0 1 3 -1 0 -1 ole nielsen\n\ 4 # [boundary tag] \n\ 0 1 0 2 \n\ 1 0 2 3 \n\ 2 2 3 \n\ 3 3 1 1 \n\ 3 0 # [attributes] ...Mesh Vertices... \n \ 0 216.0 -86.0 \n \ 1 160.0 -167.0 \n \ 2 114.0 -91.0 \n \ 3 # [boundary tag] ...Mesh Segments... \n \ 0 0 1 0 \n \ 1 1 2 0 \n \ 2 2 0 0 \n \ 0 # ...Mesh Holes... \n \ 0 # ...Mesh Regions... \n \ 0 # ...Mesh Regions, area... \n\ #Geo reference \n \ 56 \n \ 140 \n \ 120 \n") file.close() #sww_file = tempfile.mktemp(".sww") #print "sww_file",sww_file #print "sww_file",tsh_file tsh2sww(tsh_file, verbose=self.verbose) os.remove(tsh_file) os.remove(tsh_file[:-4] + '.sww') ########## testing nbed class ################## def test_exposure_csv_loading(self): file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") file.write("LATITUDE, LONGITUDE ,sound , speed \n\ 115.0, -21.0, splat, 0.0\n\ 114.0, -21.7, pow, 10.0\n\ 114.5, -21.4, bang, 40.0\n") file.close() exposure = Exposure_csv(file_name, title_check_list = ['speed','sound']) exposure.get_column("sound") self.failUnless(exposure._attribute_dic['sound'][2]==' bang', 'FAILED!') self.failUnless(exposure._attribute_dic['speed'][2]==' 40.0', 'FAILED!') os.remove(file_name) def test_exposure_csv_loadingII(self): file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".txt") file = open(file_name,"w") file.write("LATITUDE, LONGITUDE ,sound , speed \n\ 115.0, -21.0, splat, 0.0\n\ 114.0, -21.7, pow, 10.0\n\ 114.5, -21.4, bang, 40.0\n") file.close() exposure = Exposure_csv(file_name) exposure.get_column("sound") self.failUnless(exposure._attribute_dic['sound'][2]==' bang', 'FAILED!') self.failUnless(exposure._attribute_dic['speed'][2]==' 40.0', 'FAILED!') os.remove(file_name) def test_exposure_csv_loading_title_check_list(self): # I can't get cvs.reader to close the exposure file # The hacks below are to get around this. if sys.platform == 'win32': file_name = tempfile.gettempdir() + \ "test_exposure_csv_loading_title_check_list.csv" else: file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") file.write("LATITUDE, LONGITUDE ,sound , speed \n\ 115.0, -21.0, splat, 0.0\n\ 114.0, -21.7, pow, 10.0\n\ 114.5, -21.4, bang, 40.0\n") file.close() try: exposure = Exposure_csv(file_name, title_check_list = ['SOUND']) except IOError: pass else: self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Assertion not thrown error!') if not sys.platform == 'win32': os.remove(file_name) def test_exposure_csv_cmp(self): file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") file.write("LATITUDE, LONGITUDE ,sound , speed \n\ 115.0, -21.0, splat, 0.0\n\ 114.0, -21.7, pow, 10.0\n\ 114.5, -21.4, bang, 40.0\n") file.close() e1 = Exposure_csv(file_name) e2 = Exposure_csv(file_name) os.remove(file_name) self.failUnless(cmp(e1,e2)==0, 'FAILED!') self.failUnless(cmp(e1,"hey")==1, 'FAILED!') file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") # Note, this has less spaces in the title, # the instances will be the same. file.write("LATITUDE,LONGITUDE ,sound, speed \n\ 115.0, -21.0, splat, 0.0\n\ 114.0, -21.7, pow, 10.0\n\ 114.5, -21.4, bang, 40.0\n") file.close() e3 = Exposure_csv(file_name) os.remove(file_name) self.failUnless(cmp(e3,e2)==0, 'FAILED!') file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") # Note, 40 changed to 44 . file.write("LATITUDE,LONGITUDE ,sound, speed \n\ 115.0, -21.0, splat, 0.0\n\ 114.0, -21.7, pow, 10.0\n\ 114.5, -21.4, bang, 44.0\n") file.close() e4 = Exposure_csv(file_name) os.remove(file_name) #print "e4",e4._attribute_dic #print "e2",e2._attribute_dic self.failUnless(cmp(e4,e2)<>0, 'FAILED!') file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") # Note, the first two columns are swapped. file.write("LONGITUDE,LATITUDE ,sound, speed \n\ -21.0,115.0, splat, 0.0\n\ -21.7,114.0, pow, 10.0\n\ -21.4,114.5, bang, 40.0\n") file.close() e5 = Exposure_csv(file_name) os.remove(file_name) self.failUnless(cmp(e3,e5)<>0, 'FAILED!') def test_exposure_csv_saving(self): file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") file.write("LATITUDE, LONGITUDE ,sound , speed \n\ 115.0, -21.0, splat, 0.0\n\ 114.0, -21.7, pow, 10.0\n\ 114.5, -21.4, bang, 40.0\n") file.close() e1 = Exposure_csv(file_name) file_name2 = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") e1.save(file_name = file_name2) e2 = Exposure_csv(file_name2) self.failUnless(cmp(e1,e2)==0, 'FAILED!') os.remove(file_name) os.remove(file_name2) def test_exposure_csv_get_location(self): file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") file.write("LONGITUDE , LATITUDE, sound , speed \n\ 150.916666667, -34.5, splat, 0.0\n\ 150.0, -34.0, pow, 10.0\n") file.close() e1 = Exposure_csv(file_name) gsd = e1.get_location() points = gsd.get_data_points(absolute=True) assert num.allclose(points[0][0], 308728.009) assert num.allclose(points[0][1], 6180432.601) assert num.allclose(points[1][0], 222908.705) assert num.allclose(points[1][1], 6233785.284) self.failUnless(gsd.get_geo_reference().get_zone() == 56, 'Bad zone error!') os.remove(file_name) def test_exposure_csv_set_column_get_column(self): file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") file.write("LONGITUDE , LATITUDE, sound , speed \n\ 150.916666667, -34.5, splat, 0.0\n\ 150.0, -34.0, pow, 10.0\n") file.close() e1 = Exposure_csv(file_name) os.remove(file_name) new_title = "feast" new_values = ["chicken","soup"] e1.set_column(new_title, new_values) returned_values = e1.get_column(new_title) self.failUnless(returned_values == new_values, ' Error!') file_name2 = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") e1.save(file_name = file_name2) e2 = Exposure_csv(file_name2) returned_values = e2.get_column(new_title) self.failUnless(returned_values == new_values, ' Error!') os.remove(file_name2) def test_exposure_csv_set_column_get_column_error_checking(self): file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") file.write("LONGITUDE , LATITUDE, sound , speed \n\ 150.916666667, -34.5, splat, 0.0\n\ 150.0, -34.0, pow, 10.0\n") file.close() e1 = Exposure_csv(file_name) os.remove(file_name) new_title = "sound" new_values = [12.5,7.6] try: e1.set_column(new_title, new_values) except TitleValueError: pass else: self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Error not thrown error!') e1.set_column(new_title, new_values, overwrite=True) returned_values = e1.get_column(new_title) self.failUnless(returned_values == new_values, ' Error!') new2_title = "short list" new2_values = [12.5] try: e1.set_column(new2_title, new2_values) except DataMissingValuesError: pass else: self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Error not thrown error!') new2_title = "long list" new2_values = [12.5, 7,8] try: e1.set_column(new2_title, new2_values) except DataMissingValuesError: pass else: self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Error not thrown error!') file_name2 = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") e1.save(file_name = file_name2) e2 = Exposure_csv(file_name2) returned_values = e2.get_column(new_title) for returned, new in map(None, returned_values, new_values): self.failUnless(returned == str(new), ' Error!') #self.failUnless(returned_values == new_values, ' Error!') os.remove(file_name2) try: e1.get_column("toe jam") except TitleValueError: pass else: self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Error not thrown error!') def test_exposure_csv_loading_x_y(self): file_name = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") file = open(file_name,"w") file.write("x, y ,sound , speed \n\ 115.0, 7, splat, 0.0\n\ 114.0, 8.0, pow, 10.0\n\ 114.5, 9., bang, 40.0\n") file.close() e1 = Exposure_csv(file_name, is_x_y_locations=True) gsd = e1.get_location() points = gsd.get_data_points(absolute=True) assert num.allclose(points[0][0], 115) assert num.allclose(points[0][1], 7) assert num.allclose(points[1][0], 114) assert num.allclose(points[1][1], 8) assert num.allclose(points[2][0], 114.5) assert num.allclose(points[2][1], 9) self.failUnless(gsd.get_geo_reference().get_zone() == -1, 'Bad zone error!') os.remove(file_name) def test_exposure_csv_loading_x_y2(self): csv_file = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") fd = open(csv_file,'wb') writer = csv.writer(fd) writer.writerow(['x','y','STR_VALUE','C_VALUE','ROOF_TYPE','WALLS', 'SHORE_DIST']) writer.writerow([5.5,0.5,'199770','130000','Metal','Timber',20]) writer.writerow([4.5,1.0,'150000','76000','Metal','Double Brick',20]) writer.writerow([4.5,1.5,'150000','76000','Metal','Brick Veneer',20]) fd.close() e1 = Exposure_csv(csv_file) gsd = e1.get_location() points = gsd.get_data_points(absolute=True) assert num.allclose(points[0][0], 5.5) assert num.allclose(points[0][1], 0.5) assert num.allclose(points[1][0], 4.5) assert num.allclose(points[1][1], 1.0) assert num.allclose(points[2][0], 4.5) assert num.allclose(points[2][1], 1.5) self.failUnless(gsd.get_geo_reference().get_zone() == -1, 'Bad zone error!') os.remove(csv_file) #### TESTS FOR URS 2 SWW ### def create_mux(self, points_num=None): # write all the mux stuff. time_step_count = 3 time_step = 0.5 longitudes = [150.66667, 150.83334, 151., 151.16667] latitudes = [-34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34] if points_num == None: points_num = len(longitudes) * len(latitudes) lonlatdeps = [] quantities = ['HA','UA','VA'] mux_names = [WAVEHEIGHT_MUX_LABEL, EAST_VELOCITY_LABEL, NORTH_VELOCITY_LABEL] quantities_init = [[],[],[]] # urs binary is latitude fastest for i,lon in enumerate(longitudes): for j,lat in enumerate(latitudes): _ , e, n = redfearn(lat, lon) lonlatdeps.append([lon, lat, n]) quantities_init[0].append(e) # HA quantities_init[1].append(n ) # UA quantities_init[2].append(e) # VA #print "lonlatdeps",lonlatdeps file_handle, base_name = tempfile.mkstemp("") os.close(file_handle) os.remove(base_name) files = [] for i,q in enumerate(quantities): quantities_init[i] = ensure_numeric(quantities_init[i]) #print "HA_init", HA_init q_time = num.zeros((time_step_count, points_num), num.float) for time in range(time_step_count): q_time[time,:] = quantities_init[i] #* time * 4 #Write C files columns = 3 # long, lat , depth file = base_name + mux_names[i] #print "base_name file",file f = open(file, 'wb') files.append(file) f.write(pack('i',points_num)) f.write(pack('i',time_step_count)) f.write(pack('f',time_step)) #write lat/long info for lonlatdep in lonlatdeps: for float in lonlatdep: f.write(pack('f',float)) # Write quantity info for time in range(time_step_count): for point_i in range(points_num): f.write(pack('f',q_time[time,point_i])) #print " mux_names[i]", mux_names[i] #print "f.write(pack('f',q_time[time,i]))", q_time[time,point_i] f.close() return base_name, files def write_mux(self, lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, depth=None, ha=None, ua=None, va=None): """ This will write 3 non-gridded mux files, for testing. If no quantities are passed in, na and va quantities will be the Easting values. Depth and ua will be the Northing value. The mux file format has south as positive so this function will swap the sign for va. """ #print "lat_long_points", lat_long_points #print "time_step_count",time_step_count #print "time_step", points_num = len(lat_long_points) lonlatdeps = [] quantities = ['HA','UA','VA'] mux_names = [WAVEHEIGHT_MUX_LABEL, EAST_VELOCITY_LABEL, NORTH_VELOCITY_LABEL] quantities_init = [[],[],[]] # urs binary is latitude fastest for point in lat_long_points: lat = point[0] lon = point[1] _ , e, n = redfearn(lat, lon) if depth is None: this_depth = n else: this_depth = depth if ha is None: this_ha = e else: this_ha = ha if ua is None: this_ua = n else: this_ua = ua if va is None: this_va = e else: this_va = va lonlatdeps.append([lon, lat, this_depth]) quantities_init[0].append(this_ha) # HA quantities_init[1].append(this_ua) # UA quantities_init[2].append(this_va) # VA file_handle, base_name = tempfile.mkstemp("") os.close(file_handle) os.remove(base_name) files = [] for i, q in enumerate(quantities): quantities_init[i] = ensure_numeric(quantities_init[i]) #print "HA_init", HA_init q_time = num.zeros((time_step_count, points_num), num.float) for time in range(time_step_count): q_time[time,:] = quantities_init[i] #* time * 4 #Write C files columns = 3 # long, lat , depth file = base_name + mux_names[i] #print "base_name file",file f = open(file, 'wb') files.append(file) f.write(pack('i',points_num)) f.write(pack('i',time_step_count)) f.write(pack('f',time_step)) #write lat/long info for lonlatdep in lonlatdeps: for float in lonlatdep: f.write(pack('f',float)) # Write quantity info for time in range(time_step_count): for point_i in range(points_num): f.write(pack('f',q_time[time,point_i])) #print " mux_names[i]", mux_names[i] #print "f.write(pack('f',q_time[time,i]))", q_time[time,point_i] f.close() return base_name, files def delete_mux(self, files): for file in files: os.remove(file) def test_urs2sww_test_fail(self): points_num = -100 time_step_count = 45 time_step = -7 file_handle, base_name = tempfile.mkstemp("") os.close(file_handle) os.remove(base_name) files = [] quantities = ['HA','UA','VA'] mux_names = [WAVEHEIGHT_MUX_LABEL, EAST_VELOCITY_LABEL, NORTH_VELOCITY_LABEL] for i,q in enumerate(quantities): #Write C files columns = 3 # long, lat , depth file = base_name + mux_names[i] f = open(file, 'wb') files.append(file) f.write(pack('i',points_num)) f.write(pack('i',time_step_count)) f.write(pack('f',time_step)) f.close() tide = 1 try: urs2sww(base_name, remove_nc_files=True, mean_stage=tide, verbose=self.verbose) except ANUGAError: pass else: self.delete_mux(files) msg = 'Should have raised exception' raise msg sww_file = base_name + '.sww' self.delete_mux(files) def test_urs2sww_test_fail2(self): base_name = 'Harry-high-pants' try: urs2sww(base_name) except IOError: pass else: self.delete_mux(files) msg = 'Should have raised exception' raise msg def test_urs2sww(self): tide = 1 base_name, files = self.create_mux() urs2sww(base_name #, origin=(0,0,0) , mean_stage=tide , remove_nc_files=True, verbose=self.verbose ) sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) assert num.allclose(geo_reference.get_absolute([[x[0],y[0]]]), [e,n]) # Make x and y absolute points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_ua *(stage+depth) # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files # answer_x = n*(e+tide+n) actual_x = xmomentum[0,0] #print "answer_x",answer_x #print "actual_x",actual_x assert num.allclose(answer_x, actual_x) #Meters #Check the momentums - va #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # -(-elevation) since elevation is inverted in mux files #momentum = velocity_va *(stage+elevation) # = e*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files answer_y = e*(e+tide+n) * -1 # talking into account mux file format actual_y = ymomentum[0,0] #print "answer_y",answer_y #print "actual_y",actual_y assert num.allclose(answer_y, actual_y) #Meters assert num.allclose(answer_x, actual_x) #Meters # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation assert num.allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs2sww_momentum(self): tide = 1 time_step_count = 3 time_step = 2 #lat_long_points =[(-21.5,114.5),(-21.5,115),(-21.,114.5), (-21.,115.)] # This is gridded lat_long_points =[(-21.5,114.5),(-21,114.5),(-21.5,115), (-21.,115.)] depth=20 ha=2 ua=5 va=-10 #-ve added to take into account mux file format where south # is positive. base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, depth=depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) # write_mux(self,lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, # depth=None, ha=None, ua=None, va=None urs2sww(base_name #, origin=(0,0,0) , mean_stage=tide , remove_nc_files=True, verbose=self.verbose ) sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] #assert allclose(stage[0,0], e + tide) #Meters #print "xmomentum", xmomentum #print "ymomentum", ymomentum #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*water height #water height = mux_depth + mux_height +tide #water height = mux_depth + mux_height +tide #momentum = velocity*(mux_depth + mux_height +tide) # answer = 115 actual = xmomentum[0,0] assert num.allclose(answer, actual) #Meters^2/ sec answer = 230 actual = ymomentum[0,0] #print "answer",answer #print "actual",actual assert num.allclose(answer, actual) #Meters^2/ sec # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage #assert allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation #assert allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs2sww_origin(self): tide = 1 base_name, files = self.create_mux() urs2sww(base_name , origin=(0,0,0) , mean_stage=tide , remove_nc_files=True, verbose=self.verbose ) sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) # x and y are absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) time = fid.variables['time'][:] #print "time", time assert num.allclose([0.,0.5,1.], time) assert fid.starttime == 0.0 #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) assert num.allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) #momentum = velocity*(stage+elevation) # -(-elevation) since elevation is inverted in mux files # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files answer = n*(e+tide+n) actual = xmomentum[0,0] assert num.allclose(answer, actual) #Meters # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation assert num.allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs2sww_minmaxlatlong(self): #longitudes = [150.66667, 150.83334, 151., 151.16667] #latitudes = [-34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34] tide = 1 base_name, files = self.create_mux() urs2sww(base_name, minlat=-34.5, maxlat=-34, minlon= 150.66667, maxlon= 151.16667, mean_stage=tide, remove_nc_files=True, verbose=self.verbose ) sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) # Make x and y absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) assert num.allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) #momentum = velocity*(stage+elevation) # -(-elevation) since elevation is inverted in mux files # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files answer = n*(e+tide+n) actual = xmomentum[0,0] assert num.allclose(answer, actual) #Meters # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation assert num.allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs2sww_minmaxmintmaxt(self): #longitudes = [150.66667, 150.83334, 151., 151.16667] #latitudes = [-34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34] tide = 1 base_name, files = self.create_mux() urs2sww(base_name, mint=0.25, maxt=0.75, mean_stage=tide, remove_nc_files=True, verbose=self.verbose ) sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) time = fid.variables['time'][:] assert num.allclose(time, [0.0]) # the time is relative assert fid.starttime == 0.5 fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) #print "sww_file", sww_file os.remove(sww_file) def write_mux2(self, lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=None, ha=None, ua=None, va=None): """ This will write 3 non-gridded mux files, for testing. If no quantities are passed in, na and va quantities will be the Easting values. Depth and ua will be the Northing value. """ #print "lat_long_points", lat_long_points #print "time_step_count",time_step_count #print "time_step", #irrelevant header information ig=ilon=ilat=0 mcolat=mcolon=centerlat=centerlon=offset=az=baz=id=0.0 points_num = len(lat_long_points) latlondeps = [] quantities = ['HA','UA','VA'] mux_names = [WAVEHEIGHT_MUX2_LABEL, EAST_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL, NORTH_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL] msg='first_tstep and last_step arrays must have same length as number of points' assert len(first_tstep)==points_num,msg assert len(last_tstep)==points_num,msg if depth is not None: depth=ensure_numeric(depth) assert len(depth)==points_num if ha is not None: ha=ensure_numeric(ha) assert ha.shape==(points_num,time_step_count) if ua is not None: ua=ensure_numeric(ua) assert ua.shape==(points_num,time_step_count) if va is not None: va=ensure_numeric(va) assert va.shape==(points_num,time_step_count) quantities_init = [[],[],[]] # urs binary is latitude fastest for i,point in enumerate(lat_long_points): lat = point[0] lon = point[1] _ , e, n = redfearn(lat, lon) if depth is None: this_depth = n else: this_depth = depth[i] latlondeps.append([lat, lon, this_depth]) if ha is None: this_ha = e quantities_init[0].append(num.ones(time_step_count,num.float)*this_ha) # HA else: quantities_init[0].append(ha[i]) if ua is None: this_ua = n quantities_init[1].append(num.ones(time_step_count,num.float)*this_ua) # UA else: quantities_init[1].append(ua[i]) if va is None: this_va = e quantities_init[2].append(num.ones(time_step_count,num.float)*this_va) # else: quantities_init[2].append(-va[i]) # South is negative in MUX file_handle, base_name = tempfile.mkstemp("write_mux2") os.close(file_handle) os.remove(base_name) files = [] for i, q in enumerate(quantities): q_time = num.zeros((time_step_count, points_num), num.float) quantities_init[i] = ensure_numeric(quantities_init[i]) for time in range(time_step_count): #print i, q, time, quantities_init[i][:,time] q_time[time,:] = quantities_init[i][:,time] #print i, q, time, q_time[time, :] #Write C files columns = 3 # long, lat , depth file = base_name + mux_names[i] #print 'base_name file', file f = open(file, 'wb') files.append(file) f.write(pack('i',points_num)) #write mux 2 header for latlondep in latlondeps: f.write(pack('f',latlondep[0])) f.write(pack('f',latlondep[1])) f.write(pack('f',mcolat)) f.write(pack('f',mcolon)) f.write(pack('i',ig)) f.write(pack('i',ilon)) f.write(pack('i',ilat)) f.write(pack('f',latlondep[2])) f.write(pack('f',centerlat)) f.write(pack('f',centerlon)) f.write(pack('f',offset)) f.write(pack('f',az)) f.write(pack('f',baz)) f.write(pack('f',time_step)) f.write(pack('i',time_step_count)) for j in range(4): # identifier f.write(pack('f',id)) #first_tstep=1 #last_tstep=time_step_count for i,latlondep in enumerate(latlondeps): f.write(pack('i',first_tstep[i])) for i,latlondep in enumerate(latlondeps): f.write(pack('i',last_tstep[i])) # Find when first station starts recording min_tstep = min(first_tstep) # Find when all stations have stopped recording max_tstep = max(last_tstep) #for time in range(time_step_count): for time in range(min_tstep-1,max_tstep): f.write(pack('f',time*time_step)) for point_i in range(points_num): if time+1>=first_tstep[point_i] and time+1<=last_tstep[point_i]: #print 'writing', time, point_i, q_time[time, point_i] f.write(pack('f', q_time[time, point_i])) f.close() return base_name, files def test_urs2sts_read_mux2_pyI(self): """test_urs2sts_read_mux2_pyI(self): Constant stage,momentum at each gauge """ tide = 1 time_step_count = 3 time_step = 2 lat_long_points =[(-21.5,114.5),(-21,114.5),(-21.5,115), (-21.,115.)] n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep=time_step_count*num.ones(n,num.int) depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) ha=2*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ua=5*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va=-10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) #-ve added to take into account mux file format where south is positive. base_name, files = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) weights=num.ones(1, num.float) #ensure that files are indeed mux2 files times, latitudes, longitudes, elevation, stage, starttime = read_mux2_py([files[0]],weights) ua_times, ua_latitudes, ua_longitudes, ua_elevation, xvelocity,starttime_ua=read_mux2_py([files[1]],weights) msg='ha and ua have different gauge meta data' assert num.allclose(times,ua_times) and num.allclose(latitudes,ua_latitudes) and num.allclose(longitudes,ua_longitudes) and num.allclose(elevation,ua_elevation) and num.allclose(starttime,starttime_ua), msg va_times, va_latitudes, va_longitudes, va_elevation, yvelocity, starttime_va=read_mux2_py([files[2]],weights) msg='ha and va have different gauge meta data' assert num.allclose(times,va_times) and num.allclose(latitudes,va_latitudes) and num.allclose(longitudes,va_longitudes) and num.allclose(elevation,va_elevation) and num.allclose(starttime,starttime_va), msg self.delete_mux(files) msg='time array has incorrect length' assert times.shape[0]==time_step_count,msg msg = 'time array is incorrect' #assert allclose(times,time_step*num.arange(1,time_step_count+1)),msg assert num.allclose(times,time_step*num.arange(time_step_count)), msg msg='Incorrect gauge positions returned' for i,point in enumerate(lat_long_points): assert num.allclose(latitudes[i],point[0]) and num.allclose(longitudes[i],point[1]),msg msg='Incorrect gauge depths returned' assert num.allclose(elevation,-depth),msg msg='incorrect gauge height time series returned' assert num.allclose(stage,ha) msg='incorrect gauge ua time series returned' assert num.allclose(xvelocity,ua) msg='incorrect gauge va time series returned' assert num.allclose(yvelocity, -va) def test_urs2sts_read_mux2_pyII(self): """Spatially varing stage """ tide = 1 time_step_count = 3 time_step = 2 lat_long_points =[(-21.5,114.5),(-21,114.5),(-21.5,115), (-21.,115.)] n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) ha=2*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ha[0]=num.arange(0,time_step_count)+1 ha[1]=time_step_count-num.arange(1,time_step_count+1) ha[1]=num.arange(time_step_count,2*time_step_count) ha[2]=num.arange(2*time_step_count,3*time_step_count) ha[3]=num.arange(3*time_step_count,4*time_step_count) ua=5*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va=-10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) #-ve added to take into account mux file format where south is positive. base_name, files = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) weights=num.ones(1, num.float) #ensure that files are indeed mux2 files times, latitudes, longitudes, elevation, stage,starttime=read_mux2_py([files[0]],weights) ua_times, ua_latitudes, ua_longitudes, ua_elevation, xvelocity,starttime_ua=read_mux2_py([files[1]],weights) msg='ha and ua have different gauge meta data' assert num.allclose(times,ua_times) and num.allclose(latitudes,ua_latitudes) and num.allclose(longitudes,ua_longitudes) and num.allclose(elevation,ua_elevation) and num.allclose(starttime,starttime_ua), msg va_times, va_latitudes, va_longitudes, va_elevation, yvelocity,starttime_va=read_mux2_py([files[2]],weights) msg='ha and va have different gauge meta data' assert num.allclose(times,va_times) and num.allclose(latitudes,va_latitudes) and num.allclose(longitudes,va_longitudes) and num.allclose(elevation,va_elevation) and num.allclose(starttime,starttime_va), msg self.delete_mux(files) msg='time array has incorrect length' #assert times.shape[0]==time_step_count,msg msg = 'time array is incorrect' #assert allclose(times,time_step*num.arange(1,time_step_count+1)),msg msg='Incorrect gauge positions returned' for i,point in enumerate(lat_long_points): assert num.allclose(latitudes[i],point[0]) and num.allclose(longitudes[i],point[1]),msg msg='Incorrect gauge depths returned' assert num.allclose(elevation, -depth),msg msg='incorrect gauge height time series returned' assert num.allclose(stage, ha) msg='incorrect gauge ua time series returned' assert num.allclose(xvelocity, ua) msg='incorrect gauge va time series returned' assert num.allclose(yvelocity, -va) # South is positive in MUX def test_urs2sts_read_mux2_pyIII(self): """Varying start and finish times """ tide = 1 time_step_count = 3 time_step = 2 lat_long_points =[(-21.5,114.5),(-21,114.5),(-21.5,115), (-21.,115.)] n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) first_tstep[0]+=1 first_tstep[2]+=1 last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep[0]-=1 depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) ha=2*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ha[0]=num.arange(0,time_step_count) ha[1]=num.arange(time_step_count,2*time_step_count) ha[2]=num.arange(2*time_step_count,3*time_step_count) ha[3]=num.arange(3*time_step_count,4*time_step_count) ua=5*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va=-10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) #-ve added to take into account mux file format where south is positive. base_name, files = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) weights=num.ones(1, num.float) #ensure that files are indeed mux2 files times, latitudes, longitudes, elevation, stage, starttime=read_mux2_py([files[0]],weights) ua_times, ua_latitudes, ua_longitudes, ua_elevation, xvelocity, starttime_ua=read_mux2_py([files[1]],weights) msg='ha and ua have different gauge meta data' assert num.allclose(times,ua_times) and num.allclose(latitudes,ua_latitudes) and num.allclose(longitudes,ua_longitudes) and num.allclose(elevation,ua_elevation) and num.allclose(starttime,starttime_ua), msg va_times, va_latitudes, va_longitudes, va_elevation, yvelocity,starttime_va=read_mux2_py([files[2]],weights) msg='ha and va have different gauge meta data' assert num.allclose(times,va_times) and num.allclose(latitudes,va_latitudes) and num.allclose(longitudes,va_longitudes) and num.allclose(elevation,va_elevation) and num.allclose(starttime,starttime_va), msg self.delete_mux(files) msg='time array has incorrect length' #assert times.shape[0]==time_step_count,msg msg = 'time array is incorrect' #assert allclose(times,time_step*num.arange(1,time_step_count+1)),msg msg='Incorrect gauge positions returned' for i,point in enumerate(lat_long_points): assert num.allclose(latitudes[i],point[0]) and num.allclose(longitudes[i],point[1]),msg # Set original data used to write mux file to be zero when gauges are #not recdoring ha[0][0]=0.0 ha[0][time_step_count-1]=0.0; ha[2][0]=0.0; ua[0][0]=0.0 ua[0][time_step_count-1]=0.0; ua[2][0]=0.0; va[0][0]=0.0 va[0][time_step_count-1]=0.0; va[2][0]=0.0; msg='Incorrect gauge depths returned' assert num.allclose(elevation,-depth),msg msg='incorrect gauge height time series returned' assert num.allclose(stage,ha) msg='incorrect gauge ua time series returned' assert num.allclose(xvelocity,ua) msg='incorrect gauge va time series returned' assert num.allclose(yvelocity, -va) # South is positive in mux def test_read_mux_platform_problem1(self): """test_read_mux_platform_problem1 This is to test a situation where read_mux returned wrong values Win32 This test passes on Windows but test_read_mux_platform_problem2 does not """ from urs_ext import read_mux2 verbose = False tide = 1.5 time_step_count = 10 time_step = 0.2 times_ref = num.arange(0, time_step_count*time_step, time_step) lat_long_points = [(-21.5,114.5), (-21,114.5), (-21.5,115), (-21.,115.), (-22., 117.)] n = len(lat_long_points) # Create different timeseries starting and ending at different times first_tstep=num.ones(n, num.int) first_tstep[0]+=2 # Point 0 starts at 2 first_tstep[1]+=4 # Point 1 starts at 4 first_tstep[2]+=3 # Point 2 starts at 3 last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep[0]-=1 # Point 0 ends 1 step early last_tstep[1]-=2 # Point 1 ends 2 steps early last_tstep[4]-=3 # Point 4 ends 3 steps early # Create varying elevation data (positive values for seafloor) gauge_depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) for i in range(n): gauge_depth[i] += i**2 # Create data to be written to first mux file ha0=2*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ha0[0]=num.arange(0,time_step_count) ha0[1]=num.arange(time_step_count,2*time_step_count) ha0[2]=num.arange(2*time_step_count,3*time_step_count) ha0[3]=num.arange(3*time_step_count,4*time_step_count) ua0=5*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va0=-10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) # Ensure data used to write mux file to be zero when gauges are # not recording for i in range(n): # For each point for j in range(0, first_tstep[i]-1) + range(last_tstep[i], time_step_count): # For timesteps before and after recording range ha0[i][j] = ua0[i][j] = va0[i][j] = 0.0 # Write first mux file to be combined by urs2sts base_nameI, filesI = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha0, ua=ua0, va=va0) # Create ordering file permutation = ensure_numeric([4,0,2]) _, ordering_filename = tempfile.mkstemp('') order_fid = open(ordering_filename, 'w') order_fid.write('index, longitude, latitude\n') for index in permutation: order_fid.write('%d, %f, %f\n' %(index, lat_long_points[index][1], lat_long_points[index][0])) order_fid.close() # ------------------------------------- # Now read files back and check values weights = ensure_numeric([1.0]) # For each quantity read the associated list of source mux2 file with # extention associated with that quantity file_params=-1*num.ones(3,num.float) #[nsta,dt,nt] OFFSET = 5 for j, file in enumerate(filesI): data = read_mux2(1, [file], weights, file_params, permutation, verbose) number_of_selected_stations = data.shape[0] # Index where data ends and parameters begin parameters_index = data.shape[1]-OFFSET for i in range(number_of_selected_stations): if j == 0: assert num.allclose(data[i][:parameters_index], ha0[permutation[i], :]) if j == 1: assert num.allclose(data[i][:parameters_index], ua0[permutation[i], :]) if j == 2: assert num.allclose(data[i][:parameters_index], -va0[permutation[i], :]) self.delete_mux(filesI) def test_read_mux_platform_problem2(self): """test_read_mux_platform_problem2 This is to test a situation where read_mux returned wrong values Win32 This test does not pass on Windows but test_read_mux_platform_problem1 does """ from urs_ext import read_mux2 from anuga.config import single_precision as epsilon verbose = False tide = 1.5 time_step_count = 10 time_step = 0.2 times_ref = num.arange(0, time_step_count*time_step, time_step) lat_long_points = [(-21.5,114.5), (-21,114.5), (-21.5,115), (-21.,115.), (-22., 117.)] n = len(lat_long_points) # Create different timeseries starting and ending at different times first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) first_tstep[0]+=2 # Point 0 starts at 2 first_tstep[1]+=4 # Point 1 starts at 4 first_tstep[2]+=3 # Point 2 starts at 3 last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep[0]-=1 # Point 0 ends 1 step early last_tstep[1]-=2 # Point 1 ends 2 steps early last_tstep[4]-=3 # Point 4 ends 3 steps early # Create varying elevation data (positive values for seafloor) gauge_depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) for i in range(n): gauge_depth[i] += i**2 # Create data to be written to second mux file ha1=num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ha1[0]=num.sin(times_ref) ha1[1]=2*num.sin(times_ref - 3) ha1[2]=5*num.sin(4*times_ref) ha1[3]=num.sin(times_ref) ha1[4]=num.sin(2*times_ref-0.7) ua1=num.zeros((n,time_step_count),num.float) ua1[0]=3*num.cos(times_ref) ua1[1]=2*num.sin(times_ref-0.7) ua1[2]=num.arange(3*time_step_count,4*time_step_count) ua1[4]=2*num.ones(time_step_count) va1=num.zeros((n,time_step_count),num.float) va1[0]=2*num.cos(times_ref-0.87) va1[1]=3*num.ones(time_step_count) va1[3]=2*num.sin(times_ref-0.71) # Ensure data used to write mux file to be zero when gauges are # not recording for i in range(n): # For each point for j in range(0, first_tstep[i]-1) + range(last_tstep[i], time_step_count): # For timesteps before and after recording range ha1[i][j] = ua1[i][j] = va1[i][j] = 0.0 #print 'Second station to be written to MUX' #print 'ha', ha1[0,:] #print 'ua', ua1[0,:] #print 'va', va1[0,:] # Write second mux file to be combined by urs2sts base_nameII, filesII = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha1, ua=ua1, va=va1) # Read mux file back and verify it's correcness #################################################### # FIXME (Ole): This is where the test should # verify that the MUX files are correct. #JJ: It appears as though #that certain quantities are not being stored with enough precision #inn muxfile or more likely that they are being cast into a #lower precision when read in using read_mux2 Time step and q_time # are equal but only to approx 1e-7 #################################################### #define information as it should be stored in mus2 files points_num=len(lat_long_points) depth=gauge_depth ha=ha1 ua=ua1 va=va1 quantities = ['HA','UA','VA'] mux_names = [WAVEHEIGHT_MUX2_LABEL, EAST_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL, NORTH_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL] quantities_init = [[],[],[]] latlondeps = [] #irrelevant header information ig=ilon=ilat=0 mcolat=mcolon=centerlat=centerlon=offset=az=baz=id=0.0 # urs binary is latitude fastest for i,point in enumerate(lat_long_points): lat = point[0] lon = point[1] _ , e, n = redfearn(lat, lon) if depth is None: this_depth = n else: this_depth = depth[i] latlondeps.append([lat, lon, this_depth]) if ha is None: this_ha = e quantities_init[0].append(num.ones(time_step_count,num.float)*this_ha) # HA else: quantities_init[0].append(ha[i]) if ua is None: this_ua = n quantities_init[1].append(num.ones(time_step_count,num.float)*this_ua) # UA else: quantities_init[1].append(ua[i]) if va is None: this_va = e quantities_init[2].append(num.ones(time_step_count,num.float)*this_va) # else: quantities_init[2].append(va[i]) for i, q in enumerate(quantities): #print #print i, q q_time = num.zeros((time_step_count, points_num), num.float) quantities_init[i] = ensure_numeric(quantities_init[i]) for time in range(time_step_count): #print i, q, time, quantities_init[i][:,time] q_time[time,:] = quantities_init[i][:,time] #print i, q, time, q_time[time, :] filename = base_nameII + mux_names[i] f = open(filename, 'rb') if self.verbose: print 'Reading' + filename assert abs(points_num-unpack('i',f.read(4))[0])=first_tstep[point_i] and time+1<=last_tstep[point_i]: x = unpack('f',f.read(4))[0] #print time, x, q_time[time, point_i] if q == 'VA': x = -x # South is positive in MUX assert abs(q_time[time, point_i]-x)=first_tstep[point_i] and time+1<=last_tstep[point_i]: x = unpack('f',f.read(4))[0] #print time, x, q_time[time, point_i] if q == 'VA': x = -x # South is positive in MUX #print q+" q_time[%d, %d] = %f" %(time, point_i, #q_time[time, point_i]) assert abs(q_time[time, point_i]-x) 1: count +=1 index_end_urs_z = i if count == 0: index_end_urs_z = len(urs_stage) start_times_z = time_start_z[source_number-1] # start times for easting velocities should be the same as stage start_times_e = time_start_e[source_number-1] index_start_urs_e = index_start_urs_z index_end_urs_e = index_end_urs_z # start times for northing velocities should be the same as stage start_times_n = time_start_n[source_number-1] index_start_urs_n = index_start_urs_z index_end_urs_n = index_end_urs_z # Check that actual start time matches header information for stage msg = 'stage start time from urs file is not the same as the ' msg += 'header file for source %i and station %i' %(source_number,j) assert num.allclose(index_start_urs_z,start_times_z[j]/delta_t), msg msg = 'e velocity start time from urs file is not the same as the ' msg += 'header file for source %i and station %i' %(source_number,j) assert num.allclose(index_start_urs_e,start_times_e[j]/delta_t), msg msg = 'n velocity start time from urs file is not the same as the ' msg += 'header file for source %i and station %i' %(source_number,j) assert num.allclose(index_start_urs_n,start_times_n[j]/delta_t), msg # get index for start and end time for sts quantities index_start_stage = 0 index_end_stage = 0 count = 0 sts_stage = quantities['stage'][:,j] for i in range(len(sts_stage)): if sts_stage[i] <> 0.0 and count <> 1: count += 1 index_start_stage = i if int(sts_stage[i]) == 99 and count <> 1: count += 1 index_end_stage = i index_end_stage = index_start_stage + len(urs_stage[index_start_urs_z:index_end_urs_z]) sts_xmom = quantities['xmomentum'][:,j] index_start_x = index_start_stage index_end_x = index_start_x + len(urs_e[index_start_urs_e:index_end_urs_e]) sts_ymom = quantities['ymomentum'][:,j] index_start_y = index_start_stage index_end_y = index_start_y + len(urs_n[index_start_urs_n:index_end_urs_n]) # check that urs stage and sts stage are the same msg = 'urs stage is not equal to sts stage for for source %i and station %i' %(source_number,j) assert num.allclose(urs_stage[index_start_urs_z:index_end_urs_z], sts_stage[index_start_stage:index_end_stage], rtol=1.0e-6, atol=1.0e-5 ), msg # check that urs e velocity and sts xmomentum are the same msg = 'urs e velocity is not equivalent to sts x momentum for for source %i and station %i' %(source_number,j) assert num.allclose(urs_e[index_start_urs_e:index_end_urs_e]*(urs_stage[index_start_urs_e:index_end_urs_e]-elevation[j]), sts_xmom[index_start_x:index_end_x], rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-4 ), msg # check that urs n velocity and sts ymomentum are the same #print 'urs n velocity', urs_n[index_start_urs_n:index_end_urs_n]*(urs_stage[index_start_urs_n:index_end_urs_n]-elevation[j]) #print 'sts momentum', sts_ymom[index_start_y:index_end_y] msg = 'urs n velocity is not equivalent to sts y momentum for source %i and station %i' %(source_number,j) assert num.allclose(urs_n[index_start_urs_n:index_end_urs_n]*(urs_stage[index_start_urs_n:index_end_urs_n]-elevation[j]), -sts_ymom[index_start_y:index_end_y], rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-4 ), msg fid.close() os.remove(sts_name_out+'.sts') def test_urs2sts_combined_sources(self): """Test that combined sources compare to actual urs output Test that the first recording time is the smallest over waveheight, easting and northing velocity """ # combined time_start_z = num.array([9.5,10.9,12.4,13.9,17.1]) time_start_e = time_start_n = time_start_z # make sts file for combined sources weights = [1., 2., 3.] path = get_pathname_from_package('anuga.shallow_water') testdir = os.path.join(path, 'urs_test_data') ordering_filename=os.path.join(testdir, 'thinned_bound_order_test.txt') urs_filenames = [os.path.join(testdir,'1-z.grd'), os.path.join(testdir,'2-z.grd'), os.path.join(testdir,'3-z.grd')] sts_name_out = 'test' urs2sts(urs_filenames, basename_out=sts_name_out, ordering_filename=ordering_filename, weights=weights, mean_stage=0.0, verbose=False) # read in sts file for combined source fid = NetCDFFile(sts_name_out+'.sts', netcdf_mode_r) #Open existing file for read x = fid.variables['x'][:]+fid.xllcorner #x-coordinates of vertices y = fid.variables['y'][:]+fid.yllcorner #y-coordinates of vertices elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] time=fid.variables['time'][:]+fid.starttime # Check that stored permutation is as per default permutation = range(len(x)) stored_permutation = fid.variables['permutation'][:] msg = 'Permutation was not stored correctly. I got ' msg += str(stored_permutation) assert num.allclose(stored_permutation, permutation), msg # get quantity data from sts file quantity_names=['stage','xmomentum','ymomentum'] quantities = {} for i, name in enumerate(quantity_names): quantities[name] = fid.variables[name][:] # For each station, compare urs2sts output to known urs output delta_t = 0.1 # Make sure start time from sts file is the minimum starttime # across all stations (for this source) starttime = min(time_start_z[:]) sts_starttime = fid.starttime[0] msg = 'sts starttime was %f. Should have been %f'\ %(sts_starttime, starttime) assert num.allclose(sts_starttime, starttime), msg #stations = [1,2,3] #for j in stations: for j in range(len(x)): index_start_urs_z = 0 index_end_urs_z = 0 index_start_urs_e = 0 index_end_urs_e = 0 index_start_urs_n = 0 index_end_urs_n = 0 count = 0 # read in urs test data for stage, e and n velocity urs_file_name_z = 'z_combined_'+str(j)+'.csv' dict = csv2array(os.path.join(testdir, urs_file_name_z)) urs_stage = dict['urs_stage'] urs_file_name_e = 'e_combined_'+str(j)+'.csv' dict = csv2array(os.path.join(testdir, urs_file_name_e)) urs_e = dict['urs_e'] urs_file_name_n = 'n_combined_'+str(j)+'.csv' dict = csv2array(os.path.join(testdir, urs_file_name_n)) urs_n = dict['urs_n'] # find start and end time for stage for i in range(len(urs_stage)): if urs_stage[i] == 0.0: index_start_urs_z = i+1 if int(urs_stage[i]) == 99 and count <> 1: count +=1 index_end_urs_z = i if count == 0: index_end_urs_z = len(urs_stage) start_times_z = time_start_z[j] start_times_e = time_start_e[j] index_start_urs_e = index_start_urs_z start_times_n = time_start_n[j] index_start_urs_n = index_start_urs_z # Check that actual start time matches header information for stage msg = 'stage start time from urs file is not the same as the ' msg += 'header file at station %i' %(j) assert num.allclose(index_start_urs_z,start_times_z/delta_t), msg msg = 'e velocity start time from urs file is not the same as the ' msg += 'header file at station %i' %(j) assert num.allclose(index_start_urs_e,start_times_e/delta_t), msg msg = 'n velocity start time from urs file is not the same as the ' msg += 'header file at station %i' %(j) assert num.allclose(index_start_urs_n,start_times_n/delta_t), msg # get index for start and end time for sts quantities index_start_stage = 0 index_end_stage = 0 index_start_x = 0 index_end_x = 0 index_start_y = 0 index_end_y = 0 count = 0 count1 = 0 sts_stage = quantities['stage'][:,j] for i in range(len(sts_stage)): if sts_stage[i] <> 0.0 and count <> 1: count += 1 index_start_stage = i if int(urs_stage[i]) == 99 and count <> 1: count +=1 index_end_stage = i index_end_stage = index_start_stage + len(urs_stage[index_start_urs_z:index_end_urs_z]) index_start_x = index_start_stage index_end_x = index_start_x + len(urs_stage[index_start_urs_e:index_end_urs_e]) sts_xmom = quantities['ymomentum'][:,j] index_start_y = index_start_stage index_end_y = index_start_y + len(urs_stage[index_start_urs_n:index_end_urs_n]) sts_ymom = quantities['ymomentum'][:,j] # check that urs stage and sts stage are the same msg = 'urs stage is not equal to sts stage for station %i' %j #print 'urs stage', urs_stage[index_start_urs_z:index_end_urs_z] #print 'sts stage', sts_stage[index_start_stage:index_end_stage] #print 'diff', max(urs_stage[index_start_urs_z:index_end_urs_z]-sts_stage[index_start_stage:index_end_stage]) #print 'index', index_start_stage, index_end_stage, len(sts_stage) assert num.allclose(urs_stage[index_start_urs_z:index_end_urs_z], sts_stage[index_start_stage:index_end_stage], rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-4 ), msg # check that urs e velocity and sts xmomentum are the same msg = 'urs e velocity is not equivalent to sts xmomentum for station %i' %j assert num.allclose(urs_e[index_start_urs_e:index_end_urs_e]*(urs_stage[index_start_urs_e:index_end_urs_e]-elevation[j]), sts_xmom[index_start_x:index_end_x], rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-4 ), msg # check that urs n velocity and sts ymomentum are the same msg = 'urs n velocity is not equivalent to sts ymomentum for station %i' %j assert num.allclose(urs_n[index_start_urs_n:index_end_urs_n]*(urs_stage[index_start_urs_n:index_end_urs_n]-elevation[j]), sts_ymom[index_start_y:index_end_y], rtol=1.0e-5, atol=1.0e-4 ), msg fid.close() os.remove(sts_name_out+'.sts') def test_urs2sts_ordering(self): """Test multiple sources with ordering file """ tide = 0.35 time_step_count = 6 # I made this a little longer (Ole) time_step = 2 lat_long_points =[(-21.5,114.5),(-21,114.5),(-21.5,115), (-21.,115.)] n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) first_tstep[0]+=1 first_tstep[2]+=1 last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep[0]-=1 gauge_depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) ha=2*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ha[0]=num.arange(0,time_step_count) ha[1]=num.arange(time_step_count,2*time_step_count) ha[2]=num.arange(2*time_step_count,3*time_step_count) ha[3]=num.arange(3*time_step_count,4*time_step_count) ua=5*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va=-10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) # Create two identical mux files to be combined by urs2sts base_nameI, filesI = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) base_nameII, filesII = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) # Create ordering file permutation = [3,0,2] _, ordering_filename = tempfile.mkstemp('') order_fid = open(ordering_filename, 'w') order_fid.write('index, longitude, latitude\n') for index in permutation: order_fid.write('%d, %f, %f\n' %(index, lat_long_points[index][1], lat_long_points[index][0])) order_fid.close() # Call urs2sts with multiple mux files urs2sts([base_nameI, base_nameII], basename_out=base_nameI, ordering_filename=ordering_filename, weights=[1.0, 1.0], mean_stage=tide, verbose=False) # now I want to check the sts file ... sts_file = base_nameI + '.sts' #Let's interrogate the sts file # Note, the sts info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sts_file) # Check that original indices have been stored stored_permutation = fid.variables['permutation'][:] msg = 'Permutation was not stored correctly. I got ' msg += str(stored_permutation) assert num.allclose(stored_permutation, permutation), msg # Make x and y absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] #print #print x #print y for i, index in enumerate(permutation): # Check that STS points are stored in the correct order # Work out the UTM coordinates sts point i zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long_points[index][0], lat_long_points[index][1]) #print i, [x[i],y[i]], [e,n] assert num.allclose([x[i],y[i]], [e,n]) # Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] times_actual = [] for i in range(time_step_count): times_actual.append(time_step * i) assert num.allclose(ensure_numeric(times), ensure_numeric(times_actual)) # Check sts values stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] # Set original data used to write mux file to be zero when gauges are # not recdoring ha[0][0]=0.0 ha[0][time_step_count-1]=0.0 ha[2][0]=0.0 ua[0][0]=0.0 ua[0][time_step_count-1]=0.0 ua[2][0]=0.0 va[0][0]=0.0 va[0][time_step_count-1]=0.0 va[2][0]=0.0; # The stage stored in the .sts file should be the sum of the stage # in the two mux2 files because both have weights = 1. In this case # the mux2 files are the same so stage == 2.0 * ha #print 2.0*num.transpose(ha) - stage ha_permutation = num.take(ha, permutation, axis=0) ua_permutation = num.take(ua, permutation, axis=0) va_permutation = num.take(va, permutation, axis=0) gauge_depth_permutation = num.take(gauge_depth, permutation, axis=0) assert num.allclose(2.0*num.transpose(ha_permutation)+tide, stage) # Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_ua *(stage+depth) depth=num.zeros((len(lat_long_points),time_step_count),num.float) for i in range(len(lat_long_points)): depth[i]=gauge_depth[i]+tide+2.0*ha[i] #2.0*ha necessary because using two files with weights=1 are used depth_permutation = num.take(depth, permutation, axis=0) # The xmomentum stored in the .sts file should be the sum of the ua # in the two mux2 files multiplied by the depth. assert num.allclose(2.0*num.transpose(ua_permutation*depth_permutation), xmomentum) #Check the momentums - va #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_va *(stage+depth) # The ymomentum stored in the .sts file should be the sum of the va # in the two mux2 files multiplied by the depth. assert num.allclose(2.0*num.transpose(va_permutation*depth_permutation), ymomentum) # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, assert num.allclose(-gauge_depth_permutation, elevation) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(filesI) self.delete_mux(filesII) os.remove(sts_file) def Xtest_urs2sts_ordering_exception(self): """Test that inconsistent lats and lons in ordering file are caught. """ tide=0 time_step_count = 3 time_step = 2 lat_long_points =[(-21.5,114.5),(-21,114.5),(-21.5,115), (-21.,115.)] n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) first_tstep[0]+=1 first_tstep[2]+=1 last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep[0]-=1 gauge_depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) ha=2*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ha[0]=num.arange(0,time_step_count) ha[1]=num.arange(time_step_count,2*time_step_count) ha[2]=num.arange(2*time_step_count,3*time_step_count) ha[3]=num.arange(3*time_step_count,4*time_step_count) ua=5*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va=-10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) # Create two identical mux files to be combined by urs2sts base_nameI, filesI = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) base_nameII, filesII = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) # Create ordering file permutation = [3,0,2] # Do it wrongly and check that exception is being raised _, ordering_filename = tempfile.mkstemp('') order_fid = open(ordering_filename, 'w') order_fid.write('index, longitude, latitude\n') for index in permutation: order_fid.write('%d, %f, %f\n' %(index, lat_long_points[index][0], lat_long_points[index][1])) order_fid.close() try: urs2sts([base_nameI, base_nameII], basename_out=base_nameI, ordering_filename=ordering_filename, weights=[1.0, 1.0], mean_stage=tide, verbose=False) os.remove(ordering_filename) except: pass else: msg = 'Should have caught wrong lat longs' raise Exception, msg self.delete_mux(filesI) self.delete_mux(filesII) def test_urs2sts_ordering_different_sources(self): """Test multiple sources with ordering file, different source files and weights. This test also has more variable values than the previous ones """ tide = 1.5 time_step_count = 10 time_step = 0.2 times_ref = num.arange(0, time_step_count*time_step, time_step) #print 'time vector', times_ref lat_long_points = [(-21.5,114.5), (-21,114.5), (-21.5,115), (-21.,115.), (-22., 117.)] n = len(lat_long_points) # Create non-trivial weights #weights = [0.8, 1.5] # OK #weights = [0.8, 10.5] # Fail (up to allclose tolerance) #weights = [10.5, 10.5] # OK #weights = [0.0, 10.5] # OK #weights = [0.8, 0.] # OK #weights = [8, 0.1] # OK #weights = [0.8, 10.0] # OK #weights = [0.8, 10.6] # OK weights = [3.8, 7.6] # OK #weights = [0.5, 0.5] # OK #weights = [2., 2.] # OK #weights = [0.0, 0.5] # OK #weights = [1.0, 1.0] # OK # Create different timeseries starting and ending at different times first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) first_tstep[0]+=2 # Point 0 starts at 2 first_tstep[1]+=4 # Point 1 starts at 4 first_tstep[2]+=3 # Point 2 starts at 3 last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep[0]-=1 # Point 0 ends 1 step early last_tstep[1]-=2 # Point 1 ends 2 steps early last_tstep[4]-=3 # Point 4 ends 3 steps early #print #print 'time_step_count', time_step_count #print 'time_step', time_step #print 'first_tstep', first_tstep #print 'last_tstep', last_tstep # Create varying elevation data (positive values for seafloor) gauge_depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) for i in range(n): gauge_depth[i] += i**2 #print 'gauge_depth', gauge_depth # Create data to be written to first mux file ha0=2*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ha0[0]=num.arange(0,time_step_count) ha0[1]=num.arange(time_step_count,2*time_step_count) ha0[2]=num.arange(2*time_step_count,3*time_step_count) ha0[3]=num.arange(3*time_step_count,4*time_step_count) ua0=5*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va0=-10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) # Ensure data used to write mux file to be zero when gauges are # not recording for i in range(n): # For each point for j in range(0, first_tstep[i]-1) + range(last_tstep[i], time_step_count): # For timesteps before and after recording range ha0[i][j] = ua0[i][j] = va0[i][j] = 0.0 #print #print 'using varying start and end time' #print 'ha0', ha0[4] #print 'ua0', ua0 #print 'va0', va0 # Write first mux file to be combined by urs2sts base_nameI, filesI = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha0, ua=ua0, va=va0) # Create data to be written to second mux file ha1=num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ha1[0]=num.sin(times_ref) ha1[1]=2*num.sin(times_ref - 3) ha1[2]=5*num.sin(4*times_ref) ha1[3]=num.sin(times_ref) ha1[4]=num.sin(2*times_ref-0.7) ua1=num.zeros((n,time_step_count),num.float) ua1[0]=3*num.cos(times_ref) ua1[1]=2*num.sin(times_ref-0.7) ua1[2]=num.arange(3*time_step_count,4*time_step_count) ua1[4]=2*num.ones(time_step_count) va1=num.zeros((n,time_step_count),num.float) va1[0]=2*num.cos(times_ref-0.87) va1[1]=3*num.ones(time_step_count, num.int) #array default# va1[3]=2*num.sin(times_ref-0.71) # Ensure data used to write mux file to be zero when gauges are # not recording for i in range(n): # For each point for j in range(0, first_tstep[i]-1) + range(last_tstep[i], time_step_count): # For timesteps before and after recording range ha1[i][j] = ua1[i][j] = va1[i][j] = 0.0 #print #print 'using varying start and end time' #print 'ha1', ha1[4] #print 'ua1', ua1 #print 'va1', va1 # Write second mux file to be combined by urs2sts base_nameII, filesII = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha1, ua=ua1, va=va1) # Create ordering file permutation = [4,0,2] _, ordering_filename = tempfile.mkstemp('') order_fid = open(ordering_filename, 'w') order_fid.write('index, longitude, latitude\n') for index in permutation: order_fid.write('%d, %f, %f\n' %(index, lat_long_points[index][1], lat_long_points[index][0])) order_fid.close() #------------------------------------------------------------ # Now read the mux files one by one without weights and test # Call urs2sts with mux file #0 urs2sts([base_nameI], basename_out=base_nameI, ordering_filename=ordering_filename, mean_stage=tide, verbose=False) # Now read the sts file and check that values have been stored correctly. sts_file = base_nameI + '.sts' fid = NetCDFFile(sts_file) # Check that original indices have been stored stored_permutation = fid.variables['permutation'][:] msg = 'Permutation was not stored correctly. I got ' msg += str(stored_permutation) assert num.allclose(stored_permutation, permutation), msg # Make x and y absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] for i, index in enumerate(permutation): # Check that STS points are stored in the correct order # Work out the UTM coordinates sts point i zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long_points[index][0], lat_long_points[index][1]) #print i, [x[i],y[i]], [e,n] assert num.allclose([x[i],y[i]], [e,n]) # Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] assert num.allclose(ensure_numeric(times), ensure_numeric(times_ref)) # Check sts values for mux #0 stage0 = fid.variables['stage'][:].copy() xmomentum0 = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:].copy() ymomentum0 = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:].copy() elevation0 = fid.variables['elevation'][:].copy() #print 'stage', stage0 #print 'xmomentum', xmomentum0 #print 'ymomentum', ymomentum0 #print 'elevation', elevation0 # The quantities stored in the .sts file should be the weighted sum of the # quantities written to the mux2 files subject to the permutation vector. ha_ref = num.take(ha0, permutation, axis=0) ua_ref = num.take(ua0, permutation, axis=0) va_ref = num.take(va0, permutation, axis=0) gauge_depth_ref = num.take(gauge_depth, permutation, axis=0) assert num.allclose(num.transpose(ha_ref)+tide, stage0) # Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_ua *(stage+depth) depth_ref = num.zeros((len(permutation), time_step_count), num.float) for i in range(len(permutation)): depth_ref[i]=gauge_depth_ref[i]+tide+ha_ref[i] # The xmomentum stored in the .sts file should be the sum of the ua # in the two mux2 files multiplied by the depth. assert num.allclose(num.transpose(ua_ref*depth_ref), xmomentum0) #Check the momentums - va #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_va *(stage+depth) # The ymomentum stored in the .sts file should be the sum of the va # in the two mux2 files multiplied by the depth. #print transpose(va_ref*depth_ref) #print ymomentum assert num.allclose(num.transpose(va_ref*depth_ref), ymomentum0) # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, assert num.allclose(-gauge_depth_ref, elevation0) fid.close() os.remove(sts_file) # Call urs2sts with mux file #1 urs2sts([base_nameII], basename_out=base_nameI, ordering_filename=ordering_filename, mean_stage=tide, verbose=False) # Now read the sts file and check that values have been stored correctly. sts_file = base_nameI + '.sts' fid = NetCDFFile(sts_file) # Check that original indices have been stored stored_permutation = fid.variables['permutation'][:] msg = 'Permutation was not stored correctly. I got ' msg += str(stored_permutation) assert num.allclose(stored_permutation, permutation), msg # Make x and y absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] for i, index in enumerate(permutation): # Check that STS points are stored in the correct order # Work out the UTM coordinates sts point i zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long_points[index][0], lat_long_points[index][1]) #print i, [x[i],y[i]], [e,n] assert num.allclose([x[i],y[i]], [e,n]) # Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] assert num.allclose(ensure_numeric(times), ensure_numeric(times_ref)) # Check sts values for mux #1 stage1 = fid.variables['stage'][:].copy() xmomentum1 = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:].copy() ymomentum1 = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:].copy() elevation1 = fid.variables['elevation'][:].copy() #print 'stage', stage1 #print 'xmomentum', xmomentum1 #print 'ymomentum', ymomentum1 #print 'elevation', elevation1 # The quantities stored in the .sts file should be the weighted sum of the # quantities written to the mux2 files subject to the permutation vector. ha_ref = num.take(ha1, permutation, axis=0) ua_ref = num.take(ua1, permutation, axis=0) va_ref = num.take(va1, permutation, axis=0) gauge_depth_ref = num.take(gauge_depth, permutation, axis=0) #print #print stage1 #print transpose(ha_ref)+tide - stage1 assert num.allclose(num.transpose(ha_ref)+tide, stage1) # Meters #import sys; sys.exit() #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_ua *(stage+depth) depth_ref = num.zeros((len(permutation), time_step_count), num.float) for i in range(len(permutation)): depth_ref[i]=gauge_depth_ref[i]+tide+ha_ref[i] # The xmomentum stored in the .sts file should be the sum of the ua # in the two mux2 files multiplied by the depth. assert num.allclose(num.transpose(ua_ref*depth_ref), xmomentum1) #Check the momentums - va #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_va *(stage+depth) # The ymomentum stored in the .sts file should be the sum of the va # in the two mux2 files multiplied by the depth. #print transpose(va_ref*depth_ref) #print ymomentum assert num.allclose(num.transpose(va_ref*depth_ref), ymomentum1) # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, assert num.allclose(-gauge_depth_ref, elevation1) fid.close() os.remove(sts_file) #---------------------- # Then read the mux files together and test # Call urs2sts with multiple mux files urs2sts([base_nameI, base_nameII], basename_out=base_nameI, ordering_filename=ordering_filename, weights=weights, mean_stage=tide, verbose=False) # Now read the sts file and check that values have been stored correctly. sts_file = base_nameI + '.sts' fid = NetCDFFile(sts_file) # Make x and y absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] for i, index in enumerate(permutation): # Check that STS points are stored in the correct order # Work out the UTM coordinates sts point i zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long_points[index][0], lat_long_points[index][1]) #print i, [x[i],y[i]], [e,n] assert num.allclose([x[i],y[i]], [e,n]) # Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] assert num.allclose(ensure_numeric(times), ensure_numeric(times_ref)) # Check sts values stage = fid.variables['stage'][:].copy() xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:].copy() ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:].copy() elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:].copy() #print 'stage', stage #print 'elevation', elevation # The quantities stored in the .sts file should be the weighted sum of the # quantities written to the mux2 files subject to the permutation vector. ha_ref = (weights[0]*num.take(ha0, permutation, axis=0) + weights[1]*num.take(ha1, permutation, axis=0)) ua_ref = (weights[0]*num.take(ua0, permutation, axis=0) + weights[1]*num.take(ua1, permutation, axis=0)) va_ref = (weights[0]*num.take(va0, permutation, axis=0) + weights[1]*num.take(va1, permutation, axis=0)) gauge_depth_ref = num.take(gauge_depth, permutation, axis=0) #print #print stage #print transpose(ha_ref)+tide - stage assert num.allclose(num.transpose(ha_ref)+tide, stage) # Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_ua *(stage+depth) depth_ref = num.zeros((len(permutation), time_step_count), num.float) for i in range(len(permutation)): depth_ref[i]=gauge_depth_ref[i]+tide+ha_ref[i] # The xmomentum stored in the .sts file should be the sum of the ua # in the two mux2 files multiplied by the depth. assert num.allclose(num.transpose(ua_ref*depth_ref), xmomentum) #Check the momentums - va #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_va *(stage+depth) # The ymomentum stored in the .sts file should be the sum of the va # in the two mux2 files multiplied by the depth. #print transpose(va_ref*depth_ref) #print ymomentum assert num.allclose(num.transpose(va_ref*depth_ref), ymomentum) # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, assert num.allclose(-gauge_depth_ref, elevation) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(filesI) self.delete_mux(filesII) os.remove(sts_file) #--------------- # "Manually" add the timeseries up with weights and test # Tide is discounted from individual results and added back in # stage_man = weights[0]*(stage0-tide) + weights[1]*(stage1-tide) + tide assert num.allclose(stage_man, stage) def test_file_boundary_stsI(self): """test_file_boundary_stsI(self): """ # FIXME (Ole): These tests should really move to # test_generic_boundaries.py from anuga.shallow_water import Domain from anuga.shallow_water import Reflective_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Dirichlet_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import File_boundary from anuga.pmesh.mesh_interface import create_mesh_from_regions bounding_polygon=[[6.0,97.0],[6.01,97.0],[6.02,97.0],[6.02,97.02],[6.00,97.02]] tide = 0.37 time_step_count = 5 time_step = 2 lat_long_points =bounding_polygon[0:3] n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) h = 20 w = 2 u = 10 v = -10 gauge_depth=h*num.ones(n,num.float) ha=w*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ua=u*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va=v*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) base_name, files = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) sts_file=base_name urs2sts(base_name, sts_file, mean_stage=tide, verbose=False) self.delete_mux(files) #print 'start create mesh from regions' for i in range(len(bounding_polygon)): zone,bounding_polygon[i][0],bounding_polygon[i][1]=redfearn(bounding_polygon[i][0],bounding_polygon[i][1]) extent_res=1000000 meshname = 'urs_test_mesh' + '.tsh' interior_regions=None boundary_tags={'ocean': [0,1], 'otherocean': [2,3,4]} create_mesh_from_regions(bounding_polygon, boundary_tags=boundary_tags, maximum_triangle_area=extent_res, filename=meshname, interior_regions=interior_regions, verbose=False) domain_fbound = Domain(meshname) domain_fbound.set_quantity('stage', tide) Bf = File_boundary(sts_file+'.sts', domain_fbound, boundary_polygon=bounding_polygon) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_fbound) Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([w+tide, u*(w+h+tide), v*(w+h+tide)]) domain_fbound.set_boundary({'ocean': Bf,'otherocean': Br}) # Check boundary object evaluates as it should for i, ((vol_id, edge_id), B) in enumerate(domain_fbound.boundary_objects): if B is Bf: qf = B.evaluate(vol_id, edge_id) # File boundary qd = Bd.evaluate(vol_id, edge_id) # Dirichlet boundary assert num.allclose(qf, qd) # Evolve finaltime=time_step*(time_step_count-1) yieldstep=time_step temp_fbound=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1,num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_fbound.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step=False)): D = domain_fbound temp_fbound[i]=D.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] # Check that file boundary object has populated # boundary array correctly # FIXME (Ole): Do this for the other tests too! for j, val in enumerate(D.get_quantity('stage').boundary_values): (vol_id, edge_id), B = D.boundary_objects[j] if isinstance(B, File_boundary): #print j, val assert num.allclose(val, w + tide) domain_drchlt = Domain(meshname) domain_drchlt.set_quantity('stage', tide) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_drchlt) domain_drchlt.set_boundary({'ocean': Bd,'otherocean': Br}) temp_drchlt=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1,num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_drchlt.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step=False)): temp_drchlt[i]=domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] #print domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values #print domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].vertex_values assert num.allclose(temp_fbound,temp_drchlt) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].vertex_values) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values) os.remove(sts_file+'.sts') os.remove(meshname) def test_file_boundary_stsI_beyond_model_time(self): """test_file_boundary_stsI(self): Test that file_boundary can work when model time exceeds available data. This is optional and requires the user to specify a default boundary object. """ # Don't do warnings in unit test import warnings warnings.simplefilter('ignore') from anuga.shallow_water import Domain from anuga.shallow_water import Reflective_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Dirichlet_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import File_boundary from anuga.pmesh.mesh_interface import create_mesh_from_regions bounding_polygon=[[6.0,97.0],[6.01,97.0],[6.02,97.0], [6.02,97.02],[6.00,97.02]] tide = 0.37 time_step_count = 5 time_step = 2 lat_long_points = bounding_polygon[0:3] n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) h = 20 w = 2 u = 10 v = -10 gauge_depth=h*num.ones(n,num.float) ha=w*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ua=u*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va=v*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) base_name, files = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) sts_file=base_name urs2sts(base_name, sts_file, mean_stage=tide, verbose=False) self.delete_mux(files) #print 'start create mesh from regions' for i in range(len(bounding_polygon)): zone,\ bounding_polygon[i][0],\ bounding_polygon[i][1]=redfearn(bounding_polygon[i][0], bounding_polygon[i][1]) extent_res=1000000 meshname = 'urs_test_mesh' + '.tsh' interior_regions=None boundary_tags={'ocean': [0,1], 'otherocean': [2,3,4]} create_mesh_from_regions(bounding_polygon, boundary_tags=boundary_tags, maximum_triangle_area=extent_res, filename=meshname, interior_regions=interior_regions, verbose=False) domain_fbound = Domain(meshname) domain_fbound.set_quantity('stage', tide) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_fbound) Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([w+tide, u*(w+h+tide), v*(w+h+tide)]) Bf = File_boundary(sts_file+'.sts', domain_fbound, boundary_polygon=bounding_polygon, default_boundary=Bd) # Condition to be used # if model time exceeds # available data domain_fbound.set_boundary({'ocean': Bf,'otherocean': Br}) # Check boundary object evaluates as it should for i, ((vol_id, edge_id), B) in enumerate(domain_fbound.boundary_objects): if B is Bf: qf = B.evaluate(vol_id, edge_id) # File boundary qd = Bd.evaluate(vol_id, edge_id) # Dirichlet boundary assert num.allclose(qf, qd) # Evolve data_finaltime = time_step*(time_step_count-1) finaltime = data_finaltime + 10 # Let model time exceed available data yieldstep = time_step temp_fbound=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1, num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_fbound.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step=False)): D = domain_fbound temp_fbound[i]=D.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] # Check that file boundary object has populated # boundary array correctly # FIXME (Ole): Do this for the other tests too! for j, val in enumerate(D.get_quantity('stage').boundary_values): (vol_id, edge_id), B = D.boundary_objects[j] if isinstance(B, File_boundary): #print j, val assert num.allclose(val, w + tide) domain_drchlt = Domain(meshname) domain_drchlt.set_quantity('stage', tide) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_drchlt) domain_drchlt.set_boundary({'ocean': Bd,'otherocean': Br}) temp_drchlt=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1,num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_drchlt.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step=False)): temp_drchlt[i]=domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] #print domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values #print domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].vertex_values assert num.allclose(temp_fbound,temp_drchlt) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].vertex_values) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values) os.remove(sts_file+'.sts') os.remove(meshname) def test_field_boundary_stsI_beyond_model_time(self): """test_field_boundary(self): Test that field_boundary can work when model time exceeds available data whilst adjusting mean_stage. """ # Don't do warnings in unit test import warnings warnings.simplefilter('ignore') from anuga.shallow_water import Domain from anuga.shallow_water import Reflective_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Dirichlet_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import File_boundary from anuga.pmesh.mesh_interface import create_mesh_from_regions bounding_polygon=[[6.0,97.0],[6.01,97.0],[6.02,97.0], [6.02,97.02],[6.00,97.02]] tide = 0.37 time_step_count = 5 time_step = 2 lat_long_points = bounding_polygon[0:3] n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) h = 20 w = 2 u = 10 v = -10 gauge_depth=h*num.ones(n,num.float) ha=w*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ua=u*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va=v*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) base_name, files = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) sts_file=base_name urs2sts(base_name, sts_file, mean_stage=0.0, # Deliberately let Field_boundary do the adjustment verbose=False) self.delete_mux(files) #print 'start create mesh from regions' for i in range(len(bounding_polygon)): zone,\ bounding_polygon[i][0],\ bounding_polygon[i][1]=redfearn(bounding_polygon[i][0], bounding_polygon[i][1]) extent_res=1000000 meshname = 'urs_test_mesh' + '.tsh' interior_regions=None boundary_tags={'ocean': [0,1], 'otherocean': [2,3,4]} create_mesh_from_regions(bounding_polygon, boundary_tags=boundary_tags, maximum_triangle_area=extent_res, filename=meshname, interior_regions=interior_regions, verbose=False) domain_fbound = Domain(meshname) domain_fbound.set_quantity('stage', tide) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_fbound) Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([w+tide, u*(w+h), v*(w+h)]) Bdefault = Dirichlet_boundary([w, u*(w+h), v*(w+h)]) Bf = Field_boundary(sts_file+'.sts', domain_fbound, mean_stage=tide, # Field boundary to adjust for tide boundary_polygon=bounding_polygon, default_boundary=Bdefault) # Condition to be used # if model time exceeds # available data domain_fbound.set_boundary({'ocean': Bf,'otherocean': Br}) # Check boundary object evaluates as it should for i, ((vol_id, edge_id), B) in enumerate(domain_fbound.boundary_objects): if B is Bf: qf = B.evaluate(vol_id, edge_id) # Field boundary qd = Bd.evaluate(vol_id, edge_id) # Dirichlet boundary msg = 'Got %s, should have been %s' %(qf, qd) assert num.allclose(qf, qd), msg # Evolve data_finaltime = time_step*(time_step_count-1) finaltime = data_finaltime + 10 # Let model time exceed available data yieldstep = time_step temp_fbound=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1, num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_fbound.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step=False)): D = domain_fbound temp_fbound[i]=D.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] # Check that file boundary object has populated # boundary array correctly # FIXME (Ole): Do this for the other tests too! for j, val in enumerate(D.get_quantity('stage').boundary_values): (vol_id, edge_id), B = D.boundary_objects[j] if isinstance(B, Field_boundary): msg = 'Got %f should have been %f' %(val, w+tide) assert num.allclose(val, w + tide), msg def test_file_boundary_stsII(self): """test_file_boundary_stsII(self): mux2 file has points not included in boundary mux2 gauges are not stored with the same order as they are found in bounding_polygon. This does not matter as long as bounding polygon passed to file_function contains the mux2 points needed (in the correct order). """ from anuga.shallow_water import Domain from anuga.shallow_water import Reflective_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Dirichlet_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import File_boundary from anuga.pmesh.mesh_interface import create_mesh_from_regions bounding_polygon=[[6.01,97.0],[6.02,97.0],[6.02,97.02],[6.00,97.02],[6.0,97.0]] tide = -2.20 time_step_count = 20 time_step = 2 lat_long_points=bounding_polygon[0:2] lat_long_points.insert(0,bounding_polygon[len(bounding_polygon)-1]) lat_long_points.insert(0,[6.0,97.01]) n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) gauge_depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) ha=2*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ua=10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va=-10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) base_name, files = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) sts_file=base_name urs2sts(base_name,sts_file,mean_stage=tide,verbose=False) self.delete_mux(files) #print 'start create mesh from regions' for i in range(len(bounding_polygon)): zone,\ bounding_polygon[i][0],\ bounding_polygon[i][1]=redfearn(bounding_polygon[i][0], bounding_polygon[i][1]) extent_res=1000000 meshname = 'urs_test_mesh' + '.tsh' interior_regions=None boundary_tags={'ocean': [0,1], 'otherocean': [2,3,4]} # have to change boundary tags from last example because now bounding # polygon starts in different place. create_mesh_from_regions(bounding_polygon,boundary_tags=boundary_tags, maximum_triangle_area=extent_res,filename=meshname, interior_regions=interior_regions,verbose=False) domain_fbound = Domain(meshname) domain_fbound.set_quantity('stage', tide) Bf = File_boundary(sts_file+'.sts', domain_fbound, boundary_polygon=bounding_polygon) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_fbound) domain_fbound.set_boundary({'ocean': Bf,'otherocean': Br}) finaltime=time_step*(time_step_count-1) yieldstep=time_step temp_fbound=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1,num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_fbound.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step = False)): temp_fbound[i]=domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] domain_drchlt = Domain(meshname) domain_drchlt.set_quantity('stage', tide) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_drchlt) Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([2.0+tide,220+10*tide,-220-10*tide]) domain_drchlt.set_boundary({'ocean': Bd,'otherocean': Br}) temp_drchlt=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1,num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_drchlt.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step = False)): temp_drchlt[i]=domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] assert num.allclose(temp_fbound,temp_drchlt) #print domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values #print domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].vertex_values assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].vertex_values) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values) os.remove(sts_file+'.sts') os.remove(meshname) def test_file_boundary_stsIII_ordering(self): """test_file_boundary_stsIII_ordering(self): Read correct points from ordering file and apply sts to boundary """ from anuga.shallow_water import Domain from anuga.shallow_water import Reflective_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Dirichlet_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import File_boundary from anuga.pmesh.mesh_interface import create_mesh_from_regions lat_long_points=[[6.01,97.0],[6.02,97.0],[6.05,96.9],[6.0,97.0]] bounding_polygon=[[6.0,97.0],[6.01,97.0],[6.02,97.0], [6.02,97.02],[6.00,97.02]] tide = 3.0 time_step_count = 50 time_step = 2 n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) gauge_depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) ha=2*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ua=10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va=-10*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) base_name, files = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) # Write order file file_handle, order_base_name = tempfile.mkstemp("") os.close(file_handle) os.remove(order_base_name) d="," order_file=order_base_name+'order.txt' fid=open(order_file,'w') # Write Header header='index, longitude, latitude\n' fid.write(header) indices=[3,0,1] for i in indices: line=str(i)+d+str(lat_long_points[i][1])+d+\ str(lat_long_points[i][0])+"\n" fid.write(line) fid.close() sts_file=base_name urs2sts(base_name, basename_out=sts_file, ordering_filename=order_file, mean_stage=tide, verbose=False) self.delete_mux(files) boundary_polygon = create_sts_boundary(base_name) os.remove(order_file) # Append the remaining part of the boundary polygon to be defined by # the user bounding_polygon_utm=[] for point in bounding_polygon: zone,easting,northing=redfearn(point[0],point[1]) bounding_polygon_utm.append([easting,northing]) boundary_polygon.append(bounding_polygon_utm[3]) boundary_polygon.append(bounding_polygon_utm[4]) plot=False if plot: from pylab import plot,show,axis boundary_polygon=ensure_numeric(boundary_polygon) bounding_polygon_utm=ensure_numeric(bounding_polygon_utm) #lat_long_points=ensure_numeric(lat_long_points) #plot(lat_long_points[:,0],lat_long_points[:,1],'o') plot(boundary_polygon[:,0], boundary_polygon[:,1],'d') plot(bounding_polygon_utm[:,0],bounding_polygon_utm[:,1],'o') show() assert num.allclose(bounding_polygon_utm,boundary_polygon) extent_res=1000000 meshname = 'urs_test_mesh' + '.tsh' interior_regions=None boundary_tags={'ocean': [0,1], 'otherocean': [2,3,4]} # have to change boundary tags from last example because now bounding # polygon starts in different place. create_mesh_from_regions(boundary_polygon,boundary_tags=boundary_tags, maximum_triangle_area=extent_res,filename=meshname, interior_regions=interior_regions,verbose=False) domain_fbound = Domain(meshname) domain_fbound.set_quantity('stage', tide) Bf = File_boundary(sts_file+'.sts', domain_fbound, boundary_polygon=boundary_polygon) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_fbound) domain_fbound.set_boundary({'ocean': Bf,'otherocean': Br}) finaltime=time_step*(time_step_count-1) yieldstep=time_step temp_fbound=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1,num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_fbound.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step = False)): temp_fbound[i]=domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] domain_drchlt = Domain(meshname) domain_drchlt.set_quantity('stage', tide) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_drchlt) Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([2.0+tide,220+10*tide,-220-10*tide]) domain_drchlt.set_boundary({'ocean': Bd,'otherocean': Br}) temp_drchlt=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1,num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_drchlt.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step = False)): temp_drchlt[i]=domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] #print domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values #print domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].vertex_values assert num.allclose(temp_fbound,temp_drchlt) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].vertex_values) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values, domain_drchlt.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values) # Use known Dirichlet condition (if sufficient timesteps have been taken) #FIXME: What do these assertions test? Also do they assume tide =0 #print domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values #assert allclose(domain_drchlt.quantities['stage'].vertex_values[6], 2) #assert allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values[6], 2) try: os.remove(sts_file+'.sts') except: # Windoze can't remove this file for some reason pass os.remove(meshname) def test_file_boundary_stsIV_sinewave_ordering(self): """test_file_boundary_stsIV_sinewave_ordering(self): Read correct points from ordering file and apply sts to boundary This one uses a sine wave and compares to time boundary """ from anuga.shallow_water import Domain from anuga.shallow_water import Reflective_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Dirichlet_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import File_boundary from anuga.pmesh.mesh_interface import create_mesh_from_regions lat_long_points=[[6.01,97.0],[6.02,97.0],[6.05,96.9],[6.0,97.0]] bounding_polygon=[[6.0,97.0],[6.01,97.0],[6.02,97.0],[6.02,97.02],[6.00,97.02]] tide = 0.35 time_step_count = 50 time_step = 0.1 times_ref = num.arange(0, time_step_count*time_step, time_step) n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) gauge_depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) ha1=num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ua1=3.*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va1=2.*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) for i in range(n): ha1[i]=num.sin(times_ref) base_name, files = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha1, ua=ua1, va=va1) # Write order file file_handle, order_base_name = tempfile.mkstemp("") os.close(file_handle) os.remove(order_base_name) d="," order_file=order_base_name+'order.txt' fid=open(order_file,'w') # Write Header header='index, longitude, latitude\n' fid.write(header) indices=[3,0,1] for i in indices: line=str(i)+d+str(lat_long_points[i][1])+d+\ str(lat_long_points[i][0])+"\n" fid.write(line) fid.close() sts_file=base_name urs2sts(base_name, basename_out=sts_file, ordering_filename=order_file, mean_stage=tide, verbose=False) self.delete_mux(files) # Now read the sts file and check that values have been stored correctly. fid = NetCDFFile(sts_file + '.sts') # Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] #print times # Check sts quantities stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] #print stage #print xmomentum #print ymomentum #print elevation # Create beginnings of boundary polygon based on sts_boundary boundary_polygon = create_sts_boundary(base_name) os.remove(order_file) # Append the remaining part of the boundary polygon to be defined by # the user bounding_polygon_utm=[] for point in bounding_polygon: zone,easting,northing=redfearn(point[0],point[1]) bounding_polygon_utm.append([easting,northing]) boundary_polygon.append(bounding_polygon_utm[3]) boundary_polygon.append(bounding_polygon_utm[4]) #print 'boundary_polygon', boundary_polygon plot=False if plot: from pylab import plot,show,axis boundary_polygon=ensure_numeric(boundary_polygon) bounding_polygon_utm=ensure_numeric(bounding_polygon_utm) #plot(lat_long_points[:,0],lat_long_points[:,1],'o') plot(boundary_polygon[:,0], boundary_polygon[:,1]) plot(bounding_polygon_utm[:,0],bounding_polygon_utm[:,1]) show() assert num.allclose(bounding_polygon_utm,boundary_polygon) extent_res=1000000 meshname = 'urs_test_mesh' + '.tsh' interior_regions=None boundary_tags={'ocean': [0,1], 'otherocean': [2,3,4]} # have to change boundary tags from last example because now bounding # polygon starts in different place. create_mesh_from_regions(boundary_polygon, boundary_tags=boundary_tags, maximum_triangle_area=extent_res, filename=meshname, interior_regions=interior_regions, verbose=False) domain_fbound = Domain(meshname) domain_fbound.set_quantity('stage', tide) Bf = File_boundary(sts_file+'.sts', domain_fbound, boundary_polygon=boundary_polygon) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_fbound) domain_fbound.set_boundary({'ocean': Bf,'otherocean': Br}) finaltime=time_step*(time_step_count-1) yieldstep=time_step temp_fbound=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1,num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_fbound.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step=False)): temp_fbound[i]=domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] domain_time = Domain(meshname) domain_time.set_quantity('stage', tide) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain_time) Bw = Time_boundary(domain=domain_time, f=lambda t: [num.sin(t)+tide,3.*(20.+num.sin(t)+tide),2.*(20.+num.sin(t)+tide)]) domain_time.set_boundary({'ocean': Bw,'otherocean': Br}) temp_time=num.zeros(int(finaltime/yieldstep)+1,num.float) for i, t in enumerate(domain_time.evolve(yieldstep=yieldstep, finaltime=finaltime, skip_initial_step=False)): temp_time[i]=domain_time.quantities['stage'].centroid_values[2] #print temp_fbound #print temp_time #print domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values #print domain_time.quantities['stage'].vertex_values assert num.allclose(temp_fbound, temp_time) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['stage'].vertex_values, domain_time.quantities['stage'].vertex_values) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values, domain_time.quantities['xmomentum'].vertex_values) assert num.allclose(domain_fbound.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values, domain_time.quantities['ymomentum'].vertex_values) try: os.remove(sts_file+'.sts') except: # Windoze can't remove this file for some reason pass os.remove(meshname) def test_file_boundary_sts_time_limit(self): """test_file_boundary_stsIV_sinewave_ordering(self): Read correct points from ordering file and apply sts to boundary This one uses a sine wave and compares to time boundary This one tests that times used can be limited by upper limit """ from anuga.shallow_water import Domain from anuga.shallow_water import Reflective_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import Dirichlet_boundary from anuga.shallow_water import File_boundary from anuga.pmesh.mesh_interface import create_mesh_from_regions lat_long_points=[[6.01,97.0],[6.02,97.0],[6.05,96.9],[6.0,97.0]] bounding_polygon=[[6.0,97.0],[6.01,97.0],[6.02,97.0],[6.02,97.02],[6.00,97.02]] tide = 0.35 time_step_count = 50 time_step = 0.1 times_ref = num.arange(0, time_step_count*time_step, time_step) n=len(lat_long_points) first_tstep=num.ones(n,num.int) last_tstep=(time_step_count)*num.ones(n,num.int) gauge_depth=20*num.ones(n,num.float) ha1=num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) ua1=3.*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) va1=2.*num.ones((n,time_step_count),num.float) for i in range(n): ha1[i]=num.sin(times_ref) base_name, files = self.write_mux2(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, first_tstep, last_tstep, depth=gauge_depth, ha=ha1, ua=ua1, va=va1) # Write order file file_handle, order_base_name = tempfile.mkstemp("") os.close(file_handle) os.remove(order_base_name) d="," order_file=order_base_name+'order.txt' fid=open(order_file,'w') # Write Header header='index, longitude, latitude\n' fid.write(header) indices=[3,0,1] for i in indices: line=str(i)+d+str(lat_long_points[i][1])+d+\ str(lat_long_points[i][0])+"\n" fid.write(line) fid.close() sts_file=base_name urs2sts(base_name, basename_out=sts_file, ordering_filename=order_file, mean_stage=tide, verbose=False) self.delete_mux(files) # Now read the sts file and check that values have been stored correctly. fid = NetCDFFile(sts_file + '.sts') # Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] starttime = fid.starttime[0] #print times #print starttime # Check sts quantities stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] # Create beginnings of boundary polygon based on sts_boundary boundary_polygon = create_sts_boundary(base_name) os.remove(order_file) # Append the remaining part of the boundary polygon to be defined by # the user bounding_polygon_utm=[] for point in bounding_polygon: zone,easting,northing=redfearn(point[0],point[1]) bounding_polygon_utm.append([easting,northing]) boundary_polygon.append(bounding_polygon_utm[3]) boundary_polygon.append(bounding_polygon_utm[4]) #print 'boundary_polygon', boundary_polygon assert num.allclose(bounding_polygon_utm,boundary_polygon) extent_res=1000000 meshname = 'urs_test_mesh' + '.tsh' interior_regions=None boundary_tags={'ocean': [0,1], 'otherocean': [2,3,4]} # have to change boundary tags from last example because now bounding # polygon starts in different place. create_mesh_from_regions(boundary_polygon, boundary_tags=boundary_tags, maximum_triangle_area=extent_res, filename=meshname, interior_regions=interior_regions, verbose=False) domain_fbound = Domain(meshname) domain_fbound.set_quantity('stage', tide) Bf = File_boundary(sts_file+'.sts', domain_fbound, boundary_polygon=boundary_polygon) time_vec = Bf.F.get_time() assert num.allclose(Bf.F.starttime, starttime) assert num.allclose(time_vec, times_ref) for time_limit in [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.2, 3.0, 4.3, 6.0, 10.0]: Bf = File_boundary(sts_file+'.sts', domain_fbound, time_limit=time_limit+starttime, boundary_polygon=boundary_polygon) time_vec = Bf.F.get_time() assert num.allclose(Bf.F.starttime, starttime) assert num.alltrue(time_vec < time_limit) try: Bf = File_boundary(sts_file+'.sts', domain_fbound, time_limit=-1+starttime, boundary_polygon=boundary_polygon) time_vec = Bf.F.get_time() print time_vec except AssertionError: pass else: raise Exception, 'Should have raised Exception here' def test_lon_lat2grid(self): lonlatdep = [ [ 113.06700134 , -26.06669998 , 1. ] , [ 113.06700134 , -26.33329964 , 3. ] , [ 113.19999695 , -26.06669998 , 2. ] , [ 113.19999695 , -26.33329964 , 4. ] ] long, lat, quantity = lon_lat2grid(lonlatdep) for i, result in enumerate(lat): assert lonlatdep [i][1] == result assert len(lat) == 2 for i, result in enumerate(long): assert lonlatdep [i*2][0] == result assert len(long) == 2 for i,q in enumerate(quantity): assert q == i+1 def test_lon_lat2grid_bad(self): lonlatdep = [ [ -26.06669998, 113.06700134, 1. ], [ -26.06669998 , 113.19999695 , 2. ], [ -26.06669998 , 113.33300018, 3. ], [ -26.06669998 , 113.43299866 , 4. ], [ -26.20000076 , 113.06700134, 5. ], [ -26.20000076 , 113.19999695 , 6. ], [ -26.20000076 , 113.33300018 , 7. ], [ -26.20000076 , 113.43299866 , 8. ], [ -26.33329964 , 113.06700134, 9. ], [ -26.33329964 , 113.19999695 , 10. ], [ -26.33329964 , 113.33300018 , 11. ], [ -26.33329964 , 113.43299866 , 12. ], [ -26.43330002 , 113.06700134 , 13 ], [ -26.43330002 , 113.19999695 , 14. ], [ -26.43330002 , 113.33300018, 15. ], [ -26.43330002 , 113.43299866, 16. ]] try: long, lat, quantity = lon_lat2grid(lonlatdep) except AssertionError: pass else: msg = 'Should have raised exception' raise msg def test_lon_lat2gridII(self): lonlatdep = [ [ 113.06700134 , -26.06669998 , 1. ] , [ 113.06700134 , -26.33329964 , 2. ] , [ 113.19999695 , -26.06669998 , 3. ] , [ 113.19999695 , -26.344329964 , 4. ] ] try: long, lat, quantity = lon_lat2grid(lonlatdep) except AssertionError: pass else: msg = 'Should have raised exception' raise msg #### END TESTS FOR URS 2 SWW ### #### TESTS URS UNGRIDDED 2 SWW ### def test_URS_points_needed(self): ll_lat = -21.5 ll_long = 114.5 grid_spacing = 1./60. lat_amount = 30 long_amount = 30 zone = 50 boundary_polygon = [[250000,7660000],[280000,7660000], [280000,7630000],[250000,7630000]] geo=URS_points_needed(boundary_polygon, zone, ll_lat, ll_long, grid_spacing, lat_amount, long_amount, verbose=self.verbose) # to test this geo, can info from it be transfered onto the boundary # poly? #Maybe see if I can fit the data to the polygon - have to represent # the poly as points though. #geo.export_points_file("results.txt", as_lat_long=True) results = frozenset(geo.get_data_points(as_lat_long=True)) #print 'results',results # These are a set of points that have to be in results points = [] for i in range(18): lat = -21.0 - 8./60 - grid_spacing * i points.append((lat,degminsec2decimal_degrees(114,35,0))) points.append((lat,degminsec2decimal_degrees(114,36,0))) points.append((lat,degminsec2decimal_degrees(114,52,0))) points.append((lat,degminsec2decimal_degrees(114,53,0))) geo_answer = Geospatial_data(data_points=points, points_are_lats_longs=True) #geo_answer.export_points_file("answer.txt", as_lat_long=True) answer = frozenset(points) outs = answer.difference(results) #print "outs", outs # This doesn't work. Though visualising the results shows that # it is correct. #assert answer.issubset(results) # this is why; #point (-21.133333333333333, 114.58333333333333) #result (-21.133333332232368, 114.58333333300342) for point in points: found = False for result in results: if num.allclose(point, result): found = True break if not found: assert False def dave_test_URS_points_needed(self): ll_lat = -21.51667 ll_long = 114.51667 grid_spacing = 2./60. lat_amount = 15 long_amount = 15 boundary_polygon = [[250000,7660000],[280000,7660000], [280000,7630000],[250000,7630000]] URS_points_needed_to_file('a_test_example',boundary_polygon, ll_lat, ll_long, grid_spacing, lat_amount, long_amount, verbose=self.verbose) def X_test_URS_points_neededII(self): ll_lat = -21.5 ll_long = 114.5 grid_spacing = 1./60. lat_amount = 30 long_amount = 30 # change this so lats and longs are inputed, then converted #boundary_polygon = [[7660000,250000],[7660000,280000], # [7630000,280000],[7630000,250000]] URS_points_needed(boundary_polygon, ll_lat, ll_long, grid_spacing, lat_amount, long_amount, verbose=self.verbose) def test_URS_points_northern_hemisphere(self): LL_LAT = 8.0 LL_LONG = 97.0 GRID_SPACING = 2.0/60.0 LAT_AMOUNT = 2 LONG_AMOUNT = 2 ZONE = 47 # points = [] for i in range(2): for j in range(2): points.append((degminsec2decimal_degrees(8,1+i*2,0), degminsec2decimal_degrees(97,1+i*2,0))) #print "points", points geo_poly = Geospatial_data(data_points=points, points_are_lats_longs=True) poly_lat_long = geo_poly.get_data_points(as_lat_long=False, isSouthHemisphere=False) #print "seg_lat_long", poly_lat_long # geo=URS_points_needed_to_file('test_example_poly3', poly_lat_long, # ZONE, # LL_LAT, LL_LONG, # GRID_SPACING, # LAT_AMOUNT, LONG_AMOUNT, # isSouthernHemisphere=False, # export_csv=True, # verbose=self.verbose) geo=URS_points_needed(poly_lat_long, ZONE, LL_LAT, LL_LONG, GRID_SPACING, LAT_AMOUNT, LONG_AMOUNT, isSouthHemisphere=False, verbose=self.verbose) results = frozenset(geo.get_data_points(as_lat_long=True, isSouthHemisphere=False)) #print 'results',results # These are a set of points that have to be in results points = [] for i in range(2): for j in range(2): points.append((degminsec2decimal_degrees(8,i*2,0), degminsec2decimal_degrees(97,i*2,0))) #print "answer points", points answer = frozenset(points) for point in points: found = False for result in results: if num.allclose(point, result): found = True break if not found: assert False def covered_in_other_tests_test_URS_points_needed_poly1(self): # Values used for FESA 2007 results # domain in southern hemisphere zone 51 LL_LAT = -50.0 LL_LONG = 80.0 GRID_SPACING = 2.0/60.0 LAT_AMOUNT = 4800 LONG_AMOUNT = 3600 ZONE = 51 poly1 = [[296361.89, 8091928.62], [429495.07,8028278.82], [447230.56,8000674.05], [429661.2,7982177.6], [236945.9,7897453.16], [183493.44,7942782.27], [226583.04,8008058.96]] URS_points_needed_to_file('test_example_poly2', poly1, ZONE, LL_LAT, LL_LONG, GRID_SPACING, LAT_AMOUNT, LONG_AMOUNT, verbose=self.verbose) def covered_in_other_tests_test_URS_points_needed_poly2(self): # Values used for 2004 validation work # domain in northern hemisphere zone 47 LL_LAT = 0.0 LL_LONG = 90.0 GRID_SPACING = 2.0/60.0 LAT_AMOUNT = (15-LL_LAT)/GRID_SPACING LONG_AMOUNT = (100-LL_LONG)/GRID_SPACING ZONE = 47 poly2 = [[419336.424,810100.845], [342405.0281,711455.8026], [274649.9152,723352.9603], [272089.092,972393.0131], [347633.3754,968551.7784], [427979.2022,885965.2313], [427659.0993,875721.9386], [429259.6138,861317.3083], [436301.8775,840830.723]] URS_points_needed_to_file('test_example_poly2', poly2, ZONE, LL_LAT, LL_LONG, GRID_SPACING, LAT_AMOUNT, LONG_AMOUNT, isSouthernHemisphere=False, verbose=self.verbose) #### END TESTS URS UNGRIDDED 2 SWW ### def test_Urs_points(self): time_step_count = 3 time_step = 2 lat_long_points =[(-21.5,114.5),(-21.5,115),(-21.,115)] base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step) for file in files: urs = Urs_points(file) assert time_step_count == urs.time_step_count assert time_step == urs.time_step for lat_lon, dep in map(None, lat_long_points, urs.lonlatdep): _ , e, n = redfearn(lat_lon[0], lat_lon[1]) assert num.allclose(n, dep[2]) count = 0 for slice in urs: count += 1 #print slice for lat_lon, quantity in map(None, lat_long_points, slice): _ , e, n = redfearn(lat_lon[0], lat_lon[1]) #print "quantity", quantity #print "e", e #print "n", n if file[-5:] == WAVEHEIGHT_MUX_LABEL[-5:] or \ file[-5:] == NORTH_VELOCITY_LABEL[-5:] : assert num.allclose(e, quantity) if file[-5:] == EAST_VELOCITY_LABEL[-5:]: assert num.allclose(n, quantity) assert count == time_step_count self.delete_mux(files) def test_urs_ungridded2sww (self): #Zone: 50 #Easting: 240992.578 Northing: 7620442.472 #Latitude: -21 30 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 114 30 ' 0.00000 '' lat_long = [[-21.5,114.5],[-21,114.5],[-21,115]] time_step_count = 2 time_step = 400 tide = 9000000 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide, verbose=self.verbose) # now I want to check the sww file ... sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) # Make x and y absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long[0][0], lat_long[0][1]) assert num.allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) #Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] times_actual = [] for i in range(time_step_count): times_actual.append(time_step * i) assert num.allclose(ensure_numeric(times), ensure_numeric(times_actual)) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_ua *(stage+depth) # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files # answer_x = n*(e+tide+n) actual_x = xmomentum[0,0] #print "answer_x",answer_x #print "actual_x",actual_x assert num.allclose(answer_x, actual_x) #Meters #Check the momentums - va #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_va *(stage+depth) # = e*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files # answer_y = -1*e*(e+tide+n) actual_y = ymomentum[0,0] #print "answer_y",answer_y #print "actual_y",actual_y assert num.allclose(answer_y, actual_y) #Meters # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation assert num.allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs_ungridded2swwII (self): #Zone: 50 #Easting: 240992.578 Northing: 7620442.472 #Latitude: -21 30 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 114 30 ' 0.00000 '' lat_long = [[-21.5,114.5],[-21,114.5],[-21,115]] time_step_count = 2 time_step = 400 tide = 9000000 geo_reference = Geo_reference(50, 3434543,34534543) base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide, origin = geo_reference, verbose=self.verbose) # now I want to check the sww file ... sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) # Make x and y absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long[0][0], lat_long[0][1]) assert num.allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) #Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] times_actual = [] for i in range(time_step_count): times_actual.append(time_step * i) assert num.allclose(ensure_numeric(times), ensure_numeric(times_actual)) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_ua *(stage+depth) # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files # answer_x = n*(e+tide+n) actual_x = xmomentum[0,0] #print "answer_x",answer_x #print "actual_x",actual_x assert num.allclose(answer_x, actual_x) #Meters #Check the momentums - va #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_va *(stage+depth) # = e*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files # answer_y = -1*e*(e+tide+n) actual_y = ymomentum[0,0] #print "answer_y",answer_y #print "actual_y",actual_y assert num.allclose(answer_y, actual_y) #Meters # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation assert num.allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs_ungridded2swwIII (self): #Zone: 50 #Easting: 240992.578 Northing: 7620442.472 #Latitude: -21 30 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 114 30 ' 0.00000 '' lat_long = [[-21.5,114.5],[-21,114.5],[-21,115]] time_step_count = 2 time_step = 400 tide = 9000000 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide, origin =(50,23432,4343), verbose=self.verbose) # now I want to check the sww file ... sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) # Make x and y absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long[0][0], lat_long[0][1]) assert num.allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) #Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] times_actual = [] for i in range(time_step_count): times_actual.append(time_step * i) assert num.allclose(ensure_numeric(times), ensure_numeric(times_actual)) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_ua *(stage+depth) # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files # answer_x = n*(e+tide+n) actual_x = xmomentum[0,0] #print "answer_x",answer_x #print "actual_x",actual_x assert num.allclose(answer_x, actual_x) #Meters #Check the momentums - va #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_va *(stage+depth) # = e*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files # answer_y = -1*e*(e+tide+n) actual_y = ymomentum[0,0] #print "answer_y",answer_y #print "actual_y",actual_y assert num.allclose(answer_y, actual_y) #Meters # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation assert num.allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs_ungridded_hole (self): #Zone: 50 #Easting: 240992.578 Northing: 7620442.472 #Latitude: -21 30 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 114 30 ' 0.00000 '' lat_long = [[-20.5, 114.5], [-20.6, 114.6], [-20.5, 115.], [-20.6, 115.], [-20.5, 115.5], [-20.6, 115.4], [-21., 114.5], [-21., 114.6], [-21., 115.5], [-21., 115.4], [-21.5, 114.5], [-21.4, 114.6], [-21.5, 115.], [-21.4, 115.], [-21.5, 115.5], [-21.4, 115.4] ] time_step_count = 6 time_step = 100 tide = 9000000 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) #Easting: 292110.784 Northing: 7676551.710 #Latitude: -21 0 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 115 0 ' 0.00000 '' urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=-240992.0, hole_points_UTM=[ 292110.784, 7676551.710 ], verbose=self.verbose) # now I want to check the sww file ... sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) number_of_volumes = fid.variables['volumes'] #print "number_of_volumes",len(number_of_volumes) assert num.allclose(16, len(number_of_volumes)) fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) #print "sww_file", sww_file os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs_ungridded_holeII(self): # Check that if using a hole that returns no triangles, # urs_ungridded2sww removes the hole label. lat_long = [[-20.5, 114.5], [-20.6, 114.6], [-20.5, 115.5], [-20.6, 115.4], [-21.5, 114.5], [-21.4, 114.6], [-21.5, 115.5], [-21.4, 115.4] ] time_step_count = 6 time_step = 100 tide = 9000000 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) #Easting: 292110.784 Northing: 7676551.710 #Latitude: -21 0 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 115 0 ' 0.00000 '' urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=-240992.0, hole_points_UTM=[ 292110.784, 7676551.710 ], verbose=self.verbose) # now I want to check the sww file ... sww_file = base_name + '.sww' fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) volumes = fid.variables['volumes'] #print "number_of_volumes",len(volumes) fid.close() os.remove(sww_file) urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=-240992.0) # now I want to check the sww file ... sww_file = base_name + '.sww' fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) volumes_again = fid.variables['volumes'] #print "number_of_volumes",len(volumes_again) assert num.allclose(len(volumes_again), len(volumes)) fid.close() os.remove(sww_file) self.delete_mux(files) def test_urs_ungridded2sww_mint_maxt (self): #Zone: 50 #Easting: 240992.578 Northing: 7620442.472 #Latitude: -21 30 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 114 30 ' 0.00000 '' lat_long = [[-21.5,114.5],[-21,114.5],[-21,115]] time_step_count = 6 time_step = 100 tide = 9000000 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide, origin =(50,23432,4343), mint=101, maxt=500, verbose=self.verbose) # now I want to check the sww file ... sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) # Make x and y absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(lat_long[0][0], lat_long[0][1]) assert num.allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) #Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] times_actual = [0,100,200,300] assert num.allclose(ensure_numeric(times), ensure_numeric(times_actual)) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_ua *(stage+depth) # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files # answer_x = n*(e+tide+n) actual_x = xmomentum[0,0] #print "answer_x",answer_x #print "actual_x",actual_x assert num.allclose(answer_x, actual_x) #Meters #Check the momentums - va #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_va *(stage+depth) # = e*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files # answer_y = -1*e*(e+tide+n) actual_y = ymomentum[0,0] #print "answer_y",answer_y #print "actual_y",actual_y assert num.allclose(answer_y, actual_y) #Meters # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation assert num.allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs_ungridded2sww_mint_maxtII (self): #Zone: 50 #Easting: 240992.578 Northing: 7620442.472 #Latitude: -21 30 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 114 30 ' 0.00000 '' lat_long = [[-21.5,114.5],[-21,114.5],[-21,115]] time_step_count = 6 time_step = 100 tide = 9000000 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide, origin =(50,23432,4343), mint=0, maxt=100000, verbose=self.verbose) # now I want to check the sww file ... sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) # Make x and y absolute geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, fid.variables['x'][:], fid.variables['y'][:])) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] #Check the time vector times = fid.variables['time'][:] times_actual = [0,100,200,300,400,500] assert num.allclose(ensure_numeric(times), ensure_numeric(times_actual)) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs_ungridded2sww_mint_maxtIII (self): #Zone: 50 #Easting: 240992.578 Northing: 7620442.472 #Latitude: -21 30 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 114 30 ' 0.00000 '' lat_long = [[-21.5,114.5],[-21,114.5],[-21,115]] time_step_count = 6 time_step = 100 tide = 9000000 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) try: urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide, origin =(50,23432,4343), mint=301, maxt=399, verbose=self.verbose) except: pass else: self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Bad input did not throw exception error!') self.delete_mux(files) def test_urs_ungridded2sww_mint_maxt_bad (self): #Zone: 50 #Easting: 240992.578 Northing: 7620442.472 #Latitude: -21 30 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 114 30 ' 0.00000 '' lat_long = [[-21.5,114.5],[-21,114.5],[-21,115]] time_step_count = 6 time_step = 100 tide = 9000000 base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) try: urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide, origin =(50,23432,4343), mint=301, maxt=301, verbose=self.verbose) except: pass else: self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Bad input did not throw exception error!') self.delete_mux(files) def test_URS_points_needed_and_urs_ungridded2sww(self): # This doesn't actually check anything # ll_lat = -21.5 ll_long = 114.5 grid_spacing = 1./60. lat_amount = 30 long_amount = 30 time_step_count = 2 time_step = 400 tide = -200000 zone = 50 boundary_polygon = [[250000,7660000],[280000,7660000], [280000,7630000],[250000,7630000]] geo=URS_points_needed(boundary_polygon, zone, ll_lat, ll_long, grid_spacing, lat_amount, long_amount, verbose=self.verbose) lat_long = geo.get_data_points(as_lat_long=True) base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide, verbose=self.verbose) self.delete_mux(files) os.remove( base_name + '.sww') def cache_test_URS_points_needed_and_urs_ungridded2sww(self): ll_lat = -21.5 ll_long = 114.5 grid_spacing = 1./60. lat_amount = 30 long_amount = 30 time_step_count = 2 time_step = 400 tide = -200000 zone = 50 boundary_polygon = [[250000,7660000],[270000,7650000], [280000,7630000],[250000,7630000]] geo=URS_points_needed(boundary_polygon, zone, ll_lat, ll_long, grid_spacing, lat_amount, long_amount, use_cache=True, verbose=True) def visual_test_URS_points_needed_and_urs_ungridded2sww(self): ll_lat = -21.5 ll_long = 114.5 grid_spacing = 1./60. lat_amount = 30 long_amount = 30 time_step_count = 2 time_step = 400 tide = -200000 zone = 50 boundary_polygon = [[250000,7660000],[270000,7650000], [280000,7630000],[250000,7630000]] geo=URS_points_needed(boundary_polygon, zone, ll_lat, ll_long, grid_spacing, lat_amount, long_amount) lat_long = geo.get_data_points(as_lat_long=True) base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long, time_step_count, time_step) urs_ungridded2sww(base_name, mean_stage=tide) self.delete_mux(files) os.remove( base_name + '.sww') # extend this so it interpolates onto the boundary. # have it fail if there is NaN def test_triangulation(self): # # filename = tempfile.mktemp("_data_manager.sww") outfile = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w) points_utm = num.array([[0.,0.],[1.,1.], [0.,1.]]) volumes = (0,1,2) elevation = [0,1,2] new_origin = None new_origin = Geo_reference(56, 0, 0) times = [0, 10] number_of_volumes = len(volumes) number_of_points = len(points_utm) sww = Write_sww() sww.store_header(outfile, times, number_of_volumes, number_of_points, description='fully sick testing', verbose=self.verbose,sww_precision=netcdf_float) sww.store_triangulation(outfile, points_utm, volumes, elevation, new_origin=new_origin, verbose=self.verbose) outfile.close() fid = NetCDFFile(filename) x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] fid.close() assert num.allclose(num.array(map(None, x,y)), points_utm) os.remove(filename) def test_triangulationII(self): # # filename = tempfile.mktemp("_data_manager.sww") outfile = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w) points_utm = num.array([[0.,0.],[1.,1.], [0.,1.]]) volumes = (0,1,2) elevation = [0,1,2] new_origin = None #new_origin = Geo_reference(56, 0, 0) times = [0, 10] number_of_volumes = len(volumes) number_of_points = len(points_utm) sww = Write_sww() sww.store_header(outfile, times, number_of_volumes, number_of_points, description='fully sick testing', verbose=self.verbose,sww_precision=netcdf_float) sww.store_triangulation(outfile, points_utm, volumes, elevation, new_origin=new_origin, verbose=self.verbose) outfile.close() fid = NetCDFFile(filename) x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] results_georef = Geo_reference() results_georef.read_NetCDF(fid) assert results_georef == Geo_reference(DEFAULT_ZONE, 0, 0) fid.close() assert num.allclose(num.array(map(None, x,y)), points_utm) os.remove(filename) def test_triangulation_new_origin(self): # # filename = tempfile.mktemp("_data_manager.sww") outfile = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w) points_utm = num.array([[0.,0.],[1.,1.], [0.,1.]]) volumes = (0,1,2) elevation = [0,1,2] new_origin = None new_origin = Geo_reference(56, 1, 554354) points_utm = new_origin.change_points_geo_ref(points_utm) times = [0, 10] number_of_volumes = len(volumes) number_of_points = len(points_utm) sww = Write_sww() sww.store_header(outfile, times, number_of_volumes, number_of_points, description='fully sick testing', verbose=self.verbose,sww_precision=netcdf_float) sww.store_triangulation(outfile, points_utm, volumes, elevation, new_origin=new_origin, verbose=self.verbose) outfile.close() fid = NetCDFFile(filename) x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] results_georef = Geo_reference() results_georef.read_NetCDF(fid) assert results_georef == new_origin fid.close() absolute = Geo_reference(56, 0,0) assert num.allclose(num.array( absolute.change_points_geo_ref(map(None, x,y), new_origin)),points_utm) os.remove(filename) def test_triangulation_points_georeference(self): # # filename = tempfile.mktemp("_data_manager.sww") outfile = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w) points_utm = num.array([[0.,0.],[1.,1.], [0.,1.]]) volumes = (0,1,2) elevation = [0,1,2] new_origin = None points_georeference = Geo_reference(56, 1, 554354) points_utm = points_georeference.change_points_geo_ref(points_utm) times = [0, 10] number_of_volumes = len(volumes) number_of_points = len(points_utm) sww = Write_sww() sww.store_header(outfile, times, number_of_volumes, number_of_points, description='fully sick testing', verbose=self.verbose,sww_precision=netcdf_float) sww.store_triangulation(outfile, points_utm, volumes, elevation, new_origin=new_origin, points_georeference=points_georeference, verbose=self.verbose) outfile.close() fid = NetCDFFile(filename) x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] results_georef = Geo_reference() results_georef.read_NetCDF(fid) assert results_georef == points_georeference fid.close() assert num.allclose(num.array(map(None, x,y)), points_utm) os.remove(filename) def test_triangulation_2_geo_refs(self): # # filename = tempfile.mktemp("_data_manager.sww") outfile = NetCDFFile(filename, netcdf_mode_w) points_utm = num.array([[0.,0.],[1.,1.], [0.,1.]]) volumes = (0,1,2) elevation = [0,1,2] new_origin = Geo_reference(56, 1, 1) points_georeference = Geo_reference(56, 0, 0) points_utm = points_georeference.change_points_geo_ref(points_utm) times = [0, 10] number_of_volumes = len(volumes) number_of_points = len(points_utm) sww = Write_sww() sww.store_header(outfile, times, number_of_volumes, number_of_points, description='fully sick testing', verbose=self.verbose,sww_precision=netcdf_float) sww.store_triangulation(outfile, points_utm, volumes, elevation, new_origin=new_origin, points_georeference=points_georeference, verbose=self.verbose) outfile.close() fid = NetCDFFile(filename) x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] results_georef = Geo_reference() results_georef.read_NetCDF(fid) assert results_georef == new_origin fid.close() absolute = Geo_reference(56, 0,0) assert num.allclose(num.array( absolute.change_points_geo_ref(map(None, x,y), new_origin)),points_utm) os.remove(filename) def test_get_data_from_file(self): # from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.util import get_data_from_file import os fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".txt") # print"filename",fileName file = open(fileName,"w") file.write("elevation, stage\n\ 1.0, 3 \n\ 0.0, 4 \n\ 4.0, 3 \n\ 1.0, 6 \n") file.close() header,x = get_data_from_file(fileName) # print 'x',x os.remove(fileName) assert num.allclose(x[:,0], [1.0, 0.0,4.0, 1.0]) def test_get_data_from_file1(self): # from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.util import get_data_from_file import os fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".txt") # print"filename",fileName file = open(fileName,"w") file.write("elevation stage\n\ 1.3 3 \n\ 0.0 4 \n\ 4.5 3.5 \n\ 1.0 6 \n") file.close() header, x = get_data_from_file(fileName,separator_value=' ') os.remove(fileName) # x = get_data_from_file(fileName) # print '1x',x[:,0] assert num.allclose(x[:,0], [1.3, 0.0,4.5, 1.0]) def test_store_parameters(self): """tests store temporary file """ from os import sep, getenv output_dir='' file_name='details.csv' kwargs = {'file_name':'new2.txt', 'output_dir':output_dir, 'file_name':file_name, 'who':'me', 'what':'detail', 'how':2, 'why':241, # 'completed':345 } store_parameters(verbose=False,**kwargs) temp='detail_temp.csv' fid = open(temp) file_header = fid.readline() file_line = fid.readline() fid.close() keys = kwargs.keys() keys.sort() line='' header='' count=0 #used the sorted keys to create the header and line data for k in keys: # print "%s = %s" %(k, kwargs[k]) header = header+str(k) line = line+str(kwargs[k]) count+=1 if count = domain.minimum_storable_height fid.close() # Cleanup os.remove(swwfile) #------------- Now the same with georeferencing domain.time=0.0 E = 308500 N = 6189000 #E = N = 0 domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56, E, N) domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -0.2*x + 14) # Slope domain.set_quantity('stage', -6) domain.set_boundary( {'left': Br, 'right': Bd, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime = 50): pass # Check maximal runup runup = get_maximum_inundation_elevation(swwfile) location = get_maximum_inundation_location(swwfile) assert num.allclose(runup, 11) or num.allclose(runup, 12) # old limiters assert num.allclose(location[0], 15+E) or num.allclose(location[0], 10+E) # Check final runup runup = get_maximum_inundation_elevation(swwfile, time_interval=[45,50]) location = get_maximum_inundation_location(swwfile, time_interval=[45,50]) assert num.allclose(runup, 1) assert num.allclose(location[0], 65+E) # Check runup restricted to a polygon p = num.array([[50,1], [99,1], [99,49], [50,49]], num.int) + num.array([E, N], num.int) #array default# runup = get_maximum_inundation_elevation(swwfile, polygon=p) location = get_maximum_inundation_location(swwfile, polygon=p) assert num.allclose(runup, 4) assert num.allclose(location[0], 50+E) # Cleanup os.remove(swwfile) def test_get_mesh_and_quantities_from_sww_file(self): """test_get_mesh_and_quantities_from_sww_file(self): """ # Generate a test sww file with non trivial georeference import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # Setup from mesh_factory import rectangular # Create basic mesh (100m x 5m) width = 5 length = 50 t_end = 10 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(length, width, 50, 5) # Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary, geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000)) domain.set_name('flowtest') swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) # Side walls Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([1, 0, 0]) # inflow domain.set_boundary( {'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime = t_end): pass # Read it # Get mesh and quantities from sww file X = get_mesh_and_quantities_from_file(swwfile, quantities=['elevation', 'stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'], verbose=False) mesh, quantities, time = X # Check that mesh has been recovered assert num.alltrue(mesh.triangles == domain.get_triangles()) assert num.allclose(mesh.nodes, domain.get_nodes()) # Check that time has been recovered assert num.allclose(time, range(t_end+1)) # Check that quantities have been recovered # (sww files use single precision) z=domain.get_quantity('elevation').get_values(location='unique vertices') assert num.allclose(quantities['elevation'], z) for q in ['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum']: # Get quantity at last timestep q_ref=domain.get_quantity(q).get_values(location='unique vertices') #print q,quantities[q] q_sww=quantities[q][-1,:] msg = 'Quantity %s failed to be recovered' %q assert num.allclose(q_ref, q_sww, atol=1.0e-6), msg # Cleanup os.remove(swwfile) def test_get_flow_through_cross_section(self): """test_get_flow_through_cross_section(self): Test that the total flow through a cross section can be correctly obtained from an sww file. This test creates a flat bed with a known flow through it and tests that the function correctly returns the expected flow. The specifics are u = 2 m/s h = 1 m w = 3 m (width of channel) q = u*h*w = 6 m^3/s #---------- First run without geo referencing """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # Setup from mesh_factory import rectangular # Create basic mesh (20m x 3m) width = 3 length = 20 t_end = 3 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(length, width, length, width) # Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.default_order = 2 domain.set_minimum_storable_height(0.01) domain.set_name('flowtest') swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True h = 1.0 u = 2.0 uh = u*h Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) # Side walls Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([h, uh, 0]) # 2 m/s across the 3 m inlet: domain.set_quantity('elevation', 0.0) domain.set_quantity('stage', h) domain.set_quantity('xmomentum', uh) domain.set_boundary( {'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime = t_end): pass # Check that momentum is as it should be in the interior I = [[0, width/2.], [length/2., width/2.], [length, width/2.]] f = file_function(swwfile, quantities=['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'], interpolation_points=I, verbose=False) for t in range(t_end+1): for i in range(3): assert num.allclose(f(t, i), [1, 2, 0], atol=1.0e-6) # Check flows through the middle for i in range(5): x = length/2. + i*0.23674563 # Arbitrary cross_section = [[x, 0], [x, width]] time, Q = get_flow_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, verbose=False) assert num.allclose(Q, uh*width) # Try the same with partial lines x = length/2. for i in range(5): start_point = [length/2., i*width/5.] #print start_point cross_section = [start_point, [length/2., width]] time, Q = get_flow_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, verbose=False) #print i, Q, (width-start_point[1]) assert num.allclose(Q, uh*(width-start_point[1])) # Verify no flow when line is parallel to flow cross_section = [[length/2.-10, width/2.], [length/2.+10, width/2.]] time, Q = get_flow_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, verbose=False) #print i, Q assert num.allclose(Q, 0, atol=1.0e-5) # Try with lines on an angle (all flow still runs through here) cross_section = [[length/2., 0], [length/2.+width, width]] time, Q = get_flow_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, verbose=False) assert num.allclose(Q, uh*width) def test_get_flow_through_cross_section_with_geo(self): """test_get_flow_through_cross_section(self): Test that the total flow through a cross section can be correctly obtained from an sww file. This test creates a flat bed with a known flow through it and tests that the function correctly returns the expected flow. The specifics are u = 2 m/s h = 2 m w = 3 m (width of channel) q = u*h*w = 12 m^3/s This run tries it with georeferencing and with elevation = -1 """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # Setup from mesh_factory import rectangular # Create basic mesh (20m x 3m) width = 3 length = 20 t_end = 1 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(length, width, length, width) # Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary, geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000)) domain.default_order = 2 domain.set_minimum_storable_height(0.01) domain.set_name('flowtest') swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True e = -1.0 w = 1.0 h = w-e u = 2.0 uh = u*h Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) # Side walls Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([w, uh, 0]) # 2 m/s across the 3 m inlet: domain.set_quantity('elevation', e) domain.set_quantity('stage', w) domain.set_quantity('xmomentum', uh) domain.set_boundary( {'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime = t_end): pass # Check that momentum is as it should be in the interior I = [[0, width/2.], [length/2., width/2.], [length, width/2.]] I = domain.geo_reference.get_absolute(I) f = file_function(swwfile, quantities=['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'], interpolation_points=I, verbose=False) for t in range(t_end+1): for i in range(3): #print i, t, f(t, i) assert num.allclose(f(t, i), [w, uh, 0], atol=1.0e-6) # Check flows through the middle for i in range(5): x = length/2. + i*0.23674563 # Arbitrary cross_section = [[x, 0], [x, width]] cross_section = domain.geo_reference.get_absolute(cross_section) time, Q = get_flow_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, verbose=False) assert num.allclose(Q, uh*width) def test_get_energy_through_cross_section(self): """test_get_energy_through_cross_section(self): Test that the specific and total energy through a cross section can be correctly obtained from an sww file. This test creates a flat bed with a known flow through it and tests that the function correctly returns the expected energies. The specifics are u = 2 m/s h = 1 m w = 3 m (width of channel) q = u*h*w = 6 m^3/s Es = h + 0.5*v*v/g # Specific energy head [m] Et = w + 0.5*v*v/g # Total energy head [m] This test uses georeferencing """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # Setup from mesh_factory import rectangular # Create basic mesh (20m x 3m) width = 3 length = 20 t_end = 1 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(length, width, length, width) # Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary, geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000)) domain.default_order = 2 domain.set_minimum_storable_height(0.01) domain.set_name('flowtest') swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True e = -1.0 w = 1.0 h = w-e u = 2.0 uh = u*h Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) # Side walls Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([w, uh, 0]) # 2 m/s across the 3 m inlet: domain.set_quantity('elevation', e) domain.set_quantity('stage', w) domain.set_quantity('xmomentum', uh) domain.set_boundary( {'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime = t_end): pass # Check that momentum is as it should be in the interior I = [[0, width/2.], [length/2., width/2.], [length, width/2.]] I = domain.geo_reference.get_absolute(I) f = file_function(swwfile, quantities=['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'], interpolation_points=I, verbose=False) for t in range(t_end+1): for i in range(3): #print i, t, f(t, i) assert num.allclose(f(t, i), [w, uh, 0], atol=1.0e-6) # Check energies through the middle for i in range(5): x = length/2. + i*0.23674563 # Arbitrary cross_section = [[x, 0], [x, width]] cross_section = domain.geo_reference.get_absolute(cross_section) time, Es = get_energy_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, kind='specific', verbose=False) assert num.allclose(Es, h + 0.5*u*u/g) time, Et = get_energy_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, kind='total', verbose=False) assert num.allclose(Et, w + 0.5*u*u/g) def test_get_all_swwfiles(self): try: swwfiles = get_all_swwfiles('','test.txt') #Invalid except IOError: pass else: raise 'Should have raised exception' def test_get_all_swwfiles1(self): temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('','sww_test') filename0 = tempfile.mktemp('.sww','test',temp_dir) filename1 = tempfile.mktemp('.sww','test',temp_dir) filename2 = tempfile.mktemp('.sww','test',temp_dir) filename3 = tempfile.mktemp('.sww','test',temp_dir) #print'filename', filename0,filename1,filename2,filename3 fid0 = open(filename0, 'w') fid1 = open(filename1, 'w') fid2 = open(filename2, 'w') fid3 = open(filename3, 'w') fid0.write('hello') fid1.write('hello') fid2.write('hello') fid3.write('hello') fid0.close() fid1.close() fid2.close() fid3.close() dir, name0 = os.path.split(filename0) #print 'dir',dir,name0 iterate=get_all_swwfiles(dir,'test') del_dir(temp_dir) # removeall(temp_dir) _, name0 = os.path.split(filename0) #print'name0',name0[:-4],iterate[0] _, name1 = os.path.split(filename1) _, name2 = os.path.split(filename2) _, name3 = os.path.split(filename3) assert name0[:-4] in iterate assert name1[:-4] in iterate assert name2[:-4] in iterate assert name3[:-4] in iterate assert len(iterate)==4 def test_screen_catcher(self): stdout_orginal = sys.stdout stderr_orginal = sys.stderr output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('','output_test') #print output_dir start_screen_catcher(output_dir+sep,verbose=False) print 'hello screen catcher' print 'goodbye screen catcher' sys.stdout = stdout_orginal sys.stderr = stderr_orginal output_file = output_dir+sep+'screen_output.txt' assert access(output_file,F_OK) fid = open(output_file) file_line1 = fid.readline() file_line2 = fid.readline() #print 'file contents',file_line1, file_line2 assert (file_line1 == 'hello screen catcher\n') assert (file_line2 == 'goodbye screen catcher\n') def test_points2polygon(self): att_dict = {} pointlist = num.array([[1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0],[0.0, 0.0]]) att_dict['elevation'] = num.array([10.1, 0.0, 10.4]) att_dict['brightness'] = num.array([10.0, 1.0, 10.4]) fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") G = Geospatial_data(pointlist, att_dict) G.export_points_file(fileName) polygon = points2polygon(fileName) # This test may fail if the order changes assert (polygon == [[0.0, 0.0],[1.0, 0.0],[0.0, 1.0]]) def test_csv2polygons(self): """test_csv2polygons """ path = get_pathname_from_package('anuga.shallow_water') testfile = os.path.join(path, 'polygon_values_example.csv') polygons, values = csv2polygons(testfile, value_name='floors') assert len(polygons) == 7, 'Must have seven polygons' assert len(values) == 7, 'Must have seven values' # Known floor values floors = {'1': 2, '2': 0, '3': 1, '4': 2, '5': 0, '8': 1, '9': 1} # Known polygon values known_polys = {'1': [[422681.61,871117.55], [422691.02,871117.60], [422690.87,871084.23], [422649.36,871081.85], [422649.36,871080.39], [422631.86,871079.50], [422631.72,871086.75], [422636.75,871087.20], [422636.75,871091.50], [422649.66,871092.09], [422649.83,871084.91], [422652.94,871084.90], [422652.84,871092.39], [422681.83,871093.73], [422681.61,871117.55]], '2': [[422664.22,870785.46], [422672.48,870780.14], [422668.17,870772.62], [422660.35,870777.17], [422664.22,870785.46]], '3': [[422661.30,871215.06], [422667.50,871215.70], [422668.30,871204.86], [422662.21,871204.33], [422661.30,871215.06]], '4': [[422473.44,871191.22], [422478.33,871192.26], [422479.52,871186.03], [422474.78,871185.14], [422473.44,871191.22]], '5': [[422369.69,871049.29], [422378.63,871053.58], [422383.91,871044.51], [422374.97,871040.32], [422369.69,871049.29]], '8': [[422730.56,871203.13], [422734.10,871204.90], [422735.26,871202.18], [422731.87,871200.58], [422730.56,871203.13]], '9': [[422659.85,871213.80], [422660.91,871210.97], [422655.42,871208.85], [422654.36,871211.68], [422659.85,871213.80]] } for id in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5' ,'8' ,'9']: assert id in polygons.keys() assert id in values.keys() assert int(values[id]) == int(floors[id]) assert len(polygons[id]) == len(known_polys[id]) assert num.allclose(polygons[id], known_polys[id]) def test_csv2polygons_with_clipping(self): """test_csv2polygons with optional clipping """ #FIXME(Ole): Not Done!! path = get_pathname_from_package('anuga.shallow_water') testfile = os.path.join(path, 'polygon_values_example.csv') polygons, values = csv2polygons(testfile, value_name='floors', clipping_polygons=None) assert len(polygons) == 7, 'Must have seven polygons' assert len(values) == 7, 'Must have seven values' # Known floor values floors = {'1': 2, '2': 0, '3': 1, '4': 2, '5': 0, '8': 1, '9': 1} # Known polygon values known_polys = {'1': [[422681.61,871117.55], [422691.02,871117.60], [422690.87,871084.23], [422649.36,871081.85], [422649.36,871080.39], [422631.86,871079.50], [422631.72,871086.75], [422636.75,871087.20], [422636.75,871091.50], [422649.66,871092.09], [422649.83,871084.91], [422652.94,871084.90], [422652.84,871092.39], [422681.83,871093.73], [422681.61,871117.55]], '2': [[422664.22,870785.46], [422672.48,870780.14], [422668.17,870772.62], [422660.35,870777.17], [422664.22,870785.46]], '3': [[422661.30,871215.06], [422667.50,871215.70], [422668.30,871204.86], [422662.21,871204.33], [422661.30,871215.06]], '4': [[422473.44,871191.22], [422478.33,871192.26], [422479.52,871186.03], [422474.78,871185.14], [422473.44,871191.22]], '5': [[422369.69,871049.29], [422378.63,871053.58], [422383.91,871044.51], [422374.97,871040.32], [422369.69,871049.29]], '8': [[422730.56,871203.13], [422734.10,871204.90], [422735.26,871202.18], [422731.87,871200.58], [422730.56,871203.13]], '9': [[422659.85,871213.80], [422660.91,871210.97], [422655.42,871208.85], [422654.36,871211.68], [422659.85,871213.80]] } for id in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5' ,'8' ,'9']: assert id in polygons.keys() assert id in values.keys() assert int(values[id]) == int(floors[id]) assert len(polygons[id]) == len(known_polys[id]) assert num.allclose(polygons[id], known_polys[id]) def test_csv2building_polygons(self): """test_csv2building_polygons """ path = get_pathname_from_package('anuga.shallow_water') testfile = os.path.join(path, 'polygon_values_example.csv') polygons, values = csv2building_polygons(testfile, floor_height=3) assert len(polygons) == 7, 'Must have seven polygons' assert len(values) == 7, 'Must have seven values' # Known floor values floors = {'1': 6, '2': 0, '3': 3, '4': 6, '5': 0, '8': 3, '9': 3} for id in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5' ,'8' ,'9']: assert id in polygons.keys() assert id in values.keys() assert float(values[id]) == float(floors[id]) def test_copy_code_files(self): '''test that the copy_code_files() function is sane.''' def create_file(f): fd = open(f, 'w') fd.write('%s\n' % f) fd.close() # create working directories and test files work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() dst_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=work_dir) src_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=work_dir) f1 = 'file1' filename1 = os.path.join(src_dir, f1) create_file(filename1) f2 = 'file2' filename2 = os.path.join(src_dir, f2) create_file(filename2) f3 = 'file3' filename3 = os.path.join(src_dir, f3) create_file(filename3) f4 = 'file4' filename4 = os.path.join(src_dir, f4) create_file(filename4) f5 = 'file5' filename5 = os.path.join(src_dir, f5) create_file(filename5) # exercise the copy function copy_code_files(dst_dir, filename1) copy_code_files(dst_dir, filename1, filename2) copy_code_files(dst_dir, (filename4, filename5, filename3)) # test that files were actually copied self.failUnless(access(os.path.join(dst_dir, f1), F_OK)) self.failUnless(access(os.path.join(dst_dir, f2), F_OK)) self.failUnless(access(os.path.join(dst_dir, f3), F_OK)) self.failUnless(access(os.path.join(dst_dir, f4), F_OK)) self.failUnless(access(os.path.join(dst_dir, f5), F_OK)) # clean up shutil.rmtree(work_dir) #------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Data_Manager,'test') if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][0].upper() == 'V': Test_Data_Manager.verbose=True saveout = sys.stdout filename = ".temp_verbose" fid = open(filename, 'w') sys.stdout = fid else: pass runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() #verbosity=2) runner.run(suite) # Cleaning up if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][0].upper() == 'V': sys.stdout = saveout fid.close() os.remove(filename)