"""Track IP of data files in an entire directory tree.
See docstring for the public function IP_verified()
for details on algorithm.
An example of the XML format expected by this module is
Ole Nielsenchannel1.png1339122967YesOle NielsenGenerated by ANUGA development teamGeoscience AustraliaFor use with ANUGA manual
There can be more than one element to cover files
with different extensions.
Here's a DTD format, we might implement one day
from os import remove, walk, sep
from os.path import join, splitext
# Don't add anuga.utilities to these imports
# EQRM also uses this file, but has a different directory structure
from xml_tools import xml2object, XML_element
from system_tools import compute_checksum
# Audit exceptions
class NotPublishable(Exception): pass
class FilenameMismatch(Exception): pass
class CRCMismatch(Exception): pass
class Invalid(Exception): pass
class WrongTags(Exception): pass
class Empty(Exception): pass
audit_exceptions = (NotPublishable,
def IP_verified(directory,
"""Find and audit potential data files that might violate IP
This is the public function to be used to ascertain that
all data in the specified directory tree has been audited according
to the GA data IP tracking process.
if IP_verified is False:
# Stop and take remedial action
# Proceed boldly with confidence
verbose controls standard output.
If verbose is False, only diagnostics about failed audits will appear.
All files that check OK will pass silently.
Optional arguments extensions_to_ignore, directories_to_ignore, and
files_to_ignore are lists of things to skip.
Examples are:
extensions_to_ignore = ['.py','.c','.h', '.f'] # Ignore source code
files_to_ignore = ['README.txt']
directories_to_ignore = ['.svn', 'misc']
None is also OK for these parameters.
# Identify data files
oldpath = None
all_files = 0
ok_files = 0
all_files_accounted_for = True
for dirpath, filename in identify_datafiles(directory,
if oldpath != dirpath:
# Decide if dir header needs to be printed
oldpath = dirpath
first_time_this_dir = True
all_files += 1
basename, ext = splitext(filename)
license_filename = join(dirpath, basename + '.lic')
# Look for a XML license file with the .lic
status = 'OK'
fid = open(license_filename)
except IOError:
status = 'NO LICENSE FILE'
all_files_accounted_for = False
except audit_exceptions, e:
all_files_accounted_for = False
status += 'REASON: %s\n' %e
doc = xml2object(license_filename)
status += 'XML file %s could not be read:'\
fid = open(license_filename)
status += fid.read()
#if verbose is True:
# status += str(doc)
if status == 'OK':
ok_files += 1
# Only print status if there is a problem (no news is good news)
if first_time_this_dir is True:
print '------------------------------------'
msg = 'Files without licensing info in dir:'
print msg, dirpath
print '------------------------------------'
first_time_this_dir = False
print filename + ' (Checksum=%s): '\
%str(compute_checksum(join(dirpath, filename))),\
if verbose is True:
print '---------------------'
print 'Audit result for dir: %s:' %directory
print '---------------------'
print 'Number of files audited: %d' %(all_files)
print 'Number of files verified: %d' %(ok_files)
# Return result
return all_files_accounted_for
# Private functions
def identify_datafiles(root,
""" Identify files that might contain data
See function IP_verified() for details about optinoal parmeters
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk(root):
for ignore in directories_to_ignore:
if ignore in dirnames:
dirnames.remove(ignore) # don't visit ignored directories
for filename in filenames:
# Ignore extensions that need no IP check
ignore = False
for ext in extensions_to_ignore:
if filename.endswith(ext):
ignore = True
if filename in files_to_ignore:
ignore = True
if ignore is False:
yield dirpath, filename
def license_file_is_valid(license_filename, data_filename,
dirpath='.', verbose=False):
"""Check that XML license file for given filename_to_verify is valid.
license_filename: XML license file (must be an absolute path name)
data_filename: The data filename that is being audited
dir_path: Where the files live
verbose: Optional verbosity
Check for each datafile listed that
* Datafile tags are there and match the one specified
* Fields are non empty (except IP_info which can be left blank)
* Datafile exists
* Checksum is correct
* Datafile is flagged as publishable
If anything is violated an appropriate exception is raised.
If everything is honky dory the function will return True.
if verbose:
print 'Parsing', license_filename
doc = xml2object(license_filename)
# Check that file is valid (e.g. all elements there)
if not doc.has_key('ga_license_file'):
msg = 'License file %s must have two elements' %license_filename
msg += ' at the root level. They are\n'
msg += ' \n'
msg += ' \n'
msg += 'The second element was found to be %s' %doc.keys()
raise WrongTags, msg
# Validate elements: metadata, datafile, datafile, ...
# FIXME (Ole): I'd like this to verified by the parser
# using a proper DTD template one day....
# For not, let's check the main ones.
elements = doc['ga_license_file']
if not elements.has_key('metadata'):
msg = 'Tag %s must have the element "metadata"'\
msg += 'The element found was %s' %elements[0].nodeName
raise WrongTags, msg
if not elements.has_key('datafile'):
msg = 'Tag %s must have the element "datafile"'\
msg += 'The element found was %s' %elements[0].nodeName
raise WrongTags, msg
for key in elements.keys():
msg = 'Invalid tag: %s' %key
if not key in ['metadata', 'datafile']:
raise WrongTags, msg
# Extract information for metadata section
if verbose: print
metadata = elements['metadata']
author = metadata['author']
if verbose: print 'Author: ', author
if author == '':
msg = 'Missing author'
raise Exception, msg
#svn_keywords = metadata['svn_keywords']
#if verbose: print 'SVN keywords: ', svn_keywords
# Extract information for datafile sections
datafile = elements['datafile']
if isinstance(datafile, XML_element):
datafile = [datafile]
# Check that filename to verify is listed in license file
found = False
for data in datafile:
if data['filename'] == data_filename:
found = True
if not found:
msg = 'Specified filename to verify %s ' %data_filename
msg += 'did not appear in license file %s' %license_filename
raise FilenameMismatch, msg
# Check contents for selected data_filename
#for data in datafile:
# if verbose: print
# Filename
if data['filename'] == '':
msg = 'Missing filename'
raise FilenameMismatch, msg
filename = join(dirpath, data['filename'])
if verbose: print 'Filename: "%s"' %filename
fid = open(filename, 'r')
msg = 'Specified filename %s could not be opened'\
raise FilenameMismatch, msg
reported_crc = data['checksum']
if verbose: print 'Checksum: "%s"' %reported_crc
file_crc = str(compute_checksum(filename))
if reported_crc != file_crc:
msg = 'Bad checksum (CRC).\n'
msg += ' The CRC reported in license file "%s" is "%s"\n'\
%(license_filename, reported_crc)
msg += ' The CRC computed from file "%s" is "%s"'\
%(filename, file_crc)
raise CRCMismatch, msg
# Accountable
accountable = data['accountable']
if verbose: print 'Accountable: "%s"' %accountable
if accountable == '':
msg = 'No accountable person specified'
raise Empty, msg
# Source
source = data['source']
if verbose: print 'Source: "%s"' %source
if source == '':
msg = 'No source specified'
raise Empty, msg
# IP owner
ip_owner = data['IP_owner']
if verbose: print 'IP owner: "%s"' %ip_owner
if ip_owner == '':
msg = 'No IP owner specified'
raise Empty, msg
# IP info
ip_info = data['IP_info']
if verbose: print 'IP info: "%s"' %ip_info
#if ip_info == '':
# msg = 'No IP info specified'
# raise Empty, msg
# Publishable
publishable = data['publishable']
if verbose: print 'Publishable: "%s"' %publishable
if publishable == '':
msg = 'No publishable value specified'
raise NotPublishable, msg
if publishable.upper() != 'YES':
msg = 'Data file %s is not flagged as publishable'\
raise NotPublishable, msg
# If we get this far, the license file is OK
return True