######################################################### # # Subdivide the GA domain. This module is primarily # responsible for building the ghost layer and # communication pattern # # # Author: Linda Stals, June 2005 # Modified: Linda Stals, Nov 2005 (optimise python code) # # ######################################################### import sys from Numeric import zeros, Float, Int, concatenate, \ reshape, arrayrange, take, nonzero from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.neighbour_mesh import Mesh ######################################################### # # Subdivide the triangles into non-overlapping domains. # # *) The subdivision is controlled by triangles_per_proc. # The first triangles_per_proc[0] triangles are assigned # to the first processor, the second triangles_per_proc[1] # are assigned to the second processor etc. # # *) nodes, triangles and boundary contains all of the # nodes, triangles and boundary tag information for the # whole domain. The triangles should be orientated in the # correct way and the nodes number consecutively from 0. # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) A dictionary containing the full_nodes, full_triangles # and full_boundary information for each processor is # returned. The node information consists of # [global_id, x_coord, y_coord]. # ######################################################### def submesh_full(nodes, triangles, boundary, triangles_per_proc): # Initialise tlower = 0 nproc = len(triangles_per_proc) nnodes = len(nodes) node_list = [] triangle_list = [] boundary_list = [] submesh = {} node_range = reshape(arrayrange(nnodes),(nnodes,1)) tsubnodes = concatenate((node_range, nodes), 1) # Loop over processors for p in range(nproc): # Find triangles on processor p tupper = triangles_per_proc[p]+tlower subtriangles = triangles[tlower:tupper] triangle_list.append(subtriangles) # Find the boundary edges on processor p subboundary = {} for k in boundary: if (k[0] >=tlower and k[0] < tupper): subboundary[k]=boundary[k] boundary_list.append(subboundary) # Find nodes in processor p nodemap = zeros(nnodes, 'i') for t in subtriangles: nodemap[t[0]]=1 nodemap[t[1]]=1 nodemap[t[2]]=1 node_list.append(take(tsubnodes,nonzero(nodemap))) # Move to the next processor tlower = tupper # Put the results in a dictionary submesh["full_nodes"] = node_list submesh["full_triangles"] = triangle_list submesh["full_boundary"] = boundary_list # Clean up before exiting del (nodemap) return submesh ######################################################### # # Build the ghost layer of triangles # # *) Given the triangle subpartion for the processor # build a ghost layer of triangles. The ghost layer # consists of two layers of neighbouring triangles. # # *) The vertices in the ghost triangles must also # be added to the node list for the current processor # # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) The extra triangles and nodes are returned. # # *) The node information consists of # [global_id, x_coord, y_coord]. # # *) The triangle information consists of # [triangle number, t], where t = [v1, v2, v3]. # ######################################################### def ghost_layer(submesh, mesh, p, tupper, tlower): ncoord = mesh.number_of_nodes ntriangles = mesh.number_of_triangles # Find the first layer of boundary triangles trianglemap = zeros(ntriangles, 'i') for t in range(tlower, tupper): n = mesh.neighbours[t, 0] if n >= 0: if n < tlower or n >= tupper: trianglemap[n] = 1 n = mesh.neighbours[t, 1] if n >= 0: if n < tlower or n >= tupper: trianglemap[n] = 1 n = mesh.neighbours[t, 2] if n >= 0: if n < tlower or n >= tupper: trianglemap[n] = 1 # Find the second layer of boundary triangles for t in range(len(trianglemap)): if trianglemap[t]==1: n = mesh.neighbours[t, 0] if n >= 0: if (n < tlower or n >= tupper) and trianglemap[n] == 0: trianglemap[n] = 2 n = mesh.neighbours[t, 1] if n >= 0: if (n < tlower or n >= tupper) and trianglemap[n] == 0: trianglemap[n] = 2 n = mesh.neighbours[t, 2] if n >= 0: if (n < tlower or n >= tupper) and trianglemap[n] == 0: trianglemap[n] = 2 # Build the triangle list and make note of the vertices nodemap = zeros(ncoord, 'i') fullnodes = submesh["full_nodes"][p] subtriangles = [] for i in range(len(trianglemap)): if trianglemap[i] != 0: t = list(mesh.triangles[i]) nodemap[t[0]] = 1 nodemap[t[1]] = 1 nodemap[t[2]] = 1 trilist = reshape(arrayrange(ntriangles),(ntriangles,1)) tsubtriangles = concatenate((trilist, mesh.triangles), 1) subtriangles = take(tsubtriangles, nonzero(trianglemap)) # Keep a record of the triangle vertices, if they are not already there subnodes = [] for n in fullnodes: nodemap[int(n[0])] = 0 nodelist = reshape(arrayrange(ncoord),(ncoord,1)) tsubnodes = concatenate((nodelist, mesh.get_nodes()), 1) subnodes = take(tsubnodes, nonzero(nodemap)) # Clean up before exiting del (nodelist) del (trilist) del (tsubnodes) del (nodemap) del (trianglemap) # Return the triangles and vertices sitting on the boundary layer return subnodes, subtriangles ######################################################### # # Find the edges of the ghost trianlges that do not # have a neighbour in the current cell. These are # treated as a special type of boundary edge. # # *) Given the ghost triangles in a particular # triangle, use the mesh to find its neigbours. If # the neighbour is not in the processor set it to # be a boundary edge # # *) The vertices in the ghost triangles must also # be added to the node list for the current processor # # *) The boundary edges for the ghost triangles are # ignored. # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) The type assigned to the ghost boundary edges is 'ghost' # # *) The boundary information is returned as a directorier # with the key = (triangle id, edge no) and the values # assigned to the key is 'ghost' # # ######################################################### def is_in_processor(ghost_list, tlower, tupper, n): return (n in ghost_list) or (tlower <= n and tupper > n) def ghost_bnd_layer(ghosttri, tlower, tupper, mesh, p): ghost_list = [] subboundary = {} for t in ghosttri: ghost_list.append(t[0]) for t in ghosttri: n = mesh.neighbours[t[0], 0] if not is_in_processor(ghost_list, tlower, tupper, n): subboundary[t[0], 0] = 'ghost' n = mesh.neighbours[t[0], 1] if not is_in_processor(ghost_list, tlower, tupper, n): subboundary[t[0], 1] = 'ghost' n = mesh.neighbours[t[0], 2] if not is_in_processor(ghost_list, tlower, tupper, n): subboundary[t[0], 2] = 'ghost' return subboundary ######################################################### # # The ghost triangles on the current processor will need # to get updated information from the neighbouring # processor containing the corresponding full triangles. # # *) The tri_per_proc is used to determine which # processor contains the full node copy. # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) The ghost communication pattern consists of # [global node number, neighbour processor number]. # ######################################################### def ghost_commun_pattern(subtri, p, tri_per_proc): # Loop over the ghost triangles ghost_commun = zeros((len(subtri), 2), Int) for i in range(len(subtri)): global_no = subtri[i][0] # Find which processor contains the full triangle nproc = len(tri_per_proc) neigh = nproc-1 sum = 0 for q in range(nproc-1): if (global_no < sum+tri_per_proc[q]): neigh = q break sum = sum+tri_per_proc[q] # Keep a copy of the neighbour processor number ghost_commun[i] = [global_no, neigh] return ghost_commun ######################################################### # # The full triangles in this processor must communicate # updated information to neighbouring processor that # contain ghost triangles # # *) The ghost communication pattern for all of the # processor must be built before calling this processor. # # *) The full communication pattern is found by looping # through the ghost communication pattern for all of the # processors. Recall that this information is stored in # the form [global node number, neighbour processor number]. # The full communication for the neighbour processor is # then updated. # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) The full communication pattern consists of # [global id, [p1, p2, ...]], where p1, p2 etc contain # a ghost node copy of the triangle global id. # ######################################################### def full_commun_pattern(submesh, tri_per_proc): tlower = 0 nproc = len(tri_per_proc) full_commun = [] # Loop over the processor for p in range(nproc): # Loop over the full triangles in the current processor # and build an empty dictionary fcommun = {} tupper = tri_per_proc[p]+tlower for i in range(tlower, tupper): fcommun[i] = [] full_commun.append(fcommun) tlower = tupper # Loop over the processor again for p in range(nproc): # Loop over the ghost triangles in the current processor, # find which processor contains the corresponding full copy # and note that the processor must send updates to this # processor for g in submesh["ghost_commun"][p]: neigh = g[1] full_commun[neigh][g[0]].append(p) return full_commun ######################################################### # # Given the non-overlapping grid partition, an extra layer # of triangles are included to help with the computations. # The triangles in this extra layer are not updated by # the processor, their updated values must be sent by the # processor containing the original, full, copy of the # triangle. The communication pattern that controls these # updates must also be built. # # *) Assumes that full triangles, nodes etc have already # been found and stored in submesh # # *) See the documentation for ghost_layer, # ghost_commun_pattern and full_commun_pattern # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) The additional information is added to the submesh # dictionary. See the documentation for ghost_layer, # ghost_commun_pattern and full_commun_pattern # # *) The ghost_triangles, ghost_nodes, ghost_boundary, # ghost_commun and full_commun is added to submesh ######################################################### def submesh_ghost(submesh, mesh, triangles_per_proc): nproc = len(triangles_per_proc) tlower = 0 ghost_triangles = [] ghost_nodes = [] ghost_commun = [] ghost_bnd = [] # Loop over the processors for p in range(nproc): # Find the full triangles in this processor tupper = triangles_per_proc[p]+tlower # Build the ghost boundary layer [subnodes, subtri] = \ ghost_layer(submesh, mesh, p, tupper, tlower) ghost_triangles.append(subtri) ghost_nodes.append(subnodes) # Find the boundary layer formed by the ghost triangles subbnd = ghost_bnd_layer(subtri, tlower, tupper, mesh, p) ghost_bnd.append(subbnd) # Build the communication pattern for the ghost nodes gcommun = \ ghost_commun_pattern(subtri, p, triangles_per_proc) ghost_commun.append(gcommun) # Move to the next processor tlower = tupper # Record the ghost layer and communication pattern submesh["ghost_nodes"] = ghost_nodes submesh["ghost_triangles"] = ghost_triangles submesh["ghost_commun"] = ghost_commun submesh["ghost_boundary"] = ghost_bnd # Build the communication pattern for the full triangles full_commun = full_commun_pattern(submesh, triangles_per_proc) submesh["full_commun"] = full_commun # Return the submesh return submesh ######################################################### # # Certain quantities may be assigned to the triangles, # these quantities must be subdivided in the same way # as the triangles # # *) The quantities are ordered in the same way as the # triangles # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) The quantites attached to the full triangles are # stored in full_quan # # *) The quantities attached to the ghost triangles are # stored in ghost_quan ######################################################### def submesh_quantities(submesh, quantities, triangles_per_proc): nproc = len(triangles_per_proc) lower = 0 # Build an empty dictionary to hold the quantites submesh["full_quan"] = {} submesh["ghost_quan"] = {} for k in quantities: submesh["full_quan"][k] = [] submesh["ghost_quan"][k] = [] # Loop trough the subdomains for p in range(nproc): upper = lower+triangles_per_proc[p] # Find the global ID of the ghost triangles global_id = [] M = len(submesh["ghost_triangles"][p]) for j in range(M): global_id.append(submesh["ghost_triangles"][p][j][0]) # Use the global ID to extract the quantites information from # the full domain for k in quantities: submesh["full_quan"][k].append(quantities[k][lower:upper]) submesh["ghost_quan"][k].append(zeros( (M,3) , Float)) for j in range(M): submesh["ghost_quan"][k][p][j] = \ quantities[k][global_id[j]] lower = upper return submesh ######################################################### # # Build the grid partition on the host. # # *) See the documentation for submesh_ghost and # submesh_full # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) A dictionary containing the full_triangles, # full_nodes, full_boundary, ghost_triangles, ghost_nodes, # ghost_boundary, ghost_commun and full_commun and true boundary polygon is returned. # ######################################################### def build_submesh(nodes, triangles, edges, quantities, triangles_per_proc): # Temporarily build the mesh to find the neighbouring # triangles and true boundary polygon mesh = Mesh(nodes, triangles) boundary_polygon = mesh.get_boundary_polygon() # Subdivide into non-overlapping partitions submeshf = submesh_full(nodes, triangles, edges, \ triangles_per_proc) # Add any extra ghost boundary layer information submeshg = submesh_ghost(submeshf, mesh, triangles_per_proc) # Order the quantities information to be the same as the triangle # information submesh = submesh_quantities(submeshg, quantities, \ triangles_per_proc) submesh["boundary_polygon"] = boundary_polygon return submesh