source: branches/numpy_anuga_validation/automated_validation_tests/fitting/

Last change on this file was 7248, checked in by rwilson, 16 years ago

Cleanup of time/memory testunit.

File size: 4.5 KB
[4839]1"""Automatic verification that the ANUGA fitting code is not taking more time
2or memory than usual.  This test has been tailored for computers in GA.
4I'm leaving a 20% error margin
6Note, going from version 4897 to 4917 uses more memory, based on how
7memory is measured here. What is actually happening is the mesh
8generation is using less memory, in version 4917.  In version 4897
[5290]9mesh gen uses and frees up more memory, so python asks for less extra
[4919]10memory in the fitting stage.  So overall version 4917 is an
14 version 4897
15test_fit_time_and_mem (__main__.Test_uq) ...  very start mem_usage() 98108
16 before fitting mem_usage() 134696
17 after fitting mem_usage() 155820
19version 4917
20test_fit_time_and_mem (__main__.Test_uq) ...  very start mem_usage() 98076
21 before fitting mem_usage() 120012
22 after fitting mem_usage() 150212
23time 15.19490695
24mem 30200
[7242]262009 June 22 - RW
27Changed the time/memory values to be exactly those found on the hardware.
28Took 10 measurements, used maximum in found values.
32import unittest
33import os, sys
35from anuga.fit_interpolate.benchmark_least_squares import BenchmarkLeastSquares
37class Test_uq(unittest.TestCase):
38    def setUp(self):
39        pass
41    def tearDown(self):
42        pass
44    # FIXME test the time to put .pts elevation into a domain object
45    # FIXME do tests for interpolate as well.
47    # A version round 4872 has slower times.
48    # That's because v4872 is using geo-ref, whereas the
49    # previous version did not.
[4839]51    def test_fit_time_and_mem(self):
52        import socket
54        # get hostname - for *nix and Windows
[4839]55        host =  socket.gethostname()
57        # define dictionary of expected time/memory usage per machine.
58        # key must be unique *prefix* of machine name, lowercase.
59        # value is tuple: (time, memory) in seconds and KiB.
60        expected_results = {'tornado':  (10.8, 40468),  # tornado headnode
61                            'cyclone':  (7.4,  40468),  # cyclone headnode
62                            'compute':  (10.8, 40468),  # cluster computenode
63                            'nautilus': (8.1,  16104),  # Ole's 32bit Ubuntu
64                            'bogong':   (14.2, 30000),  # ANU?
65                            'pc-31569': (31.6, 15000),  # DSG's PC?
66                            'pc-32572': (12.8, 15788),  # Ross' 32bit work Ubuntu
67                            'saturn':   (12.8, 39404)   # Ross' 64bit home Ubuntu
68                           } 
70        # run trial, report on time and memory
[4839]71        ben = BenchmarkLeastSquares()
[7242]72        (time, mem, num_tri, one_t,
73         more_t, quad_t) = ben.trial(num_of_points=1000,
74                                     maxArea=0.0001,
75                                     is_fit=True,
76                                     segments_in_mesh=False,
77                                     use_file_type='pts',
78                                     save=False
79                                    )
[7242]81        # Get expected machine values, else a default set of values
82        time_standard = 15.0        # max of above, plus a little
83        mem_standard = 40000
84        for key in expected_results:
85            if host.lower().startswith(key):
86                (time_standard, mem_standard) = expected_results[key]
[7248]87                break
[7242]89        # don't want exception here, report on time *and* memory
90        got_error = False
[7222]91        msg = ('Time used was %.1f s, standard is %.1f s +20%% (%.1f s)'
92               % (time, time_standard, int(time_standard*1.2)))
[7240]93        #print msg
[7242]94        #assert time < time_standard*1.2, msg
95        if time > time_standard*1.2:
96            print msg
97            got_error = True
[6007]99        if sys.platform == 'win32':
100            # Memory usage does not work on windows
101            return
103        # Before change:
104        # which closed tickets 244 and 302, mem_standard was as above.
105        # Temporary until ticket:242 is fixed increase it by 25%
[6198]106        #mem_standard *= 1.25
107        # Ticket:242 is now fixed (19 Jan 2009), so mem_standard is
108        #reduced again
[7222]110        msg = ('Memory used was %d KiB, standard is %d KiB +20%% (%d KiB)'
111               % (mem, mem_standard, int(mem_standard*1.2)))
[7240]112        #print msg
[7222]113        assert mem < mem_standard*1.2, msg           
115        if got_error:
116            raise RuntimeError
119if __name__ == "__main__":
120    suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_uq,'test')
121    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
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