#!/usr/bin/env python """ Note, fitting/blocking is also tested in test_quantity.test_set_values_from_UTM_pts. """ #TEST import sys import unittest from math import sqrt import tempfile import os import numpy from fit import * from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.neighbour_mesh import Mesh from anuga.utilities.sparse import Sparse, Sparse_CSR from anuga.coordinate_transforms.geo_reference import Geo_reference from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric from anuga.geospatial_data.geospatial_data import Geospatial_data from anuga.shallow_water import Domain def distance(x, y): return sqrt( sum( (numpy.array(x)-numpy.array(y))**2 )) def linear_function(point): point = numpy.array(point) return point[:,0]+point[:,1] class Test_Fit(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_smooth_attributes_to_mesh(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 5.0] c = [5.0, 0.0] points = [a, b, c] triangles = [ [1,0,2] ] #bac d1 = [1.0, 1.0] d2 = [1.0, 3.0] d3 = [3.0,1.0] z1 = 2 z2 = 4 z3 = 4 data_coords = [d1, d2, d3] z = [z1, z2, z3] fit = Fit(points, triangles, alpha=0) #print "interp.get_A()", interp.get_A() fit._build_matrix_AtA_Atz(ensure_numeric(data_coords), ensure_numeric(z)) #print "Atz - from fit", fit.Atz #print "AtA - from fit", fit.AtA.todense() #print "z",z assert numpy.allclose(fit.Atz, [2.8, 3.6, 3.6], atol=1e-7) f = fit.fit() answer = [0, 5., 5.] #print "f\n",f #print "answer\n",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer, atol=1e-7) def test_smooth_att_to_meshII(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 5.0] c = [5.0, 0.0] points = [a, b, c] triangles = [ [1,0,2] ] #bac d1 = [1.0, 1.0] d2 = [1.0, 2.0] d3 = [3.0,1.0] data_coords = [d1, d2, d3] z = linear_function(data_coords) #print "z",z interp = Fit(points, triangles, alpha=0.0) f = interp.fit(data_coords, z) answer = linear_function(points) #print "f\n",f #print "answer\n",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) def test_smooth_attributes_to_meshIII(self): a = [-1.0, 0.0] b = [3.0, 4.0] c = [4.0,1.0] d = [-3.0, 2.0] #3 e = [-1.0,-2.0] f = [1.0, -2.0] #5 vertices = [a, b, c, d,e,f] triangles = [[0,1,3], [1,0,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,2]] #abd bac aef afc point_coords = [[-2.0, 2.0], [-1.0, 1.0], [0.0,2.0], [1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 1.0], [0.0,0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0], [-0.2,-0.5], [-0.9, -1.5], [0.5, -1.9], [3.0,1.0]] z = linear_function(point_coords) interp = Fit(vertices, triangles, alpha=0.0) #print 'z',z f = interp.fit(point_coords,z) answer = linear_function(vertices) #print "f\n",f #print "answer\n",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) def test_smooth_attributes_to_meshIV(self): # Testing 2 attributes smoothed to the mesh a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 5.0] c = [5.0, 0.0] points = [a, b, c] triangles = [ [1,0,2] ] #bac d1 = [1.0, 1.0] d2 = [1.0, 3.0] d3 = [3.0, 1.0] z1 = [2, 4] z2 = [4, 8] z3 = [4, 8] data_coords = [d1, d2, d3] z = [z1, z2, z3] fit = Fit(points, triangles, alpha=0) f = fit.fit(data_coords,z) answer = [[0,0], [5., 10.], [5., 10.]] assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) def test_smooth_attributes_to_mesh_build_fit_subset(self): a = [-1.0, 0.0] b = [3.0, 4.0] c = [4.0,1.0] d = [-3.0, 2.0] #3 e = [-1.0,-2.0] f = [1.0, -2.0] #5 vertices = [a, b, c, d,e,f] triangles = [[0,1,3], [1,0,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,2]] #abd bac aef afc interp = Fit(vertices, triangles, alpha=0.0) point_coords = [[-2.0, 2.0], [-1.0, 1.0], [0.0,2.0], [1.0, 1.0], ] z = linear_function(point_coords) f = interp.build_fit_subset(point_coords,z) point_coords = [ [2.0, 1.0], [0.0,0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0], [-0.2,-0.5], [-0.9, -1.5], [0.5, -1.9], [3.0,1.0]] z = linear_function(point_coords) f = interp.build_fit_subset(point_coords,z) #print 'z',z f = interp.fit() answer = linear_function(vertices) #print "f\n",f #print "answer\n",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) # test fit 2 mesh as well. def test_fit_file_blocking(self): a = [-1.0, 0.0] b = [3.0, 4.0] c = [4.0,1.0] d = [-3.0, 2.0] #3 e = [-1.0,-2.0] f = [1.0, -2.0] #5 vertices = [a, b, c, d,e,f] triangles = [[0,1,3], [1,0,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,2]] #abd bac aef afc interp = Fit(vertices, triangles, alpha=0.0) fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".ddd") file = open(fileName,"w") file.write(" x,y, elevation \n\ -2.0, 2.0, 0.\n\ -1.0, 1.0, 0.\n\ 0.0, 2.0 , 2.\n\ 1.0, 1.0 , 2.\n\ 2.0, 1.0 ,3. \n\ 0.0, 0.0 , 0.\n\ 1.0, 0.0 , 1.\n\ 0.0, -1.0, -1.\n\ -0.2, -0.5, -0.7\n\ -0.9, -1.5, -2.4\n\ 0.5, -1.9, -1.4\n\ 3.0, 1.0 , 4.\n") file.close() f = interp.fit(fileName, max_read_lines=2) answer = linear_function(vertices) #print "f\n",f #print "answer\n",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) os.remove(fileName) def test_fit_to_mesh_UTM_file(self): #Get (enough) datapoints data_points = [[-21.5, 114.5],[-21.4, 114.6],[-21.45,114.65], [-21.35, 114.65],[-21.45, 114.55],[-21.45,114.6]] data_geo_spatial = Geospatial_data(data_points, points_are_lats_longs=True) points_UTM = data_geo_spatial.get_data_points(absolute=True) attributes = linear_function(points_UTM) att = 'elevation' #Create .txt file txt_file = tempfile.mktemp(".txt") file = open(txt_file,"w") file.write(" x,y," + att + " \n") for data_point, attribute in map(None, points_UTM, attributes): row = str(data_point[0]) + ',' + str(data_point[1]) \ + ',' + str(attribute) #print "row", row file.write(row + "\n") file.close() # setting up the mesh a = [240000, 7620000] b = [240000, 7680000] c = [300000, 7620000] points = [a, b, c] elements = [[0,2,1]] f = fit_to_mesh(txt_file, points, elements, alpha=0.0, max_read_lines=2) answer = linear_function(points) #print "f",f #print "answer",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) # Delete file! os.remove(txt_file) def cache_test_fit_to_mesh_pts(self): a = [-1.0, 0.0] b = [3.0, 4.0] c = [4.0,1.0] d = [-3.0, 2.0] #3 e = [-1.0,-2.0] f = [1.0, -2.0] #5 vertices = [a, b, c, d,e,f] triangles = [[0,1,3], [1,0,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,2]] #abd bac aef afc fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".txt") file = open(fileName,"w") file.write(" x, y, elevation \n\ -2.0, 2.0, 0.\n\ -1.0, 1.0, 0.\n\ 0.0, 2.0 , 2.\n\ 1.0, 1.0 , 2.\n\ 2.0, 1.0 ,3. \n\ 0.0, 0.0 , 0.\n\ 1.0, 0.0 , 1.\n\ 0.0, -1.0, -1.\n\ -0.2, -0.5, -0.7\n\ -0.9, -1.5, -2.4\n\ 0.5, -1.9, -1.4\n\ 3.0, 1.0 , 4.\n") file.close() geo = Geospatial_data(fileName) fileName_pts = tempfile.mktemp(".pts") points = geo.get_data_points(absolute=True) atts = geo.get_attributes() f = fit_to_mesh(points,atts, vertices, triangles, alpha=0.0, max_read_lines=2, use_cache=True, verbose=True) answer = linear_function(vertices) #print "f\n",f #print "answer\n",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) os.remove(fileName) def test_fit_to_mesh_pts(self): a = [-1.0, 0.0] b = [3.0, 4.0] c = [4.0,1.0] d = [-3.0, 2.0] #3 e = [-1.0,-2.0] f = [1.0, -2.0] #5 vertices = [a, b, c, d,e,f] triangles = [[0,1,3], [1,0,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,2]] #abd bac aef afc fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".txt") file = open(fileName,"w") file.write(" x, y, elevation \n\ -2.0, 2.0, 0.\n\ -1.0, 1.0, 0.\n\ 0.0, 2.0 , 2.\n\ 1.0, 1.0 , 2.\n\ 2.0, 1.0 ,3. \n\ 0.0, 0.0 , 0.\n\ 1.0, 0.0 , 1.\n\ 0.0, -1.0, -1.\n\ -0.2, -0.5, -0.7\n\ -0.9, -1.5, -2.4\n\ 0.5, -1.9, -1.4\n\ 3.0, 1.0 , 4.\n") file.close() geo = Geospatial_data(fileName) fileName_pts = tempfile.mktemp(".pts") geo.export_points_file(fileName_pts) f = fit_to_mesh(fileName_pts, vertices, triangles, alpha=0.0, max_read_lines=2) answer = linear_function(vertices) #print "f\n",f #print "answer\n",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) os.remove(fileName) os.remove(fileName_pts) def test_fit_to_mesh_pts_passing_mesh_in(self): a = [-1.0, 0.0] b = [3.0, 4.0] c = [4.0,1.0] d = [-3.0, 2.0] #3 e = [-1.0,-2.0] f = [1.0, -2.0] #5 vertices = [a, b, c, d,e,f] triangles = [[0,1,3], [1,0,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,2]] #abd bac aef afc fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".txt") file = open(fileName,"w") file.write(" x, y, elevation \n\ -2.0, 2.0, 0.\n\ -1.0, 1.0, 0.\n\ 0.0, 2.0 , 2.\n\ 1.0, 1.0 , 2.\n\ 2.0, 1.0 ,3. \n\ 0.0, 0.0 , 0.\n\ 1.0, 0.0 , 1.\n\ 0.0, -1.0, -1.\n\ -0.2, -0.5, -0.7\n\ -0.9, -1.5, -2.4\n\ 0.5, -1.9, -1.4\n\ 3.0, 1.0 , 4.\n") file.close() geo = Geospatial_data(fileName) fileName_pts = tempfile.mktemp(".pts") geo.export_points_file(fileName_pts) f = fit_to_mesh(fileName_pts, vertices, triangles, alpha=0.0, max_read_lines=2) answer = linear_function(vertices) #print "f\n",f #print "answer\n",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) os.remove(fileName) os.remove(fileName_pts) def test_fit_to_mesh(self): a = [-1.0, 0.0] b = [3.0, 4.0] c = [4.0,1.0] d = [-3.0, 2.0] #3 e = [-1.0,-2.0] f = [1.0, -2.0] #5 vertices = [a, b, c, d,e,f] triangles = [[0,1,3], [1,0,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,2]] #abd bac aef afc fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".ddd") file = open(fileName,"w") file.write(" x,y, elevation \n\ -2.0, 2.0, 0.\n\ -1.0, 1.0, 0.\n\ 0.0, 2.0 , 2.\n\ 1.0, 1.0 , 2.\n\ 2.0, 1.0 ,3. \n\ 0.0, 0.0 , 0.\n\ 1.0, 0.0 , 1.\n\ 0.0, -1.0, -1.\n\ -0.2, -0.5, -0.7\n\ -0.9, -1.5, -2.4\n\ 0.5, -1.9, -1.4\n\ 3.0, 1.0 , 4.\n") file.close() f = fit_to_mesh(fileName, vertices, triangles, alpha=0.0, max_read_lines=2) #use_cache=True, verbose=True) answer = linear_function(vertices) #print "f\n",f #print "answer\n",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) os.remove(fileName) def test_fit_to_mesh_2_atts(self): a = [-1.0, 0.0] b = [3.0, 4.0] c = [4.0,1.0] d = [-3.0, 2.0] #3 e = [-1.0,-2.0] f = [1.0, -2.0] #5 vertices = [a, b, c, d,e,f] triangles = [[0,1,3], [1,0,2], [0,4,5], [0,5,2]] #abd bac aef afc fileName = tempfile.mktemp(".ddd") file = open(fileName,"w") # the 2nd att name is wacky so it's the first key off a hash table file.write(" x,y, elevation, afriqction \n\ -2.0, 2.0, 0., 0.\n\ -1.0, 1.0, 0., 0.\n\ 0.0, 2.0 , 2., 20.\n\ 1.0, 1.0 , 2., 20.\n\ 2.0, 1.0 ,3., 30. \n\ 0.0, 0.0 , 0., 0.\n\ 1.0, 0.0 , 1., 10.\n\ 0.0, -1.0, -1., -10.\n\ -0.2, -0.5, -0.7, -7.\n\ -0.9, -1.5, -2.4, -24. \n\ 0.5, -1.9, -1.4, -14. \n\ 3.0, 1.0 , 4., 40. \n") file.close() f = fit_to_mesh(fileName, vertices, triangles, alpha=0.0, attribute_name='elevation', max_read_lines=2) answer = linear_function(vertices) #print "f\n",f #print "answer\n",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) os.remove(fileName) def test_fit_and_interpolation(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0, 0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0, 0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe, daf, dae triangles = [[1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4]] #Get (enough) datapoints data_points = [[ 0.66666667, 0.66666667], [ 1.33333333, 1.33333333], [ 2.66666667, 0.66666667], [ 0.66666667, 2.66666667], [ 0.0, 1.0], [ 0.0, 3.0], [ 1.0, 0.0], [ 1.0, 1.0], [ 1.0, 2.0], [ 1.0, 3.0], [ 2.0, 1.0], [ 3.0, 0.0], [ 3.0, 1.0]] z = linear_function(data_points) interp = Fit(points, triangles, alpha=0.0) answer = linear_function(points) f = interp.fit(data_points, z) #print "f",f #print "answer",answer assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) def test_smoothing_and_interpolation(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0, 0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0, 0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe, daf, dae triangles = [[1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4]] #Get (too few!) datapoints data_points = [[ 0.66666667, 0.66666667], [ 1.33333333, 1.33333333], [ 2.66666667, 0.66666667], [ 0.66666667, 2.66666667]] z = linear_function(data_points) answer = linear_function(points) #Make interpolator with too few data points and no smoothing interp = Fit(points, triangles, alpha=0.0) #Must raise an exception try: f = interp.fit(data_points,z) except TooFewPointsError: pass #Now try with smoothing parameter interp = Fit(points, triangles, alpha=1.0e-13) f = interp.fit(data_points,z) #f will be different from answer due to smoothing assert numpy.allclose(f, answer,atol=5) #Tests of smoothing matrix def test_smoothing_matrix_one_triangle(self): ## from numpy.oldnumeric import dot a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0,0.0] points = [a, b, c] vertices = [ [1,0,2] ] #bac interp = Fit(points, vertices) assert numpy.allclose(interp.get_D(), [[1, -0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5, 0], [-0.5, 0, 0.5]]) #Define f(x,y) = x f = numpy.array([0,0,2]) #Value at global vertex 2 #Check that int (df/dx)**2 + (df/dy)**2 dx dy = # int 1 dx dy = area = 2 assert numpy.dot(numpy.dot(f, interp.get_D()), f) == 2 #Define f(x,y) = y f = numpy.array([0,2,0]) #Value at global vertex 1 #Check that int (df/dx)**2 + (df/dy)**2 dx dy = # int 1 dx dy = area = 2 assert numpy.dot(numpy.dot(f, interp.get_D()), f) == 2 #Define f(x,y) = x+y f = numpy.array([0,2,2]) #Values at global vertex 1 and 2 #Check that int (df/dx)**2 + (df/dy)**2 dx dy = # int 2 dx dy = 2*area = 4 assert numpy.dot(numpy.dot(f, interp.get_D()), f) == 4 def test_smoothing_matrix_more_triangles(self): ## from numpy.oldnumeric import dot a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0,0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0,0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe, daf, dae vertices = [ [1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4]] interp = Fit(points, vertices) #assert allclose(interp.get_D(), [[1, -0.5, -0.5], # [-0.5, 0.5, 0], # [-0.5, 0, 0.5]]) #Define f(x,y) = x f = numpy.array([0,0,2,0,2,4]) #f evaluated at points a-f #Check that int (df/dx)**2 + (df/dy)**2 dx dy = # int 1 dx dy = total area = 8 assert numpy.dot(numpy.dot(f, interp.get_D()), f) == 8 #Define f(x,y) = y f = numpy.array([0,2,0,4,2,0]) #f evaluated at points a-f #Check that int (df/dx)**2 + (df/dy)**2 dx dy = # int 1 dx dy = area = 8 assert numpy.dot(numpy.dot(f, interp.get_D()), f) == 8 #Define f(x,y) = x+y f = numpy.array([0,2,2,4,4,4]) #f evaluated at points a-f #Check that int (df/dx)**2 + (df/dy)**2 dx dy = # int 2 dx dy = 2*area = 16 assert numpy.dot(numpy.dot(f, interp.get_D()), f) == 16 def test_fit_and_interpolation_with_different_origins(self): """Fit a surface to one set of points. Then interpolate that surface using another set of points. This test tests situtaion where points and mesh belong to a different coordinate system as defined by origin. """ #Setup mesh used to represent fitted function a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0, 0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0, 0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe, daf, dae triangles = [[1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4]] #Datapoints to fit from data_points1 = [[ 0.66666667, 0.66666667], [ 1.33333333, 1.33333333], [ 2.66666667, 0.66666667], [ 0.66666667, 2.66666667], [ 0.0, 1.0], [ 0.0, 3.0], [ 1.0, 0.0], [ 1.0, 1.0], [ 1.0, 2.0], [ 1.0, 3.0], [ 2.0, 1.0], [ 3.0, 0.0], [ 3.0, 1.0]] #First check that things are OK when using same origin mesh_origin = (56, 290000, 618000) #zone, easting, northing data_origin = (56, 290000, 618000) #zone, easting, northing #Fit surface to mesh interp = Fit(points, triangles, alpha=0.0, mesh_origin = mesh_origin) data_geo_spatial = Geospatial_data(data_points1, geo_reference = Geo_reference(56, 290000, 618000)) z = linear_function(data_points1) #Example z-values f = interp.fit(data_geo_spatial, z) #Fitted values at vertices #Shift datapoints according to new origins for k in range(len(data_points1)): data_points1[k][0] += mesh_origin[1] - data_origin[1] data_points1[k][1] += mesh_origin[2] - data_origin[2] #Fit surface to mesh interp = Fit(points, triangles, alpha=0.0) #Fitted values at vertices (using same z as before) f1 = interp.fit(data_points1,z) assert numpy.allclose(f,f1), 'Fit should have been unaltered' def test_smooth_attributes_to_mesh_function(self): #Testing 2 attributes smoothed to the mesh a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 5.0] c = [5.0, 0.0] points = [a, b, c] triangles = [ [1,0,2] ] #bac d1 = [1.0, 1.0] d2 = [1.0, 3.0] d3 = [3.0, 1.0] z1 = [2, 4] z2 = [4, 8] z3 = [4, 8] data_coords = [d1, d2, d3] z = [z1, z2, z3] f = fit_to_mesh(data_coords, vertex_coordinates=points, triangles=triangles, point_attributes=z, alpha=0.0) answer = [[0, 0], [5., 10.], [5., 10.]] assert numpy.allclose(f, answer) def test_fit_to_mesh_w_georef(self): """Simple check that georef works at the fit_to_mesh level """ from anuga.coordinate_transforms.geo_reference import Geo_reference #Mesh vertex_coordinates = [[0.76, 0.76], [0.76, 5.76], [5.76, 0.76]] triangles = [[0,2,1]] mesh_geo = Geo_reference(56,-0.76,-0.76) #print "mesh_geo.get_absolute(vertex_coordinates)", \ # mesh_geo.get_absolute(vertex_coordinates) #Data data_points = [[ 201.0, 401.0], [ 201.0, 403.0], [ 203.0, 401.0]] z = [2, 4, 4] data_geo = Geo_reference(56,-200,-400) #print "data_geo.get_absolute(data_points)", \ # data_geo.get_absolute(data_points) #Fit zz = fit_to_mesh(data_points, vertex_coordinates=vertex_coordinates, triangles=triangles, point_attributes=z, data_origin = data_geo.get_origin(), mesh_origin = mesh_geo.get_origin(), alpha = 0) assert numpy.allclose( zz, [0,5,5] ) def test_fit_to_mesh_file2domain(self): from load_mesh.loadASCII import import_mesh_file, \ export_mesh_file import tempfile import os # create a .tsh file, no user outline mesh_dic = {} mesh_dic['vertices'] = [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 5.0], [5.0, 0.0]] mesh_dic['triangles'] = [[0, 2, 1]] mesh_dic['segments'] = [[0, 1], [2, 0], [1, 2]] mesh_dic['triangle_tags'] = [''] mesh_dic['vertex_attributes'] = [[], [], []] mesh_dic['vertiex_attribute_titles'] = [] mesh_dic['triangle_neighbors'] = [[-1, -1, -1]] mesh_dic['segment_tags'] = ['external', 'external', 'external'] mesh_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") export_mesh_file(mesh_file,mesh_dic) # create a points .csv file point_file = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") fd = open(point_file,'w') fd.write("x,y, elevation, stage \n\ 1.0, 1.0,2.,4 \n\ 1.0, 3.0,4,8 \n\ 3.0,1.0,4.,8 \n") fd.close() mesh_output_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") fit_to_mesh_file(mesh_file, point_file, mesh_output_file, alpha = 0.0) # load in the .tsh file we just wrote mesh_dic = import_mesh_file(mesh_output_file) #print "mesh_dic",mesh_dic ans =[[0.0, 0.0], [5.0, 10.0], [5.0,10.0]] assert numpy.allclose(mesh_dic['vertex_attributes'],ans) self.failUnless(mesh_dic['vertex_attribute_titles'] == ['elevation','stage'], 'test_fit_to_mesh_file failed') domain = Domain(mesh_output_file, use_cache=True, verbose=False) answer = [0., 5., 5.] assert numpy.allclose(domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values, answer) #clean up os.remove(mesh_file) os.remove(point_file) os.remove(mesh_output_file) def test_fit_to_mesh_file3(self): from load_mesh.loadASCII import import_mesh_file, \ export_mesh_file import tempfile import os # create a .tsh file, no user outline mesh_dic = {} mesh_dic['vertices'] = [[0.76, 0.76], [0.76, 5.76], [5.76, 0.76]] mesh_dic['triangles'] = [[0, 2, 1]] mesh_dic['segments'] = [[0, 1], [2, 0], [1, 2]] mesh_dic['triangle_tags'] = [''] mesh_dic['vertex_attributes'] = [[], [], []] mesh_dic['vertiex_attribute_titles'] = [] mesh_dic['triangle_neighbors'] = [[-1, -1, -1]] mesh_dic['segment_tags'] = ['external', 'external', 'external'] mesh_dic['geo_reference'] = Geo_reference(56,-0.76,-0.76) mesh_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") export_mesh_file(mesh_file,mesh_dic) # create a points .csv file point_file = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") fd = open(point_file,'w') fd.write("x,y, elevation, stage \n\ 1.0, 1.0,2.,4 \n\ 1.0, 3.0,4,8 \n\ 3.0,1.0,4.,8 \n") fd.close() mesh_output_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") fit_to_mesh_file(mesh_file, point_file, mesh_output_file, alpha = 0.0) # load in the .tsh file we just wrote mesh_dic = import_mesh_file(mesh_output_file) #print "mesh_dic",mesh_dic ans =[[0.0, 0.0], [5.0, 10.0], [5.0,10.0]] assert numpy.allclose(mesh_dic['vertex_attributes'],ans) self.failUnless(mesh_dic['vertex_attribute_titles'] == ['elevation','stage'], 'test_fit_to_mesh_file failed') #clean up os.remove(mesh_file) os.remove(point_file) os.remove(mesh_output_file) def test_fit_to_mesh_fileII(self): from load_mesh.loadASCII import import_mesh_file, \ export_mesh_file import tempfile import os # create a .tsh file, no user outline mesh_dic = {} mesh_dic['vertices'] = [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 5.0], [5.0, 0.0]] mesh_dic['triangles'] = [[0, 2, 1]] mesh_dic['segments'] = [[0, 1], [2, 0], [1, 2]] mesh_dic['triangle_tags'] = [''] mesh_dic['vertex_attributes'] = [[1,2], [1,2], [1,2]] mesh_dic['vertex_attribute_titles'] = ['density', 'temp'] mesh_dic['triangle_neighbors'] = [[-1, -1, -1]] mesh_dic['segment_tags'] = ['external', 'external', 'external'] mesh_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") export_mesh_file(mesh_file,mesh_dic) # create a points .csv file point_file = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") fd = open(point_file,'w') fd.write("x,y,elevation, stage \n\ 1.0, 1.0,2.,4 \n\ 1.0, 3.0,4,8 \n\ 3.0,1.0,4.,8 \n") fd.close() mesh_output_file = "new_triangle.tsh" fit_to_mesh_file(mesh_file, point_file, mesh_output_file, alpha = 0.0) # load in the .tsh file we just wrote mesh_dic = import_mesh_file(mesh_output_file) assert numpy.allclose(mesh_dic['vertex_attributes'], [[1.0, 2.0,0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 2.0,5.0, 10.0], [1.0, 2.0,5.0,10.0]]) self.failUnless(mesh_dic['vertex_attribute_titles'] == ['density', 'temp','elevation','stage'], 'test_fit_to_mesh_file failed') #clean up os.remove(mesh_file) os.remove(mesh_output_file) os.remove(point_file) def test_fit_to_mesh_file_errors(self): from load_mesh.loadASCII import import_mesh_file, export_mesh_file import tempfile import os # create a .tsh file, no user outline mesh_dic = {} mesh_dic['vertices'] = [[0.0, 0.0],[0.0, 5.0],[5.0, 0.0]] mesh_dic['triangles'] = [[0, 2, 1]] mesh_dic['segments'] = [[0, 1], [2, 0], [1, 2]] mesh_dic['triangle_tags'] = [''] mesh_dic['vertex_attributes'] = [[1,2], [1,2], [1,2]] mesh_dic['vertex_attribute_titles'] = ['density', 'temp'] mesh_dic['triangle_neighbors'] = [[-1, -1, -1]] mesh_dic['segment_tags'] = ['external', 'external','external'] mesh_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") export_mesh_file(mesh_file,mesh_dic) # create a bad points .csv file point_file = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") fd = open(point_file,'w') fd.write("x,y,elevation stage \n\ 1.0, 1.0,2.,4 \n\ 1.0, 3.0,4,8 \n\ 3.0,1.0,4.,8 \n") fd.close() mesh_output_file = "new_triangle.tsh" try: fit_to_mesh_file(mesh_file, point_file, mesh_output_file, display_errors = False) except SyntaxError: pass else: #self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Bad file did not raise error!') raise 'Bad file did not raise error!' #clean up os.remove(mesh_file) os.remove(point_file) def test_fit_to_mesh_file_errorsII(self): from load_mesh.loadASCII import import_mesh_file, export_mesh_file import tempfile import os # create a .tsh file, no user outline mesh_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") fd = open(mesh_file,'w') fd.write("unit testing a bad .tsh file \n") fd.close() # create a points .csv file point_file = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") fd = open(point_file,'w') fd.write("x,y,elevation, stage \n\ 1.0, 1.0,2.,4 \n\ 1.0, 3.0,4,8 \n\ 3.0,1.0,4.,8 \n") fd.close() mesh_output_file = "new_triangle.tsh" try: fit_to_mesh_file(mesh_file, point_file, mesh_output_file, display_errors = False) except IOError: pass else: raise 'Bad file did not raise error!' #clean up os.remove(mesh_file) os.remove(point_file) def test_fit_to_mesh_file_errorsIII(self): from load_mesh.loadASCII import import_mesh_file, export_mesh_file import tempfile import os # create a .tsh file, no user outline mesh_dic = {} mesh_dic['vertices'] = [[0.0, 0.0],[0.0, 5.0],[5.0, 0.0]] mesh_dic['triangles'] = [[0, 2, 1]] mesh_dic['segments'] = [[0, 1], [2, 0], [1, 2]] mesh_dic['triangle_tags'] = [''] mesh_dic['vertex_attributes'] = [[1,2], [1,2], [1,2]] mesh_dic['vertex_attribute_titles'] = ['density', 'temp'] mesh_dic['triangle_neighbors'] = [[-1, -1, -1]] mesh_dic['segment_tags'] = ['external', 'external','external'] mesh_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") export_mesh_file(mesh_file,mesh_dic) # create a points .csv file point_file = tempfile.mktemp(".csv") fd = open(point_file,'w') fd.write("x,y,elevation, stage \n\ 1.0, 1.0,2.,4 \n\ 1.0, 3.0,4,8 \n\ 3.0,1.0,4.,8 \n") fd.close() #This a deliberately illegal filename to invoke the error. mesh_output_file = ".../\z\z:ya.tsh" try: fit_to_mesh_file(mesh_file, point_file, mesh_output_file, display_errors = False) except IOError: pass else: raise 'Bad file did not raise error!' #clean up os.remove(mesh_file) os.remove(point_file) def Not_yet_test_smooth_att_to_mesh_with_excess_verts(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 5.0] c = [5.0, 0.0] d = [1.0, 1.0] e = [18.0, 1000.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e] triangles = [ [1,0,2] ] #bac d1 = [1.0, 1.0] d2 = [1.0, 2.0] d3 = [3.0,1.0] d4 = [2.0,3.0] d5 = [2.0,2.0] d6 = [1.0,3.0] data_coords = [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6] z = linear_function(data_coords) #print "z",z interp = Fit(points, triangles, alpha=0.0) try: f = interp.fit(data_coords, z) except VertsWithNoTrianglesError: pass else: raise 'Verts with no triangles did not raise error!' #f = interp.fit(data_coords, z) #answer = linear_function(points) # Removing the bad verts that we don't care about #f = f[0:3] #answer = answer[0:3] #assert allclose(f, answer) #------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Fit,'test') #suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Fit,'test_smooth_attributes_to_mesh_function') #suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Fit,'') runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1) runner.run(suite)