"""compile.py - compile Python C-extension Commandline usage: python compile.py Usage from within Python: import compile compile.compile(,..) Ole Nielsen, Duncan Gray Oct 2001 """ #NumPy ------------------------------------ # Something like these lines recommended in "Converting from NUMARRAY to NUMPY" import numpy numpyincludedirs = numpy.get_include() I_dirs = '-I"%s" ' % numpyincludedirs #NumPy ------------------------------------ # FIXME (Ole): Although this script says it works with a range of compilers, # it has only really been used with gcc. import os, string, sys, types separation_line = '---------------------------------------' def compile(FNs=None, CC=None, LD = None, SFLAG = None, verbose = 1): """compile(FNs=None, CC=None, LD = None, SFLAG = None): Compile FN(s) using compiler CC (e.g. mpicc), Loader LD and shared flag SFLAG. If CC is absent use default compiler dependent on platform if LD is absent CC is used. if SFLAG is absent platform default is used FNs can be either one filename or a list of filenames In the latter case, the first will be used to name so file. """ # Input check # assert not FNs is None, 'No filename provided' if not type(FNs) == types.ListType: FNs = [FNs] libext = 'so' #Default extension (Unix) libs = '' version = sys.version[:3] # Determine platform and compiler # if sys.platform == 'sunos5': #Solaris if CC: compiler = CC else: compiler = 'gcc' if LD: loader = LD else: loader = compiler if SFLAG: sharedflag = SFLAG else: sharedflag = 'G' elif sys.platform == 'osf1V5': #Compaq AlphaServer if CC: compiler = CC else: compiler = 'cc' if LD: loader = LD else: loader = compiler if SFLAG: sharedflag = SFLAG else: sharedflag = 'shared' elif sys.platform == 'linux2': #Linux if CC: compiler = CC else: compiler = 'gcc' if LD: loader = LD else: loader = compiler if SFLAG: sharedflag = SFLAG else: sharedflag = 'shared' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': #Mac OS X: if CC: compiler = CC else: compiler = 'cc' if LD: loader = LD else: loader = compiler if SFLAG: sharedflag = SFLAG else: sharedflag = 'bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress' elif sys.platform == 'cygwin': #Cygwin (compilation same as linux) if CC: compiler = CC else: compiler = 'gcc' if LD: loader = LD else: loader = compiler if SFLAG: sharedflag = SFLAG else: sharedflag = 'shared' libext = 'dll' libs = '/lib/python%s/config/libpython%s.dll.a' %(version,version) elif sys.platform == 'win32': #Windows if CC: compiler = CC else: compiler = 'gcc.exe' #Some systems require this (a security measure?) if LD: loader = LD else: loader = compiler if SFLAG: sharedflag = SFLAG else: sharedflag = 'shared' # As of python2.5, .pyd is the extension for python extension # modules. if sys.version_info[0:2] >= (2, 5): libext = 'pyd' else: libext = 'dll' libs, is_found = set_python_dll_path() else: if verbose: print "Unrecognised platform %s - revert to default"\ %sys.platform if CC: compiler = CC else: compiler = 'cc' if LD: loader = LD else: loader = 'ld' if SFLAG: sharedflag = SFLAG else: sharedflag = 'G' # Verify that compiler can be executed print 'Compiler: %s, version ' %compiler, sys.stdout.flush() s = '%s -dumpversion' %(compiler) err = os.system(s) print if err != 0: msg = 'Unable to execute compiler: %s. ' %compiler msg += 'Make sure it is available on the system path.\n' msg += 'One way to check this is to run %s on ' %compiler msg += 'the commandline.' raise Exception, msg # Find location of include files # if sys.platform == 'win32': #Windows python_include = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, 'include') else: python_include = os.path.join(os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, 'include'), 'python' + version) # Check existence of Python.h # headerfile = python_include + os.sep + 'Python.h' try: open(headerfile, 'r') except: raise """Did not find Python header file %s. Make sure files for Python C-extensions are installed. In debian linux, for example, you need to install a package called something like python2.3-dev""" %headerfile # Add Python path + utilities to includelist (see ticket:31) # Assume there is only one 'utilities' dir under path dirs utilities_include_dir = None for pathdir in sys.path: utilities_include_dir = pathdir + os.sep + 'utilities' #print pathdir #print utilities_include_dir try: os.stat(utilities_include_dir) except OSError: pass else: #print 'Found %s to be used as include dir' %utilities_include_dir break # This is hacky since it # assumes the location of the compile_all that determines buildroot try: utilities_include_dir = buildroot + os.sep + "source" + os.sep + "anuga" \ + os.sep + 'utilities' except: # This will make compile work locally utilities_include_dir = '.' utilities_include_dir = '../utilities' try: os.stat(utilities_include_dir) except OSError: utilities_include_dir = buildroot + os.sep + 'utilities' # Check filename(s) # object_files = '' for FN in FNs: root, ext = os.path.splitext(FN) if ext == '': FN = FN + '.c' elif ext.lower() != '.c': raise Exception, "Unrecognised extension: " + FN try: open(FN, 'r') except: raise Exception, "Could not open: " + FN if not object_files: root1 = root #Remember first filename object_files += root + '.o ' # Compile # if utilities_include_dir is None: s = '%s -c %s -I"%s" -o "%s.o" -Wall -O3'\ %(compiler, FN, python_include, root) else: if FN == "triangle.c" or FN == "mesh_engine_c_layer.c": #NumPy s = '%s -c %s -I"%s" -I"%s" -o "%s.o" -O3 -DTRILIBRARY=1 -DNO_TIMER=1'\ s = '%s -c %s %s -I"%s" -I"%s" -o "%s.o" -O3 -DTRILIBRARY=1 -DNO_TIMER=1'\ %(compiler, FN, I_dirs, python_include, utilities_include_dir, root) else: #NumPy s = '%s -c %s -I"%s" -I"%s" -o "%s.o" -Wall -O3'\ s = '%s -c %s %s -I"%s" -I"%s" -o "%s.o" -Wall -O3'\ %(compiler, FN, I_dirs, python_include, utilities_include_dir, root) if os.name == 'posix' and os.uname()[4] == 'x86_64': #Extra flags for 64 bit architectures #Second clause will always fail on Win32 because uname is UNIX specific #but won't get past first clause #FIXME: Which one? #s += ' -fPIC' s += ' -fPIC -m64' if verbose: print s # Doesn't work on Windows anyway #else: # s = s + ' 2> /dev/null' #Suppress errors try: err = os.system(s) if err != 0: raise 'Attempting to compile %s failed - please try manually' %FN except: raise 'Could not compile %s - please try manually' %FN # Make shared library (*.so or *.dll) if libs is "": s = '%s -%s %s -o %s.%s -lm' %(loader, sharedflag, object_files, root1, libext) else: s = '%s -%s %s -o %s.%s "%s" -lm' %(loader, sharedflag, object_files, root1, libext, libs) if verbose: print s # Doesn't work on Windows anyway #else: # s = s + ' 2> /dev/null' #Suppress warnings try: err=os.system(s) if err != 0: raise 'Attempting to link %s failed - please try manually' %root1 except: raise 'Could not link %s - please try manually' %root1 def can_use_C_extension(filename): """Determine whether specified C-extension can and should be used. """ from anuga.config import use_extensions from os.path import splitext root, ext = splitext(filename) C=False if use_extensions: try: s = 'import %s' %root #print s exec(s) except: try: open(filename) except: msg = 'C extension %s cannot be opened' %filename print msg else: print '------- Trying to compile c-extension %s' %filename try: compile(filename) except: print 'WARNING: Could not compile C-extension %s'\ %filename else: try: exec('import %s' %root) except: msg = 'C extension %s seems to compile OK, ' msg += 'but it can still not be imported.' raise msg else: C=True else: C=True if not C: pass print 'NOTICE: C-extension %s not used' %filename return C def set_python_dll_path(): """ On windows, find which of the two usual hiding places the python dll is located. If the file can't be found, return None. """ import sys from os import access, F_OK version = sys.version[:3] v = version.replace('.','') dllfilename = 'python%s.dll' %(v) libs = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix,dllfilename) is_found = True if access(libs,F_OK) == 0 : # Sometimes python dll is hidden in %WINDIR%/system32 libs = os.path.join(os.environ.get('WINDIR', 'C:\WINNT'), 'system32', dllfilename) if access(libs,F_OK) == 0 : # could not find the dll libs = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix,dllfilename) is_found = False return libs, is_found def check_python_dll(): libs, is_found = set_python_dll_path() if not is_found: print "%s not found.\nPlease install.\nIt is available on the web." \ %(libs) import sys; sys.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': from os.path import splitext if sys.platform == 'win32': check_python_dll() if len(sys.argv) > 1: files = sys.argv[1:] for filename in files: root, ext = splitext(filename) if ext <> '.c': print 'WARNING (compile.py): Skipping %s. I only compile C-files.' %filename else: #path = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0] or os.getcwd() path = '.' files = os.listdir(path) for filename in files: root, ext = splitext(filename) if ext == '.c': for x in ['.dll', '.so']: try: os.remove(root + x) except: pass print separation_line print 'Trying to compile c-extension %s in %s'\ %(filename, os.getcwd()) try: if filename == 'triang.c': compile(['triang.c','triangle.c']) elif filename == 'mesh_engine_c_layer.c': compile(['mesh_engine_c_layer.c','triangle.c']) else: compile(filename) except Exception, e: msg = 'Could not compile C extension %s\n' %filename msg += str(e) raise Exception, msg else: print 'C extension %s OK' %filename print