######################################################### # # Given the subdivision of the grid assigned to the # current processor convert it into a form that is # appropriate for the GA datastructure. # # The main function of these modules is to change the # node numbering. The GA datastructure assumes they # are numbered consecutively from 0. # # The module also changes the communication pattern # datastructure into a form needed by parallel_advection # # Authors: Linda Stals and Matthew Hardy, June 2005 # Modified: Linda Stals, Nov 2005 (optimise python code) # # ######################################################### from Numeric import zeros, Float, Int, concatenate, \ take, arrayrange, put, sort, compress, equal ######################################################### # Convert the format of the data to that used by ANUGA # # # *) Change the nodes global ID's to an integer value, #starting from 0. # # *) The triangles and boundary edges must also be # updated accordingly. # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) The nodes, triangles and boundary edges defined by # the new numbering scheme are returned # ######################################################### def build_local_GA(nodes, triangles, boundaries, tri_index): Nnodes =len(nodes) Ntriangles = len(triangles) # Extract the nodes (using the local ID) GAnodes = take(nodes, (1, 2), 1) # Build a global ID to local ID mapping NGlobal = 0 for i in range(Nnodes): if nodes[i][0] > NGlobal: NGlobal = nodes[i][0] index = zeros(int(NGlobal)+1, Int) put(index, take(nodes, (0,), 1).astype(Int), \ arrayrange(Nnodes)) # Change the global IDs in the triangles to the local IDs GAtriangles = zeros((Ntriangles, 3), Int) GAtriangles[:,0] = take(index, triangles[:,0]) GAtriangles[:,1] = take(index, triangles[:,1]) GAtriangles[:,2] = take(index, triangles[:,2]) # Change the triangle numbering in the boundaries GAboundaries = {} for b in boundaries: GAboundaries[tri_index[b[0]], b[1]] = boundaries[b] del (index) return GAnodes, GAtriangles, GAboundaries ######################################################### # Change the communication format to that needed by the # parallel advection file. # # *) The index contains [global triangle no, # local triangle no.] # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) The ghost_recv and full_send dictionaries are # returned. # # *) ghost_recv dictionary is local id, global id, value # # *) full_recv dictionary is local id, global id, value # # *) The information is ordered by the global id. This # means that the communication order is predetermined and # local and global id do not need to be # compared when the information is sent/received. # ######################################################### def build_local_commun(index, ghostc, fullc, nproc): # Initialise full_send = {} ghost_recv = {} # Build the ghost_recv dictionary (sort the # information by the global numbering) ghostc = sort(ghostc, 0) for c in range(nproc): s = ghostc[:,0] d = compress(equal(ghostc[:,1],c), s) if len(d) > 0: ghost_recv[c] = [0, 0] ghost_recv[c][1] = d ghost_recv[c][0] = take(index, d) # Build a temporary copy of the full_send dictionary # (this version allows the information to be stored # by the global numbering) tmp_send = {} for global_id in fullc: for i in range(len(fullc[global_id])): neigh = fullc[global_id][i] if not tmp_send.has_key(neigh): tmp_send[neigh] = [] tmp_send[neigh].append([global_id, \ index[global_id]]) # Extract the full send information and put it in the form # required for the full_send dictionary for neigh in tmp_send: neigh_commun = sort(tmp_send[neigh], 0) full_send[neigh] = [0, 0] full_send[neigh][0] = neigh_commun[:,1] full_send[neigh][1] = neigh_commun[:,0] return ghost_recv, full_send ######################################################### # Convert the format of the data to that used by ANUGA # # # *) Change the nodes global ID's to an integer value, # starting from 0. The node numbering in the triangles # must also be updated to take this into account. # # *) The triangle number will also change, which affects # the boundary tag information and the communication # pattern. # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) The nodes, triangles, boundary edges and communication # pattern defined by the new numbering scheme are returned # ######################################################### def build_local_mesh(submesh, lower_t, upper_t, nproc): # Combine the full nodes and ghost nodes nodes = concatenate((submesh["full_nodes"], \ submesh["ghost_nodes"])) # Combine the full triangles and ghost triangles gtri = take(submesh["ghost_triangles"],(1, 2, 3),1) triangles = concatenate((submesh["full_triangles"], gtri)) # Combine the full boundaries and ghost boundaries boundaries = submesh["full_boundary"] for b in submesh["ghost_boundary"]: boundaries[b]=submesh["ghost_boundary"][b] # Make note of the new triangle numbers, including the ghost # triangles NGlobal = upper_t for i in range(len(submesh["ghost_triangles"])): id = submesh["ghost_triangles"][i][0] if id > NGlobal: NGlobal = id index = zeros(int(NGlobal)+1, Int) index[lower_t:upper_t]=arrayrange(upper_t-lower_t) for i in range(len(submesh["ghost_triangles"])): index[submesh["ghost_triangles"][i][0]] = i+upper_t-lower_t # Change the node numbering (and update the numbering in the # triangles) [GAnodes, GAtriangles, GAboundary] = build_local_GA(nodes, triangles, boundaries, index) # Extract the local quantities quantities ={} for k in submesh["full_quan"]: Nf = len(submesh["full_quan"][k]) Ng = len(submesh["ghost_quan"][k]) quantities[k] = zeros((Nf+Ng, 3), Float) quantities[k][0:Nf] = submesh["full_quan"][k] quantities[k][Nf:Nf+Ng] = submesh["ghost_quan"][k] # Change the communication pattern into a form needed by # the parallel_adv gcommun = submesh["ghost_commun"] fcommun = submesh["full_commun"] [ghost_rec, full_send] = \ build_local_commun(index, gcommun, fcommun, nproc) # Clean up before exiting del(index) return GAnodes, GAtriangles, GAboundary, quantities, ghost_rec, \ full_send