[2927] | 1 | """Read in sww files, interpolate at specified locations and |
| 2 | Cross section at specified T. Cross sections are spatial drawing |
| 3 | at the specified time. |
| 4 | |
| 5 | '2nd normal' is the same as relative RMS test |
| 6 | test is employed to find the best fit friction value |
| 7 | for the given building scenario => 'B_file' |
| 8 | |
| 9 | the RMS result for each friction file is written to a csv file |
| 10 | |
| 11 | |
| 12 | """ |
| 13 | from os import sep |
| 14 | import os |
| 15 | import Numeric |
| 16 | import project |
| 17 | import string |
| 18 | from pyvolution.util import file_function |
| 19 | from numerical_tools import norm, corr, err |
| 20 | |
| 22 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 23 | folder_name = 'buildings_Rot(45)_10' # <<<<<< place folder name here <<<<<<< |
| 24 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 25 | wave_height = str(10) # <<<<<< place wave depth here <<<<<<< |
| 26 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 27 | |
| 28 | |
| 29 | |
| 30 | # FILE SORTER |
| 31 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 32 | # Sorting function used to sort files in the specified folder # |
| 33 | B_list_unsorted=os.listdir(project.building_dir+ folder_name + sep) |
| 34 | B_strings=[] |
| 35 | B_list=[] |
| 36 | for B_L in B_list_unsorted: |
| 37 | A = B_L.split('=')[0] + '=' # first part of string |
| 38 | B = int(B_L.split('=')[1].split('_')[0]) # middle part of string |
| 39 | C = '_' + B_L.split('=')[1].split('_')[1] # last part of string |
| 40 | B_current = [A,B,C]; B_strings.append(B_current) |
| 41 | |
| 42 | B_strings.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1],y[1])) |
| 43 | |
| 44 | for B_str in B_strings: |
| 45 | B_str[1]=str(B_str[1]) |
| 46 | final=string.join(B_str).replace(' ','') |
| 47 | B_list.append(final) |
| 48 | print B_list |
| 49 | print "-----------------------------------------------------" |
| 50 | print ">> ",B_list[0],"<< FIRST file" |
| 51 | print ">> ",B_list[-1],"<< LAST file" |
| 52 | print "-----------------------------------------------------" |
| 53 | # End of sorting file |
| 54 | |
| 55 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 56 | print "-----------------------------------------------------" |
| 57 | fd = open(folder_name + '_report.csv', 'w') |
| 58 | fd.write( folder_name + '_report from CCS.py using 2nd normal test' + '\n' ) |
| 59 | |
| 60 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 61 | # Specify correct building parameters of scenario. Only used in naming |
| 62 | WidtH = 200 |
| 63 | BL = 25 |
| 64 | |
| 65 | fd.write( 'Building scenario parameters: WidtH = ' + str(WidtH) + ', Block length = ' + str(BL) + ', Wave height = ' + str(wave_height) + '\n' ) |
| 66 | print " " |
| 67 | print "-----------------------------------------------------" |
| 68 | print 'Building scenario parameters: WidtH = ' + str(WidtH) + ', Block length = ' + str(BL) + ', Wave height = ' + str(wave_height) |
| 69 | print "-----------------------------------------------------" |
| 70 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 71 | |
| 72 | best_fric=[] |
| 73 | B_Density=[] |
| 74 | best_norm=[] |
| 75 | Breadth=[] |
| 76 | prev_index=0 |
| 77 | u=1 |
| 78 | |
| 79 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 80 | # Buildings scenario loops from sorting. loops through sww files in specifies folder name |
| 81 | for B_file in B_list: |
| 82 | swwfile_B = project.building_dir + folder_name +sep+ B_file |
| 83 | bre = float(B_file.split('=')[1].split('_')[0]) # middle part of string |
| 84 | print bre, "breadth" |
| 85 | |
| 86 | # IMPORTANT, locates gauge points between buildings. |
| 87 | gauge_depth = list(Numeric.arange(0.2*WidtH + ((BL-bre)/2), 1.2*WidtH+0.1, 25)) |
| 88 | gauge_depth.append((1.2*WidtH)+0.01) |
| 89 | gauge_breadth = 100 # identifies where the cross section will be cut |
| 90 | print gauge_depth, "gauge locations" |
| 91 | # raw_input('Check gauge locations >> are they in order?') |
| 92 | |
| 93 | gauge_locations = [] |
| 94 | for GD in gauge_depth: |
| 95 | gauge_location = [GD,gauge_breadth] |
| 96 | gauge_locations.append(gauge_location) |
| 97 | |
| 98 | |
| 99 | #Read model output |
| 100 | quantities = ['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'] |
| 101 | |
| 102 | f_B = file_function(swwfile_B, |
| 103 | quantities = quantities, |
| 104 | interpolation_points = gauge_locations, |
| 105 | verbose = True, |
| 106 | use_cache = False) |
| 107 | |
| 108 | fd.write('_______________________________________________________' + '\n' ) |
| 109 | fd.write( '<<<< Mannings n for [' + B_file + '] >>>>' + '\n' ) |
| 110 | fd.write( '(n), 2nd norm ' + '\n') |
| 111 | |
| 112 | fric_OK=[] |
| 113 | least_norm=[100] |
| 114 | Normal=[] |
| 115 | |
| 116 | # creation of list of friction values to check through, make sure sww files exist before proceeding. |
| 117 | Friction_large = list(Numeric.arange(1,120,1)) |
| 118 | Friction = list(Numeric.arange(0.025,1,0.025)) |
| 119 | Friction_log = list([200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000]) |
| 120 | Friction.extend(Friction_large) |
| 121 | Friction.extend(Friction_log) |
| 122 | #Friction_log = [0.025, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000] |
| 123 | |
| 124 | if prev_index < 6: |
| 125 | pri=0 |
| 126 | else: |
| 127 | pri=prev_index-5 |
| 128 | |
| 129 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 130 | |
| 131 | |
| 132 | for f_index, fric in enumerate(Friction): |
| 133 | #for f_index, fric in enumerate(Friction[pri:]): |
| 134 | swwfile_F = project.friction_dir +'friction_files_'+wave_height+ sep + 'friction_' +wave_height+ '_n=' + str(fric) + '_3125.sww' |
| 135 | f_F = file_function(swwfile_F, |
| 136 | quantities = quantities, |
| 137 | interpolation_points = gauge_locations, |
| 138 | verbose = True, |
| 139 | use_cache = False) |
| 140 | |
| 141 | t=990 # specifies times to look at cross sections |
| 142 | stages_B = [] |
| 143 | stages_F = [] |
| 144 | vel_B=[] |
| 145 | vel_F=[] |
| 146 | for i, GL in enumerate(gauge_depth): |
| 147 | |
| 148 | # mines data from specified time values in sww file |
| 149 | |
| 150 | # Building values |
| 151 | wB = f_B(t, point_id = i)[0] |
| 152 | uhB = f_B(t, point_id = i)[1] |
| 153 | vhB = f_B(t, point_id = i)[2] |
| 154 | # Friction values |
| 155 | wF = f_F(t, point_id = i)[0] |
| 156 | uhF = f_B(t, point_id = i)[1] |
| 157 | vhF = f_B(t, point_id = i)[2] |
| 158 | |
| 159 | #m = sqrt(uh*uh + vh*vh) #Absolute momentum |
| 160 | velB = ((uhB*uhB + vhB*vhB)**0.5) / (wB + 1.e-30) #Absolute velocity |
| 161 | velF = ((uhF*uhF + vhF*vhF)**0.5) / (wF + 1.e-30) #Absolute velocity |
| 162 | stages_B.append(wB) |
| 163 | stages_F.append(wF) |
| 164 | |
| 165 | vel_B.append(velB) |
| 166 | vel_F.append(velF) |
| 167 | Ar_B = Numeric.array(stages_B) |
| 168 | Ar_F = Numeric.array(stages_F) |
| 169 | diff = abs(Ar_B - Ar_F) |
| 170 | norm_F = err(Ar_F, Ar_B, 2, relative = True) # 2nd norm (rel. RMS) test |
| 171 | Normal.append(norm_F) |
| 172 | fd.write(str(fric) + ', ' + str(norm_F) + '\n') |
| 173 | |
| 174 | # finds lowest RMS thus friction value |
| 175 | if norm_F < least_norm: |
| 176 | least_norm = norm_F |
| 177 | fric_OK = fric |
| 178 | prev_index = Friction.index(fric) |
| 179 | |
| 180 | else: |
| 181 | print "not OK" |
| 182 | #break |
| 183 | |
| 184 | print fric_OK, " <- This Manning's n is best fit from 2nd norm test" |
| 185 | print least_norm, "2nd normal of Friction vs Buildings " |
| 186 | best_fric.append(fric_OK) |
| 187 | B_Density.append((float(bre)**2)/625) |
| 188 | best_norm.append(least_norm) |
| 189 | Breadth.append(bre) |
| 190 | |
| 191 | print best_fric, " << Best fit friction" |
| 192 | print B_Density, " << Building footprint density" |
| 193 | print best_norm, " << Matching normal densities" |
| 194 | |
| 195 | len_file=Numeric.arrayrange(0,len(B_list),1) |
| 196 | fd.write('_______________________________________________________' + '\n' ) |
| 197 | fd.write( '<<<<< ' + folder_name + ' report Summary >>>>>' + '\n' ) |
| 198 | fd.write( 'width, footprint ratio, mannings n, 2nd norm ' + '\n') |
| 199 | for i in len_file: |
| 200 | fd.write( str(Breadth[i]) + ', ' + str(B_Density[i]) + ', ' + str(best_fric[i]) + ', ' + str(best_norm[i]) + '\n') |
| 201 | fd.close |
| 202 | |