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| 29 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">PEP:</th><td class="field-body">257</td> |
| 30 | </tr> |
| 31 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">Title:</th><td class="field-body">Docstring Conventions</td> |
| 32 | </tr> |
| 33 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">Version:</th><td class="field-body">1.8</td> |
| 34 | </tr> |
| 35 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">Last-Modified:</th><td class="field-body"><a class="reference" href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/python/python/nondist/peps/pep-0257.txt">2002/11/30 01:49:37</a></td> |
| 36 | </tr> |
| 37 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">Author:</th><td class="field-body">David Goodger <goodger at users.sourceforge.net>, |
| 38 | Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org></td> |
| 39 | </tr> |
| 40 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">Discussions-To:</th><td class="field-body"><a class="reference" href="mailto:doc-sig@python.org?subject=PEP%20257">doc-sig at python.org</a></td> |
| 41 | </tr> |
| 42 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">Status:</th><td class="field-body">Active</td> |
| 43 | </tr> |
| 44 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">Type:</th><td class="field-body">Informational</td> |
| 45 | </tr> |
| 46 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">Content-Type:</th><td class="field-body"><a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0012.html">text/x-rst</a></td> |
| 47 | </tr> |
| 48 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">Created:</th><td class="field-body">29-May-2001</td> |
| 49 | </tr> |
| 50 | <tr class="field"><th class="field-name">Post-History:</th><td class="field-body">13-Jun-2001</td> |
| 51 | </tr> |
| 52 | </tbody> |
| 53 | </table> |
| 54 | <hr> |
| 55 | <div class="contents topic" id="contents"> |
| 56 | <p class="topic-title"><a name="contents">Contents</a></p> |
| 57 | <ul class="simple"> |
| 58 | <li><a class="reference" href="#abstract" id="id14" name="id14">Abstract</a></li> |
| 59 | <li><a class="reference" href="#rationale" id="id15" name="id15">Rationale</a></li> |
| 60 | <li><a class="reference" href="#specification" id="id16" name="id16">Specification</a><ul> |
| 61 | <li><a class="reference" href="#what-is-a-docstring" id="id17" name="id17">What is a Docstring?</a></li> |
| 62 | <li><a class="reference" href="#one-line-docstrings" id="id18" name="id18">One-line Docstrings</a></li> |
| 63 | <li><a class="reference" href="#multi-line-docstrings" id="id19" name="id19">Multi-line Docstrings</a></li> |
| 64 | <li><a class="reference" href="#handling-docstring-indentation" id="id20" name="id20">Handling Docstring Indentation</a></li> |
| 65 | </ul> |
| 66 | </li> |
| 67 | <li><a class="reference" href="#references-and-footnotes" id="id21" name="id21">References and Footnotes</a></li> |
| 68 | <li><a class="reference" href="#copyright" id="id22" name="id22">Copyright</a></li> |
| 69 | <li><a class="reference" href="#acknowledgements" id="id23" name="id23">Acknowledgements</a></li> |
| 70 | </ul> |
| 71 | </div> |
| 72 | <div class="section" id="abstract"> |
| 73 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id14" name="abstract">Abstract</a></h1> |
| 74 | <p>This PEP documents the semantics and conventions associated with |
| 75 | Python docstrings.</p> |
| 76 | </div> |
| 77 | <div class="section" id="rationale"> |
| 78 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id15" name="rationale">Rationale</a></h1> |
| 79 | <p>The aim of this PEP is to standardize the high-level structure of |
| 80 | docstrings: what they should contain, and how to say it (without |
| 81 | touching on any markup syntax within docstrings). The PEP contains |
| 82 | conventions, not laws or syntax.</p> |
| 83 | <blockquote> |
| 84 | <p>"A universal convention supplies all of maintainability, clarity, |
| 85 | consistency, and a foundation for good programming habits too. |
| 86 | What it doesn't do is insist that you follow it against your will. |
| 87 | That's Python!"</p> |
| 88 | <p>-- Tim Peters on comp.lang.python, 2001-06-16</p> |
| 89 | </blockquote> |
| 90 | <p>If you violate these conventions, the worst you'll get is some dirty |
| 91 | looks. But some software (such as the <a class="reference" href="http://docutils.sourceforge.net/">Docutils</a> <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id8" id="id9" name="id9">[4]</a> docstring processing |
| 92 | system <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id5" id="id1" name="id1">[1]</a> <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id6" id="id2" name="id2">[2]</a>) will be aware of the conventions, so following them |
| 93 | will get you the best results.</p> |
| 94 | </div> |
| 95 | <div class="section" id="specification"> |
| 96 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id16" name="specification">Specification</a></h1> |
| 97 | <div class="section" id="what-is-a-docstring"> |
| 98 | <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id17" name="what-is-a-docstring">What is a Docstring?</a></h2> |
| 99 | <p>A docstring is a string literal that occurs as the first statement in |
| 100 | a module, function, class, or method definition. Such a docstring |
| 101 | becomes the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__doc__</span></tt> special attribute of that object.</p> |
| 102 | <p>All modules should normally have docstrings, and all functions and |
| 103 | classes exported by a module should also have docstrings. Public |
| 104 | methods (including the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__init__</span></tt> constructor) should also have |
| 105 | docstrings. A package may be documented in the module docstring of |
| 106 | the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__init__.py</span></tt> file in the package directory.</p> |
| 107 | <p>String literals occurring elsewhere in Python code may also act as |
| 108 | documentation. They are not recognized by the Python bytecode |
| 109 | compiler and are not accessible as runtime object attributes (i.e. not |
| 110 | assigned to <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__doc__</span></tt>), but two types of extra docstrings may be |
| 111 | extracted by software tools:</p> |
| 112 | <ol class="arabic simple"> |
| 113 | <li>String literals occurring immediately after a simple assignment at |
| 114 | the top level of a module, class, or <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__init__</span></tt> method are called |
| 115 | "attribute docstrings".</li> |
| 116 | <li>String literals occurring immediately after another docstring are |
| 117 | called "additional docstrings".</li> |
| 118 | </ol> |
| 119 | <p>Please see <a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0258.html">PEP 258</a>, "Docutils Design Specification" <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id6" id="id3" name="id3">[2]</a>, for a |
| 120 | detailed description of attribute and additional docstrings.</p> |
| 121 | <p>XXX Mention docstrings of 2.2 properties.</p> |
| 122 | <p>For consistency, always use <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">"""triple</span> <span class="pre">double</span> <span class="pre">quotes"""</span></tt> around |
| 123 | docstrings. Use <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">r"""raw</span> <span class="pre">triple</span> <span class="pre">double</span> <span class="pre">quotes"""</span></tt> if you use any |
| 124 | backslashes in your docstrings. For Unicode docstrings, use |
| 125 | <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">u"""Unicode</span> <span class="pre">triple-quoted</span> <span class="pre">strings"""</span></tt>.</p> |
| 126 | <p>There are two forms of docstrings: one-liners and multi-line |
| 127 | docstrings.</p> |
| 128 | </div> |
| 129 | <div class="section" id="one-line-docstrings"> |
| 130 | <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id18" name="one-line-docstrings">One-line Docstrings</a></h2> |
| 131 | <p>One-liners are for really obvious cases. They should really fit on |
| 132 | one line. For example:</p> |
| 133 | <pre class="literal-block">def kos_root(): |
| 134 | """Return the pathname of the KOS root directory.""" |
| 135 | global _kos_root |
| 136 | if _kos_root: return _kos_root |
| 137 | ... |
| 138 | </pre> |
| 139 | <p>Notes:</p> |
| 140 | <ul> |
| 141 | <li><p class="first">Triple quotes are used even though the string fits on one line. |
| 142 | This makes it easy to later expand it.</p> |
| 143 | </li> |
| 144 | <li><p class="first">The closing quotes are on the same line as the opening quotes. This |
| 145 | looks better for one-liners.</p> |
| 146 | </li> |
| 147 | <li><p class="first">There's no blank line either before or after the docstring.</p> |
| 148 | </li> |
| 149 | <li><p class="first">The docstring is a phrase ending in a period. It prescribes the |
| 150 | function or method's effect as a command ("Do this", "Return that"), |
| 151 | not as a description; e.g. don't write "Returns the pathname ...".</p> |
| 152 | </li> |
| 153 | <li><p class="first">The one-line docstring should NOT be a "signature" reiterating the |
| 154 | function/method parameters (which can be obtained by introspection). |
| 155 | Don't do:</p> |
| 156 | <pre class="literal-block">def function(a, b): |
| 157 | """function(a, b) -> list""" |
| 158 | </pre> |
| 159 | <p>This type of docstring is only appropriate for C functions (such as |
| 160 | built-ins), where introspection is not possible. However, the |
| 161 | nature of the <em>return value</em> cannot be determined by introspection, |
| 162 | so it should be mentioned. The preferred form for such a docstring |
| 163 | would be something like:</p> |
| 164 | <pre class="literal-block">def function(a, b): |
| 165 | """Do X and return a list.""" |
| 166 | </pre> |
| 167 | <p>(Of course "Do X" should be replaced by a useful description!)</p> |
| 168 | </li> |
| 169 | </ul> |
| 170 | </div> |
| 171 | <div class="section" id="multi-line-docstrings"> |
| 172 | <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id19" name="multi-line-docstrings">Multi-line Docstrings</a></h2> |
| 173 | <p>Multi-line docstrings consist of a summary line just like a one-line |
| 174 | docstring, followed by a blank line, followed by a more elaborate |
| 175 | description. The summary line may be used by automatic indexing |
| 176 | tools; it is important that it fits on one line and is separated from |
| 177 | the rest of the docstring by a blank line. The summary line may be on |
| 178 | the same line as the opening quotes or on the next line. The entire |
| 179 | docstring is indented the same as the quotes at its first line (see |
| 180 | example below).</p> |
| 181 | <p>Insert a blank line before and after all docstrings (one-line or |
| 182 | multi-line) that document a class -- generally speaking, the class's |
| 183 | methods are separated from each other by a single blank line, and the |
| 184 | docstring needs to be offset from the first method by a blank line; |
| 185 | for symmetry, put a blank line between the class header and the |
| 186 | docstring. Docstrings documenting functions or methods generally |
| 187 | don't have this requirement, unless the function or method's body is |
| 188 | written as a number of blank-line separated sections -- in this case, |
| 189 | treat the docstring as another section, and precede it with a blank |
| 190 | line.</p> |
| 191 | <p>The docstring of a script (a stand-alone program) should be usable as |
| 192 | its "usage" message, printed when the script is invoked with incorrect |
| 193 | or missing arguments (or perhaps with a "-h" option, for "help"). |
| 194 | Such a docstring should document the script's function and command |
| 195 | line syntax, environment variables, and files. Usage messages can be |
| 196 | fairly elaborate (several screens full) and should be sufficient for a |
| 197 | new user to use the command properly, as well as a complete quick |
| 198 | reference to all options and arguments for the sophisticated user.</p> |
| 199 | <p>The docstring for a module should generally list the classes, |
| 200 | exceptions and functions (and any other objects) that are exported by |
| 201 | the module, with a one-line summary of each. (These summaries |
| 202 | generally give less detail than the summary line in the object's |
| 203 | docstring.) The docstring for a package (i.e., the docstring of the |
| 204 | package's <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__init__.py</span></tt> module) should also list the modules and |
| 205 | subpackages exported by the package.</p> |
| 206 | <p>The docstring for a function or method should summarize its behavior |
| 207 | and document its arguments, return value(s), side effects, exceptions |
| 208 | raised, and restrictions on when it can be called (all if applicable). |
| 209 | Optional arguments should be indicated. It should be documented |
| 210 | whether keyword arguments are part of the interface.</p> |
| 211 | <p>The docstring for a class should summarize its behavior and list the |
| 212 | public methods and instance variables. If the class is intended to be |
| 213 | subclassed, and has an additional interface for subclasses, this |
| 214 | interface should be listed separately (in the docstring). The class |
| 215 | constructor should be documented in the docstring for its <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__init__</span></tt> |
| 216 | method. Individual methods should be documented by their own |
| 217 | docstring.</p> |
| 218 | <p>If a class subclasses another class and its behavior is mostly |
| 219 | inherited from that class, its docstring should mention this and |
| 220 | summarize the differences. Use the verb "override" to indicate that a |
| 221 | subclass method replaces a superclass method and does not call the |
| 222 | superclass method; use the verb "extend" to indicate that a subclass |
| 223 | method calls the superclass method (in addition to its own behavior).</p> |
| 224 | <p><em>Do not</em> use the Emacs convention of mentioning the arguments of |
| 225 | functions or methods in upper case in running text. Python is case |
| 226 | sensitive and the argument names can be used for keyword arguments, so |
| 227 | the docstring should document the correct argument names. It is best |
| 228 | to list each argument on a separate line. For example:</p> |
| 229 | <pre class="literal-block">def complex(real=0.0, imag=0.0): |
| 230 | """Form a complex number. |
| 231 | |
| 232 | Keyword arguments: |
| 233 | real -- the real part (default 0.0) |
| 234 | imag -- the imaginary part (default 0.0) |
| 235 | |
| 236 | """ |
| 237 | if imag == 0.0 and real == 0.0: return complex_zero |
| 238 | ... |
| 239 | </pre> |
| 240 | <p>The BDFL <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id7" id="id4" name="id4">[3]</a> recommends inserting a blank line between the last |
| 241 | paragraph in a multi-line docstring and its closing quotes, placing |
| 242 | the closing quotes on a line by themselves. This way, Emacs' |
| 243 | <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">fill-paragraph</span></tt> command can be used on it.</p> |
| 244 | </div> |
| 245 | <div class="section" id="handling-docstring-indentation"> |
| 246 | <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id20" name="handling-docstring-indentation">Handling Docstring Indentation</a></h2> |
| 247 | <p>Docstring processing tools will strip a uniform amount of indentation |
| 248 | from the second and further lines of the docstring, equal to the |
| 249 | minimum indentation of all non-blank lines after the first line. Any |
| 250 | indentation in the first line of the docstring (i.e., up to the first |
| 251 | newline) is insignificant and removed. Relative indentation of later |
| 252 | lines in the docstring is retained. Blank lines should be removed |
| 253 | from the beginning and end of the docstring.</p> |
| 254 | <p>Since code is much more precise than words, here is an implementation |
| 255 | of the algorithm:</p> |
| 256 | <pre class="literal-block">def trim(docstring): |
| 257 | if not docstring: |
| 258 | return '' |
| 259 | # Convert tabs to spaces (following the normal Python rules) |
| 260 | # and split into a list of lines: |
| 261 | lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines() |
| 262 | # Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count): |
| 263 | indent = sys.maxint |
| 264 | for line in lines[1:]: |
| 265 | stripped = line.lstrip() |
| 266 | if stripped: |
| 267 | indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped)) |
| 268 | # Remove indentation (first line is special): |
| 269 | trimmed = [lines[0].strip()] |
| 270 | if indent < sys.maxint: |
| 271 | for line in lines[1:]: |
| 272 | trimmed.append(line[indent:].rstrip()) |
| 273 | # Strip off trailing and leading blank lines: |
| 274 | while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]: |
| 275 | trimmed.pop() |
| 276 | while trimmed and not trimmed[0]: |
| 277 | trimmed.pop(0) |
| 278 | # Return a single string: |
| 279 | return '\n'.join(trimmed) |
| 280 | </pre> |
| 281 | <p>The docstring in this example contains two newline characters and is |
| 282 | therefore 3 lines long. The first and last lines are blank:</p> |
| 283 | <pre class="literal-block">def foo(): |
| 284 | """ |
| 285 | This is the second line of the docstring. |
| 286 | """ |
| 287 | </pre> |
| 288 | <p>To illustrate:</p> |
| 289 | <pre class="literal-block">>>> print repr(foo.__doc__) |
| 290 | '\n This is the second line of the docstring.\n ' |
| 291 | >>> foo.__doc__.splitlines() |
| 292 | ['', ' This is the second line of the docstring.', ' '] |
| 293 | >>> trim(foo.__doc__) |
| 294 | 'This is the second line of the docstring.' |
| 295 | </pre> |
| 296 | <p>Once trimmed, these docstrings are equivalent:</p> |
| 297 | <pre class="literal-block">def foo(): |
| 298 | """A multi-line |
| 299 | docstring. |
| 300 | """ |
| 301 | |
| 302 | def bar(): |
| 303 | """ |
| 304 | A multi-line |
| 305 | docstring. |
| 306 | """ |
| 307 | </pre> |
| 308 | </div> |
| 309 | </div> |
| 310 | <div class="section" id="references-and-footnotes"> |
| 311 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id21" name="references-and-footnotes">References and Footnotes</a></h1> |
| 312 | <table class="footnote" id="id5" frame="void" rules="none"> |
| 313 | <colgroup><col class="label"><col></colgroup> |
| 314 | <tbody valign="top"> |
| 315 | <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id1" name="id5">[1]</a></td><td><a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0256.html">PEP 256</a>, Docstring Processing System Framework, Goodger |
| 316 | (<a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0256.html">http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0256.html</a>)</td></tr> |
| 317 | </tbody> |
| 318 | </table> |
| 319 | <table class="footnote" id="id6" frame="void" rules="none"> |
| 320 | <colgroup><col class="label"><col></colgroup> |
| 321 | <tbody valign="top"> |
| 322 | <tr><td class="label"><a name="id6">[2]</a></td><td><em>(<a class="fn-backref" href="#id2">1</a>, <a class="fn-backref" href="#id3">2</a>)</em> <a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0258.html">PEP 258</a>, Docutils Design Specification, Goodger |
| 323 | (<a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0258.html">http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0258.html</a>)</td></tr> |
| 324 | </tbody> |
| 325 | </table> |
| 326 | <table class="footnote" id="id7" frame="void" rules="none"> |
| 327 | <colgroup><col class="label"><col></colgroup> |
| 328 | <tbody valign="top"> |
| 329 | <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id4" name="id7">[3]</a></td><td>Guido van Rossum, Python's creator and Benevolent Dictator For |
| 330 | Life.</td></tr> |
| 331 | </tbody> |
| 332 | </table> |
| 333 | <table class="footnote" id="id8" frame="void" rules="none"> |
| 334 | <colgroup><col class="label"><col></colgroup> |
| 335 | <tbody valign="top"> |
| 336 | <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id9" name="id8">[4]</a></td><td><a class="reference" href="http://docutils.sourceforge.net/">http://docutils.sourceforge.net/</a></td></tr> |
| 337 | </tbody> |
| 338 | </table> |
| 339 | <table class="footnote" id="id10" frame="void" rules="none"> |
| 340 | <colgroup><col class="label"><col></colgroup> |
| 341 | <tbody valign="top"> |
| 342 | <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id11" name="id10">[5]</a></td><td><a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html">http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html</a></td></tr> |
| 343 | </tbody> |
| 344 | </table> |
| 345 | <table class="footnote" id="id12" frame="void" rules="none"> |
| 346 | <colgroup><col class="label"><col></colgroup> |
| 347 | <tbody valign="top"> |
| 348 | <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id13" name="id12">[6]</a></td><td><a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/sigs/doc-sig/">http://www.python.org/sigs/doc-sig/</a></td></tr> |
| 349 | </tbody> |
| 350 | </table> |
| 351 | </div> |
| 352 | <div class="section" id="copyright"> |
| 353 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id22" name="copyright">Copyright</a></h1> |
| 354 | <p>This document has been placed in the public domain.</p> |
| 355 | </div> |
| 356 | <div class="section" id="acknowledgements"> |
| 357 | <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id23" name="acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></h1> |
| 358 | <p>The "Specification" text comes mostly verbatim from the <a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html">Python Style |
| 359 | Guide</a> <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id10" id="id11" name="id11">[5]</a> essay by Guido van Rossum.</p> |
| 360 | <p>This document borrows ideas from the archives of the Python <a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/sigs/doc-sig/">Doc-SIG</a> <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id12" id="id13" name="id13">[6]</a>. |
| 361 | Thanks to all members past and present.</p> |
| 362 | <!-- Local Variables: |
| 363 | mode: indented-text |
| 364 | indent-tabs-mode: nil |
| 365 | fill-column: 70 |
| 366 | sentence-end-double-space: t |
| 367 | End: --> |
| 368 | </div> |
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| 373 | <a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0257.txt">View document source</a>. |
| 374 | Generated on: 2005-10-26 02:30 UTC. |
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