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29 | \title{Inundation Modelling from an Earthquake Source} |
30 | \date{} |
31 | |
32 | \begin{document} |
33 | |
34 | \maketitle |
35 | \begin{abstract} |
36 | The Risk Research Group at Geoscience Australia is playing a role in building |
37 | the capability for the Australian Tsunami Warning System (ATWS). |
38 | The ATWS aims to detect and warn the community |
39 | of tsunami-genic events as well as develop community education programs for |
40 | preparation of the event. Risk mitigation involves understanding the relative |
41 | risk |
42 | of tsunamis to communities so that appropropriate evacuation plans can be |
43 | put in place. |
44 | To develop an understanding of the risk, the Risk Research Group is developing |
45 | decision support tools to assist emergency managers. These tools consist |
46 | of inundation |
47 | maps and damage modelling overlaid on aerial photography of the region |
48 | detailing critical |
49 | infrastructure. This report deals with the tsunami inundation modelling |
50 | and the interaction with the event propagation model, Method of |
51 | Splitting Tsunami (MOST). |
52 | |
53 | \end{abstract} |
54 | |
55 | \tableofcontents |
56 | |
57 | \section{Introduction} |
58 | \label{intro} |
59 | |
60 | To determine tsunami risk, we follow the risk methodology of |
61 | determining the hazard, consequence and |
62 | exposure. The tsunami hazard can be generated by |
63 | submarine earthquakes and mass failures, as well as volcanoes and asteroid |
64 | impacts. Here, we concentrate on submarine earthquakes only. The |
65 | Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) models the earthquake event and |
66 | propagates the tsunami wave in deep water, \cite{titov:most}. |
67 | GA has used this model to develop |
68 | a preliminary hazard map for Australia which is based |
69 | on generating a series of earthquakes along the relevant subduction |
70 | zones surrounding Australia. The map details the average wave height |
71 | at the 50m contour line and has been used in nominating areas of |
72 | detailed inundation modelling by the Fire and Emergency Services Authority |
73 | in Western Australia. MOST uses a finite difference technique and is |
74 | based on a fixed grid structure. Inputs include bathymetric data, typically |
75 | on the order of 100m grid spacing, and details regarding the source, such |
76 | as location, size, slip angle, for example. |
77 | |
78 | In determining the |
79 | consequence of the tsunami wave once is reaches the coastline, |
80 | we use the software tool ANUGA which solves the shallow water |
81 | wave equation to |
82 | calculate the maximum inundation depth ashore. ANUGA uses the |
83 | finite volume technique, \cite{ON:modsim} with the |
84 | advantage being that the cell resolution can be changed |
85 | according to areas of interest and that wetting and drying |
86 | is treated robustly as part of the numerical scheme. |
87 | ANUGA requires a number |
88 | of inputs including on and offshore data, |
89 | an initial condition (such as the tidal height), forcing |
90 | terms (such as wind) and the boundary condition (such as the form of |
91 | the tsunami wave). This report discusses the details of the latter point, |
92 | i.e the interaction between ANUGA and MOST |
93 | focussing on the location at which information is ``best'' |
94 | passed from one model |
95 | to the next. |
96 | |
97 | Drivers for this study surround computational processing time |
98 | to develop both {\it tactical} and {\it strategic} decision support tools. |
99 | Tactical tools support ``real time'' consequence prediction for |
100 | emergency manager use |
101 | to obtain assessments of tsunami impact and expected |
102 | consequences to guide initial resource deployment. Strategic tools are based |
103 | on using estimated recurrence rates of tsunamigenic events (the hazard), |
104 | the modelled |
105 | inundation and associated damage (exposure) |
106 | to present a national tsunami risk map. |
107 | On another strategic level, |
108 | the precomputed simulations |
109 | and risk maps will comprise a library of scenarios for the Australian Tsunami |
110 | Warning System to assist in mitigation, warning, response and community |
111 | recovery in the event of a tsunami disaster. |
112 | |
113 | \section{The modelling environment} |
114 | \label{models} |
115 | |
116 | The purpose of this section is to briefly describe the process of how |
117 | ANUGA and MOST interact through the boundary condition. MOST is |
118 | based on a fixed grid and outputs water depth and momentum at |
119 | each grid point. For the preliminary hazard map, a 250m (?) grid was used. |
120 | By contrast, ANUGA uses an unstructured triangular mesh which therefore |
121 | calls for interpolation from the MOST output to the defined boundary. As |
122 | MOST is modelling the tsunami wave from its source and is often made |
123 | up of a series of waves, |
124 | ANUGA needs to account for its time varying nature. |
125 | ANUGA deals with a time varying boundary in the following way. |
126 | |
127 | |
128 | \section{Comparisons} |
129 | \label{compare} |
130 | |
131 | This section details a range of comparisons at |
132 | virtual ``gauge'' points located |
133 | within the study area, including the boundary. Note, these gauges are |
134 | constructed for computational purposes only and are not physical tide |
135 | gauges. The purpose is to ascertain |
136 | any relationships between the bathymetric topography and the ``matching'' |
137 | of the ANUGA and MOST outputs. The difficult question is to |
138 | how to define this matching. In this report, we will investigate |
139 | the comparison between MOST and ANUGA to determine the point of divergence. |
140 | Secondly, we are also interested in the difference in impact ashore |
141 | when the boundary is placed at 100m and 50m contour lines. |
142 | Section \ref{sec:mostanugaonslow} deals with the first |
143 | issue with Section \ref{sec:compare50100onslow} dealing with the second. |
144 | |
145 | |
146 | Firstly, at what water depth should we place the ANUGA boundary? Where |
147 | is the transition from deep water to shallow water? Some have |
148 | suggested this can be determined |
149 | by the ratio of the water's depth to the wavelength of the wave. |
150 | In particular, |
151 | when the depth of the water, |
152 | $d$, becomes less than one half of the wavelength of the wave, |
153 | $\lambda$ |
154 | \footnote{http://electron4.phys.utk.edu/141/dec8/December\%208.htm}. |
155 | Wavelengths can often be of the order of 100km which would place the |
156 | transition at 50km! This then aligns with the following NOAA statement, |
157 | "[t]sunami waves are shallow-water waves with long periods and wave lengths." |
158 | \footnote{http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tsunami-hazard/tsunami\_faqs.htm} |
159 | |
160 | Unfortunately, this doesn't help the modelling effort as the study area |
161 | is constrained by UTM zones and the computational load. However, the |
162 | former issue |
163 | is planned for investigation and the latter is underway through the |
164 | parallelisation of ANUGA. |
165 | |
166 | need some words here about why 100m has been chosen |
167 | |
168 | need some words about the choice of gauge locations. Nick, do they line up |
169 | to the grid points used in MOST? |
170 | |
171 | \subsection{Onslow case study} |
172 | |
173 | \subsubsection{MOST and ANUGA comparison - 100m contour} |
174 | \label{sec:mostanugaonslow} |
175 | |
176 | Before considering any comparison, we will investigate how the maximum |
177 | amplitude varies as the tsunami wave reaches the shore. The theory |
178 | says that the amplitude will grow and the velocity decrease to zero. |
179 | |
180 | have a plot here that has the bed elevation on the x-axis and the |
181 | maximum amplitude on the y-axis |
182 | |
183 | have a plot here that has the bed elevation on the x-axis and the |
184 | maximum amplitude on the y-axis |
185 | |
186 | We want to compare MOST and ANUGA all the way to the shore - as |
187 | close as practical anyway. It is important to note here |
188 | that MOST and ANUGA are using different bathymetry data sets, with MOST |
189 | typically using a much coarser grid than ANUGA. We interpolate |
190 | both MOST and ANUGA output onto the defined point locations. Due to the |
191 | fact that ANUGA is utilising a finer resolution bathymetry set, |
192 | we will expect to see richer detail in the ANUGA output. |
193 | |
194 | \input{comparison_onslow} |
195 | |
196 | The table should show us where it is appropriate to place |
197 | the boundary. |
198 | |
199 | \begin{table} |
200 | \label{table:mostanugacomparisononslow} |
201 | \caption{Comparison in output between ANUGA boundary at 100m |
202 | MOST output.} |
203 | \centering |
204 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline |
205 | Point location & MOST & ANUGA \\ \hline |
206 | & some sort of measure of fit - eg max/min amplitude& \\ \hline |
207 | \end{tabular} |
208 | \end{table} |
209 | |
210 | or perhaps ditch the table and repeat the graphs above |
211 | with both ANUGA and MOST |
212 | |
213 | \subsubsection{ANUGA comparison - 50m and 100m contour} |
214 | \label{sec:compare50100onslow} |
215 | |
216 | The following shows the time series for the point locations |
217 | described in Table \ref{table:locationsonslow}. |
218 | It is evident from the model output when the boundary is placed |
219 | at the 50m contour does not pick up the |
220 | detail which is evident in the output for the 100m contour. This |
221 | is due to the fact that the output |
222 | for the 100m contour has been propagated by ANUGA which is more effective |
223 | in modelling the propagation in shallow water. |
224 | It seems that the maximum amplitudes are |
225 | effectively matched for most of the locations chosen; |
226 | see for example the output for the Ocean polygon 1 and 2 locations. |
227 | |
228 | \input{50100MOSTcomparison_onslow} |
229 | |
230 | It is more instructive in this case to compare differences in |
231 | inundation depths and extent ashore as the boundary location is changed. |
232 | Table \ref{table:anugacomparisononslow} lists inundation depths |
233 | for locations within the internal polygon with the finest resolution. |
234 | |
235 | \begin{table} |
236 | \label{table:anugacomparisononslow} |
237 | \caption{Comparison in inundation depth at select locations when ANUGA boundary |
238 | is at the 50m and 100m contour.} |
239 | \centering |
240 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline |
241 | Point location & Boundary at 50m contour & Boundary at 100m contour \\ \hline |
242 | & & \\ \hline |
243 | \end{tabular} |
244 | \end{table} |
245 | |
246 | \begin{figure} |
247 | \caption{Map showing inundation extent for 50m and 100m contour line.} |
248 | \label{fig:extentcomparisononslow} |
249 | \end{figure} |
250 | |
251 | \subsection{Pt Hedland case study} |
252 | |
253 | \subsubsection{MOST and ANUGA comparison - 100m contour} |
254 | \label{mostanugapthedland} |
255 | |
256 | \begin{table} |
257 | \label{table:mostanugacomparisonpthedland} |
258 | \caption{Comparison in output between ANUGA boundary at 100m |
259 | MOST output.} |
260 | \centering |
261 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline |
262 | Point location & MOST & ANUGA \\ \hline |
263 | & some sort of measure of fit & \\ \hline |
264 | \end{tabular} |
265 | \end{table} |
266 | |
267 | \subsubsection{ANUGA comparison - 50m and 100m contour} |
268 | \label{compare50100pthedland} |
269 | |
270 | %\input{comparison_pt_hedland} |
271 | |
272 | \begin{table} |
273 | \label{table:anugacomparisonpthedland} |
274 | \caption{Comparison in inundation depth at select location when ANUGA boundary |
275 | is at the 50m and 100m contour.} |
276 | \centering |
277 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline |
278 | Point location & Boundary at 50m contour & Boundary at 100m contour \\ \hline |
279 | & & \\ \hline |
280 | \end{tabular} |
281 | \end{table} |
282 | |
283 | \begin{figure} |
284 | \caption{Map showing inundation extent for 50m and 100m contour line.} |
285 | \label{fig:extentcomparisonpthedland} |
286 | \end{figure} |
287 | |
288 | \section{Summary} |
289 | \label{summary} |
290 | |
291 | \begin{thebibliography}{99} |
292 | |
293 | \bibitem{titov:most} Titov, V.V., and F.I. Gonzalez (1997), Implementation |
294 | and testing of |
295 | the Method of Splitting Tsunami (MOST) model, NOAA Technical Memorandum |
296 | ERL PMEL-112. |
297 | |
298 | \bibitem{ON:modsim} Nielsen, O., S. Robers, D. Gray, A. McPherson, and |
299 | A. Hitchman (2005) |
300 | Hydrodynamic modelling of coastal inundation, MODSIM 2005 International |
301 | Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society |
302 | of Australian and New Zealand, 518-523, \newline URL: |
303 | http://www.mssanz.org.au/modsim05/papers/nielsen.pdf |
304 | |
305 | |
306 | \end{thebibliography} |
307 | |
308 | \end{document} |