\documentclass[reqno]{article} %\documentstyle{letter} \usepackage{ae} % or {zefonts} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{color} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage{setspace} % \Add{} and \Del{} Corrections and \Mark{} %\usepackage[active,new,noold,marker]{xrcs} \usepackage{eurosym} \DeclareInputText{128}{\euro} % ANSI code for euro: € \usepackage{eurosym} \DeclareInputText{165}{\yen} % ANSI code for yen: ¥ \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{lscape} %landcape pages support %\input{definitions} \topmargin 0pt \oddsidemargin 10pt \evensidemargin 10pt \marginparwidth 0.5pt \textwidth \paperwidth \advance\textwidth -2.5in \setstretch{1.5} \parindent 0pt \parskip 2pt %\title{Application of SMF surface elevation function in inundation modelling} \date{} \begin{document} %\maketitle May 2006 Dr Phil Watts Applied Fluids Engineering Long Beach California USA phil.watts@appliedfluids.com Dear Phil, \parindent 15pt {\bf Ref: Application of sediment mass failure surface elevation function in inundation modelling} We work at Geoscience Australia (GA) in the Risk Research Group researching risks posed by a range of natural hazards (http://www.ga.gov.au/urban/projects/risk/index.jsp). Due to recent events and Australia's apparent vulnerabiliy to tsunami hazards, we are investigating the tsunami risk to Australia. To understand impact ashore, we have developed in conjunction with the Australian National University, a hydrodynamic model called ANUGA which uses the finite volume technique, [1]. A recent tsunami inundation study called for the tsunami source to be a slump and as such, we implemented the surface elevation function as described in Watts et al 2005, [2]. We found this a very useful way to incorporate another tsunami-genic event to our understanding of tsunami risk. In trying to implement this function however, we had some questions; \begin{itemize} \item Is there a physical explanation to why the total volume of the surface elevation function should not be zero? \item Should $\eta_{\rm min}$ used in the surface elevation function be | ${\eta_{\rm min}}$ | instead? \item Is the substitution of $x_g$ into the elevation function realistic? \end{itemize} Investigating the long term behaviour of the system, we found that water was being lost from the system when the slump was added to the system. Further investigation showed that the depressed volume was greater than the volume displaced above the water surface with approximately 2-3 \% loss. You can see from Figure 2 of [2] that the surface elevation function $\eta(x,y)$ indicates that the total volume is not conserved. However, we can alleviate this issue by finding the appropriate set of parameters which will conserve volume. Setting the integral of the elevation function to zero and solving for $\kappa'$ yields the result, $$\kappa' = [ {\rm erf} ( \frac{x - x_0 } {\sqrt \lambda_0 } ) / {\rm erf} ( \frac{x - \Delta x - x_0}{\sqrt \lambda_0 }) ]_{x_{\rm min}}^{x_{\rm max}} \ .$$ \noindent The relationship between $\kappa'$ and $\Delta x$ is shown in Figure \ref{fig:vol_cons}. It must be noted, that whilst $\kappa'$ is technically less than 1 for $\Delta x < 5.93$ it is effectively equal to 1 for those values. From this calculation, it would seem then that there is no appropriate $\Delta x$ for $\kappa'$ = 0.83 (a parameter used in [2]) satisfying conservation of volume. We've reproduced Figure 2 in [2] for appropriate values of $\kappa'$ and $\Delta x$ to ensure volume conservation within the system. Using the above formulation, the values of interest shown in Figure 2 in [2] would be ($\kappa', \Delta x) = (1,2), (1,4), (1.2, 13.48)$ and shown in Figure \ref{fig:eta_vary}. Note, this has not been scaled by $\eta_{\rm min}$. \begin{figure} \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=75mm, height=50mm]{volume_conservation.png}} \caption{Relationship between $\kappa'$ and $\Delta x$ to ensure volume conservation.} \label{fig:vol_cons} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[hbt] \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=75mm, height=50mm]{redo_figure.png}} \caption{Surface elevation functions for ($\kappa', \Delta x) = (1,2), (1,4), (1.2, 13.48)$.} \label{fig:eta_vary} \end{figure} For our particular test case, changing the surface elevation function in this way increases the inundation depth ashore by a factor greater than the initial water loss of 2-3 \%. Turning to our question regarding the scaling of the surface elevation function formulation, we see that $\eta_{\rm min}$ is always negative and hence $- \eta_{O,3D} / \eta_{\rm min}$ would be always positive. This would change the form of $\eta(x,y)$ and place the depressed volume behind the submarine mass failure. Should then $\eta_{\rm min}$ be replaced by |$\eta_{\rm min}$|? Our final question is whether it is appropriate to substitute the formulation for $x_g$ into the surface elevation function using $x_0 - \Delta x \approx x_g$. ($x_g$ is formulated as $x_g = d/\tan \theta + T/ \sin \theta$ which is described as a gauge located above the submarine mass failure initial submergence location in [3].) In this way, $\kappa'$ as described above would not be dependent on $\Delta x$, nor the subsequent surface elevation function. We are continuing to seek out validation data sets to improve the accuracy of our model. We recently had success in validating the model against the Benchmark Problem $\#$2 Tsunami Run-up onto a complex 3-dimensional beach, as provided to the 3rd International Workshop on Long Wave Run-up in 2004, see [1]. We note in [4] your proposal for others to employ the benchmark cases described there for experimental or numerical work. Your model has been compared with the laboratory experiments in 2003 [5] and again in 2005 [3] with fairly good agreement. Given the numerical model you implemented was the boundary element method, we would be very interested in comparing our finite volume model using the approximated surface elevation function with your experimental results. Would it therefore be possible for you to provide the experimental time series for comparison with ANUGA? \parindent 0pt Thanks for your time and we look forward to your response. Yours sincerely, Jane Sexton, Ole Nielsen, Adrian Hitchman and Trevor Dhu. Risk Research Group, Geoscience Australia. \newpage {\bf References} [1] Nielsen, O., S. Robers, D. Gray, A. McPherson, and A. Hitchman (2005) Hydrodynamic modelling of coastal inundation, MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australian and New Zealand, 518-523, \newline URL: http://www.mssanz.org.au/modsim05/papers/nielsen.pdf [2] Watts, P., Grilli, S.T., Tappin, D.R. and Fryer, G.J. (2005), Tsunami generation by submarine mass failure Part II: Predictive equations and case studies, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 131, 298 - 310. [3] Grilli, S.T. and Watts, P. (2005), Tsunami generation by submarine mass failure Part I: Modeling, experimental validation, and sensitivity analyses, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 131, 283 - 297. [4] Watts, P., Imamura, F. and Grilli, S. (2000) Comparing Model Simulations of Three Benchmark Tsunami Generation, Science of Tsunami Hazards, 18, 2, 107-123. [5] Enet, F., Grilli, S.T. and Watts, P. (2003), Laboratory Experiments for Tsunamis Generated by Underwater Landslides: Comparison with Numerical Modeling, Proceedings of the Thirteenth (2003) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers. \end{document}