import sys from os import sep sys.path.append('..'+sep+'pyvolution') """Class Parallel_Domain - 2D triangular domains for finite-volume computations of the advection equation, with extra structures to allow communication between other Parallel_Domains and itself This module contains a specialisation of class Domain from module Ole Nielsen, Stephen Roberts, Duncan Gray, Christopher Zoppou Geoscience Australia, 2004-2005 """ import logging, logging.config logger = logging.getLogger('parallel') logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) try: logging.config.fileConfig('log.ini') except: pass from advection import * from Numeric import zeros, Float, Int, ones, allclose, array import pypar class Parallel_Domain(Domain): def __init__(self, coordinates, vertices, boundary = None, full_send_dict = None, ghost_recv_dict = None, velocity = None): self.processor = pypar.rank() self.numproc = pypar.size() Domain.__init__(self, coordinates, vertices, boundary, velocity = velocity) N = self.number_of_elements self.processor = pypar.rank() self.numproc = pypar.size() # Setup Communication Buffers self.nsys = 1 for key in full_send_dict: buffer_shape = full_send_dict[key][0].shape[0] full_send_dict[key].append(zeros( (buffer_shape,self.nsys) ,Float)) for key in ghost_recv_dict: buffer_shape = ghost_recv_dict[key][0].shape[0] ghost_recv_dict[key].append(zeros( (buffer_shape,self.nsys) ,Float)) self.full_send_dict = full_send_dict self.ghost_recv_dict = ghost_recv_dict self.communication_time = 0.0 self.communication_reduce_time = 0.0 def check_integrity(self): Domain.check_integrity(self) msg = 'Will need to check global and local numbering' assert self.conserved_quantities[0] == 'stage', msg def update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime): # Calculate local timestep Domain.update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime) import time t0 = time.time() # For some reason it looks like pypar only reduces numeric arrays # hence we need to create some dummy arrays for communication ltimestep = ones( 1, Float ) ltimestep[0] = self.timestep gtimestep = zeros( 1, Float) # Buffer for results pypar.raw_reduce(ltimestep, gtimestep, pypar.MIN, 0) pypar.broadcast(gtimestep,0) self.timestep = gtimestep[0] self.communication_reduce_time += time.time()-t0 def update_ghosts(self): # We must send the information from the full cells and # receive the information for the ghost cells # We have a dictionary of lists with ghosts expecting updates from # the separate processors from Numeric import take,put import time t0 = time.time() stage_cv = self.quantities['stage'].centroid_values # update of non-local ghost cells for iproc in range(self.numproc): if iproc == self.processor: #Send data from iproc processor to other processors for send_proc in self.full_send_dict: if send_proc != iproc: Idf = self.full_send_dict[send_proc][0] Xout = self.full_send_dict[send_proc][2] N = len(Idf) #for i in range(N): # Xout[i,0] = stage_cv[Idf[i]] Xout[:,0] = take(stage_cv, Idf) pypar.send(Xout,send_proc) else: #Receive data from the iproc processor if self.ghost_recv_dict.has_key(iproc): # LINDA: # now store ghost as local id, global id, value Idg = self.ghost_recv_dict[iproc][0] X = self.ghost_recv_dict[iproc][2] X = pypar.receive(iproc,X) N = len(Idg) put(stage_cv, Idg, X[:,0]) #for i in range(N): # stage_cv[Idg[i]] = X[i,0] #local update of ghost cells iproc = self.processor if self.full_send_dict.has_key(iproc): # LINDA: # now store full as local id, global id, value Idf = self.full_send_dict[iproc][0] # LINDA: # now store ghost as local id, global id, value Idg = self.ghost_recv_dict[iproc][0] N = len(Idg) #for i in range(N): # #print i,Idg[i],Idf[i] # stage_cv[Idg[i]] = stage_cv[Idf[i]] put(stage_cv, Idg, take(stage_cv, Idf)) self.communication_time += time.time()-t0 def write_time(self): if self.min_timestep == self.max_timestep: print 'Processor %d, Time = %.4f, delta t = %.8f, steps=%d (%d)'\ %(self.processor, self.time, self.min_timestep, self.number_of_steps, self.number_of_first_order_steps) elif self.min_timestep > self.max_timestep: print 'Processor %d, Time = %.4f, steps=%d (%d)'\ %(self.processor, self.time, self.number_of_steps, self.number_of_first_order_steps) else: print 'Processor %d, Time = %.4f, delta t in [%.8f, %.8f], steps=%d (%d)'\ %(self.processor, self.time, self.min_timestep, self.max_timestep, self.number_of_steps, self.number_of_first_order_steps) def evolve(self, yieldstep = None, finaltime = None): """Specialisation of basic evolve method from parent class """ #Initialise real time viz if requested if self.time == 0.0: pass #Call basic machinery from parent class for t in Domain.evolve(self, yieldstep, finaltime): #Pass control on to outer loop for more specific actions yield(t)