import sys from os import sep sys.path.append('..'+sep+'pyvolution') """parallel-meshes - 2D triangular domains for parallel finite-volume computations of the advection equation, with extra structures to define the sending and receiving communications define in dictionaries full_send_dict and ghost_recv_dict Ole Nielsen, Stephen Roberts, Duncan Gray, Christopher Zoppou Geoscience Australia, 2005 """ #from parallel_advection import * import pypar from Numeric import array def parallel_rectangle(m_g, n_g, len1_g=1.0, len2_g=1.0, origin_g = (0.0, 0.0)): """Setup a rectangular grid of triangles with m+1 by n+1 grid points and side lengths len1, len2. If side lengths are omitted the mesh defaults to the unit square, divided between all the processors len1: x direction (left to right) len2: y direction (bottom to top) """ from config import epsilon from Numeric import zeros, Float, Int processor = pypar.rank() numproc = pypar.size() m_low, m_high = pypar.balance(m_g, numproc, processor) n = n_g m_low = m_low-1 m_high = m_high+1 m = m_high - m_low delta1 = float(len1_g)/m_g delta2 = float(len2_g)/n_g len1 = len1_g*float(m)/float(m_g) len2 = len2_g origin = ( origin_g[0]+float(m_low)/float(m_g)*len1_g, origin_g[1] ) #Calculate number of points Np = (m+1)*(n+1) class VIndex: def __init__(self, n,m): self.n = n self.m = m def __call__(self, i,j): return j+i*(self.n+1) class EIndex: def __init__(self, n,m): self.n = n self.m = m def __call__(self, i,j): return 2*(j+i*self.n) I = VIndex(n,m) E = EIndex(n,m) points = zeros( (Np,2), Float) for i in range(m+1): for j in range(n+1): points[I(i,j),:] = [i*delta1 + origin[0], j*delta2 + origin[1]] #Construct 2 triangles per rectangular element and assign tags to boundary #Calculate number of triangles Nt = 2*m*n elements = zeros( (Nt,3), Int) boundary = {} Idgl = [] Idfl = [] Idgr = [] Idfr = [] full_send_dict = {} ghost_recv_dict = {} nt = -1 for i in range(m): for j in range(n): i1 = I(i,j+1) i2 = I(i,j) i3 = I(i+1,j+1) i4 = I(i+1,j) #Lower Element nt = E(i,j) if i == 0: Idgl.append(nt) if i == 1: Idfl.append(nt) if i == m-2: Idfr.append(nt) if i == m-1: Idgr.append(nt) if i == m-1: boundary[nt, 2] = 'right' if j == 0: boundary[nt, 1] = 'bottom' elements[nt,:] = [i4,i3,i2] #Upper Element nt = E(i,j)+1 if i == 0: Idgl.append(nt) if i == 1: Idfl.append(nt) if i == m-2: Idfr.append(nt) if i == m-1: Idgr.append(nt) if i == 0: boundary[nt, 2] = 'left' if j == n-1: boundary[nt, 1] = 'top' elements[nt,:] = [i1,i2,i3] if numproc==1: Idfl.extend(Idfr) Idgr.extend(Idgl) Idfl = array(Idfl,Int) Idgr = array(Idgr,Int) full_send_dict[processor] = [Idfl, Idfl] ghost_recv_dict[processor] = [Idgr, Idgr] elif numproc == 2: Idfl.extend(Idfr) Idgr.extend(Idgl) Idfl = array(Idfl,Int) Idgr = array(Idgr,Int) full_send_dict[(processor-1)%numproc] = [Idfl, Idfl] ghost_recv_dict[(processor-1)%numproc] = [Idgr, Idgr] else: Idfl = array(Idfl,Int) Idgl = array(Idgl,Int) Idfr = array(Idfr,Int) Idgr = array(Idgr,Int) full_send_dict[(processor-1)%numproc] = [Idfl, Idfl] ghost_recv_dict[(processor-1)%numproc] = [Idgl, Idgl] full_send_dict[(processor+1)%numproc] = [Idfr, Idfr] ghost_recv_dict[(processor+1)%numproc] = [Idgr, Idgr] return points, elements, boundary, full_send_dict, ghost_recv_dict def rectangular_periodic(m, n, len1=1.0, len2=1.0, origin = (0.0, 0.0)): """Setup a rectangular grid of triangles with m+1 by n+1 grid points and side lengths len1, len2. If side lengths are omitted the mesh defaults to the unit square. len1: x direction (left to right) len2: y direction (bottom to top) Return to lists: points and elements suitable for creating a Mesh or FVMesh object, e.g. Mesh(points, elements) """ from config import epsilon from Numeric import zeros, Float, Int delta1 = float(len1)/m delta2 = float(len2)/n #Calculate number of points Np = (m+1)*(n+1) class VIndex: def __init__(self, n,m): self.n = n self.m = m def __call__(self, i,j): return j+i*(self.n+1) class EIndex: def __init__(self, n,m): self.n = n self.m = m def __call__(self, i,j): return 2*(j+i*self.n) I = VIndex(n,m) E = EIndex(n,m) points = zeros( (Np,2), Float) for i in range(m+1): for j in range(n+1): points[I(i,j),:] = [i*delta1 + origin[0], j*delta2 + origin[1]] #Construct 2 triangles per rectangular element and assign tags to boundary #Calculate number of triangles Nt = 2*m*n elements = zeros( (Nt,3), Int) boundary = {} ghosts = {} nt = -1 for i in range(m): for j in range(n): i1 = I(i,j+1) i2 = I(i,j) i3 = I(i+1,j+1) i4 = I(i+1,j) #Lower Element nt = E(i,j) if i == m-1: ghosts[nt] = E(1,j) if i == 0: ghosts[nt] = E(m-2,j) if j == n-1: ghosts[nt] = E(i,1) if j == 0: ghosts[nt] = E(i,n-2) if i == m-1: boundary[nt, 2] = 'right' if j == 0: boundary[nt, 1] = 'bottom' elements[nt,:] = [i4,i3,i2] #Upper Element nt = E(i,j)+1 if i == m-1: ghosts[nt] = E(1,j)+1 if i == 0: ghosts[nt] = E(m-2,j)+1 if j == n-1: ghosts[nt] = E(i,1)+1 if j == 0: ghosts[nt] = E(i,n-2)+1 if i == 0: boundary[nt, 2] = 'left' if j == n-1: boundary[nt, 1] = 'top' elements[nt,:] = [i1,i2,i3] #bottom left nt = E(0,0) nf = E(m-2,n-2) ghosts[nt] = nf ghosts[nt+1] = nf+1 #bottom right nt = E(m-1,0) nf = E(1,n-2) ghosts[nt] = nf ghosts[nt+1] = nf+1 #top left nt = E(0,n-1) nf = E(m-2,1) ghosts[nt] = nf ghosts[nt+1] = nf+1 #top right nt = E(m-1,n-1) nf = E(1,1) ghosts[nt] = nf ghosts[nt+1] = nf+1 return points, elements, boundary, ghosts def rectangular_periodic_lr(m, n, len1=1.0, len2=1.0, origin = (0.0, 0.0)): """Setup a rectangular grid of triangles with m+1 by n+1 grid points and side lengths len1, len2. If side lengths are omitted the mesh defaults to the unit square. len1: x direction (left to right) len2: y direction (bottom to top) Return to lists: points and elements suitable for creating a Mesh or Domain object, e.g. Mesh(points, elements) """ from config import epsilon from Numeric import zeros, Float, Int delta1 = float(len1)/m delta2 = float(len2)/n #Calculate number of points Np = (m+1)*(n+1) class VIndex: def __init__(self, n,m): self.n = n self.m = m def __call__(self, i,j): return j+i*(self.n+1) class EIndex: def __init__(self, n,m): self.n = n self.m = m def __call__(self, i,j): return 2*(j+i*self.n) I = VIndex(n,m) E = EIndex(n,m) points = zeros( (Np,2), Float) for i in range(m+1): for j in range(n+1): points[I(i,j),:] = [i*delta1 + origin[0], j*delta2 + origin[1]] #Construct 2 triangles per rectangular element and assign tags to boundary #Calculate number of triangles Nt = 2*m*n elements = zeros( (Nt,3), Int) boundary = {} ghosts = {} nt = -1 for i in range(m): for j in range(n): i1 = I(i,j+1) i2 = I(i,j) i3 = I(i+1,j+1) i4 = I(i+1,j) #Lower Element nt = E(i,j) if i == m-1: ghosts[nt] = E(1,j) if i == 0: ghosts[nt] = E(m-2,j) if i == m-1: boundary[nt, 2] = 'right' if j == 0: boundary[nt, 1] = 'bottom' elements[nt,:] = [i4,i3,i2] #Upper Element nt = E(i,j)+1 if i == m-1: ghosts[nt] = E(1,j)+1 if i == 0: ghosts[nt] = E(m-2,j)+1 if i == 0: boundary[nt, 2] = 'left' if j == n-1: boundary[nt, 1] = 'top' elements[nt,:] = [i1,i2,i3] return points, elements, boundary, ghosts