#!/usr/bin/env python """Sequential program computing the Mandelbrot set. Ole Nielsen, SUT 2003 """ from mandelbrot import calculate_region from mandelplot import plot import time # User definable parameters kmax = 2**15 # Maximal number of iterations (=number of colors) M = N = 700 # width = height = N (200, 400, 600, 700 are good) # Region in complex plane real_min = -2.0 real_max = 1.0 imag_min = -1.5 imag_max = 1.5 # Compute Mandelbrot set t0 = time.time() A = calculate_region(real_min, real_max, imag_min, imag_max, kmax, M, N) print 'Computed region in %.2f seconds' %(time.time()-t0) # Plot result plot(A, kmax)