import exceptions class VectorShapeError(exceptions.Exception): pass import logging, logging.config logger = logging.getLogger('cg_solve') logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) try: logging.config.fileConfig('log.ini') except: pass def conjugate_gradient(A,b,x0=None,imax=10000,tol=1.0e-8,iprint=0): """ Try to solve linear equation Ax = b using conjugate gradient method Input A: matrix or function which applies a matrix, assumed symmetric A can be either dense or sparse b: right hand side x0: inital guess (default the 0 vector) imax: max number of iterations tol: tolerance used for residual Output x: approximate solution """ from numpy import dot, array, Float, zeros b = array(b, dtype=Float) if len(b.shape) != 1 : raise VectorShapeError, 'input vector should consist of only one column' if x0 is None: x0 = zeros(b.shape, dtype=Float) else: x0 = array(x0, dtype=Float) #FIXME: Should test using None if iprint == 0: iprint = imax i=1 x = x0 r = b - A*x d = r rTr = dot(r,r) rTr0 = rTr while (itol**2*rTr0): q = A*d alpha = rTr/dot(d,q) x = x + alpha*d if i%50 : r = b - A*x else: r = r - alpha*q rTrOld = rTr rTr = dot(r,r) bt = rTr/rTrOld d = r + bt*d i = i+1 if i%iprint == 0 :'i = %g rTr = %20.15e'% (i,rTr)) #FIXME: Should this raise an exception? if i==imax: logger.warning('max number of iterations attained') return x