"""Alpha shape Determine the shape of a set of points. From website by Kaspar Fischer: As mentionned in Edelsbrunner's and Muecke's paper, one can intuitively think of an alpha-shape as the following: Imagine a huge mass of ice-cream making up the space and containing the points S as ``hard'' chocolate pieces. Using one of these sphere-formed ice-cream spoons we carve out all parts of the ice-cream block we can reach without bumping into chocolate pieces, even carving out holes in the inside (eg. parts not reachable by simply moving the spoon from the outside). We will eventually end up with a (not necessarily convex) object bounded by caps, arcs and points. If we now straighten all ``round'' faces to triangles and line segments, we have an intuitive description of what is called the alpha-shape. Author: Vanessa Robins, ANU """ import exceptions from Numeric import array, Float, divide_safe, sqrt, product from load_mesh.loadASCII import import_points_file, export_boundary_file import random class AlphaError(exceptions.Exception):pass class PointError(AlphaError): pass class FlagError(AlphaError): pass OUTPUT_FILE_TITLE = "# The alpha shape boundary defined by point index pairs of edges" INF = pow(10,9) EPSILON = 1.0e-12 def alpha_shape_via_files(point_file, boundary_file, alpha= None): """ Load a point file and return the alpha shape boundary as a boundary file. Inputs: point_file: File location of the input file, points format (.xya or .pts) boundary_file: File location of the generated output file alpha: The alpha value can be optionally specified. If it is not specified the optimum alpha value will be used. """ point_dict = import_points_file(point_file) points = point_dict['pointlist'] AS = Alpha_Shape(points, alpha) AS.write_boundary(boundary_file) class Alpha_Shape: def __init__(self, points, alpha = None): """ An Alpha_Shape requires input of a set of points. Other class routines return the alpha shape boundary. Inputs: points: List of coordinate pairs [[x1, y1],[x2, y2]..] alpha: The alpha value can be optionally specified. If it is not specified the optimum alpha value will be used. """ self._set_points(points) self._alpha_shape_algorithm(alpha) def _set_points(self, points): """ Create self.points array, do Error checking Inputs: points: List of coordinate pairs [[x1, y1],[x2, y2]..] """ # print "setting points" if len (points) <= 2: raise PointError, "Too few points to find an alpha shape" if len(points)==3: #check not in a straight line # FIXME check points 1,2,3 if straingt, check if points 2,3,4, ect x01 = points[0][0] - points[1][0] y01 = points[0][1] - points[1][1] x12 = points[1][0] - points[2][0] y12 = points[1][1] - points[2][1] crossprod = x01*y12 - x12*y01 if crossprod==0: raise PointError, "Three points on a straight line" #Convert input to Numeric arrays self.points = array(points).astype(Float) def write_boundary(self,file_name): """ Write the boundary to a file """ #print " this info will be in the file" export_boundary_file(file_name, self.get_boundary(), OUTPUT_FILE_TITLE, delimiter = ',') def get_boundary(self): """ Return a list of tuples. Each tuple represents a segment in the boundary by the index of its two end points. The list of tuples represents the alpha shape boundary. """ return self.boundary def set_boundary_type(self,raw_boundary=True, remove_holes=False, smooth_indents=False, expand_pinch=False, boundary_points_fraction=0.2): """ Use the flags to set constraints on the boundary: raw_boundary Return raw boundary i.e. the regular edges of the alpha shape. remove_holes filter to remove small holes (small is defined by boundary_points_fraction ) smooth_indents remove sharp triangular indents in boundary expand_pinch test for pinch-off and correct i.e. a boundary vertex with more than two edges. """ if raw_boundary: # reset alpha shape boundary reg_edge = self.get_regular_edges(self.alpha) self.boundary = [self.edge[k] for k in reg_edge] self._init_boundary_triangles() if remove_holes: #remove small holes self.boundary = self._remove_holes(boundary_points_fraction) if smooth_indents: #remove sharp triangular indents self.boundary = self._smooth_indents() if expand_pinch: #deal with pinch-off self.boundary = self._expand_pinch() def get_delaunay(self): """ """ return self.deltri def get_optimum_alpha(self): """ """ return self.optimum_alpha def get_alpha(self): """ Return current alpha value. """ return self.alpha def set_alpha(self,alpha): """ Set alpha and update alpha-boundary. """ self.alpha = alpha reg_edge = self.get_regular_edges(alpha) self.boundary = [self.edge[k] for k in reg_edge] self._init_boundary_triangles() def _alpha_shape_algorithm(self, alpha=None): """ Given a set of points (self.points) and an optional alpha value determines the alpha shape boundary (stored in self.boundary, accessed by get_boundary). Inputs: alpha: The alpha value can be optionally specified. If it is not specified the optimum alpha value will be used. """ #print "starting alpha shape algorithm" self.alpha = alpha ## Build Delaunay triangulation import mesh_engine.triang as triang points = [] seglist = [] holelist = [] regionlist = [] pointattlist = [] segattlist = [] trilist = [] points = [(pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in self.points] pointattlist = [ [] for i in range(len(points)) ] mode = "Qzcn" #print "computing delaunay triangulation ... \n" tridata = triang.genMesh(points,seglist,holelist,regionlist, pointattlist,segattlist,trilist,mode) #print tridata #print "point attlist: ", tridata['generatedpointattributelist'],"\n" #print "hull segments: ", tridata['generatedsegmentlist'], "\n" self.deltri = tridata['generatedtrianglelist'] self.deltrinbr = tridata['generatedtriangleneighborlist'] self.hulledges = tridata['generatedsegmentlist'] #print "Number of delaunay triangles: ", len(self.deltri), "\n" #print "deltrinbrs: ", self.deltrinbr, "\n" ## Build Alpha table ## the following routines determine alpha thresholds for the ## triangles, edges, and vertices of the delaunay triangulation self._tri_circumradius() # print "Largest circumradius ", max(self.triradius) self._edge_intervals() self._vertex_intervals() if alpha==None: # Find optimum alpha # Ken Clarkson's hull program uses smallest alpha so that # every vertex is non-singular so... self.optimum_alpha = max([iv[0] for iv in self.vertexinterval \ if iv!=[] ]) # print "optimum alpha ", self.optimum_alpha alpha = self.optimum_alpha self.alpha = alpha reg_edge = self.get_regular_edges(self.alpha) self.boundary = [self.edge[k] for k in reg_edge] #print "alpha boundary edges ", self.boundary self._init_boundary_triangles() return def _tri_circumradius(self): """ Compute circumradii of the delaunay triangles """ x = self.points[:,0] y = self.points[:,1] ind1 = [self.deltri[j][0] for j in range(len(self.deltri))] ind2 = [self.deltri[j][1] for j in range(len(self.deltri))] ind3 = [self.deltri[j][2] for j in range(len(self.deltri))] x1 = array([ x[j] for j in ind1 ]) y1 = array([ y[j] for j in ind1 ]) x2 = array([ x[j] for j in ind2 ]) y2 = array([ y[j] for j in ind2 ]) x3 = array([ x[j] for j in ind3 ]) y3 = array([ y[j] for j in ind3 ]) x21 = x2-x1 x31 = x3-x1 y21 = y2-y1 y31 = y3-y1 dist21 = x21*x21 + y21*y21 dist31 = x31*x31 + y31*y31 denom = x21*y31 - x31*y21 #print "denom = ", denom # dx/2, dy/2 give circumcenter relative to x1,y1. # dx = (y31*dist21 - y21*dist31)/denom # dy = (x21*dist31 - x31*dist21)/denom # first need to check for near-zero values of denom delta = 0.00000001 zeroind = [k for k in range(len(denom)) if \ (denom[k]< EPSILON and denom[k] > -EPSILON)] # if some denom values are close to zero, # we perturb the associated vertices and recalculate while zeroind!=[]: random.seed() print "Warning: degenerate triangles found in alpha_shape.py, results may be inaccurate." for d in zeroind: x1[d] = x1[d]+delta*(random.random()-0.5) x2[d] = x2[d]+delta*(random.random()-0.5) x3[d] = x3[d]+delta*(random.random()-0.5) y1[d] = y1[d]+delta*(random.random()-0.5) y2[d] = y2[d]+delta*(random.random()-0.5) y3[d] = y3[d]+delta*(random.random()-0.5) x21 = x2-x1 x31 = x3-x1 y21 = y2-y1 y31 = y3-y1 dist21 = x21*x21 + y21*y21 dist31 = x31*x31 + y31*y31 denom = x21*y31 - x31*y21 zeroind = [k for k in range(len(denom)) if \ (denom[k]< EPSILON and denom[k] > -EPSILON)] try: dx = divide_safe(y31*dist21 - y21*dist31,denom) dy = divide_safe(x21*dist31 - x31*dist21,denom) except ZeroDivisionError: raise AlphaError self.triradius = 0.5*sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) #print "triangle radii", self.triradius def _edge_intervals(self): """ for each edge, find triples (length/2, min_adj_triradius, max_adj_triradius) if unattached (min_adj_triradius, min_adj_triradius, max_adj_triradius) if attached. An edge is attached if it is opposite an obtuse angle """ # It should be possible to rewrite this routine in an array-friendly # form like _tri_circumradius() if we need to speed things up. # Hard to do though. edges = [] edgenbrs = [] edgeinterval = [] for t in range(len(self.deltri)): tri = self.deltri[t] trinbr = self.deltrinbr[t] dx = array([self.points[tri[(i+1)%3],0] - self.points[tri[(i+2)%3],0] for i in [0,1,2]]) dy = array([self.points[tri[(i+1)%3],1] - self.points[tri[(i+2)%3],1] for i in [0,1,2]]) elen = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) # really only need sign - not angle value: anglesign = array([(-dx[(i+1)%3]*dx[(i+2)%3]- dy[(i+1)%3]*dy[(i+2)%3]) for i in [0,1,2]]) #print "dx ",dx,"\n" #print "dy ",dy,"\n" #print "edge lengths of triangle ",t,"\t",elen,"\n" #print "angles ",angle,"\n" for i in [0,1,2]: j = (i+1)%3 k = (i+2)%3 if trinbr[i]==-1: edges.append((tri[j], tri[k])) edgenbrs.append((t, -1)) edgeinterval.append([0.5*elen[i], self.triradius[t], INF]) elif (tri[j]=0 ] try: vertexinterval[i] = [min(radii), max(radii)] if vertexnbrs[i][-1]==-1: vertexinterval[i][1]=INF except ValueError: raise AlphaError self.vertexnbr = vertexnbrs self.vertexinterval = vertexinterval #print "vertex nbrs ", vertexnbrs, "\n" #print "vertex intervals ",vertexinterval, "\n" def get_alpha_triangles(self,alpha): """ Given an alpha value, return indices of triangles in the alpha-shape """ def tri_rad_lta(k): return self.triradius[k]<=alpha return filter(tri_rad_lta, range(len(self.triradius))) def get_regular_edges(self,alpha): """ Given an alpha value, return the indices of edges on the boundary of the alpha-shape """ def reg_edge(k): return self.edgeinterval[k][1]<=alpha and \ self.edgeinterval[k][2]>alpha return filter(reg_edge, range(len(self.edgeinterval))) def get_exposed_vertices(self,alpha): """ Given an alpha value, return the vertices on the boundary of the alpha-shape """ def exp_vert(k): return self.vertexinterval[k][0]<=alpha and \ self.vertexinterval[k][1]>alpha return filter(exp_vert, range(len(self.vertexinterval))) def _vertices_from_edges(self,elist): """ Returns the list of unique vertex labels from edges in elist """ v1 = [elist[k][0] for k in range(len(elist))] v2 = [elist[k][1] for k in range(len(elist))] v = v1+v2 v.sort() vertices = [v[k] for k in range(len(v)) if v[k]!=v[k-1] ] return vertices def _init_boundary_triangles(self): """ Creates the initial list of triangle indices exterior to and touching the boundary of the alpha shape """ def tri_rad_gta(k): return self.triradius[k]>self.alpha extrind = filter(tri_rad_gta, range(len(self.triradius))) bv = self._vertices_from_edges(self.boundary) btri = [] for et in extrind: v0 = self.deltri[et][0] v1 = self.deltri[et][1] v2 = self.deltri[et][2] if v0 in bv or v1 in bv or v2 in bv: btri.append(et) self.boundarytriangle = btri #print "exterior triangles: ", extrind def _remove_holes(self,small): """ Given the edges in self.boundary, finds the largest components. The routine does this by implementing a union-find algorithm. """ #print "running _remove_holes \n" bdry = self.boundary def findroot(i): if vptr[i] < 0: return i k = findroot(vptr[i]) vptr[i] = k # this produces "path compression" in the # union-find tree. return k # get a list of unique vertex labels: verts = self._vertices_from_edges(bdry) #print "verts ", verts, "\n" # vptr represents the union-find tree. # if vptr[i] = EMPTY < 0, the vertex verts[i] has not been visited yet # if vptr[i] = j > 0, then j verts[j] is the parent of verts[i]. # if vptr[i] = n < 0, then verts[i] is a root vertex and # represents a connected component of n vertices. #initialise vptr to negative number outside range EMPTY = -max(verts)-len(verts) vptr = [EMPTY for k in range(len(verts))] #print "vptr init: ", vptr, "\n" #add edges and maintain union tree for i in range(len(bdry)): #print "edge ",i,"\t",bdry[i] vl = verts.index(bdry[i][0]) vr = verts.index(bdry[i][1]) rvl = findroot(vl) rvr = findroot(vr) #print "roots: ",rvl, rvr if not(rvl==rvr): if (vptr[vl]==EMPTY): if (vptr[vr]==EMPTY): vptr[vl] = -2 vptr[vr] = vl else: vptr[vl] = rvr vptr[rvr] = vptr[rvr]-1 else: if (vptr[vr]==EMPTY): vptr[vr] = rvl vptr[rvl] = vptr[rvl]-1 else: if vptr[rvl] > vptr[rvr]: vptr[rvr] = vptr[rvr] + vptr[rvl] vptr[rvl] = rvr vptr[vl] = rvr else: vptr[rvl] = vptr[rvl] + vptr[rvr] vptr[rvr] = rvl vptr[vr] = rvl #print "vptr: ", vptr, "\n" # end edge loop if vptr.count(EMPTY): raise FlagError, "We didn't hit all the vertices in the boundary" # print "number of vertices in the connected components: ", [-v for v in vptr if v<0], "\n" # print "largest component has: ", -min(vptr), " points. \n" # discard the edges in the little components # (i.e. those components with less than 'small' fraction of bdry points) cutoff = round(small*len(verts)) # print "cutoff component size is ", cutoff, "\n" largest_component = -min(vptr) if cutoff > largest_component: cutoff = round((1-small)*largest_component) # littleind has root indices for small components littleind = [k for k in range(len(vptr)) if \ (vptr[k]<0 and vptr[k]>-cutoff)] if littleind: # littlecomp has all vptr indices in the small components littlecomp = [k for k in range(len(vptr)) if \ findroot(k) in littleind] # vdiscard has the vertex indices corresponding to vptr indices vdiscard = [verts[k] for k in littlecomp] newbdry = [e for e in bdry if \ not((e[0] in vdiscard) and (e[1] in vdiscard))] newverts = self._vertices_from_edges(newbdry) # recompute the boundary triangles newbt = [] for bt in self.boundarytriangle: v0 = self.deltri[bt][0] v1 = self.deltri[bt][1] v2 = self.deltri[bt][2] if (v0 in newverts or v1 in newverts or v2 in newverts): newbt.append(bt) self.boundarytriangle = newbt else: newbdry = bdry return newbdry def _smooth_indents(self): """ Given edges in bdry, test for acute-angle triangular indents and remove them. """ #print "running _smooth_indents \n" bdry = self.boundary bdrytri = self.boundarytriangle # find boundary triangles that have two edges in bdry # v2ind has the place index relative to the triangle deltri[ind] # for the bdry vertex where the two edges meet. verts = self._vertices_from_edges(bdry) b2etri = [] for ind in bdrytri: bect = 0 v2ind = [0,1,2] for j in [0,1,2]: eda = (self.deltri[ind][(j+1)%3], self.deltri[ind][(j+2)%3]) edb = (self.deltri[ind][(j+2)%3], self.deltri[ind][(j+1)%3]) if eda in bdry or edb in bdry: bect +=1 v2ind.remove(j) if bect==2: b2etri.append((ind,v2ind[0])) # test the bdrytri triangles for acute angles acutetri = [] for tind in b2etri: tri = self.deltri[tind[0]] dx = array([self.points[tri[(i+1)%3],0] - \ self.points[tri[(i+2)%3],0] for i in [0,1,2]]) dy = array([self.points[tri[(i+1)%3],1] - \ self.points[tri[(i+2)%3],1] for i in [0,1,2]]) anglesign = array([(-dx[(i+1)%3]*dx[(i+2)%3]-\ dy[(i+1)%3]*dy[(i+2)%3]) for i in [0,1,2]]) # record any triangle that has an acute angle spanned by #two edges along the boundary.. if anglesign[tind[1]] > 0: acutetri.append(tind[0]) #print "acute boundary triangles ", acutetri # adjust the bdry edges and triangles by adding #in the acutetri triangles for pind in acutetri: bdrytri.remove(pind) tri = self.deltri[pind] for i in [0,1,2]: bdry.append((tri[(i+1)%3], tri[(i+2)%3])) newbdry = [] for ed in bdry: numed = bdry.count(ed)+bdry.count((ed[1],ed[0])) if numed%2 == 1: newbdry.append(ed) #print "new boundary ", newbdry return newbdry def _expand_pinch(self): """ Given edges in bdry, test for vertices with more than 2 incident edges. Expand by adding back in associated triangles. """ #print "running _expand_pinch \n" bdry = self.boundary bdrytri = self.boundarytriangle v1 = [bdry[k][0] for k in range(len(bdry))] v2 = [bdry[k][1] for k in range(len(bdry))] v = v1+v2 v.sort() probv = [v[k] for k in range(len(v)) \ if (v[k]!=v[k-1] and v.count(v[k])>2) ] #print "problem vertices: ", probv # find boundary triangles that have at least one vertex in probv probtri = [] for ind in bdrytri: v0 = self.deltri[ind][0] v1 = self.deltri[ind][1] v2 = self.deltri[ind][2] if v0 in probv or v1 in probv or v2 in probv: probtri.append(ind) #print "problem boundary triangle indices ", probtri # "add in" the problem triangles for pind in probtri: bdrytri.remove(pind) tri = self.deltri[pind] for i in [0,1,2]: bdry.append((tri[(i+1)%3], tri[(i+2)%3])) newbdry = [] for ed in bdry: numed = bdry.count(ed)+bdry.count((ed[1],ed[0])) if numed%2 == 1: newbdry.append(ed) #print "new boundary ", newbdry return newbdry #------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": """ Load in a data point file. Determine the alpha shape boundary Save the boundary to a file. usage: alpha_shape.py point_file.xya boundary_file.bnd [alpha] The alpha value is optional. """ import os, sys usage = "usage: %s point_file.xya boundary_file.bnd [alpha]"%os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if len(sys.argv) < 3: print usage else: point_file = sys.argv[1] boundary_file = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 4: alpha = sys.argv[3] else: alpha = None #print "about to call alpha shape routine \n" alpha_shape_via_files(point_file, boundary_file, alpha)