1 | """ |
2 | Example of shallow water wave equation |
3 | consisting of an asymetrical converging channel. |
4 | |
5 | Copyright 2004 |
6 | Christopher Zoppou, Stephen Roberts, Ole Nielsen, Duncan Gray |
7 | Geoscience Australia, ANU |
8 | |
9 | Specific methods pertaining to the 2D shallow water equation |
10 | are imported from shallow_water |
11 | for use with the generic finite volume framework |
12 | |
13 | Conserved quantities are h, uh and vh stored as elements 0, 1 and 2 in the |
14 | numerical vector named conserved_quantities. |
15 | |
16 | """ |
17 | |
18 | ###################### |
19 | # Module imports |
20 | # |
21 | |
22 | #Were these used? |
23 | #import visualise2_chris as visualise |
24 | #import Image, ImageGrab |
25 | |
26 | import sys |
27 | from os import sep |
28 | sys.path.append('..'+sep+'pyvolution') |
29 | |
30 | |
31 | from shallow_water import Domain, Constant_height |
32 | from shallow_water import Transmissive_boundary, Reflective_boundary,\ |
33 | Dirichlet_boundary , Transmissive_Momentum_Set_Stage_boundary |
34 | |
35 | from math import sqrt, cos, sin, pi |
36 | from mesh_factory import oblique_cross |
37 | |
38 | |
39 | ###################### |
40 | # Domain |
41 | # |
42 | leny = 30. |
43 | lenx = 40. |
44 | f = 5 |
45 | n = 60*f |
46 | m = 80*f |
47 | theta = 25 |
48 | h_bc = 1.5 |
49 | p_bc = 5.0 |
50 | |
51 | points, elements, boundary = oblique_cross(m, n, lenx, leny, theta = theta) |
52 | domain = Domain(points, elements, boundary) |
53 | |
54 | |
55 | print 'Number of Elements = ',domain.number_of_elements |
56 | # Order of solver |
57 | domain.default_order=2 |
58 | domain.beta_w = 0.8 |
59 | |
60 | # Store output |
61 | domain.store=True |
62 | |
63 | # Provide file name for storing output |
64 | domain.filename="oblique_cross_%g_%g_%g_%g_%g" % (n,m,theta,h_bc,p_bc) |
65 | print domain.filename |
66 | |
67 | # Output format |
68 | domain.format="sww" #NET.CDF binary format |
69 | # "dat" for ASCII |
70 | |
71 | |
72 | # Visualization smoothing |
73 | domain.smooth=False |
74 | domain.visualise=False |
75 | |
76 | ####################### |
77 | #Bed-slope and friction |
78 | class ConstantFunctionT: |
79 | |
80 | def __init__(self,value): |
81 | self.value = value |
82 | |
83 | def __call__(self,t): |
84 | return self.value |
85 | |
86 | |
87 | shock_hb = ConstantFunctionT(h_bc) |
88 | shock_hh = ConstantFunctionT(h_bc) |
89 | shock_pb = ConstantFunctionT(p_bc) |
90 | shock_pp = ConstantFunctionT(p_bc) |
91 | |
92 | |
93 | def x_slope(x, y): |
94 | return 0*x |
95 | |
96 | |
97 | |
98 | def shock_h(x,y): |
99 | n = x.shape[0] |
100 | w = 0*x |
101 | for i in range(n): |
102 | if x[i]<0: |
103 | w[i] = shock_hh(0.0) |
104 | else: |
105 | w[i] = 1.0 |
106 | return w |
107 | |
108 | |
109 | def shock_p(x,y): |
110 | n = x.shape[0] |
111 | w = 0*x |
112 | for i in range(n): |
113 | if x[i]<0: |
114 | w[i] = shock_pp(0.0) |
115 | else: |
116 | w[i] = 0.0 |
117 | return w |
118 | |
119 | |
120 | |
121 | |
122 | |
123 | domain.set_quantity('elevation', x_slope) |
124 | domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.0) |
125 | |
126 | ###################### |
127 | # Boundary conditions |
128 | # |
129 | R = Reflective_boundary(domain) |
130 | T = Transmissive_boundary(domain) |
131 | D = Dirichlet_boundary([shock_hb(0.0) , shock_pb(0.0), 0.0]) |
132 | Bts = Transmissive_Momentum_Set_Stage_boundary(domain, shock_hb) |
133 | |
134 | domain.set_boundary({'left': D, 'right': T, 'top': R, 'bottom': R}) |
135 | |
136 | ###################### |
137 | #Initial condition |
138 | |
139 | domain.set_quantity('stage', shock_h ) |
140 | domain.set_quantity('xmomentum',shock_p ) |
141 | |
142 | class SetValueWhere: |
143 | |
144 | def __init__(self,quantity,value=0,xrange=0.0): |
145 | self.quantity = quantity |
146 | self.value = value |
147 | self.xrange = xrange |
148 | |
149 | def __call__(self,x,y): |
150 | n = x.shape[0] |
151 | w = self.quantity.centroid_values |
152 | for i in range(n): |
153 | if x[i]<self.xrange: |
154 | w[i] = self.value |
155 | return w |
156 | |
157 | |
158 | Stage = domain.quantities['stage'] |
159 | Xmom = domain.quantities['xmomentum'] |
160 | Ymom = domain.quantities['ymomentum'] |
161 | |
162 | #for id, face in domain.boundary: |
163 | # print '(',id,',',face,') ',domain.boundary[(id,face)] |
164 | |
165 | ###################### |
166 | #Evolution |
167 | import time |
168 | t0 = time.time() |
169 | for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 0.1, finaltime = 6.0): |
170 | domain.write_time() |
171 | id = 3399 |
172 | print Stage.get_values(location='centroids',indices=[id]) |
173 | print Xmom.get_values(location='centroids',indices=[id]) |
174 | print Ymom.get_values(location='centroids',indices=[id]) |
175 | vstage = Stage.get_values(location='centroids',indices=[id]) |
176 | vxmom = Xmom.get_values(location='centroids',indices=[id]) |
177 | id = 12719 |
178 | print Stage.get_values(location='centroids',indices=[id]) |
179 | print Xmom.get_values(location='centroids',indices=[id]) |
180 | print Ymom.get_values(location='centroids',indices=[id]) |
181 | tclean = 2.0 |
182 | # if t > tclean-0.09 and t < tclean+0.01: |
183 | # print 'Cleaning up Initial profile' |
184 | # setstage = SetValueWhere(quantity=Stage,value=vstage[0],xrange=10) |
185 | # setxmom = SetValueWhere(quantity=Xmom,value=vxmom[0],xrange=10) |
186 | # Stage.set_values(setstage,location='centroids') |
187 | # Xmom.set_values(setxmom,location='centroids') |
188 | # Dnew = Dirichlet_boundary([vstage[0] , vxmom[0], 0.0]) |
189 | # domain.set_boundary({'left': Dnew, 'right': T, 'top': R, 'bottom': R}) |
190 | |
191 | print 'That took %.2f seconds' %(time.time()-t0) |
192 | |
193 | #FIXME: Compute average water depth on either side of shock and compare |
194 | #to expected values. And also Froude numbers. |
195 | |
196 | |
197 | #print "saving file?" |
198 | #im = ImageGrab.grab() |
199 | #im.save("ccube.eps") |