""" Example of shallow water wave equation consisting of an asymetrical converging channel. Copyright 2004 Christopher Zoppou, Stephen Roberts, Ole Nielsen, Duncan Gray Geoscience Australia, ANU Specific methods pertaining to the 2D shallow water equation are imported from shallow_water for use with the generic finite volume framework Conserved quantities are h, uh and vh stored as elements 0, 1 and 2 in the numerical vector named conserved_quantities. """ ###################### # Module imports # #Were these used? #import visualise2_chris as visualise #import Image, ImageGrab import sys from os import sep sys.path.append('..'+sep+'pyvolution') from shallow_water import Domain, Constant_height from shallow_water import Transmissive_boundary, Reflective_boundary,\ Dirichlet_boundary from math import sqrt, cos, sin, pi from mesh_factory import oblique ###################### # Domain # n = 60 m = 80 leny = 30. lenx = 40. n = 50 m = 60 points, elements, boundary = oblique(m, n, lenx, leny) domain = Domain(points, elements, boundary) # Order of solver domain.default_order=2 # Store output domain.store=True # Output format domain.format="sww" #NET.CDF binary format # "dat" for ASCII # Provide file name for storing output domain.filename="oblique" # Visualization smoothing domain.smooth=True ####################### #Bed-slope and friction def x_slope(x, y): return 0*x domain.set_quantity('elevation', x_slope) domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.0) ###################### # Boundary conditions # R = Reflective_boundary(domain) T = Transmissive_boundary(domain) D = Dirichlet_boundary([1.0, 8.57, 0.0]) domain.set_boundary({'left': D, 'right': T, 'top': R, 'bottom': R}) ###################### #Initial condition h = 0.5 domain.set_quantity('stage', Constant_height(x_slope, h) ) ###################### #Evolution import time t0 = time.time() for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 0.5, finaltime = 50): domain.write_time() print 'That took %.2f seconds' %(time.time()-t0) #FIXME: Compute average water depth on either side of shock and compare #to expected values. And also Froude numbers. #print "saving file?" #im = ImageGrab.grab() #im.save("ccube.eps")