#!/usr/bin/env python # Test of MPI module 'pypar' for Python # # Run as # python testpypar.py # or # mpirun -np 2 testpypar.py # (perhaps try number of processors more than 2) # # To verify bandwidth of your architecture please run pytiming (and ctiming) # # OMN, GPC FEB 2002 try: import Numeric except: raise 'Module Numeric must be present to run pypar' #print "Importing pypar" import pypar methods = dir(pypar) assert 'Abort' in methods assert 'Finalize' in methods assert 'Get_processor_name' in methods assert 'Wtime' in methods assert 'rank' in methods assert 'raw_receive' in methods assert 'raw_send' in methods assert 'receive' in methods assert 'send' in methods assert 'bcast' in methods assert 'size' in methods #print "Module pypar imported OK" #pypar.Barrier() myid = pypar.rank() numproc = pypar.size() node = pypar.Get_processor_name() print "I am processor %d of %d on node %s" %(myid, numproc, node) pypar.Barrier() if numproc > 1: # Test simple raw communication (arrays, strings and general) # N = 17 #Number of elements if myid == 0: # Integer arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)) B = Numeric.zeros(N) pypar.raw_send(A,1) pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of numeric integer arrays OK" # Long integer arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('l') B = Numeric.zeros(N) pypar.raw_send(A,1) pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of numeric long integer arrays OK" # Real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('f') B = Numeric.zeros(N).astype('f') pypar.raw_send(A,1) pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of numeric real arrays OK" # Complex arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('D') A += 3j B = Numeric.zeros(N).astype('D') pypar.raw_send(A, 1) B = pypar.raw_receive(B, numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of numeric complex arrays OK" # Strings (< 256 characters) # A = "and now to something completely different !" B = " "*len(A) pypar.raw_send(A,1) B, status = pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1,return_status=True) assert A == B print "Raw communication of strings OK" # A more general structure # A = ['ABC', (1,2,3.14), {8: 'Monty'}, Numeric.array([13.45, 1.2])] B = [' ', (0,0,0.0), {0: ' '}, Numeric.zeros(2).astype('f')] pypar.raw_send(A,1) B, status = pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1, return_status=True) assert A == B print "Raw communication of general structures OK" else: # Integers # X = Numeric.zeros(N) pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Long integers # X = Numeric.zeros(N).astype('l') pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Floats # X = Numeric.zeros(N).astype('f') pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Complex # X = Numeric.zeros(N).astype('D') X = pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Strings # X = " "*256 pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X.strip(), (myid+1)%numproc) # General # X = [' ', (0,0,0.0), {0: ' '}, Numeric.zeros(2).astype('f')] X = pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) #Test (raw communication of) multi dimensional arrays M = 13 #Number of elements in dim 1 N = 17 #Number of elements in higher dims if myid == 0: # 2D real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N)).astype('f') B = Numeric.zeros(M*N).astype('f') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N)) B = Numeric.reshape(B, (M,N)) pypar.raw_send(A,1) pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of 2D real arrays OK" # 2D complex arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N)).astype('D') B = Numeric.zeros(M*N).astype('D') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N)) B = Numeric.reshape(B, (M,N)) pypar.raw_send(A,1) pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of 2D complex arrays OK" # 3D real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N*N)).astype('f') B = Numeric.zeros(M*N*N).astype('f') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N,N)) B = Numeric.reshape(B, (M,N,N)) pypar.raw_send(A,1) pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of 3D real real arrays OK" # 4D real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N*N*M)).astype('f') B = Numeric.zeros(M*N*N*M).astype('f') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N,N,M)) B = Numeric.reshape(B, (M,N,N,M)) pypar.raw_send(A,1) pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of 4D real real arrays OK" # 5D real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N*2*N*M)).astype('f') B = Numeric.zeros(M*N*2*N*M).astype('f') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N,2,N,M)) B = Numeric.reshape(B, (M,N,2,N,M)) pypar.raw_send(A,1) pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of 5D real real arrays OK" # 5D double arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N*2*N*M)).astype('d') B = Numeric.zeros(M*N*2*N*M).astype('d') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N,2,N,M)) B = Numeric.reshape(B, (M,N,2,N,M)) pypar.raw_send(A,1) pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of 5D double arrays OK" # 5D complex arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N*2*N*M)).astype('D') B = Numeric.zeros(M*N*2*N*M).astype('D') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N,2,N,M)) B = Numeric.reshape(B, (M,N,2,N,M)) pypar.raw_send(A,1) pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Raw communication of 5D complex arrays OK" else: # 2D real arrays # X = Numeric.zeros(M*N).astype('f') X = Numeric.reshape(X, (M,N)) pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 2D complex arrays # X = Numeric.zeros(M*N).astype('D') X = Numeric.reshape(X, (M,N)) X = pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 3D real arrays # X = Numeric.zeros(M*N*N).astype('f') X = Numeric.reshape(X, (M,N,N)) pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 4D real arrays # X = Numeric.zeros(M*N*N*M).astype('f') X = Numeric.reshape(X, (M,N,N,M)) pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 5D real arrays # X = Numeric.zeros(M*N*2*N*M).astype('f') X = Numeric.reshape(X, (M,N,2,N,M)) pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 5D double arrays # X = Numeric.zeros(M*N*2*N*M).astype('d') X = Numeric.reshape(X, (M,N,2,N,M)) pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 5D complex arrays # X = Numeric.zeros(M*N*2*N*M).astype('D') X = Numeric.reshape(X, (M,N,2,N,M)) pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Test easy communication - without buffers (arrays, strings and general) # N = 17 #Number of elements if myid == 0: # Integer arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)) pypar.send(A,1) B = pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Simplified communication of numeric integer arrays OK" # Long integer arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('l') pypar.send(A,1) B=pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Simplified communication of long integer real arrays OK" # Real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('f') pypar.send(A,1) B=pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Simplified communication of numeric real arrays OK" # Complex arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('D') A += 3j pypar.send(A,1) B=pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Simplified communication of numeric complex arrays OK" # Strings # A = "and now to something completely different !" pypar.send(A,1) B=pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert A == B print "Simplified communication of strings OK" # A more general structure # A = ['ABC', (1,2,3.14), {8: 'Monty'}, Numeric.array([13.45, 1.2])] pypar.send(A,1) B = pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert A == B print "Simplified communication of general structures OK" else: # Integers # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Long integers # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Floats # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Complex # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Strings # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # General # X = pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) #Test (easy communication of) multi dimensional arrays M = 13 #Number of elements in dim 1 N = 17 #Number of elements in higher dims if myid == 0: # 2D real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N)).astype('f') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N)) pypar.send(A,1) B = pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Simplified communication of 2D real arrays OK" # 3D real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N*N)).astype('f') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N,N)) pypar.send(A,1) B=pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Simplified communication of 3D real arrays OK" # 4D real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N*N*M)).astype('f') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N,N,M)) pypar.send(A,1) B=pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Simplified communication of 4D real arrays OK" # 5D real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N*2*N*M)).astype('f') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N,2,N,M)) pypar.send(A,1) B=pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Simplified communication of 5D real arrays OK" # 5D double arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N*2*N*M)).astype('d') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N,2,N,M)) pypar.send(A,1) B=pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Simplified communication of 5D double arrays OK" # 5D complex arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(M*N*2*N*M)).astype('D') A = Numeric.reshape(A, (M,N,2,N,M)) pypar.send(A,1) B=pypar.receive(numproc-1) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) print "Simplified communication of 5D complex real arrays OK" else: # 2D real arrays # X = pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 3D real arrays # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 4D real arrays # X = pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 5D real arrays # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 5D double arrays # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # 5D complex arrays # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Test broadcast - with buffers (arrays, strings and general) # testString = ('test' + str(myid)).ljust(10) #Buffers must have the same length on all procs! pypar.bcast(testString, 0) assert testString.strip() == 'test0' testString = ('test' + str(myid)).ljust(10) #Buffers must have the same length on all procs! pypar.bcast(testString, numproc-1) assert testString.strip() == 'test' + str(numproc-1) if myid == 0: print "Broadcast communication of strings OK" #################################################### N = 17 #Number of elements testArray = myid * Numeric.array(range(N)) pypar.bcast(testArray, 1) assert Numeric.allclose(testArray, 1 * testArray) if myid == 0: print "Broadcast communication of numeric integer array OK" testArray = myid * Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('f') pypar.bcast(testArray, 1) assert Numeric.allclose(testArray, 1 * testArray) if myid == 0: print "Broadcast communication of numeric real array OK" M = 13 testArray = myid * Numeric.array(range(M*N)).astype('f') testArray = Numeric.reshape(testArray, (M,N)) pypar.bcast(testArray, 1) assert Numeric.allclose(testArray, 1 * testArray) if myid == 0: print "Broadcast communication of 2D numeric real array OK" testArray = myid * Numeric.array(range(M*2*N)).astype('f') testArray = Numeric.reshape(testArray, (M,2,N)) pypar.bcast(testArray, 1) assert Numeric.allclose(testArray, 1 * testArray) if myid == 0: print "Broadcast communication of 3D numeric real array OK" testArray = myid * Numeric.array(range(M*2*N)).astype('D') testArray = Numeric.reshape(testArray, (M,2,N)) pypar.bcast(testArray, 1) assert Numeric.allclose(testArray, 1 * testArray) if myid == 0: print "Broadcast communication of 3D numeric complex array OK" testGeneral = ['ABC', myid, (1,2,3), {8: 'Monty'}, Numeric.array([13.45, 1.2])] testGeneral = pypar.bcast(testGeneral, 1) assert testGeneral == ['ABC', 1, (1,2,3), {8: 'Monty'}, Numeric.array([13.45, 1.2])], 'Should have been %s' %testGeneral if myid == 0: print "Broadcast communication of general structures OK" # Test scatter - with/without buffers (arrays, strings) # N = 16 #Number of elements NP = N/numproc testString = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP' #Length = 16 X = ' '*NP pypar.raw_scatter(testString, X, 1) Y = pypar.scatter(testString, 1) #print 'P%d: s=%s, r=%s, %s' %(myid, testString, X, Y) assert X==Y, 'X=%s, Y=%s' %(X,Y) assert Y == testString[myid*NP:(myid+1)*NP] assert X == testString[myid*NP:(myid+1)*NP] if myid == 0: print "Scatter communication of strings OK" #Scatter Arrays testArray = Numeric.array(range(N)) X = Numeric.zeros(NP) pypar.raw_scatter(testArray, X, 0) Y = pypar.scatter(testArray, 0) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) assert Numeric.allclose(Numeric.array(X), testArray[myid*NP:(myid+1)*NP]) assert Numeric.allclose(Y, testArray[myid*NP:(myid+1)*NP]) if myid == 0: print "Scatter communication of numeric integer array OK" testArray = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('f') X = Numeric.zeros(NP).astype('f') pypar.raw_scatter(testArray, X, 0) Y = pypar.scatter(testArray, 0) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) assert Numeric.allclose(X, testArray[myid*NP:(myid+1)*NP]) assert Numeric.allclose(Y, testArray[myid*NP:(myid+1)*NP]) if myid == 0: print "Scatter communication of numeric real arrays OK" #else: # print X, testArray, Y # assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) testArray = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('D') X = Numeric.zeros(NP).astype('D') pypar.raw_scatter(testArray, X, 0) Y = pypar.scatter(testArray, 0) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) assert Numeric.allclose(X, testArray[myid*NP:(myid+1)*NP]) assert Numeric.allclose(Y, testArray[myid*NP:(myid+1)*NP]) if myid == 0: print "Scatter communication of numeric complex array OK" ################################################### #FIXME: 2D scatter doesn't work yet # M = 16 # N = 13 # MP = M/numproc # testArray = Numeric.array(range(M*N)).astype('D') # testArray = Numeric.reshape(testArray, (M,N)) # X = Numeric.zeros(MP*N).astype('D') # X = Numeric.reshape(X, (MP,N)) # pypar.raw_scatter(testArray, X, 0) # Y = pypar.scatter(testArray, 0) # assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) # assert Numeric.allclose(X, testArray[myid*MP:(myid+1)*MP,:]) # assert Numeric.allclose(Y, testArray[myid*MP:(myid+1)*MP,:]) # if myid == 0: # print "Scatter communication of 2D numeric complex array OK" # Test gather - with/without buffers (arrays, strings) # N = 17 #Number of elements testString = 'AB' X = '_'*(len(testString)*numproc) #Blanks caused errors when numproc >= 6 pypar.raw_gather(testString, X, 0) Y = pypar.gather(testString, 0) if myid == 0: assert X == 'AB' * numproc assert Y == 'AB' * numproc print "Gather communication of strings OK" testArray = Numeric.array(range(N)) X = Numeric.zeros(N*numproc) pypar.raw_gather(testArray, X, 0) Y = pypar.gather(testArray, 0) if myid == 0: for i in range(numproc): assert Numeric.allclose(testArray, X[(i * N): ((i+1)*N)]) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Gather communication of numeric integer array OK" testArray = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('f') X = Numeric.zeros(N*numproc).astype('f') pypar.raw_gather(testArray, X, 0) Y = pypar.gather(testArray, 0) if myid == 0: for i in range(numproc): assert Numeric.allclose(testArray, X[(i * N): ((i+1)*N)]) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Gather communication of numeric real array OK" testArray = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('D') X = Numeric.zeros(N*numproc).astype('D') pypar.raw_gather(testArray, X, 0) Y = pypar.gather(testArray, 0) if myid == 0: for i in range(numproc): assert Numeric.allclose(testArray, X[(i * N): ((i+1)*N)]) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Gather communication of numeric complex arrays OK" M = 13 testArray = Numeric.array(range(M*N)).astype('D') testArray = Numeric.reshape(testArray, (M,N)) X = Numeric.zeros(M*N*numproc).astype('D') X = Numeric.reshape(X, (M*numproc,N)) pypar.raw_gather(testArray, X, 0) Y = pypar.gather(testArray, 0) if myid == 0: for i in range(numproc): assert Numeric.allclose(testArray, X[(i * M): ((i+1)*M), :]) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Gather communication of 2D numeric complex arrays OK" ######################################################## # Test reduce ####################################################### N = 17 #Number of elements # Create one (different) array on each processor # testArray = Numeric.array(range(N)) * (myid+1) #print testArray X = Numeric.zeros(N) # Buffer for results pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, pypar.SUM, 0) if myid == 0: Y = Numeric.zeros(N) for i in range(numproc): Y = Y+Numeric.array(range(N))*(i+1) #print X #print Y assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Raw reduce using pypar.SUM OK" pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, pypar.MAX, 0, 0) if myid == 0: Y = Numeric.array(range(N))*numproc assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Raw reduce using pypar.MAX OK" pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, pypar.MIN, 0, 0) if myid == 0: Y = Numeric.array(range(N)) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Raw reduce using pypar.MIN OK" if numproc <= 20: testArray_float = testArray.astype('f') #Make room for big results X_float = X.astype('f') pypar.raw_reduce(testArray_float, X_float, pypar.PROD, 0, 0) if myid == 0: Y = Numeric.ones(N).astype('f') for i in range(numproc): Y = Y*Numeric.array(range(N))*(i+1) #print X_float #print Y assert Numeric.allclose(X_float, Y) print "Raw reduce using pypar.PROD OK" else: if myid == 0: print "Skipping product-reduce - try again with numproc < 20" pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, pypar.LAND, 0, 0) if myid == 0: Y = Numeric.ones(N) for i in range(numproc): Y = Numeric.logical_and(Y, Numeric.array(range(N))*(i+1)) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Raw reduce using pypar.LAND OK" pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, pypar.BAND, 0, 0) if myid == 0: Y = Numeric.ones(N)*255 #Neutral element for & for i in range(numproc): Y = Numeric.bitwise_and(Y, Numeric.array(range(N))*(i+1)) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Raw reduce using pypar.BAND OK" pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, pypar.LOR, 0, 0) if myid == 0: Y = Numeric.zeros(N) for i in range(numproc): Y = Numeric.logical_or(Y, Numeric.array(range(N))*(i+1)) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Raw reduce using pypar.LOR OK" pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, pypar.BOR, 0, 0) if myid == 0: Y = Numeric.zeros(N) #Neutral element for | for i in range(numproc): Y = Numeric.bitwise_or(Y, Numeric.array(range(N))*(i+1)) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Raw reduce using pypar.BOR OK" pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, pypar.LXOR, 0, 0) if myid == 0: Y = Numeric.zeros(N) for i in range(numproc): Y = Numeric.logical_xor(Y, Numeric.array(range(N))*(i+1)) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Raw reduce using pypar.LXOR OK" pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, pypar.BXOR, 0, 0) if myid == 0: Y = Numeric.zeros(N) #Neutral element for xor ? for i in range(numproc): Y = Numeric.bitwise_xor(Y, Numeric.array(range(N))*(i+1)) assert Numeric.allclose(X, Y) print "Raw reduce using pypar.BXOR OK" # NOT YET SUPPORTED # #pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, N, pypar.MAXLOC, 0, 0) #if myid == 0: # print 'MAXLOC', X #pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, N, pypar.MINLOC, 0, 0) #if myid == 0: # print 'MINLOC', X # # FIXME # Don't know how to test this (not available on all MPI systems) # #pypar.raw_reduce(testArray, X, N, pypar.REPLACE, 0, 0) #if myid == 0: # print 'REPLACE', X # Test status block (simple communication) N = 17 if myid == 0: # Integer arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)) pypar.send(A,1) B, status = pypar.receive(numproc-1, return_status = True) #print status sz = A.itemsize() assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) assert len(B) == status.length, 'Reported length == %d should be %d'\ %(status.length, len(B)) assert status.size == sz, 'Reported size == %d should be %d'\ %(status.size, sz) assert status.tag == pypar.default_tag, 'Reported tag == %d should be %d'\ %(status.tag, pypar.default_tag) assert status.error == 0 assert status.source == numproc-1, 'Reported source == %d should be %d'\ %(status.source, numproc-1) print "Status object (numeric integer arrays) OK" # Real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('f') pypar.send(A,1) B, status = pypar.receive(numproc-1, return_status = True) sz = A.itemsize() assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) assert len(B) == status.length, 'Reported length == %d should be %d'\ %(status.length, len(B)) assert status.size == sz, 'Reported size == %d should be %d'\ %(status.size, sz) assert status.tag == pypar.default_tag, 'Reported tag == %d should be %d'\ %(status.tag, pypar.default_tag) assert status.error == 0 assert status.source == numproc-1, 'Reported source == %d should be %d'\ %(status.source, numproc-1) print "Status object (numeric real arrays) OK" # Strings # A = "and now to something completely different !" pypar.send(A,1) B, status = pypar.receive(numproc-1, return_status = True) sz = 1 #Characters are one byte long assert A == B assert len(B) == status.length, 'Reported length == %d should be %d'\ %(status.length, len(B)) assert status.size == sz, 'Reported size == %d should be %d'\ %(status.size, sz) assert status.tag == pypar.default_tag, 'Reported tag == %d should be %d'\ %(status.tag, pypar.default_tag) assert status.error == 0 assert status.source == numproc-1, 'Reported source == %d should be %d'\ %(status.source, numproc-1) print "Status object (strings) OK" # A more general structure # A = ['ABC', (1,2,3.14), {8: 'Monty'}, Numeric.array([13.45, 1.2])] pypar.send(A,1) B, status = pypar.receive(numproc-1, return_status = True) assert A == B #Length is the number of characters needed to encode the structure #Can't think of a test. sz = 1 assert status.size == sz, 'Reported size == %d should be %d'\ %(status.size, sz) assert status.tag == pypar.default_tag, 'Reported tag == %d should be %d'\ %(status.tag, pypar.default_tag) assert status.error == 0 assert status.source == numproc-1, 'Reported source == %d should be %d'\ %(status.source, numproc-1) print "Status object (general structures) OK" else: # Integers # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Floats # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Strings # X=pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # General # X = pypar.receive(myid-1) pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Test status block (raw communication) N = 17 #Number of elements if myid == 0: # Integer arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)) B = Numeric.zeros(N) pypar.raw_send(A,1) B, status = pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1,return_status=True) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) sz = A.itemsize() assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) assert len(B) == status.length, 'Reported length == %d should be %d'\ %(status.length, len(B)) assert status.size == sz, 'Reported size == %d should be %d'\ %(status.size, sz) assert status.tag == pypar.default_tag, 'Reported tag == %d should be %d'\ %(status.tag, pypar.default_tag) assert status.error == 0 assert status.source == numproc-1, 'Reported source == %d should be %d'\ %(status.source, numproc-1) print "Status object (raw numeric integer arrays) OK" # Real arrays # A = Numeric.array(range(N)).astype('f') B = Numeric.zeros(N).astype('f') pypar.raw_send(A,1) B, status = pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1,return_status=True) assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) sz = A.itemsize() assert Numeric.allclose(A, B) assert len(B) == status.length, 'Reported length == %d should be %d'\ %(status.length, len(B)) assert status.size == sz, 'Reported size == %d should be %d'\ %(status.size, sz) assert status.tag == pypar.default_tag, 'Reported tag == %d should be %d'\ %(status.tag, pypar.default_tag) assert status.error == 0 assert status.source == numproc-1, 'Reported source == %d should be %d'\ %(status.source, numproc-1) print "Status object (raw numeric real arrays) OK" # Strings (< 256 characters) # A = "and now to something completely different !" B = " "*len(A) pypar.raw_send(A,1) B, status = pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1,return_status=True) sz = 1 #Characters are one byte long assert A == B assert len(B) == status.length, 'Reported length == %d should be %d'\ %(status.length, len(B)) assert status.size == sz, 'Reported size == %d should be %d'\ %(status.size, sz) assert status.tag == pypar.default_tag, 'Reported tag == %d should be %d'\ %(status.tag, pypar.default_tag) assert status.error == 0 assert status.source == numproc-1, 'Reported source == %d should be %d'\ %(status.source, numproc-1) print "Status object (raw strings) OK" # A more general structure # A = ['ABC', (1,2,3.14), {8: 'Monty'}, Numeric.array([13.45, 1.2])] B = [' ', (0,0,0.0), {0: ' '}, Numeric.zeros(2).astype('f')] pypar.raw_send(A,1) B, status = pypar.raw_receive(B,numproc-1, return_status=True) assert A == B sz = 1 assert status.size == sz, 'Reported size == %d should be %d'\ %(status.size, sz) assert status.tag == pypar.default_tag, 'Reported tag == %d should be %d'\ %(status.tag, pypar.default_tag) assert status.error == 0 assert status.source == numproc-1, 'Reported source == %d should be %d'\ %(status.source, numproc-1) print "Status object (raw general structures) OK" else: # Integers # X = Numeric.zeros(N) pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Floats # X = Numeric.zeros(N).astype('f') pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) # Strings # X = " "*256 X = pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X.strip(), (myid+1)%numproc) # General # X = [' ', (0,0,0.0), {0: ' '}, Numeric.zeros(2).astype('f')] X = pypar.raw_receive(X, myid-1) pypar.raw_send(X, (myid+1)%numproc) pypar.Finalize()