1 | # matlab-like funcs using VTK, to be used in matplotlib |
2 | # Randy Heiland, Indiana University |
3 | |
4 | from pylab import zeros |
5 | from vtk import * |
6 | from vtkPipe import * |
7 | |
8 | meshActor = vtkActor() |
9 | plot3Actor = vtkActor() |
10 | |
11 | def mesh(x,y,z, colored): |
12 | # global zlo,zmax |
13 | pts = vtkPoints() |
14 | xlen = len(x[1]) |
15 | ylen = len(y) |
16 | print 'xlen,ylen=',xlen,ylen |
17 | print 'zsize=',size(z) |
18 | pts.SetNumberOfPoints(size(z)) |
19 | idx = 0 |
20 | zlo = z[0,0] |
21 | zmax = z[0,0] |
22 | for iy in range(ylen): |
23 | for ix in range(xlen): |
24 | pts.SetPoint(idx, x[iy,ix], y[iy,ix], z[iy,ix]) |
25 | idx = idx + 1 |
26 | if z[iy,ix] < zlo: |
27 | zlo = z[iy,ix] |
28 | if z[iy,ix] > zmax: |
29 | zmax = z[iy,ix] |
30 | print 'zlo= ',zlo |
31 | |
32 | meshSG = vtkStructuredGrid() |
33 | meshSG.SetDimensions(xlen,ylen,1) |
34 | meshSG.SetPoints(pts) |
35 | |
36 | meshGeom = vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter() |
37 | meshGeom.SetInput(meshSG) |
38 | |
39 | if colored > 0: |
40 | elev = vtkElevationFilter() |
41 | elev.SetInput(meshGeom.GetOutput()) |
42 | pdnormals = vtkPolyDataNormals() |
43 | pdnormals.SetInput(elev.GetPolyDataOutput()) |
44 | |
45 | meshMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper() |
46 | |
47 | if colored > 0: |
48 | meshLUT = vtkLookupTable() |
49 | meshLUT.SetHueRange(lutBlueRed.GetHueRange()) |
50 | meshLUT.SetSaturationRange(lutBlueRed.GetSaturationRange()) |
51 | meshLUT.SetValueRange(lutBlueRed.GetValueRange()) |
52 | meshLUT.Build() |
53 | |
54 | meshMapper.SetInput(pdnormals.GetOutput()) |
55 | meshMapper.ScalarVisibilityOn() |
56 | meshMapper.SetScalarRange(zlo,zmax) |
57 | meshMapper.SetLookupTable(meshLUT) |
58 | meshLUT.SetTableRange(zlo,zmax) |
59 | else: |
60 | meshMapper.SetInput(meshGeom.GetOutput()) |
61 | |
62 | |
63 | meshActor.SetMapper(meshMapper) |
64 | vtkRen.AddActor(meshActor) |
65 | |
66 | |
67 | def plot3(x,y,z): |
68 | pts = vtkPoints() |
69 | vlen = len(x) |
70 | print 'vlen=',vlen |
71 | pts.SetNumberOfPoints(vlen) |
72 | for idx in range(vlen): |
73 | pts.SetPoint(idx, x[idx], y[idx], z[idx]) |
74 | print 'plot3 bounds= ',pts.GetBounds() |
75 | |
76 | # create a polyline (cellarray) |
77 | pl = vtkCellArray() |
78 | pl.InsertNextCell(vlen) |
79 | for idx in range(vlen): |
80 | pl.InsertCellPoint(idx) |
81 | |
82 | pd = vtkPolyData() |
83 | pd.SetPoints(pts) |
84 | pd.SetLines(pl) |
85 | |
86 | mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper() |
87 | mapper.SetInput(pd) |
88 | |
89 | plot3Actor.SetMapper(mapper) |
90 | plot3Actor.SetScale(1,1,0.1) |
91 | vtkRen.AddActor(plot3Actor) |
92 | |
93 | # Create a text property for both cube axes |
94 | tprop = vtkTextProperty() |
95 | tprop.SetColor(1, 1, 1) |
96 | tprop.ShadowOn() |
97 | |
98 | # rf. /home/heiland/VTK/Examples/Annotation/Python/cubeAxes.py |
99 | axes = vtkCubeAxesActor2D() |
100 | axes.SetInput(pd) |
101 | axes.SetCamera(vtkRen.GetActiveCamera()) |
102 | axes.SetLabelFormat("%6.4g") |
103 | axes.SetFlyModeToOuterEdges() |
104 | axes.SetFontFactor(0.8) |
105 | axes.SetAxisTitleTextProperty(tprop) |
106 | axes.SetAxisLabelTextProperty(tprop) |
107 | |
108 | #------------------------------------------------------------------ |
109 | def vtkRender(): |
110 | vtkRenWin.Render() |
111 | |
112 | def vtkClear(): |
113 | # remove all actors hack |
114 | vtkRen.RemoveActor(meshActor) |
115 | vtkRen.RemoveActor(plot3Actor) |
116 | return |
117 | |
118 | def vtkImage(): |
119 | vtkRenWin.Render() |
120 | vtkRenWin.GetPixelData(0,0,winWidth-1,winHeight-1, 1,vtkRGB) |
121 | # vtkRGB.Squeeze() |
122 | idx=0 |
123 | for iy in range(winHeight-1,-1,-1): |
124 | for ix in range(winWidth): |
125 | im[iy,ix,0] = vtkRGB.GetValue(idx) / 255. |
126 | im[iy,ix,1] = vtkRGB.GetValue(idx+1) / 255. |
127 | im[iy,ix,2] = vtkRGB.GetValue(idx+2) / 255. |
128 | idx += 3 |
129 | |
130 | def vtkRotX(degs): |
131 | # vtkRen.GetActiveCamera().ComputeViewPlaneNormal() |
132 | vtkRen.ResetCamera() |
133 | vtkRen.GetActiveCamera().Elevation(degs) |
134 | |
135 | def vtkPerspective(flag): |
136 | if flag > 0: |
137 | vtkRen.GetActiveCamera().ParallelProjectionOff() |
138 | else: |
139 | vtkRen.GetActiveCamera().ParallelProjectionOn() |
140 | |
141 | def vtkWinsize(w,h): |
142 | winWidth = w |
143 | winHeight = h |
144 | im = zeros((winWidth,winHeight,3), typecode=Float) |
145 | vtkRenWin.SetSize(winWidth,winHeight) |