"""quad.py - quad tree data structure for fast indexing of points in the plane """ from treenode import TreeNode import string, types, sys #FIXME verts are added one at a time. #FIXME add max min x y in general_mesh class Cell(TreeNode): """class Cell One cell in the plane delimited by southern, northern, western, eastern boundaries. Public Methods: prune() insert(point) search(x, y) collapse() split() store() retrieve() count() """ def __init__(self, southern, northern, western, eastern, name = 'cell', max_points_per_cell = 4): # Initialise base classes TreeNode.__init__(self, string.lower(name)) # Initialise cell self.southern = round(southern,5) self.northern = round(northern,5) self.western = round(western,5) self.eastern = round(eastern,5) # The points in this cell self.points = [] self.max_points_per_cell = max_points_per_cell def __repr__(self): return self.name def spawn(self): """Create four child cells unless they already exist """ if self.children: return else: self.children = [] # convenience variables cs = self.southern cn = self.northern cw = self.western ce = self.eastern # create 4 child cells self.AddChild(Cell((cn+cs)/2,cn,cw,(cw+ce)/2,self.name+'_nw')) self.AddChild(Cell((cn+cs)/2,cn,(cw+ce)/2,ce,self.name+'_ne')) self.AddChild(Cell(cs,(cn+cs)/2,(cw+ce)/2,ce,self.name+'_se')) self.AddChild(Cell(cs,(cn+cs)/2,cw,(cw+ce)/2,self.name+'_sw')) def search(self, x, y): #def search_new(self, x, y): """Find all point indices sharing the same cell as point (x, y) """ branch = [] points = [] if self.children: for child in self: if child.contains(x,y): brothers = list(self.children) brothers.remove(child) branch.append(brothers) points, branch = child.search_branch(x,y, branch) else: # Leaf node: Get actual waypoints points = self.retrieve() self.branch = branch return points def search_branch(self, x, y, branch): """Find all point indices sharing the same cell as point (x, y) """ points = [] if self.children: for child in self: if child.contains(x,y): brothers = list(self.children) brothers.remove(child) branch.append(brothers) points, branch = child.search_branch(x,y, branch) else: # Leaf node: Get actual waypoints points = self.retrieve() return points, branch def expand_search(self): """Find all point indices 'up' one cell from the last search """ points = [] if self.branch == []: points = [] else: three_cells = self.branch.pop() for cell in three_cells: #print "cell ", cell.show() points += cell.retrieve() return points, self.branch def contains(*args): """True only if P's coordinates lie within cell boundaries This methods has two forms: cell.contains(index) #True if cell contains indexed point cell.contains(x, y) #True if cell contains point (x,y) """ self = args[0] if len(args) == 2: point_id = int(args[1]) x = self.__class__.mesh.coordinates[point_id][0] y = self.__class__.mesh.coordinates[point_id][1] #print point_id, x, y elif len(args) == 3: x = float(args[1]) y = float(args[2]) else: msg = 'Number of arguments to method must be two or three' raise msg if y < self.southern: return False if y >= self.northern: return False if x < self.western: return False if x >= self.eastern: return False return True def insert(self, points, split = False): """insert point(s) in existing tree structure below self and split if requested """ # Call insert for each element of a list of points if type(points) == types.ListType: for point in points: self.insert(point, split) else: #Only one point given as argument point = points # Find appropriate cell if self.children is not None: for child in self: if child.contains(point): child.insert(point, split) break else: # self is a leaf cell: insert point into cell if self.contains(point): self.store(point) else: x = self.__class__.mesh.coordinates[point][0] y = self.__class__.mesh.coordinates[point][1] print "(" + str(x) + "," + str(y) + ")" raise 'point not in region: %s' %str(point) #Split datastructure if requested if split is True: self.split() def store(self,objects): if type(objects) not in [types.ListType,types.TupleType]: self.points.append(objects) else: self.points.extend(objects) def retrieve(self): objects = [] if self.children is None: objects = self.points else: for child in self: objects += child.retrieve() return objects def count(self, keywords=None): """retrieve number of stored objects beneath this node inclusive """ num_waypoint = 0 if self.children: for child in self: num_waypoint = num_waypoint + child.count() else: num_waypoint = len(self.points) return num_waypoint def clear(self): self.Prune() # TreeNode method def clear_leaf_node(self): """Clears storage in leaf node. Called from Treenod. Must exist. """ self.points = [] def clear_internal_node(self): """Called from Treenode. Must exist. """ pass def split(self, threshold=None): """ Partition cell when number of contained waypoints exceeds threshold. All waypoints are then moved into correct child cell. """ if threshold == None: threshold = self.max_points_per_cell #FIXME, mincellsize removed. base it on side length, if needed #Protect against silly thresholds such as -1 if threshold < 1: return if not self.children: # Leaf cell if self.count() > threshold : #Split is needed points = self.retrieve() # Get points from leaf cell self.clear() # and remove them from storage self.spawn() # Spawn child cells and move for p in points: # points to appropriate child for child in self: if child.contains(p): child.insert(p) break if self.children: # Parent cell for child in self: # split (possibly newly created) child.split(threshold) # child cells recursively def collapse(self,threshold=None): """ collapse child cells into immediate parent if total number of contained waypoints in subtree below is less than or equal to threshold. All waypoints are then moved into parent cell and children are removed. If self is a leaf node initially, do nothing. """ if threshold is None: threshold = self.max_points_per_cell if self.children: # Parent cell if self.count() <= threshold: # collapse points = self.retrieve() # Get all points from child cells self.clear() # Remove children, self is now a leaf node self.insert(points) # Insert all points in local storage else: for child in self: # Check if any sub tree can be collapsed child.collapse(threshold) def Get_tree(self,depth=0): """Traverse tree below self Print for each node the name and if it is a leaf the number of objects """ s = '' if depth == 0: s = '\n' s += "%s%s:" % (' '*depth, self.name) if self.children: s += '\n' for child in self.children: s += child.Get_tree(depth+1) else: s += '(#wp=%d)\n' %(self.count()) return s def show(self, depth=0): """Traverse tree below self Print for each node the name and if it is a leaf the number of objects """ if depth == 0: print print "%s%s" % (' '*depth, self.name), if self.children: print for child in self.children: child.show(depth+1) else: print '(xmin=%.2f, xmax=%.2f, ymin=%.2f, ymax=%.2f): [%d]'\ %(self.western, self.eastern, self.southern, self.northern, self.count()) def show_all(self,depth=0): """Traverse tree below self Print for each node the name and if it is a leaf all its objects """ if depth == 0: print print "%s%s:" % (' '*depth, self.name), if self.children: print for child in self.children: child.show_all(depth+1) else: print '%s' %self.retrieve() def stats(self,depth=0,min_rad=sys.maxint,max_depth=0,max_points=0): """Traverse tree below self and find minimal cell radius, maximumtree depth and maximum number of waypoints per leaf. """ if self.children: for child in self.children: min_rad, max_depth, max_points =\ child.Stats(depth+1,min_rad,max_depth,max_points) else: #FIXME remvoe radius stuff #min_rad = sys.maxint #if self.radius < min_rad: min_rad = self.radius if depth > max_depth: max_depth = depth num_points = self.count() if num_points > max_points: max_points = num_points #return min_rad, max_depth, max_points return max_depth, max_points #Class initialisation method def initialise(cls, mesh): cls.mesh = mesh initialise = classmethod(initialise) def build_quadtree(mesh, max_points_per_cell = 4): """Build quad tree for mesh. All vertices in mesh are stored in quadtree and a reference to the root is returned. """ from Numeric import minimum, maximum #Initialise Cell.initialise(mesh) #Make root cell #print mesh.coordinates xmin = min(mesh.coordinates[:,0]) xmax = max(mesh.coordinates[:,0]) ymin = min(mesh.coordinates[:,1]) ymax = max(mesh.coordinates[:,1]) #Ensure boundary points are fully contained in region #It is a property of the cell structure that points on xmax or ymax of any given cell #belong to the neighbouring cell. #Hence, the root cell needs to be expanded slightly ymax += (ymax-ymin)/10 xmax += (xmax-xmin)/10 # To avoid round off error ymin -= (ymax-ymin)/10 xmin -= (xmax-xmin)/10 #print "xmin", xmin #print "xmax", xmax #print "ymin", ymin #print "ymax", ymax #FIXME: Use mesh.filename if it exists root = Cell(ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax, #name = .... max_points_per_cell = max_points_per_cell) #root.show() #Insert indices of all vertices root.insert( range(len(mesh.coordinates)) ) #Build quad tree and return root.split() return root