"""Class Geospatial_data - Manipulation of locations on the planet and associated attributes. """ from utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric from Numeric import concatenate, array, Float, shape from coordinate_transforms.geo_reference import Geo_reference, TitleError from os import access, F_OK, R_OK class Geospatial_data: def __init__(self, data_points = None, attributes = None, geo_reference = None, default_attribute_name = None, file_name = None, delimiter = None, verbose = False): """ Create instance from data points and associated attributes data_points: x,y coordinates in meters. Type must be either a sequence of 2-tuples or an Mx2 Numeric array of floats. attributes: Associated values for each data point. The type must be either a list or an array of length M or a dictionary of lists (or arrays) of length M. In the latter case the keys in the dictionary represent the attribute names, in the former the attribute will get the default name "attribute". geo_reference: Object representing the origin of the data points. It contains UTM zone, easting and northing and data points are assumed to be relative to this origin. If geo_reference is None, the default geo ref object is used default_attribute_name: Name of default attribute to be used with get_attribute_values. The idea is that the dataset can be equipped with information about which attribute to return. If None, the default is the "first" file_name: Name of input netCDF file or xya file. netCDF file must have dimensions "points" etc. xya file is a CVS file with lats(x), longs(y) and elevation(a). first line must be attribute name eg elevation The format for a .xya file is: 1st line: [attribute names] other lines: x y [attributes] for example: elevation, friction 0.6, 0.7, 4.9, 0.3 1.9, 2.8, 5, 0.3 2.7, 2.4, 5.2, 0.3 The first two columns are always implicitly assumed to be x, y coordinates. Use the same delimiter for the attribute names and the data An xya file can optionally end with #geo reference 56 466600.0 8644444.0 When the 1st # is the zone, 2nd # the xllcorner and 3rd # the yllcorner The format for a Points dictionary is: ['pointlist'] a 2 column array describing points. 1st column x, 2nd column y. ['attributelist'], a dictionary of 1D arrays, representing attribute values at the point. The dictionary key is the attribute header. ['geo_reference'] a Geo_refernece object. Use if the point information is relative. This is optional. eg dic['pointlist'] = [[1.0,2.0],[3.0,5.0]] dic['attributelist']['elevation'] = [[7.0,5.0] delimiter: is the file delimiter that will be used when importing the file verbose: """ if isinstance(data_points, basestring): # assume data point is really a file name file_name = data_points self.set_verbose(verbose) self.geo_reference=None #create the attribute if file_name is None: if delimiter is not None: msg = 'No file specified yet a delimiter is provided!' raise ValueError, msg file_name = None self.check_data_points(data_points) self.set_attributes(attributes) self.set_geo_reference(geo_reference) self.set_default_attribute_name(default_attribute_name) else: ### data = {} # watch for case where file name and points, attributes etc are provided!! # if file name then all provided info will be removed! self.import_points_file(file_name, delimiter, verbose) self.check_data_points(self.data_points) self.set_attributes(self.attributes) self.set_geo_reference(self.geo_reference) self.set_default_attribute_name(default_attribute_name) def check_data_points(self, data_points): """Checks data points """ if data_points is None: self.data_points = None msg = 'There is no data or file provided!' raise ValueError, msg else: self.data_points = ensure_numeric(data_points) assert len(self.data_points.shape) == 2 assert self.data_points.shape[1] == 2 def set_attributes(self, attributes): """Check and assign attributes dictionary """ from types import DictType if attributes is None: self.attributes = None return if not isinstance(attributes, DictType): #Convert single attribute into dictionary attributes = {'attribute': attributes} #Check input attributes for key in attributes.keys(): try: attributes[key] = ensure_numeric(attributes[key]) except: msg = 'Attribute %s could not be converted' %key msg += 'to a numeric vector' raise msg self.attributes = attributes def set_geo_reference(self, geo_reference): from coordinate_transforms.geo_reference import Geo_reference if geo_reference is None: geo_reference = Geo_reference() # Use default if not isinstance(geo_reference, Geo_reference): msg = 'Argument geo_reference must be a valid Geo_reference \n' msg += 'object or None.' raise msg # if a geo ref already exists, change the point data to # represent the new geo-ref if self.geo_reference is not None: #FIXME: Maybe put out a warning here... self.data_points = self.get_data_points \ (geo_reference=geo_reference) self.geo_reference = geo_reference def set_default_attribute_name(self, default_attribute_name): self.default_attribute_name = default_attribute_name def set_verbose(self, verbose = False): if verbose is not False: verbose = True else: verbose = False def get_geo_reference(self): return self.geo_reference def get_data_points(self, absolute = True, geo_reference=None): """Get coordinates for all data points as an Nx2 array If absolute is True absolute UTM coordinates are returned otherwise returned coordinates are relative to the internal georeference's xll and yll corners. If a geo_reference is passed the points are returned relative to that geo_reference. Default: absolute is True. """ if absolute is True and geo_reference is None: return self.geo_reference.get_absolute(self.data_points) elif geo_reference is not None: return geo_reference.change_points_geo_ref \ (self.data_points, self.geo_reference) else: return self.data_points def get_attributes(self, attribute_name = None): """Return values for one named attribute. If attribute_name is None, default_attribute_name is used """ if attribute_name is None: if self.default_attribute_name is not None: attribute_name = self.default_attribute_name else: attribute_name = self.attributes.keys()[0] # above line takes the first one from keys msg = 'Attribute name %s does not exist in data set' %attribute_name assert self.attributes.has_key(attribute_name), msg return self.attributes[attribute_name] def get_all_attributes(self): """ Return values for all attributes. """ return self.attributes def __add__(self, other): """ Returns the addition of 2 geospatical objects, objects are concatencated to the end of each other NOTE: doesn't add if objects contain different attributes Always return relative points! """ # find objects zone and checks if the same geo_ref1 = self.get_geo_reference() zone1 = geo_ref1.get_zone() geo_ref2 = other.get_geo_reference() zone2 = geo_ref2.get_zone() geo_ref1.reconcile_zones(geo_ref2) # sets xll and yll as the smallest from self and other # FIXME (Duncan and Ole): use lower left corner derived from absolute coordinates if self.geo_reference.xllcorner <= other.geo_reference.xllcorner: xll = self.geo_reference.xllcorner else: xll = other.geo_reference.xllcorner if self.geo_reference.yllcorner <= other.geo_reference.yllcorner: yll = self.geo_reference.yllcorner else: yll = other.geo_reference.yllcorner new_geo_ref = Geo_reference(geo_ref1.get_zone(), xll, yll) xll = yll = 0. relative_points1 = self.get_data_points(absolute = False) relative_points2 = other.get_data_points(absolute = False) new_relative_points1 = new_geo_ref.change_points_geo_ref(relative_points1, geo_ref1) new_relative_points2 = new_geo_ref.change_points_geo_ref(relative_points2, geo_ref2) #Now both point sets are relative to new_geo_ref and zones have been reconciled # Concatenate points new_points = concatenate((new_relative_points1, new_relative_points2), axis = 0) # Concatenate attributes new_attributes = {} for x in self.attributes.keys(): if other.attributes.has_key(x): attrib1 = self.attributes[x] attrib2 = other.attributes[x] new_attributes[x] = concatenate((attrib1, attrib2)) else: msg = 'Both geospatial_data objects must have the same \n' msg += 'attributes to allow addition.' raise msg # Instantiate new data object and return return Geospatial_data(new_points, new_attributes, new_geo_ref) ### # IMPORT/EXPORT POINTS FILES ### def import_points_file(self, file_name, delimiter = None, verbose = False): """ load an .xya or .pts file Note: will throw an IOError if it can't load the file. Catch these! """ if access(file_name, F_OK) == 0 : msg = 'File %s does not exist or is not accessible' %file_name raise IOError, msg attributes = {} if file_name[-4:]== ".xya": try: if delimiter == None: try: fd = open(file_name) data_points, attributes, geo_reference = _read_xya_file(fd, ',') except TitleError: fd.close() fd = open(file_name) data_points, attributes, geo_reference = _read_xya_file(fd, ' ') else: fd = open(file_name) data_points, attributes, geo_reference = _read_xya_file(fd, delimiter) fd.close() except (IndexError,ValueError,SyntaxError): fd.close() msg = 'Could not open file %s ' %file_name raise IOError, msg except IOError, e: fd.close() # Catch this to add an error message msg = 'Could not open file or incorrect file format %s:%s' %(file_name, e) raise IOError, msg elif file_name[-4:]== ".pts": try: data_points, attributes, geo_reference = _read_pts_file(file_name, verbose) except IOError, e: msg = 'Could not open file %s ' %file_name raise IOError, msg else: msg = 'Extension %s is unknown' %file_name[-4:] raise IOError, msg # print'in import data_points', data_points # print'in import attributes', attributes # print'in import data_points', geo_reference self.data_points = data_points self.attributes = attributes self.geo_reference = geo_reference # return all_data def export_points_file(self, file_name, absolute=True): """ write a points file, file_name, as a text (.xya) or binary (.pts) file file_name is the file name, including the extension The point_dict is defined at the top of this file. If absolute is True data points at returned added to the xll and yll and geo_reference as None If absolute is False data points at returned as relative to the xll and yll and geo_reference remains uneffected """ if (file_name[-4:] == ".xya"): if absolute is True: _write_xya_file(file_name, self.get_data_points(absolute=True), self.get_all_attributes()) else: _write_xya_file(file_name, self.get_data_points(absolute=False), self.get_all_attributes(), self.get_geo_reference()) elif (file_name[-4:] == ".pts"): if absolute is True: _write_pts_file(file_name, self.get_data_points(absolute), self.get_all_attributes()) else: _write_pts_file(file_name, self.get_data_points(absolute), self.get_all_attributes(), self.get_geo_reference()) else: msg = 'Unknown file type %s ' %file_name raise IOError, msg def _read_pts_file(file_name, verbose = False): """Read .pts NetCDF file Return a dic of array of points, and dic of array of attribute eg dic['points'] = [[1.0,2.0],[3.0,5.0]] dic['attributelist']['elevation'] = [[7.0,5.0] """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile if verbose: print 'Reading ', file_name # see if the file is there. Throw a QUIET IO error if it isn't fd = open(file_name,'r') fd.close() #throws prints to screen if file not present fid = NetCDFFile(file_name, 'r') # point_atts = {} # Get the variables # point_atts['pointlist'] = array(fid.variables['points']) pointlist = array(fid.variables['points']) keys = fid.variables.keys() if verbose: print 'Got %d variables: %s' %(len(keys), keys) try: keys.remove('points') except IOError, e: fid.close() msg = 'Expected keyword "points" but could not find it' raise IOError, msg attributes = {} for key in keys: if verbose: print "reading attribute '%s'" %key attributes[key] = array(fid.variables[key]) # point_atts['attributelist'] = attributes try: geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) # point_atts['geo_reference'] = geo_reference except AttributeError, e: #geo_ref not compulsory # point_atts['geo_reference'] = None geo_reference = None fid.close() return pointlist, attributes, geo_reference def _read_xya_file( fd, delimiter): points = [] pointattributes = [] title = fd.readline() att_names = clean_line(title,delimiter) att_dict = {} line = fd.readline() numbers = clean_line(line,delimiter) while len(numbers) > 1 and line[0] <> '#': if numbers != []: try: x = float(numbers[0]) y = float(numbers[1]) points.append([x,y]) numbers.pop(0) numbers.pop(0) if len(att_names) != len(numbers): fd.close() # It might not be a problem with the title #raise TitleAmountError raise IOError for i,num in enumerate(numbers): num.strip() if num != '\n' and num != '': #attributes.append(float(num)) att_dict.setdefault(att_names[i],[]).append(float(num)) except ValueError: raise SyntaxError line = fd.readline() numbers = clean_line(line,delimiter) if line == '': geo_reference = None else: geo_reference = Geo_reference(ASCIIFile=fd,read_title=line) pointlist = array(points).astype(Float) for key in att_dict.keys(): att_dict[key] = array(att_dict[key]).astype(Float) return pointlist, att_dict, geo_reference def _write_pts_file(file_name, write_data_points, write_attributes, write_geo_reference = None): """ Write .pts NetCDF file NOTE: Below might not be valid ask Duncan : NB 5/2006 WARNING: This function mangles the point_atts data structure #F??ME: (DSG)This format has issues. # There can't be an attribute called points # consider format change # method changed by NB not sure if above statement is correct should create new test for this legal_keys = ['pointlist', 'attributelist', 'geo_reference'] for key in point_atts.keys(): msg = 'Key %s is illegal. Valid keys are %s' %(key, legal_keys) assert key in legal_keys, msg """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # NetCDF file definition outfile = NetCDFFile(file_name, 'w') #Create new file outfile.institution = 'Geoscience Australia' outfile.description = 'NetCDF format for compact and portable storage ' +\ 'of spatial point data' # dimension definitions shape = write_data_points.shape[0] outfile.createDimension('number_of_points', shape) outfile.createDimension('number_of_dimensions', 2) #This is 2d data # variable definition outfile.createVariable('points', Float, ('number_of_points', 'number_of_dimensions')) #create variables outfile.variables['points'][:] = write_data_points #.astype(Float32) for key in write_attributes.keys(): outfile.createVariable(key, Float, ('number_of_points',)) outfile.variables[key][:] = write_attributes[key] #.astype(Float32) if write_geo_reference is not None: write_geo_reference.write_NetCDF(outfile) outfile.close() def _write_xya_file( file_name, write_data_points, write_attributes, write_geo_reference = None, delimiter = ','): """ export a file, file_name, with the xya format """ points = write_data_points pointattributes = write_attributes fd = open(file_name,'w') titlelist = "" for title in pointattributes.keys(): titlelist = titlelist + title + delimiter titlelist = titlelist[0:-len(delimiter)] # remove the last delimiter fd.write(titlelist+"\n") # [attributes] for i,vert in enumerate( points): attlist = "," for att in pointattributes.keys(): attlist = attlist + str(pointattributes[att][i])+ delimiter attlist = attlist[0:-len(delimiter)] # remove the last delimiter attlist.strip() fd.write( str(vert[0]) + delimiter + str(vert[1]) + attlist + "\n") if write_geo_reference is not None: write_geo_reference.write_ASCII(fd) fd.close() def _point_atts2array(point_atts): point_atts['pointlist'] = array(point_atts['pointlist']).astype(Float) for key in point_atts['attributelist'].keys(): point_atts['attributelist'][key]= array(point_atts['attributelist'][key]).astype(Float) return point_atts def geospatial_data2points_dictionary(geospatial_data): """Convert geospatial data to points_dictionary """ points_dictionary = {} points_dictionary['pointlist'] = geospatial_data.data_points points_dictionary['attributelist'] = {} for attribute_name in geospatial_data.attributes.keys(): val = geospatial_data.attributes[attribute_name] points_dictionary['attributelist'][attribute_name] = val points_dictionary['geo_reference'] = geospatial_data.geo_reference return points_dictionary def points_dictionary2geospatial_data(points_dictionary): """Convert points_dictionary to geospatial data object """ msg = 'Points dictionary must have key pointlist' assert points_dictionary.has_key('pointlist'), msg msg = 'Points dictionary must have key attributelist' assert points_dictionary.has_key('attributelist'), msg if points_dictionary.has_key('geo_reference'): geo = points_dictionary['geo_reference'] else: geo = None return Geospatial_data(points_dictionary['pointlist'], points_dictionary['attributelist'], geo_reference = geo) def clean_line(line,delimiter): """Remove whitespace """ #print ">%s" %line line = line.strip() #print "stripped>%s" %line numbers = line.split(delimiter) i = len(numbers) - 1 while i >= 0: if numbers[i] == '': numbers.pop(i) else: numbers[i] = numbers[i].strip() i += -1 #for num in numbers: # print "num>%s<" %num return numbers def xxx_add_points_files(add_file1, add_file2, results_file): """ adds the points and attruibutes of 2 pts or xya files and writes it to a pts file NOTE will add the function to check and remove points from one set that are shared. This will require some work and maybe __subtract__ function """ G1 = Geospatial_data(file_name = add_file1) G2 = Geospatial_data(file_name = add_file2) new_add_file2 = add_file2[:-4] + '.pts' G = G1 + G2 #FIXME remove dependance on points to dict in export only! # G_points_dict = geospatial_data2points_dictionary(G) # export_points_file(results_file, G_points_dict) # G_points_dict = geospatial_data2points_dictionary(G) G.export_points_file(results_file) # ' def ensure_absolute(points, geo_reference = None): """ This function inputs several formats and outputs one format. - a numeric array of absolute points. Inputed formats are; points: List or numeric array of coordinate pairs [xi, eta] of points or geospatial object mesh_origin: A geo_reference object or 3-tuples consisting of UTM zone, easting and northing. If specified vertex coordinates are assumed to be relative to their respective origins. """ if isinstance(points,Geospatial_data): points = points.get_data_points( \ absolute = True) msg = "Use a Geospatial_data object or a mesh origin. Not both." assert geo_reference == None, msg else: points = ensure_numeric(points, Float) if geo_reference is None: geo = None #Geo_reference() else: if isinstance(geo_reference, Geo_reference): geo = geo_reference else: geo = Geo_reference(geo_reference[0], geo_reference[1], geo_reference[2]) points = geo.get_absolute(points) return points def ensure_geospatial(points, geo_reference = None): """ This function inputs several formats and outputs one format. - a geospatial_data instance. Inputed formats are; points: List or numeric array of coordinate pairs [xi, eta] of points or geospatial object mesh_origin: A geo_reference object or 3-tuples consisting of UTM zone, easting and northing. If specified vertex coordinates are assumed to be relative to their respective origins. """ if isinstance(points,Geospatial_data): #points = points.get_data_points( \ # absolute = True) msg = "Use a Geospatial_data object or a mesh origin. Not both." assert geo_reference == None, msg else: points = ensure_numeric(points, Float) if geo_reference is None: geo = None #Geo_reference() else: if isinstance(geo_reference, Geo_reference): geo = geo_reference else: geo = Geo_reference(geo_reference[0], geo_reference[1], geo_reference[2]) points = Geospatial_data(data_points=points, geo_reference=geo) #points = geo.get_absolute(points) return points