/* this appears to be necessary to run on Linux */ #undef _STDLIB_H_ #define _STDLIB_H_ /* This code is based on code by A. Pletzer This code interfaces pmesh directly with "triangle", a general purpose triangulation code. In doing so, Python data structures are passed to C for use by "triangle" and the results are then converted back. This was accomplished using the Python/C API. I. Lists of points,edges,holes, and regions must normally be created for proper triangulation. However, if there are no holes, the hole list need not be specified (however, a measure of control over the shape of the convex hull is lost; triangle decides). points list: [(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...] (Tuples of doubles) edge list: [(Ea,Eb),(Ef,Eg),...] (Tuples of integers) hole list: [(x1,y1),...](Tuples of doubles, one inside each hole region) regionlist: [ (x1,y1,index,area),...] (Tuple of doubles) pointattributelist:[ (a1,a2..),...] (Tuple of lists) mode: String - the commands sent to triangle This is all that is needed to accomplish an intial triangulation. A dictionary of the Triangle output is returned. Precondition End list in the pointattributelist has to have the same length Compilation can be done as follows c++ -I/usr/local/include/python1.5 -shared -o triangmodule.so triangmodule.c triangle.o */ #ifdef SINGLE #define REAL float #else #define REAL double #endif #include "triangle.h" #ifndef _STDLIB_H_ #ifndef _WIN32 extern "C" void *malloc(); extern "C" void free(); #endif #endif #include "Python.h" static PyObject *triang_genMesh(PyObject *self, PyObject *args){ /* Mesh generation routine pre-conditions: mode must have a 'z' switch, to avoid segmentation faults */ struct triangulateio in,out; PyObject *hull; PyObject *seglist; PyObject *holelist; PyObject *regionlist; PyObject *trianglelist; PyObject *mode; PyObject *firstPointAttr; PyObject *pointattributelist; PyObject *segmarkerlist; PyObject *Attrlist; REAL Attr; int i, j, iatt, n, write_here; int a,b,c; int marker; int tuplesize; int index = 0; double x,y; PyObject *elems; PyObject *pair; char *mod; PyObject *holder, *holderlist, *attributelist; int listsize,attsize ; PyObject *ii; int *points_connected; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,(char *)"OOOOOOOO",&hull,&seglist,&holelist,®ionlist,&pointattributelist,&segmarkerlist,&trianglelist,&mode)){ return NULL; } if(!PyList_Check(hull)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "incorrect first argument for 'genMesh': list required."); return NULL; } if(!PyList_Check(hull)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "incorrect second argument for 'genMesh': list required."); return NULL; } if(!PyList_Check(hull)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "incorrect third argument for 'genMesh': list required."); return NULL; } if(!PyList_Check(hull)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "incorrect fourth argument for 'genMesh': list required."); return NULL; } if(!PyList_Check(hull)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "incorrect fifth argument for 'genMesh': list required."); return NULL; } if(!PyList_Check(hull)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "incorrect sixth argument for 'genMesh': list required."); return NULL; } if(!PyList_Check(hull)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "incorrect seventh argument for 'genMesh': list required."); return NULL; } if(!PyList_Check(hull)){ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "incorrect eighth argument for 'genMesh': list required."); return NULL; } /* printf("starting\n"); */ /* Initialize points */ in.numberofpoints = PyList_Size(hull); in.pointlist = (REAL *)malloc(in.numberofpoints*2*sizeof(REAL)); in.pointmarkerlist = (int *)NULL; /* malloc(in.numberofpoints*sizeof(int)); */ /* Initialize and fill up region list */ in.numberofregions = PyList_Size(regionlist); /*printf(" numberofregions %i\n",in.numberofregions );*/ in.regionlist = (REAL *)malloc(in.numberofregions*4*sizeof(REAL)); for(i=0; i0){ in.regionlist[4*i] = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(elems,0)); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "data sent to trianglemodule error: A region has no x value."); return NULL; } if (tuplesize>1){ in.regionlist[4*i+1] = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(elems,1)); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "data sent to trianglemodule error: A region has no y value."); return NULL; } if (tuplesize>2){ /* 2 is attribute*/ in.regionlist[4*i+2] = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(elems,2)); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "data sent to trianglemodule error: A region has no attribute value."); return NULL; } if (tuplesize>3){ in.regionlist[4*i+3] = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(elems,3)); } else { /* 0.0 is interpreted as no local max area by triangle */ in.regionlist[4*i+3] = (REAL)0.0; } } /*Initialize segments */ in.numberofsegments = PyList_Size(seglist); in.segmentlist = (int *)malloc(in.numberofsegments*2*sizeof(int)); in.segmentmarkerlist = (int *)malloc(in.numberofsegments*sizeof(int)); /*Initialize triangles */ in.numberofcorners = 3; in.numberoftriangles = PyList_Size(trianglelist); if (in.numberoftriangles != 0) { in.trianglelist = (int *)malloc(in.numberofsegments*3*sizeof(int)); } else { in.trianglelist = (int *)NULL; } in.numberoftriangleattributes = 0; in.triangleattributelist = (REAL *)NULL; /*Initialize holes */ in.numberofholes = PyList_Size(holelist); if (in.numberofholes != 0) { in.holelist = (REAL *)malloc(in.numberofholes*2*sizeof(REAL)); } else { in.holelist = (REAL *)NULL; } /* Fill up triangle list */ index = 0; for(i = 0; i < in.numberoftriangles; i++) { pair = PyList_GetItem(trianglelist,i); if (3 != PySequence_Length(pair)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "data sent to trianglemodule error:Found a triangle without 3 vertices."); return NULL; } a = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(pair,0)); in.trianglelist[index] = a; index++; b = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(pair,1)); in.trianglelist[index] = b; index++; c = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(pair,2)); in.trianglelist[index] = c; index++; } /* print the triangle list DEBUGGING printf ("numberoftriangles %i\n", in.numberoftriangles); for(i = 0; i < in.numberoftriangles; i++) { printf("(%i,%i,%i)",in.trianglelist[i* 3+ 0],in.trianglelist[i* 3+ 1], in.trianglelist[i* 3+ 2]); }*/ /* Fill up segment list */ index = 0; if (in.numberofsegments != PyList_Size(segmarkerlist)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "data sent to trianglemodule error:number of segments doesn't = number of segment attributes."); return NULL; } for(i = 0; i < in.numberofsegments; i++) { pair = PyList_GetItem(seglist,i); if (2 != PySequence_Length(pair)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "data sent to trianglemodule error:Found a segment without 2 vertices."); return NULL; } a = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(pair,0)); in.segmentlist[index] = a; index++; b = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GetItem(pair,1)); in.segmentlist[index] = b; index++; /* Fill up segment marker list */ marker = (int)PyInt_AsLong(PyList_GetItem(segmarkerlist,i)); in.segmentmarkerlist[i] = marker; } /* Fill up hole list */ index = 0; for(i = 0; i < in.numberofholes; i++) { pair = PyList_GetItem(holelist,i); if (2 != PySequence_Length(pair)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "data sent to trianglemodule error:Found a pair without 2 vertices."); return NULL; } x = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(pair,0)); in.holelist[index] = x; index++; y = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(pair,1)); in.holelist[index] = y; index++; } /* Fill up point list */ index = 0; for(i = 0; i < in.numberofpoints; i++) { pair = PyList_GetItem(hull,i); if (2 != PySequence_Length(pair)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "data sent to trianglemodule error:Found a vertex without an x,y values."); return NULL; } x = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(pair,0)); in.pointlist[index] = x; index++; y = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyTuple_GetItem(pair,1)); in.pointlist[index] = y; index++; } /* Initialize point attributes */ /* firstPointAttr = PyList_GetItem(pointattributelist,0); */ /* if (firstPointAttr != NULL) { */ /* //in.numberofpointattributes = PyList_Size(firstPointAttr); */ /* printf("in.numberofpointattributes =%i",PyList_Size(firstPointAttr)); */ /* //printf("in.numberofpointattributes =%i",in.numberofpointattributes); */ /* } else { */ /* printf("(firstPointAttr is NULL\n"); */ /* in.pointattributelist = NULL; */ /* in.numberofpointattributes = 0; */ /* } */ n = PyList_Size(pointattributelist); if (n < 0) { in.numberofpointattributes = 0; in.pointattributelist = (REAL *)NULL; } else { /* Get the # of attributes based on the size of the first point*/ firstPointAttr = PyList_GetItem(pointattributelist,0); if (firstPointAttr == NULL) { in.numberofpointattributes = 0; in.pointattributelist = (REAL *)NULL; } else { in.numberofpointattributes = PyList_Size(firstPointAttr); in.pointattributelist = (REAL *)malloc(in.numberofpoints *in.numberofpointattributes *sizeof(REAL)); /* fill the point attribute list */ if (in.numberofpointattributes != 0) { for(j = 0; j < in.numberofpoints; j++){ Attrlist = PyList_GetItem(pointattributelist,j); if (in.numberofpointattributes != PySequence_Length(Attrlist)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "data sent to trianglemodule error:List size of attributes is different from vertex to vertex."); return NULL; } for(i = 0; i < in.numberofpointattributes; i++){ Attr = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyList_GetItem(Attrlist,i)); in.pointattributelist[in.numberofpointattributes*j+i]= (REAL)Attr; /* printf("i =%i\n",i); */ /* printf("j =%i\n",j); */ /* printf("in.pointattributelist[4*j+i] =%f\n",in.pointattributelist[4*j+i]); */ } } } } } /* this half from triangulate*/ /* set up the switch arguments to the triangulation routine */ mod = PyString_AS_STRING(mode); out.pointlist = (REAL *)NULL; out.pointmarkerlist = (int *)NULL; out.numberofpointattributes = in.numberofpointattributes; out.pointattributelist = (REAL *)NULL; out.trianglelist = (int *)NULL; out.triangleattributelist = (REAL *)NULL; out.trianglearealist = (REAL *)NULL; out.neighborlist = (int *)NULL; out.segmentlist = (int *)NULL; out.segmentmarkerlist = (int *)NULL; out.edgelist = (int *)NULL; out.edgemarkerlist = (int *)NULL; out.holelist = (REAL *)NULL; out.regionlist = (REAL *)NULL; /*printf("\n\nTriangulate input args: %s \n\n", mod); */ triangulate(mod, &in, &out, (struct triangulateio *)NULL ); /* ------- Pass point numbers,coordinates and neighbors back to Python ------ we send back a dictionary: { index : [ coordinates, [connections], Attribute ] } */ holder = PyDict_New(); /* list of int's, used to keep track of which verts are connected to triangles. */ points_connected = (int *)malloc(out.numberofpoints*sizeof(int)); /* Add pointlist */ listsize = out.numberofpoints; holderlist = PyList_New(listsize); for(i=0; i,,,)->"}, {NULL,NULL} }; void inittriang(){ Py_InitModule((char *)"triang",triang_methods); }