######################################################### # # Handle the communication between the host machine # (processor 0) and the processors. The host machine is # responsible for the doing the initial grid partitioning. # # The routines given below should be moved to the # build_submesh.py and build_local.py file to allow # overlapping of communication and computation. # This should be done after more debugging. # # # Author: Linda Stals, June 2005 # Modified: Linda Stals, Nov 2005 (optimise python code) # # ######################################################### from Numeric import array, Int, Float, zeros import logging, logging.config logger = logging.getLogger('parallel') logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) try: logging.config.fileConfig('log.ini') except: pass import sys #from pypar_dist import pypar import pypar from build_local import build_local_mesh ######################################################### # # Send the submesh to processor p. # # *) The order and form is strongly coupled with # rec_submesh. # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) All of the information has been sent to processor p. # ######################################################### def send_submesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc, p): myid = pypar.rank() print 'process %d sending submesh to process %d' %(myid, p) # build and send the tagmap for the boundary conditions tagmap = {} counter = 1 for b in submesh["full_boundary"][p]: bkey = submesh["full_boundary"][p][b] if not tagmap.has_key(bkey): tagmap[bkey] = counter counter = counter+1 for b in submesh["ghost_boundary"][p]: bkey = submesh["ghost_boundary"][p][b] if not tagmap.has_key(bkey): tagmap[bkey] = counter counter = counter+1 pypar.send(tagmap, p) # send the quantities key information pypar.send(submesh["full_quan"].keys(), p) # send the number of triangles per processor pypar.send(triangles_per_proc, p, use_buffer=True) # compress full_commun flat_full_commun = [] for c in submesh["full_commun"][p]: for i in range(len(submesh["full_commun"][p][c])): flat_full_commun.append([c,submesh["full_commun"][p][c][i]]) # send the array sizes so memory can be allocated setup_array = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] setup_array[0] = len(submesh["full_nodes"][p]) setup_array[1] = len(submesh["ghost_nodes"][p]) setup_array[2] = len(submesh["full_triangles"][p]) setup_array[3] = len(submesh["ghost_triangles"][p]) setup_array[4] = len(submesh["full_boundary"][p]) setup_array[5] = len(submesh["ghost_boundary"][p]) setup_array[6] = len(submesh["ghost_commun"][p]) setup_array[7] = len(flat_full_commun) pypar.send(setup_array, p) # send the nodes pypar.send(submesh["full_nodes"][p], p, use_buffer=True) pypar.send(submesh["ghost_nodes"][p], p, use_buffer=True) # send the triangles pypar.send(array(submesh["full_triangles"][p], Int), p, use_buffer=True) pypar.send(submesh["ghost_triangles"][p], p, use_buffer=True) # send the boundary bc = [] for b in submesh["full_boundary"][p]: bc.append([b[0], b[1], tagmap[submesh["full_boundary"][p][b]]]) pypar.send(bc, p, use_buffer=True) bc = [] for b in submesh["ghost_boundary"][p]: bc.append([b[0], b[1], tagmap[submesh["ghost_boundary"][p][b]]]) pypar.send(bc, p, use_buffer=True) # send the communication pattern pypar.send(submesh["ghost_commun"][p], p, use_buffer=True) pypar.send(flat_full_commun, p, use_buffer=True) # send the quantities for k in submesh["full_quan"]: pypar.send(submesh["full_quan"][k][p], p, use_buffer=True) for k in submesh["ghost_quan"]: pypar.send(submesh["ghost_quan"][k][p], p, use_buffer=True) ######################################################### # # Receive the submesh from processor p. # # *) The order and form is strongly coupled with # send_submesh. # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) All of the information has been received by the # processor p and passed into build_local. # # *) The information is returned in a form needed by the # GA datastructure. # ######################################################### def rec_submesh_flat(p): numproc = pypar.size() myid = pypar.rank() submesh_cell = {} print 'process %d receiving submesh from process %d' %(myid, p) # receive the tagmap for the boundary conditions tagmap = pypar.receive(p) itagmap = {} for t in tagmap: itagmap[tagmap[t]]=t # receive the quantities key information qkeys = pypar.receive(p) # receive the number of triangles per processor triangles_per_proc = [] for i in range(numproc): triangles_per_proc.append([0]) triangles_per_proc = pypar.receive(p, triangles_per_proc) # recieve information about the array sizes setup_array = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] setup_array = pypar.receive(p, setup_array) # receive the full nodes no_full_nodes = setup_array[0] full_nodes = zeros((no_full_nodes, 3), Float) submesh_cell["full_nodes"] = pypar.receive(p, full_nodes) # receive the ghost nodes no_ghost_nodes = setup_array[1] ghost_nodes = zeros((no_ghost_nodes, 3), Float) submesh_cell["ghost_nodes"] = pypar.receive(p, ghost_nodes) # receive the full triangles no_full_triangles = setup_array[2] full_triangles = zeros((no_full_triangles, 3), Int) submesh_cell["full_triangles"] = pypar.receive(p, full_triangles) # receive the ghost triangles no_ghost_triangles = setup_array[3] ghost_triangles = zeros((no_ghost_triangles, 4), Int) submesh_cell["ghost_triangles"] = pypar.receive(p, ghost_triangles) # receive the full boundary no_full_boundary = setup_array[4] bc = [] for i in range(no_full_boundary): bc.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) bnd_c = pypar.receive(p, bc) submesh_cell["full_boundary"] = {} for b in bnd_c: submesh_cell["full_boundary"][b[0],b[1]]=itagmap[b[2]] # receive the ghost boundary no_ghost_boundary = setup_array[5] bc = [] for i in range(no_ghost_boundary): bc.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) bnd_c = pypar.receive(p, bc) submesh_cell["ghost_boundary"] = {} for b in bnd_c: submesh_cell["ghost_boundary"][b[0],b[1]]=itagmap[b[2]] # receive the ghost communication pattern no_ghost_commun = setup_array[6] ghost_commun = zeros((no_ghost_commun, 2), Int) submesh_cell["ghost_commun"] = pypar.receive(p, ghost_commun) # receive the full communication pattern no_full_commun = setup_array[7] full_commun = [] for i in range(no_full_commun): full_commun.append([0.0, 0.0]) full_commun = pypar.receive(p, full_commun) submesh_cell["full_commun"] = {} for c in full_commun: submesh_cell["full_commun"][c[0]] = [] for c in full_commun: submesh_cell["full_commun"][c[0]].append(c[1]) # receive the quantities no_quantities = len(qkeys) new_quan = zeros((no_full_triangles, 3), Float) submesh_cell["full_quan"]={} for i in range(no_quantities): tmp = pypar.receive(p, new_quan) submesh_cell["full_quan"][qkeys[i]]=zeros((no_full_triangles,3), Float) submesh_cell["full_quan"][qkeys[i]][:] = tmp[:] new_quan = zeros((no_ghost_triangles, 3), Float) submesh_cell["ghost_quan"]={} for i in range(no_quantities): tmp = pypar.receive(p, new_quan) submesh_cell["ghost_quan"][qkeys[i]]= zeros((no_ghost_triangles,3), Float) submesh_cell["ghost_quan"][qkeys[i]][:] = tmp[:] return submesh_cell, triangles_per_proc ######################################################### # # Receive the submesh from processor p. # # *) The order and form is strongly coupled with # send_submesh. # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) All of the information has been received by the # processor p and passed into build_local. # # *) The information is returned in a form needed by the # GA datastructure. # ######################################################### def rec_submesh(p): numproc = pypar.size() myid = pypar.rank() [submesh_cell, triangles_per_proc] = rec_submesh_flat(p) # find the full triangles assigned to this processor lower_t = 0 for i in range(myid): lower_t = lower_t+triangles_per_proc[i] upper_t = lower_t+triangles_per_proc[myid] # convert the information into a form needed by the GA # datastructure [GAnodes, GAtriangles, boundary, quantities, ghost_rec, full_send] = \ build_local_mesh(submesh_cell, lower_t, upper_t, \ numproc) return GAnodes, GAtriangles, boundary, quantities, ghost_rec, full_send ######################################################### # # Extract the submesh that will belong to the # "host processor" (i.e. processor zero) # # *) See the documentation for build_submesh # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # *) A dictionary containing the full_triangles, # full_nodes, full_boundary, ghost_triangles, ghost_nodes, # ghost_boundary, ghost_commun and full_commun belonging # to processor zero are returned. # ######################################################### def extract_hostmesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc): submesh_cell = {} submesh_cell["full_nodes"] = submesh["full_nodes"][0] submesh_cell["ghost_nodes"] = submesh["ghost_nodes"][0] submesh_cell["full_triangles"] = submesh["full_triangles"][0] submesh_cell["ghost_triangles"] = submesh["ghost_triangles"][0] submesh_cell["full_boundary"] = submesh["full_boundary"][0] submesh_cell["ghost_boundary"] = submesh["ghost_boundary"][0] submesh_cell["ghost_commun"] = submesh["ghost_commun"][0] submesh_cell["full_commun"] = submesh["full_commun"][0] submesh_cell["full_quan"] ={} submesh_cell["ghost_quan"]={} for k in submesh["full_quan"]: submesh_cell["full_quan"][k] = submesh["full_quan"][k][0] submesh_cell["ghost_quan"][k] = submesh["ghost_quan"][k][0] numprocs = pypar.size() points, vertices, boundary, quantities, ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict = \ build_local_mesh(submesh_cell, 0, triangles_per_proc[0], numprocs) return points, vertices, boundary, quantities, ghost_recv_dict, \ full_send_dict