import mesh from tkSimpleDialog import Dialog,askfloat, askinteger, askstring from Tkinter import FALSE,TRUE, Frame,X, LEFT,YES,BOTH,ALL,Widget,CURRENT, Label,W, Entry, E, ACTIVE, NORMAL, StringVar from tkMessageBox import showerror class vAbstract: """ Define the visualisation of a mesh object """ def __init__(self, association): # The association is the class oncanvas will hold ie mesh.Vertex self.association = association self.oncanvas = {} def visualise(self, meshobject, uniqueID, canvas, scale): """ draws a mesh object and add it the the canvas data structure. Note: a guiID attribute is added to each point object thats visualised. This is used in zooming. meshobject is from, eg vertex, hole """ meshobject.guiID = uniqueID meshobject.draw(canvas, uniqueID, scale =scale) self.oncanvas[uniqueID] = meshobject return meshobject def unvisualise(self, meshobject, canvas): """ delete a visual mesh object and delete it from the canvas mesh data structure """ canvas.delete(meshobject.guiID) del self.oncanvas[meshobject.guiID] def hasKey(self, key): """ returns true if the key is in the canvas list """ if self.oncanvas.has_key(key): return True else: return False def getMeshObject(self, key): """ returns the mesh object, given it's key. precon: The key is valid """ return self.oncanvas[key] def editWindow(self, canvas, selMeshObject,userMeshChanged): print "Not implimented" return userMeshChanged def defaultWindow(self, canvas): print "Not implimented" def draw (self): """ This method must be overriden """ pass def __add__(self, other): return VMesh([self,other]) def __repr__(self): return str(self.__class__) class vPoints(vAbstract): """ Define the visualisation of a point """ def draw(self,x,y,mesh,uniqueID,scale,canvas,event): """ draw a point object, plus add it to the mesh data structure event isn't used """ point = mesh.addUserPoint(self.association,x/scale,y/scale) self.visualise(point, uniqueID, canvas, scale) return point class vRegions(vPoints): """ Define the visualisation of a region """ def editWindow(self, canvas, selMeshObject,userMeshChanged): dialog = EditRegionDialog (canvas, selMeshObject.getTag(), selMeshObject.getMaxArea() ) if dialog.ValueOk: selMeshObject.setTag(dialog.tag) if dialog.maxArea != 0.0: #using 0.0 to mean no max area (hacky) selMeshObject.setMaxArea(dialog.maxArea) else: selMeshObject.deleteMaxArea() userMeshChanged = True return userMeshChanged class EditRegionDialog(Dialog): """ Dialog box for editing region info """ # initial values, hard coded. # should be values associated with the current mesh def __init__(self, parent, tag, maxArea): self.tag = tag self.maxArea = maxArea Dialog.__init__(self, parent) def body(self, master): """ GUI description """ self.title("Edit Region") Label(master, text='tag:').grid(row=0, sticky=W) Label(master, text='Maximum Triangle Area').grid(row=1, sticky=W) tagVar = StringVar() tagVar.set(self.tag) self.tagstr = Entry(master, width = 16, textvariable = tagVar, takefocus=1) maxAreaVar = StringVar() if self.maxArea == None: self.maxArea = "" maxAreaVar.set(self.maxArea) self.maxAreastr = Entry(master, width = 16, textvariable = maxAreaVar, takefocus=1) self.tagstr.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) self.maxAreastr.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W) self.tag = -1 self.maxArea = -1 self.ValueOk = False def apply(self): """ check entered values """ self.goodMaxArea = self.goodtag = True self.ValueOk = True try: self.tag = self.tagstr.get() except ValueError: self.ValueOk = False showerror('Bad mesh generation values', ' Values are not numbers.') if not self.maxAreastr.get() == "": try: self.maxArea = float(self.maxAreastr.get()) #MeshGenDialog.lastMaxArea =self.maxArea except ValueError: self.ValueOk = False showerror('Bad mesh generation values', ' Values are not numbers.') else: self.maxArea = 0.0 try: # value checking if self.goodMaxArea == True and self.maxArea < 0.0: raise IOError except IOError: self.ValueOk = False showerror('Bad mesh generation values', 'Values are out of range.') class vSegments(vAbstract): """ Define the visualisation of a segment """ def draw(self,v1,v2,mesh,uniqueID,scale,canvas,event): """ draw a segment object, plus add it to the mesh data structure event isn't used """ segment = mesh.addUserSegment(v1,v2) self.visualise(segment, uniqueID, canvas, scale) return segment def editWindow_int(self, canvas, selMeshObject): ask_int = askinteger("Edit Segment", "Tag", minvalue=0, initialvalue= selMeshObject.tag) if ask_int >= 0: selMeshObject.tag = ask_int def editWindow(self, canvas, selMeshObject, userMeshChanged): ask_string = askstring("Edit Segment Tag", "Tag", initialvalue= str(selMeshObject.tag)) if ask_string != None: selMeshObject.tag = ask_string userMeshChanged = True return userMeshChanged def defaultWindow(self, canvas): ask_string = askstring("Edit Default Segment Tag", "Tag", initialvalue= str(self.association.get_default_tag())) if ask_string != None: self.association.set_default_tag(ask_string) class vTriangles(vAbstract): """ Define the visualisation of a triangle """ def draw(self,mesh,uniqueID,scale,canvas,event): """ currently triangles have no draw function """ raise TypeError class vMesh(vAbstract): """ Define the visualisation of a collection of mesh object dictionaries (eg vSegments) """ def __init__(self,MeshObjects): self.association = mesh.MeshObject self.MeshObjectsList = MeshObjects def visualise(self, meshobject, uniqueID, canvas, scale): """ This should find the right vAbstract instance and call visualise """ raise Exception def unvisualise(self, MeshObject, canvas): """ delete a visual object and delete it from the canvas mesh data structure """ for MeshObjects in self.MeshObjectsList: if isinstance(MeshObject,MeshObjects.association): MeshObjects.unvisualise(MeshObject, canvas) break def hasKey(self, key): """ returns true if the key is in the canvas list """ for MeshObjects in self.MeshObjectsList: if MeshObjects.oncanvas.has_key(key): return True return False def getMeshObject(self, key): """ returns the mesh object, given it's key. precon: The key is valid """ for MeshObjects in self.MeshObjectsList: try: return MeshObjects.oncanvas[key] except KeyError: pass raise KeyError def editWindow(self, canvas, selMeshObject, userMeshChanged): for MeshObjects in self.MeshObjectsList: if isinstance(selMeshObject,MeshObjects.association): userMeshChanged =MeshObjects.editWindow(canvas, selMeshObject,userMeshChanged) break return userMeshChanged def defaultWindow(self, canvas, MeshClass): for MeshObjects in self.MeshObjectsList: if MeshClass == MeshObjects.association: MeshObjects.defaultWindow(canvas) break