source: inundation/publications/ausgeo_2004 @ 1721

Name Size Rev Age Author Last Change
AusGeo 2004.doc 42.0 KB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
patterns.jpg 72.7 KB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
patterns.tif 3.1 MB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
patterns_wire.jpg 807.3 KB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
patterns_wire.tif 3.1 MB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
reservoir_pmesh.jpg 468.7 KB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
reservoir_pmesh.tif 3.1 MB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
reservoir_pyvolution.jpg 102.7 KB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
reservoir_pyvolution.tif 4.1 MB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
reservoir_pyvolution_wire.jpg 765.7 KB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
reservoir_pyvolution_wire.tif 4.1 MB 500   20 years ole Added a publications dir and the AusGeo? 2004 article as it was submitted.
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