"""Plotting routine for use with the mandelbrot set Ole Nielsen, SUT 2003 """ def plot(A, kmax = None): """Plot matrix A as an RGB image using the Python Imaging Library and Tkinter A is converted to an RGB image using PIL and saved to disk Then it is displayed using PhotoImage A must be square, integer valued, two dimensional and non-negative If kmax is omitted it will be set to the max value of A Ole Nielsen, SUT 2003 """ from Tkinter import Frame, Canvas, TOP, NW, PhotoImage from Numeric import transpose, Float from Image import new # PIL import time t0 = time.time() # User definable parameters imtype = 'ppm' # Image format (e.g 'ppm', 'bmp', 'tiff') filename ='mandel' # Base filename exponent = 0.998 # Exponent for morphing colors, good with kmax = 2**15 rgbmax = 2**24 # Normalisation constant for RGB # Input check assert len(A.shape) == 2, 'Matrix must be 2 dimensional' assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1], 'Matrix must be square' assert A.typecode() in 'ilu1swb', 'A must contain integers' assert min(min(A))>=0, 'A must be non-negative' if kmax is None: kmax = max(max(A)) # Convert values from A into RGB values (0 to 255) in each band N = A.shape[0] A = transpose(A).astype(Float) im = new("RGB", A.shape) L = [] try: from mandelplot_ext import normalise_and_convert normalise_and_convert(A, L, kmax, rgbmax, exponent) except: print 'WARNING: Could not import C extension from mandelplot_ext' for i in range(A.shape[0]): for j in range(A.shape[1]): c = A[i,j]/kmax if c == 1: c = 0 #Map convergent point (kmax) to black (0) c = c**exponent #Morph slightly c = int(c * rgbmax) #Normalise to 256 levels per channel red = c / 256 / 256 green = (c / 256) % 256 blue = c % 256 L.append( (red, green, blue) ) # Save image to file im.putdata(L) im.save(filename + '.' + imtype, imtype) print 'Computed plot in %.2f seconds: ' %(time.time()-t0) # Display image on screen #answer = raw_input('Show image [Y/N][Y]?') #if answer.lower() in ['n', 'no']: # import sys # sys.exit() import os os.system('xv %s' %(filename + '.' + imtype))