#!/usr/bin/env python # Timing of MPI module for Python and estimation of latency and bandwidth # # Send numerical array in a ring from processor 0 to 1 etc back to 0 # Perform timings and compare different sending strategies # # OMN, OCT 2001 import time, sys, pypar, Numeric # The send/recv routines # import pypar #from mpiext import send_array, receive_array #most direct methods #Not available in final install - use bypass form for now #-------------------------------------------------------------- method = 2 # Use # 0: automatically allocated buffers # 1: user-supplied buffers # 2: Use bypass - let pypar use direct mpi_ext call # 3 (not there): direct call to mpiext (with buffers), # only fractionally better than bypass vanilla = False # Force use of vanilla format (1) consistency_check = False # Check correctness #-------------------------------------------------------------- # linfit # def linfit(x, y): """Fit a and b to the model y = ax + b. Return a,b,variance """ Sx = Sy = SSoN = SxoN = norm = varest = 0.0 N = len(x) assert len(y) == N, "x and y must have same length" for i in range(N): #print("x,y = %f, %f\n",x[i],y[i]) Sx = Sx + x[i] Sy = Sy + y[i] SxoN = Sx/N a = 0.0 for i in range(N): t = x[i] - SxoN SSoN = SSoN + t*t a = a + t*y[i] a = a/SSoN # a = (N Sxy - SxSy)/(NSxx - Sx^2) */ b = (Sy - Sx*a)/N # Quality - variance estimate \sum_i r_i^2 /(m-n) for i in range(N): norm = norm + float(x[i])*x[i] res = y[i] - a*x[i] - b varest = varest + res*res varest = varest/norm/(N-2) return a, b, varest #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Main program # MAXI = 10 # Number of blocks MAXM = 500000 # Largest block BLOCK = MAXM/MAXI # Block size repeats = 10 msgid = 0 vanilla = 0 #Select vanilla mode (slower but general) numprocs = pypar.size() myid = pypar.rank() processor_name = pypar.Get_processor_name() if myid == 0: # Main process - Create message, pass on, verify correctness and log timing # print "MAXM = %d, number of processors = %d" %(MAXM, numprocs) print "Measurements are repeated %d times for reliability" %repeats if numprocs < 2: print "Program needs at least two processors - aborting\n" pypar.Abort() pypar.Barrier() #Synchronize all before timing print "I am process %d on %s" %(myid,processor_name) #Initialise data and timings # try: from RandomArray import uniform, seed seed(17, 53) A = uniform(0.0,100.0,MAXM) except: print 'problem with RandomArray' from Numeric import ones, Float A = ones( MAXM, Float ) elsize = A.itemsize() #print elsize noelem = [0]*MAXI bytes = [0]*MAXI avgtime = [0.0]*MAXI mintime = [ 1000000.0]*MAXI maxtime = [-1000000.0]*MAXI if myid == 0: # Determine timer overhead cpuOH = 1.0; for k in range(repeats): # Repeat to get reliable timings t1 = pypar.Wtime() t2 = pypar.Wtime() if t2-t1 < cpuOH: cpuOH = t2-t1 print "Timing overhead is %f seconds.\n" %cpuOH # Pass msg circularly for k in range(repeats): if myid == 0: print "Run %d of %d" %(k+1,repeats) for i in range(MAXI): m=BLOCK*i+1 noelem[i] = m pypar.Barrier() # Synchronize if myid == 0: # # Main process # t1 = pypar.Wtime() if method==0: pypar.send(A[:m], destination=1, tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla) C = pypar.receive(numprocs-1, tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla) elif method == 1: pypar.send(A[:m], use_buffer=True, destination=1, tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla) C = pypar.receive(numprocs-1, buffer=A[:m], tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla) elif method==2: pypar.send(A[:m], use_buffer=True, destination=1, tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla, bypass=True) C = pypar.receive(numprocs-1, buffer=A[:m], tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla, bypass=True) else: raise 'Unknown method' #send_array(A[:m], 1, msgid) #stat = receive_array(A[:m], numprocs-1, msgid) #C = A[:m] t2 = pypar.Wtime() - t1 - cpuOH t2 = t2/numprocs avgtime[i] = avgtime[i] + t2 if t2 < mintime[i]: mintime[i] = t2 if t2 > maxtime[i]: maxtime[i] = t2 # Uncomment to verify integrity of data # However, this may affect accuracy of timings for some reason. # if consistency_check: assert Numeric.alltrue(C == A[:m]) else: # # Parallel process - get msg and pass it on # if method==0: C = pypar.receive(myid-1, tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla) pypar.send(A[:m], destination=(myid+1)%numprocs, tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla) elif method==1: C = pypar.receive(myid-1, buffer=A[:m], tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla) pypar.send(A[:m], use_buffer=True, destination=(myid+1)%numprocs, tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla) elif method==2: # Use pypar bypass C = pypar.receive(myid-1, buffer=A[:m], tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla, bypass=True) pypar.send(A[:m], use_buffer=True, destination=(myid+1)%numprocs, tag=msgid, vanilla=vanilla, bypass=True) else: raise 'Unknown method' # Use direct mpiext call #stat = receive_array(A[:m], myid-1, msgid) #send_array(A[:m], (myid+1)%numprocs, msgid) # Output stats # if myid == 0: print "Bytes transferred time (micro seconds)" print " min avg max " print "----------------------------------------------" for i in range(MAXI): avgtime[i] = avgtime[i]/repeats*1.0e6 #Average micro seconds mintime[i] = mintime[i]*1.0e6 #Min micro seconds maxtime[i] = maxtime[i]*1.0e6 #Min micro seconds m = noelem[i] bytes[i] = elsize*noelem[i] print "%10d %10d %10d %10d" %(bytes[i], mintime[i], avgtime[i], maxtime[i]) Tbw, Tlat, varest = linfit(bytes, mintime) print "\nLinear regression on best timings (t = t_l + t_b * bytes):\n", print " t_b = %f\n t_l = %f" %(Tbw,Tlat) print " Estimated relative variance = %.9f\n" %varest print "Estimated bandwith (1/t_b): %.3f Mb/s" %(1.0/Tbw) print "Estimated latency: %d micro s" %int(mintime[0]-bytes[0]*Tbw) pypar.Finalize()