#!/usr/bin/env python #FIXME: Seperate the tests for mesh and general_mesh import unittest from math import sqrt from mesh import * from mesh_factory import rectangular from config import epsilon from Numeric import allclose, array from utilities.polygon import inside_polygon def distance(x, y): return sqrt( sum( (array(x)-array(y))**2 )) class Test_Mesh(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_triangle_inputs(self): points = [[0.0, 0.0], [4.0, 0.0], [0.0, 3.0]] vertices = [0,1,2] #Wrong try: mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) except: pass else: msg = 'Should have raised exception' raise msg def test_basic_triangle(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [4.0, 0.0] c = [0.0, 3.0] points = [a, b, c] vertices = [[0,1,2]] mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) #Centroid centroid = mesh.centroid_coordinates[0] assert centroid[0] == 4.0/3 assert centroid[1] == 1.0 #Area assert mesh.areas[0] == 6.0,\ 'Area was %f, should have been 6.0' %mesh.areas[0] #Normals normals = mesh.get_normals() assert allclose(normals[0, 0:2], [3.0/5, 4.0/5]) assert allclose(normals[0, 2:4], [-1.0, 0.0]) assert allclose(normals[0, 4:6], [0.0, -1.0]) assert allclose(mesh.get_normal(0,0), [3.0/5, 4.0/5]) assert allclose(mesh.get_normal(0,1), [-1.0, 0.0]) assert allclose(mesh.get_normal(0,2), [0.0, -1.0]) #Edge lengths assert allclose(mesh.edgelengths[0], [5.0, 3.0, 4.0]) #Vertex coordinates V = mesh.get_vertex_coordinates() assert allclose(V[0], [0.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0]) V = mesh.get_vertex_coordinates(obj=True) assert allclose(V, [ [0.0, 0.0], [4.0, 0.0], [0.0, 3.0] ]) V0 = mesh.get_vertex_coordinate(0, 0) assert allclose(V0, [0.0, 0.0]) V1 = mesh.get_vertex_coordinate(0, 1) assert allclose(V1, [4.0, 0.0]) V2 = mesh.get_vertex_coordinate(0, 2) assert allclose(V2, [0.0, 3.0]) #General tests: #Test that points are arranged in a counter clock wise order etc mesh.check_integrity() #Test that the centroid is located 2/3 of the way #from each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side V = mesh.get_vertex_coordinates() x0 = V[0,0] y0 = V[0,1] x1 = V[0,2] y1 = V[0,3] x2 = V[0,4] y2 = V[0,5] m0 = [(x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2] m1 = [(x0 + x2)/2, (y0 + y2)/2] m2 = [(x1 + x0)/2, (y1 + y0)/2] d0 = distance(centroid, [x0, y0]) d1 = distance(m0, [x0, y0]) assert d0 == 2*d1/3 # d0 = distance(centroid, [x1, y1]) d1 = distance(m1, [x1, y1]) assert abs(d0 - 2*d1/3) < epsilon, '%e, %e' %(d0, 2*d1/3) d0 = distance(centroid, [x2, y2]) d1 = distance(m2, [x2, y2]) assert abs(d0 - 2*d1/3) < epsilon, '%e, %e' %(d0, 2*d1/3) #Radius d0 = distance(centroid, m0) assert d0 == 5.0/6 d1 = distance(centroid, m1) assert d1 == sqrt(73.0/36) d2 = distance(centroid, m2) assert d2 == sqrt(13.0/9) assert mesh.radii[0] == min(d0, d1, d2) assert mesh.radii[0] == 5.0/6 #Let x be the centroid of triangle abc. #Test that areas of the three triangles axc, cxb, and bxa are equal. points = [a, b, c, centroid] vertices = [[0,3,2], [2,3,1], [1,3,0]] new_mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) assert new_mesh.areas[0] == new_mesh.areas[1] assert new_mesh.areas[1] == new_mesh.areas[2] assert new_mesh.areas[1] == new_mesh.areas[2] assert new_mesh.areas[1] == mesh.areas[0]/3 def test_general_triangle(self): a = [2.0, 1.0] b = [6.0, 2.0] c = [1.0, 3.0] points = [a, b, c] vertices = [[0,1,2]] mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) centroid = mesh.centroid_coordinates[0] #Test that the centroid is located 2/3 of the way #from each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side V = mesh.get_vertex_coordinates() x0 = V[0,0] y0 = V[0,1] x1 = V[0,2] y1 = V[0,3] x2 = V[0,4] y2 = V[0,5] m0 = [(x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2] m1 = [(x0 + x2)/2, (y0 + y2)/2] m2 = [(x1 + x0)/2, (y1 + y0)/2] d0 = distance(centroid, [x0, y0]) d1 = distance(m0, [x0, y0]) assert abs(d0 - 2*d1/3) < epsilon, '%e, %e' %(d0, 2*d1/3) # d0 = distance(centroid, [x1, y1]) d1 = distance(m1, [x1, y1]) assert abs(d0 - 2*d1/3) < epsilon, '%e, %e' %(d0, 2*d1/3) d0 = distance(centroid, [x2, y2]) d1 = distance(m2, [x2, y2]) assert abs(d0 - 2*d1/3) < epsilon, '%e, %e' %(d0, 2*d1/3) #Radius d0 = distance(centroid, m0) d1 = distance(centroid, m1) d2 = distance(centroid, m2) assert mesh.radii[0] == min(d0, d1, d2) #Let x be the centroid of triangle abc. #Test that areas of the three triangles axc, cxb, and bxa are equal. points = [a, b, c, centroid] vertices = [[0,3,2], [2,3,1], [1,3,0]] new_mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) assert new_mesh.areas[0] == new_mesh.areas[1] assert new_mesh.areas[1] == new_mesh.areas[2] assert new_mesh.areas[1] == new_mesh.areas[2] assert new_mesh.areas[1] == mesh.areas[0]/3 #Test that points are arranged in a counter clock wise order mesh.check_integrity() def test_inscribed_circle_equilateral(self): """test that the radius is calculated correctly by mesh in the case of an equilateral triangle""" a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [2.0, 0.0] c = [1.0, sqrt(3.0)] points = [a, b, c] vertices = [[0,1,2]] mesh = Mesh(points, vertices,use_inscribed_circle=False) assert allclose(mesh.radii[0],sqrt(3.0)/3),'Steve''s doesn''t work' mesh = Mesh(points, vertices,use_inscribed_circle=True) assert allclose(mesh.radii[0],sqrt(3.0)/3),'inscribed circle doesn''t work' def test_inscribed_circle_rightangle_triangle(self): """test that the radius is calculated correctly by mesh in the case of a right-angled triangle""" a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [4.0, 0.0] c = [0.0, 3.0] points = [a, b, c] vertices = [[0,1,2]] mesh = Mesh(points, vertices,use_inscribed_circle=False) assert allclose(mesh.radii[0],5.0/6),'Steve''s doesn''t work' mesh = Mesh(points, vertices,use_inscribed_circle=True) assert allclose(mesh.radii[0],1.0),'inscribed circle doesn''t work' def test_two_triangles(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0,0.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] points = [a, b, c, e] vertices = [ [1,0,2], [1,2,3] ] #bac, bce mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) assert mesh.areas[0] == 2.0 assert allclose(mesh.centroid_coordinates[0], [2.0/3, 2.0/3]) #Test that points are arranged in a counter clock wise order mesh.check_integrity() def test_more_triangles(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0, 0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0, 0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe, daf, dae vertices = [ [1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4]] mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) #Test that points are arranged in a counter clock wise order mesh.check_integrity() assert mesh.areas[0] == 2.0 assert mesh.areas[1] == 2.0 assert mesh.areas[2] == 2.0 assert mesh.areas[3] == 2.0 assert mesh.edgelengths[1,0] == 2.0 assert mesh.edgelengths[1,1] == 2.0 assert mesh.edgelengths[1,2] == sqrt(8.0) assert allclose(mesh.centroid_coordinates[0], [2.0/3, 2.0/3]) assert allclose(mesh.centroid_coordinates[1], [4.0/3, 4.0/3]) assert allclose(mesh.centroid_coordinates[2], [8.0/3, 2.0/3]) assert allclose(mesh.centroid_coordinates[3], [2.0/3, 8.0/3]) def test_mesh_and_neighbours(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0,0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0,0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe vertices = [ [1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4] ] mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) mesh.check_integrity() T = mesh tid = 0 assert T.number_of_boundaries[tid] == 2 assert T.neighbours[tid, 0] < 0 #Opposite point b (0,2) assert T.neighbours[tid, 1] == 1 #Opposite point a (0,0) assert T.neighbours[tid, 2] < 0 #Opposite point c (2,0) tid = 1 assert T.number_of_boundaries[tid] == 0 assert T.neighbours[tid, 0] == 2 #Opposite point b (0,2) assert T.neighbours[tid, 1] == 3 #Opposite point c (2,0) assert T.neighbours[tid, 2] == 0 #Opposite point e (2,2) tid = 2 assert T.number_of_boundaries[tid] == 2 assert T.neighbours[tid, 0] < 0 #Opposite point e (2,2) assert T.neighbours[tid, 1] < 0 #Opposite point c (2,0) assert T.neighbours[tid, 2] == 1 #Opposite point f (4,0) tid = 3 assert T.number_of_boundaries[tid] == 2 assert T.neighbours[tid, 0] == 1 #Opposite point d (0,4) assert T.neighbours[tid, 1] < 0 #Opposite point b (0,3) assert T.neighbours[tid, 2] < 0 #Opposite point e (2,2) #Neighbouring edges tid = 0 assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 0] < 0 #Opposite point b (0,2) assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 1] == 2 #Opposite point a (0,0) assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 2] < 0 #Opposite point c (2,0) tid = 1 assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 0] == 2 #Opposite point b (0,2) assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 1] == 0 #Opposite point c (2,0) assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 2] == 1 #Opposite point e (2,2) tid = 2 assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 0] < 0 #Opposite point e (2,2) assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 1] < 0 #Opposite point c (2,0) assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 2] == 0 #Opposite point f (4,0) tid = 3 assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 0] == 1 #Opposite point d (0,4) assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 1] < 0 #Opposite point b (0,3) assert T.neighbour_edges[tid, 2] < 0 #Opposite point e (2,2) def test_build_neighbour_structure_duplicates(self): p0 = [-66.0, 14.0] p1 = [14.0, -66.0] p2 = [14.0, 14.0] p3 = [60.0, 20.0] p4 = [10.0, 60.0] p5 = [60.0, 60.0] points = [p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5] triangles = [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1], [0, 2, 4], [0, 2, 4], [4, 2, 5], [5, 2, 3]] try: mesh = Mesh(points, triangles) except: pass else: raise "triangle edge duplicates not caught" def test_rectangular_mesh_basic(self): M=1 N=1 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(M, N) mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, boundary) #Test that points are arranged in a counter clock wise order mesh.check_integrity() M=2 N=2 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(M, N) mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, boundary) #Test that points are arranged in a counter clock wise order mesh.check_integrity() #assert mesh.boundary[(7,1)] == 2 # top assert mesh.boundary[(7,1)] == 'top' # top assert mesh.boundary[(3,1)] == 'top' # top def test_boundary_tags(self): points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(4, 4) mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, boundary) #Test that points are arranged in a counter clock wise order mesh.check_integrity() #print mesh.get_boundary_tags() #print mesh.boundary for k in [1, 3, 5, 7]: assert mesh.boundary[(k,2)] == 'left' for k in [24, 26, 28, 30]: assert mesh.boundary[(k,2)] == 'right' for k in [7, 15, 23, 31]: assert mesh.boundary[(k,1)] == 'top' for k in [0, 8, 16, 24]: assert mesh.boundary[(k,1)] == 'bottom' def test_rectangular_mesh(self): M=4 N=16 len1 = 100.0 len2 = 17.0 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(M, N, len1, len2) mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, boundary) assert len(mesh) == 2*M*N for i in range(len(mesh)): assert mesh.areas[i] == len1*len2/(2*M*N) hypo = sqrt((len1/M)**2 + (len2/N)**2) #hypothenuse assert mesh.edgelengths[i, 0] == hypo assert mesh.edgelengths[i, 1] == len1/M #x direction assert mesh.edgelengths[i, 2] == len2/N #y direction #Test that points are arranged in a counter clock wise order mesh.check_integrity() def test_rectangular_mesh2(self): #Check that integers don't cause trouble N = 16 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(2*N, N, len1=10, len2=10) mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, boundary) def test_surrogate_neighbours(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0,0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0,0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe vertices = [ [1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4] ] mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) mesh.check_integrity() T = mesh tid = 0 assert T.number_of_boundaries[tid] == 2 assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 0] == tid assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 1] == 1 assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 2] == tid tid = 1 assert T.number_of_boundaries[tid] == 0 assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 0] == 2 assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 1] == 3 assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 2] == 0 tid = 2 assert T.number_of_boundaries[tid] == 2 assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 0] == tid assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 1] == tid assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 2] == 1 tid = 3 assert T.number_of_boundaries[tid] == 2 assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 0] == 1 assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 1] == tid assert T.surrogate_neighbours[tid, 2] == tid def test_boundary_inputs(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0,0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0,0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe vertices = [ [1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4] ] boundary = { (0, 0): 'First', (0, 2): 'Second', (2, 0): 'Third', (2, 1): 'Fourth', (3, 1): 'Fifth', (3, 2): 'Sixth'} mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, boundary) mesh.check_integrity() #Check enumeration #for k, (vol_id, edge_id) in enumerate(mesh.boundary_segments): # b = -k-1 # assert mesh.neighbours[vol_id, edge_id] == b def test_boundary_inputs_using_one_default(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0,0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0,0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe vertices = [ [1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4] ] boundary = { (0, 0): 'First', (0, 2): 'Second', (2, 0): 'Third', (2, 1): 'Fourth', #(3, 1): 'Fifth', #Skip this (3, 2): 'Sixth'} mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, boundary) mesh.check_integrity() from config import default_boundary_tag assert mesh.boundary[ (3, 1) ] == default_boundary_tag #Check enumeration #for k, (vol_id, edge_id) in enumerate(mesh.boundary_segments): # b = -k-1 # assert mesh.neighbours[vol_id, edge_id] == b def test_boundary_inputs_using_all_defaults(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0,0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0,0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe vertices = [ [1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4] ] boundary = { (0, 0): 'First', (0, 2): 'Second', (2, 0): 'Third', (2, 1): 'Fourth', #(3, 1): 'Fifth', #Skip this (3, 2): 'Sixth'} mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) #, boundary) mesh.check_integrity() from config import default_boundary_tag assert mesh.boundary[ (0, 0) ] == default_boundary_tag assert mesh.boundary[ (0, 2) ] == default_boundary_tag assert mesh.boundary[ (2, 0) ] == default_boundary_tag assert mesh.boundary[ (2, 1) ] == default_boundary_tag assert mesh.boundary[ (3, 1) ] == default_boundary_tag assert mesh.boundary[ (3, 2) ] == default_boundary_tag #Check enumeration #for k, (vol_id, edge_id) in enumerate(mesh.boundary_segments): # b = -k-1 # assert mesh.neighbours[vol_id, edge_id] == b def test_inputs(self): a = [0.0, 0.0] b = [0.0, 2.0] c = [2.0,0.0] d = [0.0, 4.0] e = [2.0, 2.0] f = [4.0,0.0] points = [a, b, c, d, e, f] #bac, bce, ecf, dbe vertices = [ [1,0,2], [1,2,4], [4,2,5], [3,1,4] ] #Too few points try: mesh = Mesh([points[0]], vertices) except AssertionError: pass else: raise 'Should have raised an exception' #Too few points - 1 element try: mesh = Mesh([points[0]], [vertices[0]]) except AssertionError: pass else: raise 'Should have raised an exception' #Wrong dimension of vertices try: mesh = Mesh(points, vertices[0]) except AssertionError: pass else: raise 'Should have raised an exception' #Unsubscriptable coordinates object raises exception try: mesh = Mesh(points[0], [vertices[0]]) except AssertionError: pass else: raise 'Should have raised an exception' #FIXME: This has been commented out pending a decision #whether to allow partial boundary tags or not # #Not specifying all boundary tags #try: # mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, {(3,0): 'x'}) #except AssertionError: # pass #else: # raise 'Should have raised an exception' #Specifying wrong non existing segment try: mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, {(5,0): 'x'}) except AssertionError: pass else: raise 'Should have raised an exception' def test_internal_boundaries(self): """ get values based on triangle lists. """ from mesh_factory import rectangular from shallow_water import Domain from Numeric import zeros, Float #Create basic mesh points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(1, 3) # Add an internal boundary boundary[(2,0)] = 'internal' boundary[(1,0)] = 'internal' #Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.build_tagged_elements_dictionary({'bottom':[0,1], 'top':[4,5], 'all':[0,1,2,3,4,5]}) def test_boundary_polygon(self): from mesh_factory import rectangular from mesh import Mesh from Numeric import zeros, Float #Create basic mesh points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(2, 2) mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, boundary) P = mesh.get_boundary_polygon() assert len(P) == 8 assert allclose(P, [[0.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0], [0.5, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.5]]) for p in points: #print p, P assert inside_polygon(p, P) def test_boundary_polygon_II(self): from mesh import Mesh from Numeric import zeros, Float #Points a = [0.0, 0.0] #0 b = [0.0, 0.5] #1 c = [0.0, 1.0] #2 d = [0.5, 0.0] #3 e = [0.5, 0.5] #4 f = [1.0, 0.0] #5 g = [1.0, 0.5] #6 h = [1.0, 1.0] #7 i = [1.5, 0.5] #8 points = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i] #dea, bae, bec, fgd, #edg, ghe, gfi, gih vertices = [ [3,4,0], [1,0,4], [1,4,2], [5,6,3], [4,3,6], [6,7,4], [6,5,8], [6,8,7]] mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) mesh.check_integrity() P = mesh.get_boundary_polygon() assert len(P) == 8 assert allclose(P, [a, d, f, i, h, e, c, b]) for p in points: #print p, P assert inside_polygon(p, P) def test_boundary_polygon_III(self): """Same as II but vertices ordered differently """ from mesh import Mesh from Numeric import zeros, Float #Points a = [0.0, 0.0] #0 b = [0.0, 0.5] #1 c = [0.0, 1.0] #2 d = [0.5, 0.0] #3 e = [0.5, 0.5] #4 f = [1.0, 0.0] #5 g = [1.0, 0.5] #6 h = [1.0, 1.0] #7 i = [1.5, 0.5] #8 points = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i] #edg, ghe, gfi, gih #dea, bae, bec, fgd, vertices = [[4,3,6], [6,7,4], [6,5,8], [6,8,7], [3,4,0], [1,0,4], [1,4,2], [5,6,3]] mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) mesh.check_integrity() P = mesh.get_boundary_polygon() assert len(P) == 8 assert allclose(P, [a, d, f, i, h, e, c, b]) for p in points: assert inside_polygon(p, P) def test_boundary_polygon_IV(self): """Reproduce test test_spatio_temporal_file_function_time from test_util.py that looked as if it produced the wrong boundary """ from mesh import Mesh from Numeric import zeros, Float from mesh_factory import rectangular #Create a domain to hold test grid #(0:15, -20:10) points, vertices, boundary =\ rectangular(4, 4, 15, 30, origin = (0, -20)) ##### mesh = Mesh(points, vertices) mesh.check_integrity() P = mesh.get_boundary_polygon() #print P assert len(P) == 16 for p in points: assert inside_polygon(p, P) ##### mesh = Mesh(points, vertices, boundary) mesh.check_integrity() P = mesh.get_boundary_polygon() #print P, len(P) assert len(P) == 16 for p in points: assert inside_polygon(p, P) #------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_Mesh,'test') runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() runner.run(suite)