[2225] | 1 | """Validation study of Merimbula lake using Pyvolution. |
| 2 | |
| 3 | Copyright 2004 |
| 4 | Christopher Zoppou, Stephen Roberts, Ole Nielsen, Duncan Gray |
| 5 | Geoscience Australia, ANU |
| 6 | |
| 7 | Specific methods pertaining to the 2D shallow water equation |
| 8 | are imported from shallow_water |
| 9 | for use with the generic finite volume framework |
| 10 | |
| 11 | Conserved quantities are h, uh and vh stored as elements 0, 1 and 2 in the |
| 12 | numerical vector named conserved_quantities. |
| 13 | |
| 14 | Existence of file 'merimbula_interpolated.tsh' is assumed. |
| 15 | """ |
| 16 | |
| 17 | #------------------------------ |
| 18 | # Setup Path and import modules |
| 19 | import sys |
| 20 | from os import sep, path |
| 21 | sys.path.append('..'+sep+'pyvolution') |
| 22 | |
| 23 | from shallow_water import Domain, Reflective_boundary, File_boundary,\ |
| 24 | Dirichlet_boundary, Wind_stress |
| 25 | from pmesh2domain import pmesh_to_domain_instance |
| 26 | from util import file_function, Polygon_function, read_polygon, inside_polygon |
| 27 | from Numeric import zeros, Float, asarray |
| 28 | from least_squares import Interpolation |
| 29 | from data_manager import sww2domain |
| 30 | |
| 31 | import time |
| 32 | |
| 33 | #------- |
| 34 | # Domain |
| 35 | # This is the original file used to create the SWW file from t = 0. |
| 36 | # It is also needed to define the domain if it contains boundaryies other that |
| 37 | # external. |
| 38 | filename = 'merimbula_10834_bridge_refined_bathymetry.tsh' |
| 39 | domain_old = pmesh_to_domain_instance(filename, Domain) |
| 40 | |
| 41 | # The evolution starts from the last time step contained in the following file. |
| 42 | filename_sww = 'c:\grohm_output\Merimbula_2003_4days_dry.sww' |
| 43 | print 'Creating domain from', filename_sww |
| 44 | domain = sww2domain(filename_sww) |
| 45 | print "Number of triangles = ", len(domain) |
| 46 | |
| 47 | # Extract old boundary data form original tsh file |
| 48 | domain.boundary = domain_old.boundary |
| 49 | |
| 50 | #------------------------------------------ |
| 51 | # Reduction operation for get_vertex_values |
| 52 | from util import mean |
| 53 | domain.reduction = mean |
| 54 | |
| 55 | domain.set_quantity('friction',0.03) |
| 56 | #-------------------- |
| 57 | # Boundary conditions |
| 58 | |
| 59 | #--------------------------------------- |
| 60 | # Tidal cycle recorded at Eden as open |
| 61 | filename = 'Eden_tide_Sept03.dat' |
| 62 | print 'Open sea boundary condition from ',filename |
| 63 | Bf = File_boundary(filename, domain) |
| 64 | |
| 65 | #-------------------------------------- |
| 66 | # All other boundaries are reflective |
| 67 | Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) |
| 68 | domain.set_boundary({'exterior': Br, 'open': Bf}) |
| 69 | |
| 70 | #----------- |
| 71 | # Wind field |
| 72 | # Format is time [DD/MM/YY hh:mm:ss], speed [m/s] direction (degrees) |
| 73 | filename = 'Merimbula_Weather_data_Sept03_m_per_s.dat' |
| 74 | print 'Wind field from ',filename |
| 75 | F = file_function(filename, domain) |
| 76 | domain.forcing_terms.append(Wind_stress(F)) |
| 77 | |
| 78 | #-------------------------------- |
| 79 | # Initial water surface elevation: only required for initial run |
| 80 | # domain.set_quantity('stage', -50.0) |
| 81 | # All conserved values are retrieved from the SWW file |
| 82 | |
| 83 | #---------------------------------------------------------- |
| 84 | # Decide which quantities are to be stored at each timestep |
| 85 | domain.quantities_to_be_stored = ['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'] |
| 86 | |
| 87 | #------------------------------------- |
| 88 | # Provide file name for storing output |
| 89 | domain.store = True #Store for visualisation purposes |
| 90 | domain.format = 'sww' #Native netcdf visualisation format |
| 91 | # Caution: Should not store results in the SWW file |
| 92 | filename = 'Merimbula_2003_4days_dry_plus' |
| 93 | domain.filename = (filename) |
| 94 | if filename_sww == filename: |
| 95 | msg = 'SWW file name is the same as the output file name' |
| 96 | raise msg |
| 97 | |
| 98 | #---------------------- |
| 99 | # Set order of accuracy |
| 100 | domain.default_order = 1 |
| 101 | # Smooth in True or discontinuous triangles if False (Default is minimum for True) |
| 102 | domain.smooth = True |
| 103 | domain.reduction = 'mean' |
| 104 | |
| 105 | # Use the inscribed circle with safety factor of 0.9 to establish the time step |
| 106 | # domain.set_to_inscribed_circle(safety_factor=0.9) |
| 107 | |
| 108 | #--------- |
| 109 | # Evolution |
| 110 | # t0 is the computer clock time |
| 111 | t0 = time.time() |
| 112 | yieldstep = 9 |
| 113 | |
| 114 | # domain.startime is obtained from the SWW file and is the last evolution time |
| 115 | # time_extra is the additional evolution time final evolution time |
| 116 | # is equal to desired_finaltime |
| 117 | time_extra = 90 |
| 118 | desired_finaltime = domain.starttime + time_extra |
| 119 | finaltime = desired_finaltime - domain.starttime |
| 120 | |
| 121 | for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = yieldstep, finaltime = finaltime): |
| 122 | domain.write_time() |
| 123 | |
| 124 | print 'That took %.2f seconds' %(time.time()-t0) |