1 | \begin{table} |
2 | \begin{center} |
3 | \caption{Framed residential building collapse probability. $h$ is the |
4 | inundation height (m) above ground where the ground floor height of 0.3m is |
5 | assumed.} |
6 | \label{table:collapse} |
7 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline |
8 | Distance from coast ($d[m]$) & |
9 | $h$<1.0 &1.0<$h$<2.0& 2.0<$h$<3.0 &3.0<$h$<5.0 &$h$>5.0 \\ \hline |
10 | $d < 125$ &0.05 &0.6 &0.8 &0.95 &0.99 \\ \hline |
11 | $125 < d < 200$ &0.02 &0.3 &0.4 &0.7 &0.9 \\ \hline |
12 | $200 < d < 250$ &0.01 &0.1 &0.25 &0.5 &0.65 \\ \hline |
13 | $200 < d$ &0.0 &0.05 &0.15 &0.3 &0.45 \\ \hline |
14 | \end{tabular} |
15 | \end{center} |
16 | \end{table} |
17 | |
18 | \begin{table} |
19 | \begin{center} |
20 | \caption{Mortality and injury state probability} |
21 | \label{table:casualty} |
22 | \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|}\hline |
23 | Hazard Exposure & depth above floor & Unharmed &Minor |
24 | &Moderate &Serious &Death \\ \hline |
25 | Collapse &<1.0 &0.3 &0.28 &0.08 &0.04 &0.30 \\ \hline |
26 | &>1.0 &0.01 &0.028 &0.008 &0.004 &0.95 \\ \hline |
27 | No Collapse - $d < 250$ &<1.0 &0.35 &0.40 &0.1 &0.05 &0.10 |
28 | \\ \hline |
29 | &>1.0 &0.1 &0.28 &0.08 &0.04 &0.50 \\ \hline |
30 | No Collapse - $250 < d$ &<1.0 &0.4 &0.4 &0.1 &0.05 &0.05 \\ \hline |
31 | &>1.0 &0.12 &0.33 &0.1 &0.05 &0.40 \\ \hline |
32 | \end{tabular} |
33 | \end{center} |
34 | \end{table} |
35 | |
36 | \begin{table} |
37 | \begin{center} |
38 | \caption{Injury level classificationse. Floor height is assumed to be 30cm} |
39 | \label{table:injury} |
40 | \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{|l|p{.695\textwidth}|}\hline |
41 | Injury Severity Level &Injury Description \\ \hline |
42 | Minor Injury |
43 | Severity 1 &Injuries requiring basic medical aid without requiring |
44 | hospitalisation. |
45 | These types of injuries would require bandages or observation. |
46 | Some examples are: a sprain, a severe cut requiring stitches, |
47 | a bump on the head without loss of consciousness. \\ \hline |
48 | Moderate Injury |
49 | Severity 2 &Injuries requiring a greater degree of |
50 | medical care and use of medical technology such as x-rays or surgery, |
51 | but not expected to progress to a life threatening status. |
52 | Some examples are: a bump on the head that causes loss of consciousness, |
53 | fractured bone, dehydration or exposure. \\ \hline |
54 | Severe Injury |
55 | Severity 3 &Injuries that pose an immediate life threatening |
56 | condition if not treated adequately and expeditiously. Some examples are: |
57 | uncontrolled bleeding, punctured organ, other internal injuries, |
58 | spinal column injuries, or crush syndrome. \\ \hline |
59 | Fatal |
60 | Severity 4 &Instantaneously killed or mortally injured, \\ \hline |
61 | \end{tabular*} |
62 | \end{center} |
63 | \end{table} |
64 | \clearpage |