This report is being provided to the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) as part of the Collaborative Research Agreement (CRA) with Geoscience Australia (GA). FESA recognises the potential vulnerability of the Western Australia coastline to tsunamigenic earthquakes originating from the Sunda Arc subduction zone that caused the December 2004 event. There is historic evidence of tsunami events affecting the Western Australia coastline, \cite{CB:ausgeo}, and FESA has sought to assess the relative risk of its urban and regional communities to the tsunami threat and develop detailed response plans for a range of plausible events. This report describes the modelling methodology and first results for a particular tsunami-genic event as it impacts the Onslow township and its surrounds. Future studies will present a series of scenarios for a range of return periods to assist FESA in developing appropriate plans for a range of event impacts. This report and the decision support tool are the June 2006 deliverables of the Collaborative Research Agreement between FESA and GA.