1 | |
2 | Geoscience Australia aims to define the economic and social threat posed to urban communities |
3 | by a range of rapid onset natural hazards. Through the integration of natural hazard research, defining national exposure and |
4 | estimating socio-economic vulnerabilities, predictions of the likely impacts of events can be made. |
5 | Hazards include earthquakes, landslides, tsunami, severe winds and cyclones. |
6 | |
7 | By modelling the likely impacts on urban communities as accurately as possible and |
8 | building these estimates into land use planning and emergency |
9 | management, communities will be better prepared to respond to |
10 | natural disasters when they occur. |
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13 | %GA bases its risk modelling on the process of understanding the hazard and a community's |
14 | %vulnerability in order to determine the impact of a particular hazard event. |
15 | %The resultant risk relies on an assessment of the likelihood of the event. |
16 | %An overall risk assessment for a particular hazard would then rely on scaling |
17 | %each event's impact by its likelihood. |
18 | |
19 | To develop a tsunami risk assessment, |
20 | the tsunami hazard itself must first be understood. These events are generally modelled by converting |
21 | the energy released by a subduction earthquake into a vertical displacement of the ocean surface. |
22 | %Tsunami hazard models have been available for some time. |
23 | The resulting wave is |
24 | then propagated across a sometimes vast stretch of ocean towards the |
25 | area of interest. |
26 | %using a relatively coarse model |
27 | %based on bathymetries with a typical resolution of two arc minutes. |
28 | The hazard itself is then reported as a maximum wave height at a fixed contour line near the coastline, |
29 | (e.g. 50m). This is how the preliminary tsunami hazard assessment was reported by GA |
30 | to FESA in September 2005 \cite{BC:FESA}. The assessment used the Method of Splitting Tsunamis (MOST) |
31 | \cite{VT:MOST} model. |
32 | %The maximal wave height at a fixed contour line near the coastline |
33 | %(e.g. 50m) is then reported as the hazard to communities ashore. |
34 | %Models such as Method of Splitting Tsunamis (MOST) \cite{VT:MOST} and the |
35 | %URS Corporation's |
36 | %Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis |
37 | %\cite{somerville:urs} follow this paradigm. |
38 | |
39 | While MOST is suitable for generating and propagating the tsunami wave from its source, it is not adequate to |
40 | model the wave's impact on communities ashore. |
41 | To capture the \emph{impact} of a tsunami to a coastal community, |
42 | the model must be capable of capturing more detail about the wave, |
43 | particularly how it is affected by the local bathymetry, as well as the |
44 | local topography as the wave moves onshore. |
45 | %the details of how waves are reflected and otherwise |
46 | %shaped by the local bathymetries as well as the dynamics of the |
47 | %runup process onto the topography in question. |
48 | It is well known that local bathymetric and topographic effects are |
49 | critical in determining the severity of a hydrological disaster |
50 | \cite{matsuyama:1999}. To model the impact of the tsunami wave on the |
51 | coastal community, we use ANUGA \cite{ON:modsim}. In order to capture the |
52 | details of the wave and its interactions, a much finer resolution is |
53 | required than that of the hazard model. As a result, ANUGA simulations concentrate |
54 | on specific coastal communities. MOST by contrast uses a |
55 | coarser resolution and covers often vast areas. To develop the impact |
56 | from an earthquake event from a distant source, we adopt a hybrid approach of |
57 | modelling the event itself with MOST and modelling the impact with ANUGA. |
58 | In this way, the output from MOST serves as an input to ANUGA. |
59 | In modelling terms, the MOST output is a boundary condition for ANUGA. |
60 | |
61 | \bigskip %FIXME (Ole): Should this be a subsection even? |
62 | The risk of the scenario tsunami event cannot be determined until the |
63 | likelihood of the event is known. GA is currently building a |
64 | complete probabilistic hazard map which is due for completion |
65 | in late 2006. We therefore report on the impact of a single |
66 | tsunami event only. When the hazard map is completed, the impact |
67 | will be assessed for a range of events which will ultimately |
68 | determine a tsunami risk assessment for the NW shelf. |
69 | %To model the |
70 | %details of tsunami inundation of a community one must therefore capture %what is |
71 | %known as non-linear effects and use a much higher resolution for the |
72 | %elevation data. |
73 | %Linear models typically use data resolutions of the order |
74 | %of hundreds of metres, which is sufficient to model the tsunami waves |
75 | %in deeper water where the wavelength is longer. |
76 | %Non-linear models however require much finer resolution in order to %capture |
77 | %the complexity associated with the water flow from offshore |
78 | %to onshore. By contrast, the data |
79 | %resolution required is typically of the order of tens of metres. |
80 | %The model ANUGA \cite{ON:modsim} is suitable for this type of non-linear |
81 | %modelling. |
82 | %Using a non-linear model capable of resolving local bathymetric effects |
83 | %and runup using detailed elevation data will require more computational |
84 | %resources than the typical hazard model making it infeasible to use it |
85 | %for the entire, end-to-end, modelling. |
86 | |
87 | %We have adopted a hybrid approach whereby the output from the |
88 | %hazard model MOST is used as input to ANUGA at the seaward boundary of its %study area. |
89 | %In other words, the output of MOST serves as boundary condition for the |
90 | %ANUGA model. In this way, we restrict the computationally intensive part %only to |
91 | %regions where we are interested in the detailed inundation process. |
92 | |
93 | %Furthermore, to avoid unnecessary computations ANUGA works with an |
94 | %unstructured triangular mesh rather than the rectangular grids |
95 | %used by e.g.\ MOST. The advantage of an unstructured mesh |
96 | %is that different regions can have different resolutions allowing |
97 | %computational resources to be directed where they are most needed. |
98 | %For example, one might use very high resolution near a community |
99 | %or in an estuary, whereas a coarser resolution may be sufficient |
100 | %in deeper water where the bathymetric effects are less pronounced. |
101 | %Figure \ref{fig:refinedmesh} shows a mesh of variable resolution. |
102 | |
103 | %\begin{figure}[hbt] |
104 | % |
105 | % \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=100mm, height=75mm] |
106 | % {../report_figures/refined_mesh.jpg}} |
107 | % |
108 | % \caption{Unstructured mesh with variable resolution.} |
109 | % \label{fig:refinedmesh} |
110 | %\end{figure} |
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