Tsunami hazard models have been available for some time. They generally work by converting the energy released by a subduction earthquake into a vertical displacement of the ocean surface. The resulting wave is then propagated across a sometimes vast stretch of ocean using a relatively coarse model based on bathymetries with a typical resolution of two arc minutes (check this with David). The maximal wave height at a fixed contour line near the coastline (e.g.\ 50m) is then reported as the hazard to communities ashore. Models such as Method of Splitting Tsunamis (MOST) \cite{VT:MOST} and the URS Corporation's Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis \cite{somerville:urs} follow this paradigm. To capture the \emph{impact} of a hydrological disaster such as tsunamis on a community one must model the details of how waves are reflected and otherwise shaped by the local bathymetries as well as the dynamics of the runup process onto the topography in question. It is well known that local bathymetric and topographic effects are critical in determining the severity of a hydrological disaster \cite{matsuyama:1999}. To model the details of tsunami inundation of a community one must therefore capture what is known as non-linear effects and use a much higher resolution for the elevation data. Linear models typically use data resolutions of the order of hundreds of metres, which is sufficient to model the tsunami waves in deeper water where the wavelength is longer. Non-linear models however require much finer resolution in order to capture the complexity associated with the water flow from offshore to onshore. By contrast, the data resolution required is typically of the order of tens of metres. The model ANUGA \cite{ON:modsim} is suitable for this type of non-linear modelling. Using a non-linear model capable of resolving local bathymetric effects and runup using detailed elevation data will require more computational resources than the typical hazard model making it infeasible to use it for the entire, end-to-end, modelling. We have adopted a hybrid approach whereby the output from the hazard model MOST is used as input to ANUGA at the seaward boundary of its study area. In other words, the output of MOST serves as boundary condition for the ANUGA model. In this way, we restrict the computationally intensive part only to regions where we are interested in the detailed inundation process. Furthermore, to avoid unnecessary computations ANUGA works with an unstructured triangular mesh rather than the rectangular grids used by e.g.\ MOST. The advantage of an unstructured mesh is that different regions can have different resolutions allowing computational resources to be directed where they are most needed. For example, one might use very high resolution near a community or in an estuary, whereas a coarser resolution may be sufficient in deeper water where the bathymetric effects are less pronounced. Figure \ref{fig:refinedmesh} shows a mesh of variable resolution. \begin{figure}[hbt] \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=100mm, height=75mm] {../report_figures/refined_mesh.jpg}} \caption{Unstructured mesh with variable resolution.} \label{fig:refinedmesh} \end{figure}