The tsunamigenic event used for this study was developed for a preliminary tsunami hazard assessment study delivered to FESA in September 2005, \cite{BC:FESA}. In that assessment, a suite of Mw 9 earthquakes were evenly spaced along the Sunda Arc subduction zone and there was no consideration of the likelihood of each event. Other sources were not considered, such as intra-plate earthquakes near the WA coast, volcanoes, landslides or asteroids as they are known to be less likely. The preliminary assessment argued that the maximum magnitude of earthquakes off Java is at least 8.5 and could potentially be as high as 9. FESA are interested in the ``most frequent worst case scenario''. Whilst we currently cannot determine exactly what that event may be, the Mw 9 event provides a plausible worst case scenario. To understand the frequency of these tsunami-genic events, current studies underway in GA are building probabilistic models to develop a more complete tsunami hazard assessment for the Sunda Arc subduction zone, due for completion in late 2006. In the preliminary assessment for example, it was argued that while Mw 7 and 8 earthquakes are expected to occur with a greater frequency than Mw 9 events, they are likely to pose a comparatively low and more localised hazard to WA. Figure \ref{fig:mw9} shows the maximum wave height of a tsunami initiated by a Mw 9 event off the coast of Java. It is this event which provides the source and boundary condition to the inundation model presented in Section \ref{sec:anuga}. \begin{figure}[hbt] \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=100mm, height=75mm] {../report_figures/mw9.jpg}} \caption{Maximum wave height (in cms) for a Mw 9 event off the coast of Java} \label{fig:mw9} \end{figure}