The software tool, ANUGA \cite{ON:modsim}, has been used to estimate the inundation extent and associated water level at various points in space and time. ANUGA has been developed by GA and the Australian National University (ANU) to solve the nonlinear shallow water wave equation using the finite volume technique\footnote{The finite volume technique belongs to the class of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods which is based on discretizing the study area in control ''volumes''. The method satisfices conservation of mass, momentum and energy and is exactly satisfied for each control volume. An advantage of this technique is that the discretization can be changed according to areas of interest and that wetting and drying is treated robustly as part of the numerical scheme.}. ANUGA is continually being developed and validated to ensure the modelling approximations reflect new theory or available experimental data sets. As such, the current results are preliminary. The following information is required to undertake the inundation modelling; \begin{itemize} \item onshore and offshore elevation data (topographic and bathymetric data, see Section \ref{sec:data}), \item initial conditions, such as initial water levels (e.g. determined by tides), \item boundary conditions (the tsunami source as described in Section \ref{sec:tsunamiscenario}), and \item computational requirements relating to the mesh construction. \end{itemize} As part of the CRA, it was decided to provide results for the extremes of the tidal regimes to understand the potential range of impacts from the event. In this study, we used the Australian Height Datum (AHD) as the vertical datum. Mean Sea Level (MSL) is approximately equal to 0m AHD with the Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) and Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) defined as 3.6m AHD and -3.9m AHD respectively for Onslow, \cite{antt:06}. These values are tidal predictions based on continous tidal observations from Standard Ports over a period of at least one year, with the Australian Hydrographic Service recommending this be extended to three years to capture changes to the mean sea level. Onslow is listed as a Standard Port. As an aside, current work at GA is extracting information from LANDSAT imagery to reconstruct the tidal variations for various WA locations. Future modelling of these areas will incorporate this information. The initial conditions used for this scenario are MSL, HAT and LAT. The dynamics of tidal effects (that is, the changes in water height over time for the entire study area) are not currently modelled. Sea floor friction will generally provide resistance to the water flow and thus reduce the impact somewhat. However, limited research has been carried out to determine the friction coefficients, and thus it has not been incorporated in the scenario presented in this report. The results are therefore likely to be over estimations.