The calculated run-up height and resulting inundation ashore is determined by the input topographic and bathymetric data, the forcing terms, the initial and boundary conditions, as well as the cell resolution. It would be ideal if the data adequately captures all complex features of the underlying bathymetry and topography and that the cell resolution be commensurate with the underlying data. Any limitations in terms of resolution and accuracy in the data will introduce errors to the inundation maps as well as the range of model approximations, including the cell resolution. A number of sources have supplied data for this study. With respect to the onshore data, the Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation (DIGO) supplied the DTED (Digital Terrain Elevation Data) Level 2 data which has been authorised for Australian Tsunami Warning System use only. This data has a resolution of 1 second (about 30 metres), produced from 1:50 000 contours, elevations and drainage. The Department of Land Information (DLI) has provided a 20m DEM and orthophotography covering the NW Shelf. As the 30m DTED Level 2 data is bare earth we have chosen to use this as the onshore data set. With respect to the offshore data, the Department of Planning and Infrastructure have provided state digital fairsheet data around Onslow. This data covers only a very small geographic area. (Note, similar data has also been provided for Broome.) The Port Hedland Port Authority has provided digital data from a multibeam survey of the Port Hedland channel. The Australian Hydrographic Office fairsheet data has also been utilised. In summary, \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline Data & Detail \\ \hline DIGO DTED Level 2 & Onshore, 1 second $\approx$ 30m \\ \hline DLI & Onshore, 20m DEM and orthophotography \\ \hline \hline DPI & Offshore, fairsheet data around Onslow \\ \hline \hline Pt Hedland Port Authority \hspace{.3in} & Offshore, digital multibeam survey \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} The coastline has been generated from the DIGO DTED Level 2 and modified using the aerial photography and the two detailed surveys provided by WA Department of Planning and Infrastructure. The extent of the data used for the tsunami impact modelling can be seen in the following figure. The study area covers approximately 100km of coastline and extends offshore to the 100m contour line and inshore to approximately 10m elevation. \begin{figure}[hbt] \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=100mm, height=75mm]{../report_figures/pt_hedland_data_extent.png}} \caption{Data extent for Pt Hedland scenario. Offshore data shown in blue and onshore data in green.} \label{fig:pt_hedland_data_area} \end{figure} Section \ref{sec:metadata} outlines the metadata for data used for this study.