""" Determining maximum of SMF slump surface elevation function. Jane Sexton, GA 2006 """ from math import exp, cosh import Numeric # Grilli and Watts 2005 example dx = 2.0 x0 = 10.0 y0 = 0.0 w = 2.0 kappa = 3 g = 9.8 d = 0.259 T = 0.052 theta = 15.0 lam0 = 5.0 def func(x,y,kappad): numerator = exp(-((x-x0)/lam0)**2.0) - kappad*exp(-((x-dx-x0)/lam0)**2.0) denominator = cosh(kappa*(y-y0)/(w+lam0))**2.0 return -numerator/denominator def dfuncdx(x,kappad): dfdx = (x-x0)*exp(-((x-x0)/lam0)**2.0)-kappad*(x-dx-x0)*exp(-((x-dx-x0)/lam0)**2.0) return dfdx step = 0.001 x = x0 deriv = 10 tol = 0.001 c = 0 direction = 'negative' while c < 100000 and deriv > 0: deriv = dfuncdx(x,0.83) if deriv < 0: xstar = x if direction == 'positive': x += step if direction == 'negative': x -= step c += 1 print 'location of maximum of surface elevation function: xstar = %f' % (xstar/lam0) const = 1.0 #a3D = ? #sydney = 86? and kappad=1 x = arange(-20,25,0.001) y = arange(-10,10,0.1) X,Y = meshgrid(x,y) test = 0.0 for xi in x: testi = func(xi,0.0,0.83) if direction == 'positive': if testi > test: test = testi xstar = xi else: if testi < test: test = testi xstar = xi print 'check: xstar = %f and eta(xstar) = %f' %(xstar/lam0, test)