"""Common filenames and locations for topographic data, meshes and outputs. Also includes origin for slump scenario. """ from os import sep from os.path import expanduser import sys #Making assumptions about the location of scenario data scenario_dir_name = 'sydney_tsunami_scenario_2006' # original 100m data #basename = 'sydney_2006_100' # get from Neil/Ingo (DEM or topo data) # revised 100m data coarsename = 'bathyland100' # get from Neil/Ingo (DEM or topo data) # revised 25m data #finename = 'bathyland25' # get from Neil/Ingo (DEM or topo data) #finename = 'bathyland100' # get from Neil/Ingo (DEM or topo data) finename = 'bathy_dem25' # get from Neil/Ingo (DEM or topo data) Wed 25 Jan # creating easting and northing max and min for fine data - region of interest eastingmin = 332090 eastingmax = 347500 northingmin = 6246250 northingmax = 6264100 #northingmax = 6280100 # creating easting and northing max and min for export viz purposes #eminviz = 332000 #emaxviz = 350000 #nminviz = 6231000 #nmaxviz = 6283000 # version2 eminviz = 318000 emaxviz = 351000 nminviz = 6231000 nmaxviz = 6283000 # for harbour region #nminviz = 6248000 #nmaxvix = 6270000 # for botany bay region #nmaxviz = 6248000 #nminvix = 6283000 basename = 'slump_ole' if sys.platform == 'win32': home = '..\..\..\..\..' #Sandpit's parent dir else: home = expanduser('~') #Derive subdirectories and filenames meshdir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'meshes'+sep datadir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'topographies'+sep outputdir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'output'+sep #boundarydir = home+sep+scenario_dir_name+sep+'boundaries'+sep meshname = meshdir + basename coarsedemname = datadir + coarsename finedemname = datadir + finename combineddemname = datadir + 'sydneytopo' #boundaryname = boundarydir + boundary_basename outputname = outputdir + basename #Used by post processing #newoutputname = outputdir+'Combined Data v1'+sep+'d400'+sep+basename gauge_filename = outputdir + 'sydney_gauges.xya' gauge_outname = outputdir + 'gauges_max_output.xya' #Georeferencing #from pyvolution.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import degminsec2decimal_degrees from coordinate_transforms.redfearn import degminsec2decimal_degrees #Origin of existing dem (FIXME: Temporary measure) #x0_origin = 314036 #original 100m data #y0_origin = 6224951 #refzone = 56 #x0_origin = 314036.58727982 #revised 100m and 25m data #y0_origin = 6224951.2960092 #mesh_origin = (refzone, x0_origin, y0_origin) # input from Neil's data # define clipping polygon south = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-34,05,0) north = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,33,0) west = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,1,0) east = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,30,0) p0 = [south, west] p1 = [south, east] p2 = [north, east] p3 = [north, west] polygonall = [p0, p1, p2, p3] dsouth = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-34,05,0) dnorth = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,33,0) dnorth1 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,40,0) dnorth2 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,58,30) dnorth3 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,46,0) dwest = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,2,20) deast1 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,20,0) deast2 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,48,0) deast3 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,10,0) deast4 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,9,0) dp0 = [dsouth, dwest] dp1 = [dsouth, deast1] dp2 = [dnorth2, deast2] dp3 = [dnorth1, deast2] dp4 = [dnorth, deast1] dp5 = [dnorth, deast4] dp6 = [dnorth3, deast3] dp7 = [dnorth3, dwest] dp8 = [dnorth, dwest] #diffpolygonall = [dp0, dp1, dp2, dp3, dp4, dp5, dp6, dp7] diffpolygonall = [dp0, dp1, dp2, dp3, dp4, dp5, dp6, dp7] # to put chunk back in #diffpolygonall = [dp0, dp1, dp2, dp3, dp4, dp8] #Interior regions - the Harbour - take 2 harbour_1x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,51,0) harbour_1y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,2,30) harbour_12x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,51,0) harbour_12y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,5,0) harbour_13x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,52,15) harbour_13y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,5,0) harbour_2x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,53,0) harbour_2y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,17,20) harbour_3x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,47,0) harbour_3y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,20,30) #harbour_4x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,48,0) harbour_4x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,47,50) harbour_4y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,8,10) #harbour_5x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,49,0) harbour_5x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,48,10) harbour_5y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,8,0) harbour_6x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,49,0) harbour_6y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,2,30) harbour_7x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,34,30) harbour_7y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,20,20) #harbour_8x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,33,30) #harbour_8y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,15,0) harbour_8x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,33,30) harbour_8y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,17,0) #harbour_9x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,45,30) #harbour_9y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,15,0) harbour_9x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,45,30) harbour_9y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,17,0) harbour_10x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,45,10) harbour_10y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,11,40) harbour_11x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,45,10) harbour_11y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,11,40) harbour_14x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,49,10) harbour_14y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,11,40) harbour_15x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,48,55) harbour_15y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,2,30) k02 = [harbour_1x, harbour_1y] k12 = [harbour_2x, harbour_2y] k22 = [harbour_3x, harbour_3y] k32 = [harbour_4x, harbour_4y] k42 = [harbour_5x, harbour_5y] k52 = [harbour_6x, harbour_6y] k62 = [harbour_7x, harbour_7y] k72 = [harbour_8x, harbour_8y] k82 = [harbour_9x, harbour_9y] k92 = [harbour_10x, harbour_10y] k102 = [harbour_11x, harbour_11y] k112 = [harbour_12x, harbour_12y] k122 = [harbour_13x, harbour_13y] k132 = [harbour_14x, harbour_14y] k142 = [harbour_15x, harbour_15y] #harbour_polygon_2 = [k02, k112, k122, k12, k22, k62, k72, k82, k92, k102, k32, k42, k52] #harbour_polygon_2 = [k122, k12, k22, k62, k72, k102] #worked harbour_polygon_2 = [k02, k112, k122, k12, k22, k62, k72, k82, k102, k42, k52] #worked #Interior region - Botany Bay - take 2 bb_1x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-34,3,0) bb_1y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,2,30) bb_10x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-34,3,0) bb_10y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,8,0) bb_2x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-34,3,0) bb_2y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,14,0) bb_3x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,53,30) bb_3y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,17,20) bb_4x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,53,0) bb_4y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,8,0) bb_5x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,57,30) bb_5y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,8,0) bb_6x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,57,30) bb_6y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,2,30) bb_7x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,53,30) bb_7y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,12,30) bb_8x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,55,20) bb_8y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,8,0) bb_9x = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,55,20) bb_9y = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,12,30) j02 = [bb_1x, bb_1y] j12 = [bb_2x, bb_2y] j22 = [bb_3x, bb_3y] j32 = [bb_4x, bb_4y] j42 = [bb_5x, bb_5y] j52 = [bb_6x, bb_6y] j62 = [bb_7x, bb_7y] j72 = [bb_8x, bb_8y] j82 = [bb_9x, bb_9y] j92 = [bb_10x, bb_10y] botanybay_polygon_2 = [j92, j12, j22, j62, j82, j72, j42] # worked #botanybay_polygon_2 = [j02, j12, j22, j32, j42, j52] # worked # this section sets up source origin for slump scenario # close to harbour opening (343000,6255000) # x0 = 28964 # y0 = 30049 # around 10km harbour opening (353000,6255000) #x0 = 38964 #y0 = 30049 # around 18km across from harbour(361000,6255000) #x0 = 46964 #y0 = 30049 # around 42km across from harbour(385000,6255000) x0 = 28964 + 42000 y0 = 30049 #revised 100m and 25m data slump_origin = [x0+314036.58727982, y0+6224951.2960092] #Absolute UTM # close to botany bay opening (340000,6236000) # x0 = 25964 # y0 = 11049 # around 10km from botany bay opening (350000,6236000) # x0 = 35964 # y0 = 11049 # around 21km from botany bay opening (361000,6236000) #x0 = 46964 #y0 = 11049 # not used for sydney scenario, original interior regions listed though # setting up problem area for doing just around the harbour hsouth = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,54,0) hnorth = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,48,0) hwest = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,0,0) heast = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,30,0) hp0 = [hsouth, hwest] hp1 = [hsouth, heast] hp2 = [hnorth, heast] hp3 = [hnorth, hwest] polygon_h = [hp0, hp1, hp2, hp3] #Interior regions - the Harbour - take 1 harbour_south = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,53,0) harbour_north = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,47,0) harbour_west = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,5,0) harbour_east = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,19,0) #harbour_south1 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,53,0) #harbour_south2 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,52,0) #harbour_north1 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,45,0) #harbour_north2 = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,48,0) #harbour_west = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,5,0) #harbour_east = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,19,0) k0 = [harbour_south, harbour_west] k1 = [harbour_south, harbour_east] k2 = [harbour_north, harbour_east] k3 = [harbour_north, harbour_west] harbour_polygon = [k0, k1, k2, k3] # setting up problem area for doing just around Botany Bay bsouth = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,56,0) bnorth = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-34,3,0) bwest = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,0,0) beast = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,30,0) bp0 = [bsouth, bwest] bp1 = [bsouth, beast] bp2 = [bnorth, beast] bp3 = [bnorth, bwest] polygon_bb = [bp0, bp1, bp2, bp3] #Interior region - Botany Bay - take 1 botanybay_south = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-33,58,0) botanybay_north = degminsec2decimal_degrees(-34,1,0) botanybay_west = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,5,0) botanybay_east = degminsec2decimal_degrees(151,18,0) j0 = [botanybay_south, botanybay_west] j1 = [botanybay_south, botanybay_east] j2 = [botanybay_north, botanybay_east] j3 = [botanybay_north, botanybay_west] botanybay_polygon = [j0, j1, j2, j3]