from anuga.shallow_water.shallow_water_domain import Domain from ferret2sww import ferret2sww from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric, mean from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.generic_boundary_conditions\ import Transmissive_boundary from anuga.config import netcdf_mode_r, netcdf_mode_w, netcdf_mode_a from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.mesh_factory import rectangular from anuga.shallow_water.sww_file import SWW_file from anuga.file.sww import extent_sww from anuga.config import netcdf_float, epsilon, g from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile from anuga.file_conversion.file_conversion import tsh2sww, \ pmesh_to_domain_instance from anuga.file.mux import WAVEHEIGHT_MUX_LABEL, EAST_VELOCITY_LABEL, \ NORTH_VELOCITY_LABEL import sys import unittest import numpy as num import copy import os class Test_File_Conversion(unittest.TestCase): """ A suite of tests to test file conversion functions. These tests are quite coarse-grained: converting a file and checking that its headers and some of its contents are correct. """ verbose = False def set_verbose(self): Test_File_Conversion.verbose = True def setUp(self): import time self.verbose = Test_File_Conversion.verbose # Create basic mesh points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(2, 2) # Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.default_order = 2 # Set some field values domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -x) domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.03) ###################### # Boundary conditions B = Transmissive_boundary(domain) domain.set_boundary( {'left': B, 'right': B, 'top': B, 'bottom': B}) ###################### #Initial condition - with jumps bed = domain.quantities['elevation'].vertex_values stage = num.zeros(bed.shape, num.float) h = 0.3 for i in range(stage.shape[0]): if i % 2 == 0: stage[i,:] = bed[i,:] + h else: stage[i,:] = bed[i,:] domain.set_quantity('stage', stage) domain.distribute_to_vertices_and_edges() self.initial_stage = copy.copy(domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values) self.domain = domain C = domain.get_vertex_coordinates() self.X = C[:,0:6:2].copy() self.Y = C[:,1:6:2].copy() self.F = bed #Write A testfile (not realistic. Values aren't realistic) self.test_MOST_file = 'most_small' longitudes = [150.66667, 150.83334, 151., 151.16667] latitudes = [-34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34] long_name = 'LON' lat_name = 'LAT' nx = 4 ny = 4 six = 6 for ext in ['', '', '', '']: fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, netcdf_mode_w) fid.createDimension(long_name,nx) fid.createVariable(long_name,netcdf_float,(long_name,)) fid.variables[long_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[long_name].units='degrees_east' fid.variables[long_name].assignValue(longitudes) fid.createDimension(lat_name,ny) fid.createVariable(lat_name,netcdf_float,(lat_name,)) fid.variables[lat_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[lat_name].units='degrees_north' fid.variables[lat_name].assignValue(latitudes) fid.createDimension('TIME',six) fid.createVariable('TIME',netcdf_float,('TIME',)) fid.variables['TIME'].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables['TIME'].units='seconds' fid.variables['TIME'].assignValue([0.0, 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1]) name = ext[1:3].upper() if name == 'E.': name = 'ELEVATION' fid.createVariable(name,netcdf_float,('TIME', lat_name, long_name)) fid.variables[name].units='CENTIMETERS' fid.variables[name].missing_value=-1.e+034 fid.variables[name].assignValue([[[0.3400644, 0, -46.63519, -6.50198], [-0.1214216, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], [[0.3400644, 2.291054e-005, -23.33335, -6.50198], [-0.1213987, 4.581959e-005, -1.594838e-007, 1.421085e-012], [2.291054e-005, 4.582107e-005, 4.581715e-005, 1.854517e-009], [0, 2.291054e-005, 2.291054e-005, 0]], [[0.3400644, 0.0001374632, -23.31503, -6.50198], [-0.1212842, 0.0002756907, 0.006325484, 1.380492e-006], [0.0001374632, 0.0002749264, 0.0002742863, 6.665601e-008], [0, 0.0001374632, 0.0001374632, 0]], [[0.3400644, 0.0002520159, -23.29672, -6.50198], [-0.1211696, 0.0005075303, 0.01264618, 6.208276e-006], [0.0002520159, 0.0005040318, 0.0005027961, 2.23865e-007], [0, 0.0002520159, 0.0002520159, 0]], [[0.3400644, 0.0003665686, -23.27842, -6.50198], [-0.1210551, 0.0007413362, 0.01896192, 1.447638e-005], [0.0003665686, 0.0007331371, 0.0007313463, 4.734126e-007], [0, 0.0003665686, 0.0003665686, 0]], [[0.3400644, 0.0004811212, -23.26012, -6.50198], [-0.1209405, 0.0009771062, 0.02527271, 2.617787e-005], [0.0004811212, 0.0009622425, 0.0009599366, 8.152277e-007], [0, 0.0004811212, 0.0004811212, 0]]]) fid.close() def tearDown(self): import os for ext in ['', '', '', '']: #print 'Trying to remove', self.test_MOST_file + ext os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + ext) def test_ferret2sww1(self): """Test that georeferencing etc works when converting from ferret format (lat/lon) to sww format (UTM) """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile import os, sys #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; # TIME = 0, 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1 ; # # First value (index=0) in is 0.3400644 cm, # Fourth value (index==3) is -6.50198 cm #Read from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn #fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file) fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '') first_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] fourth_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,3] fid.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) #ferret2sww('small', verbose=False, # origin = (56, 0, 0)) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0)) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) #print zone, e, n #Read output file 'small.sww' #fid = NetCDFFile('small.sww') fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented assert num.allclose(x[0], e) assert num.allclose(y[0], n) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] #print ymomentum assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], first_value/100) #Meters #Check fourth value assert num.allclose(stage[0,3], fourth_value/100) #Meters fid.close() #Cleanup import os os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww_zscale(self): """Test that zscale workse """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile import os, sys #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; # TIME = 0, 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1 ; # # First value (index=0) in is 0.3400644 cm, # Fourth value (index==3) is -6.50198 cm #Read from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '') first_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] fourth_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,3] fid.close() #Call conversion (with no scaling) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0)) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') #Check values stage_1 = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum_1 = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum_1 = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] assert num.allclose(stage_1[0,0], first_value/100) #Meters assert num.allclose(stage_1[0,3], fourth_value/100) #Meters fid.close() #Call conversion (with scaling) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, zscale = 5, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0)) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') #Check values stage_5 = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum_5 = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum_5 = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage_5[0,0], 5*first_value/100) #Meters assert num.allclose(stage_5[0,3], 5*fourth_value/100) #Meters assert num.allclose(5*stage_1, stage_5) # Momentum will also be changed due to new depth depth_1 = stage_1-elevation depth_5 = stage_5-elevation for i in range(stage_1.shape[0]): for j in range(stage_1.shape[1]): if depth_1[i,j] > epsilon: scale = depth_5[i,j]/depth_1[i,j] ref_xmomentum = xmomentum_1[i,j] * scale ref_ymomentum = ymomentum_1[i,j] * scale #print i, scale, xmomentum_1[i,j], xmomentum_5[i,j] assert num.allclose(xmomentum_5[i,j], ref_xmomentum) assert num.allclose(ymomentum_5[i,j], ref_ymomentum) fid.close() #Cleanup import os os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww_2(self): """Test that georeferencing etc works when converting from ferret format (lat/lon) to sww format (UTM) """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; # TIME = 0, 0.1, 0.6, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1 ; # # First value (index=0) in is 0.3400644 cm, # Fourth value (index==3) is -6.50198 cm from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn #fid = NetCDFFile('') fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '') #Pick a coordinate and a value time_index = 1 lat_index = 0 lon_index = 2 test_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][time_index, lat_index, lon_index] test_time = fid.variables['TIME'][:][time_index] test_lat = fid.variables['LAT'][:][lat_index] test_lon = fid.variables['LON'][:][lon_index] linear_point_index = lat_index*4 + lon_index fid.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0)) #Work out the UTM coordinates for test point zone, e, n = redfearn(test_lat, test_lon) #Read output file 'small.sww' fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] #Check that test coordinate is correctly represented assert num.allclose(x[linear_point_index], e) assert num.allclose(y[linear_point_index], n) #Check test value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[time_index, linear_point_index], test_value/100) fid.close() #Cleanup import os os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww_lat_long(self): # Test that min lat long works #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; #Read from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '') first_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] fourth_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,3] fid.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) #ferret2sww('small', verbose=self.verbose, # origin = (56, 0, 0)) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0), minlat=-34.5, maxlat=-34) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) #print zone, e, n #Read output file 'small.sww' #fid = NetCDFFile('small.sww') fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented assert 16 == len(x) fid.close() #Cleanup import os os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww_lat_longII(self): # Test that min lat long works #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; #Read from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '') first_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] fourth_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,3] fid.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) #ferret2sww('small', verbose=False, # origin = (56, 0, 0)) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=False, origin = (56, 0, 0), minlat=-34.4, maxlat=-34.2) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) #print zone, e, n #Read output file 'small.sww' #fid = NetCDFFile('small.sww') fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented assert 12 == len(x) fid.close() #Cleanup import os os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww3(self): """Elevation included """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; # ELEVATION = [-1 -2 -3 -4 # -5 -6 -7 -8 # ... # ... -16] # where the top left corner is -1m, # and the ll corner is -13.0m # # First value (index=0) in is 0.3400644 cm, # Fourth value (index==3) is -6.50198 cm from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn import os fid1 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_w) fid2 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_w) fid3 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_w) fid4 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_w) h1_list = [150.66667,150.83334,151.] h2_list = [-34.5,-34.33333] long_name = 'LON' lat_name = 'LAT' time_name = 'TIME' nx = 3 ny = 2 for fid in [fid1,fid2,fid3]: fid.createDimension(long_name,nx) fid.createVariable(long_name,netcdf_float,(long_name,)) fid.variables[long_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[long_name].units='degrees_east' fid.variables[long_name].assignValue(h1_list) fid.createDimension(lat_name,ny) fid.createVariable(lat_name,netcdf_float,(lat_name,)) fid.variables[lat_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[lat_name].units='degrees_north' fid.variables[lat_name].assignValue(h2_list) fid.createDimension(time_name,2) fid.createVariable(time_name,netcdf_float,(time_name,)) fid.variables[time_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[time_name].units='seconds' fid.variables[time_name].assignValue([0.,1.]) #if fid == fid3: break for fid in [fid4]: fid.createDimension(long_name,nx) fid.createVariable(long_name,netcdf_float,(long_name,)) fid.variables[long_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[long_name].units='degrees_east' fid.variables[long_name].assignValue(h1_list) fid.createDimension(lat_name,ny) fid.createVariable(lat_name,netcdf_float,(lat_name,)) fid.variables[lat_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[lat_name].units='degrees_north' fid.variables[lat_name].assignValue(h2_list) name = {} name[fid1]='HA' name[fid2]='UA' name[fid3]='VA' name[fid4]='ELEVATION' units = {} units[fid1]='cm' units[fid2]='cm/s' units[fid3]='cm/s' units[fid4]='m' values = {} values[fid1]=[[[5., 10.,15.], [13.,18.,23.]],[[50.,100.,150.],[130.,180.,230.]]] values[fid2]=[[[1., 2.,3.], [4.,5.,6.]],[[7.,8.,9.],[10.,11.,12.]]] values[fid3]=[[[13., 12.,11.], [10.,9.,8.]],[[7.,6.,5.],[4.,3.,2.]]] values[fid4]=[[-3000,-3100,-3200],[-4000,-5000,-6000]] for fid in [fid1,fid2,fid3]: fid.createVariable(name[fid],netcdf_float,(time_name,lat_name,long_name)) fid.variables[name[fid]].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[name[fid]].units=units[fid] fid.variables[name[fid]].assignValue(values[fid]) fid.variables[name[fid]].missing_value = -99999999. #if fid == fid3: break for fid in [fid4]: fid.createVariable(name[fid],netcdf_float,(lat_name,long_name)) fid.variables[name[fid]].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[name[fid]].units=units[fid] fid.variables[name[fid]].assignValue(values[fid]) fid.variables[name[fid]].missing_value = -99999999. fid1.sync(); fid1.close() fid2.sync(); fid2.close() fid3.sync(); fid3.close() fid4.sync(); fid4.close() fid1 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_r) fid2 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_r) fid3 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_r) first_amp = fid1.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] third_amp = fid1.variables['HA'][:][0,0,2] first_elevation = fid2.variables['ELEVATION'][0,0] third_elevation= fid2.variables['ELEVATION'][:][0,2] first_speed = fid3.variables['VA'][0,0,0] third_speed = fid3.variables['VA'][:][0,0,2] fid1.close() fid2.close() fid3.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) ferret2sww('test', verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0), inverted_bathymetry=False) os.remove('') os.remove('') os.remove('') os.remove('') #Read output file 'test.sww' fid = NetCDFFile('test.sww') #Check first value elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] #print ymomentum first_height = first_amp/100 - first_elevation third_height = third_amp/100 - third_elevation first_momentum=first_speed*first_height/100 third_momentum=third_speed*third_height/100 assert num.allclose(ymomentum[0][0],first_momentum) #Meters assert num.allclose(ymomentum[0][2],third_momentum) #Meters fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove('test.sww') def test_ferret2sww4(self): """Like previous but with augmented variable names as in files produced by ferret as opposed to MOST """ from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; # ELEVATION = [-1 -2 -3 -4 # -5 -6 -7 -8 # ... # ... -16] # where the top left corner is -1m, # and the ll corner is -13.0m # # First value (index=0) in is 0.3400644 cm, # Fourth value (index==3) is -6.50198 cm from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn import os fid1 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_w) fid2 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_w) fid3 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_w) fid4 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_w) h1_list = [150.66667,150.83334,151.] h2_list = [-34.5,-34.33333] # long_name = 'LON961_1261' # lat_name = 'LAT481_841' # time_name = 'TIME1' long_name = 'LON' lat_name = 'LAT' time_name = 'TIME' nx = 3 ny = 2 for fid in [fid1,fid2,fid3]: fid.createDimension(long_name,nx) fid.createVariable(long_name,netcdf_float,(long_name,)) fid.variables[long_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[long_name].units='degrees_east' fid.variables[long_name].assignValue(h1_list) fid.createDimension(lat_name,ny) fid.createVariable(lat_name,netcdf_float,(lat_name,)) fid.variables[lat_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[lat_name].units='degrees_north' fid.variables[lat_name].assignValue(h2_list) fid.createDimension(time_name,2) fid.createVariable(time_name,netcdf_float,(time_name,)) fid.variables[time_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[time_name].units='seconds' fid.variables[time_name].assignValue([0.,1.]) #if fid == fid3: break for fid in [fid4]: fid.createDimension(long_name,nx) fid.createVariable(long_name,netcdf_float,(long_name,)) fid.variables[long_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[long_name].units='degrees_east' fid.variables[long_name].assignValue(h1_list) fid.createDimension(lat_name,ny) fid.createVariable(lat_name,netcdf_float,(lat_name,)) fid.variables[lat_name].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[lat_name].units='degrees_north' fid.variables[lat_name].assignValue(h2_list) name = {} name[fid1]='HA' name[fid2]='UA' name[fid3]='VA' name[fid4]='ELEVATION' units = {} units[fid1]='cm' units[fid2]='cm/s' units[fid3]='cm/s' units[fid4]='m' values = {} values[fid1]=[[[5., 10.,15.], [13.,18.,23.]],[[50.,100.,150.],[130.,180.,230.]]] values[fid2]=[[[1., 2.,3.], [4.,5.,6.]],[[7.,8.,9.],[10.,11.,12.]]] values[fid3]=[[[13., 12.,11.], [10.,9.,8.]],[[7.,6.,5.],[4.,3.,2.]]] values[fid4]=[[-3000,-3100,-3200],[-4000,-5000,-6000]] for fid in [fid1,fid2,fid3]: fid.createVariable(name[fid],netcdf_float,(time_name,lat_name,long_name)) fid.variables[name[fid]].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[name[fid]].units=units[fid] fid.variables[name[fid]].assignValue(values[fid]) fid.variables[name[fid]].missing_value = -99999999. #if fid == fid3: break for fid in [fid4]: fid.createVariable(name[fid],netcdf_float,(lat_name,long_name)) fid.variables[name[fid]].point_spacing='uneven' fid.variables[name[fid]].units=units[fid] fid.variables[name[fid]].assignValue(values[fid]) fid.variables[name[fid]].missing_value = -99999999. fid1.sync(); fid1.close() fid2.sync(); fid2.close() fid3.sync(); fid3.close() fid4.sync(); fid4.close() fid1 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_r) fid2 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_r) fid3 = NetCDFFile('',netcdf_mode_r) first_amp = fid1.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] third_amp = fid1.variables['HA'][:][0,0,2] first_elevation = fid2.variables['ELEVATION'][0,0] third_elevation= fid2.variables['ELEVATION'][:][0,2] first_speed = fid3.variables['VA'][0,0,0] third_speed = fid3.variables['VA'][:][0,0,2] fid1.close() fid2.close() fid3.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) ferret2sww('test', verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0) , inverted_bathymetry=False) os.remove('') os.remove('') os.remove('') os.remove('') #Read output file 'test.sww' fid = NetCDFFile('test.sww') #Check first value elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] #print ymomentum first_height = first_amp/100 - first_elevation third_height = third_amp/100 - third_elevation first_momentum=first_speed*first_height/100 third_momentum=third_speed*third_height/100 assert num.allclose(ymomentum[0][0],first_momentum) #Meters assert num.allclose(ymomentum[0][2],third_momentum) #Meters fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove('test.sww') def test_ferret2sww_nz_origin(self): from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn #Call conversion (with nonzero origin) ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 100000, 200000)) #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) #Read output file 'small.sww' #fid = NetCDFFile('small.sww', netcdf_mode_r) fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented assert num.allclose(x[0], e-100000) assert num.allclose(y[0], n-200000) fid.close() #Cleanup os.remove(self.test_MOST_file + '.sww') def test_ferret2sww_lat_longII(self): # Test that min lat long works #The test file has # LON = 150.66667, 150.83334, 151, 151.16667 # LAT = -34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34 ; #Read from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + '') first_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,0] fourth_value = fid.variables['HA'][:][0,0,3] fid.close() #Call conversion (with zero origin) #ferret2sww('small', verbose=self.verbose, # origin = (56, 0, 0)) try: ferret2sww(self.test_MOST_file, verbose=self.verbose, origin = (56, 0, 0), minlat=-34.5, maxlat=-35) except AssertionError: pass else: self.failUnless(0 ==1, 'Bad input did not throw exception error!') def test_sww_extent(self): """Not a test, rather a look at the sww format """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile self.domain.set_name('datatest' + str(id(self))) self.domain.format = 'sww' self.domain.smooth = True self.domain.reduction = mean self.domain.set_datadir('.') #self.domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 sww = SWW_file(self.domain) sww.store_connectivity() sww.store_timestep() self.domain.time = 2. #Modify stage at second timestep stage = self.domain.quantities['stage'].vertex_values self.domain.set_quantity('stage', stage/2) sww.store_timestep() file_and_extension_name = self.domain.get_name() + ".sww" #print "file_and_extension_name",file_and_extension_name [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, stagemin, stagemax] = \ extent_sww(file_and_extension_name ) assert num.allclose(xmin, 0.0) assert num.allclose(xmax, 1.0) assert num.allclose(ymin, 0.0) assert num.allclose(ymax, 1.0) # FIXME (Ole): Revisit these numbers #assert num.allclose(stagemin, -0.85), 'stagemin=%.4f' %stagemin #assert num.allclose(stagemax, 0.15), 'stagemax=%.4f' %stagemax #Cleanup os.remove(sww.filename) #------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_File_Conversion, 'test_sww') # FIXME(Ole): When Ross has implemented logging, we can # probably get rid of all this: if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][0].upper() == 'V': Test_File_Conversion.verbose=True saveout = sys.stdout filename = ".temp_verbose" fid = open(filename, 'w') sys.stdout = fid else: pass runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() #verbosity=2) # Cleaning up if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][0].upper() == 'V': sys.stdout = saveout fid.close() os.remove(filename) def test_asc_csiro2sww(self): import tempfile bath_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() bath_dir_filename = bath_dir + os.sep +'ba19940524.000' #bath_dir = 'bath_data_manager_test' #print "os.getcwd( )",os.getcwd( ) elevation_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() #elevation_dir = 'elev_expanded' elevation_dir_filename1 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.000' elevation_dir_filename2 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.001' fid = open(bath_dir_filename, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 -1000.000 3000.0 -1000.000 9000.000 -1000.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 0.000 3000.0 0.000 9000.000 0.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 4000.000 4000.0 4000.000 9000.000 4000.000 """) fid.close() ucur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ucur_dir_filename1 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.000' ucur_dir_filename2 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.001' fid = open(ucur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(ucur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() vcur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() vcur_dir_filename1 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.000' vcur_dir_filename2 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.001' fid = open(vcur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(vcur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() sww_file = 'a_test.sww' asc_csiro2sww(bath_dir,elevation_dir, ucur_dir, vcur_dir, sww_file, verbose=self.verbose) # check the sww file fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file, netcdf_mode_r) # Open existing file for read x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] geo_ref = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) #print "geo_ref",geo_ref x_ref = geo_ref.get_xllcorner() y_ref = geo_ref.get_yllcorner() self.failUnless(geo_ref.get_zone() == 55, 'Failed') assert num.allclose(x_ref, 587798.418) # (-38, 148) assert num.allclose(y_ref, 5793123.477)# (-38, 148.5) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 588095.674 Northing: 5821451.722 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 0 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[0],y[0]), (588095.674 - x_ref, 5821451.722 - y_ref)) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 632145.632 Northing: 5820863.269 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 30 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[2],y[2]), (632145.632 - x_ref, 5820863.269 - y_ref)) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 609748.788 Northing: 5793447.860 #Latitude: -38 0 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 15 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[4],y[4]), (609748.788 - x_ref, 5793447.86 - y_ref)) assert num.allclose(z[0],9000.0 ) assert num.allclose(stage[0][1],0.0 ) #(4000+1000)*60 assert num.allclose(xmomentum[1][1],300000.0 ) fid.close() #tidy up os.remove(bath_dir_filename) os.rmdir(bath_dir) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename1) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(elevation_dir) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename1) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(ucur_dir) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename1) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(vcur_dir) # remove sww file os.remove(sww_file) def test_asc_csiro2sww2(self): import tempfile bath_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() bath_dir_filename = bath_dir + os.sep +'ba19940524.000' #bath_dir = 'bath_data_manager_test' #print "os.getcwd( )",os.getcwd( ) elevation_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() #elevation_dir = 'elev_expanded' elevation_dir_filename1 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.000' elevation_dir_filename2 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.001' fid = open(bath_dir_filename, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 -1000.000 3000.0 -1000.000 9000.000 -1000.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 0.000 3000.0 0.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 4000.000 4000.0 4000.000 9000.000 4000.000 """) fid.close() ucur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ucur_dir_filename1 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.000' ucur_dir_filename2 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.001' fid = open(ucur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(ucur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() vcur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() vcur_dir_filename1 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.000' vcur_dir_filename2 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.001' fid = open(vcur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(vcur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() try: asc_csiro2sww(bath_dir,elevation_dir, ucur_dir, vcur_dir, sww_file, verbose=self.verbose) except: #tidy up os.remove(bath_dir_filename) os.rmdir(bath_dir) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename1) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(elevation_dir) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename1) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(ucur_dir) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename1) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(vcur_dir) else: #tidy up os.remove(bath_dir_filename) os.rmdir(bath_dir) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename1) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(elevation_dir) raise 'Should raise exception' os.remove(ucur_dir_filename1) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(ucur_dir) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename1) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(vcur_dir) def test_asc_csiro2sww3(self): import tempfile bath_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() bath_dir_filename = bath_dir + os.sep +'ba19940524.000' #bath_dir = 'bath_data_manager_test' #print "os.getcwd( )",os.getcwd( ) elevation_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() #elevation_dir = 'elev_expanded' elevation_dir_filename1 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.000' elevation_dir_filename2 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.001' fid = open(bath_dir_filename, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 -1000.000 3000.0 -1000.000 9000.000 -1000.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 0.000 3000.0 0.000 -9999.000 -9999.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 9000.000 4000.000 4000.0 4000.000 9000.000 4000.000 """) fid.close() ucur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ucur_dir_filename1 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.000' ucur_dir_filename2 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.001' fid = open(ucur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(ucur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() vcur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() vcur_dir_filename1 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.000' vcur_dir_filename2 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.001' fid = open(vcur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(vcur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 3 nrows 2 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 90.000 60.000 30.0 10.000 10.000 10.000 """) fid.close() sww_file = 'a_test.sww' asc_csiro2sww(bath_dir,elevation_dir, ucur_dir, vcur_dir, sww_file, fail_on_NaN = False, elevation_NaN_filler = 0, mean_stage = 100, verbose=self.verbose) # check the sww file fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file, netcdf_mode_r) # Open existing file for read x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] geo_ref = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) #print "geo_ref",geo_ref x_ref = geo_ref.get_xllcorner() y_ref = geo_ref.get_yllcorner() self.failUnless(geo_ref.get_zone() == 55, 'Failed') assert num.allclose(x_ref, 587798.418) # (-38, 148) assert num.allclose(y_ref, 5793123.477)# (-38, 148.5) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 588095.674 Northing: 5821451.722 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 0 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[0],y[0]), (588095.674 - x_ref, 5821451.722 - y_ref)) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 632145.632 Northing: 5820863.269 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 30 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[2],y[2]), (632145.632 - x_ref, 5820863.269 - y_ref)) #Zone: 55 #Easting: 609748.788 Northing: 5793447.860 #Latitude: -38 0 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 15 ' 0.00000 '' assert num.allclose((x[4],y[4]), (609748.788 - x_ref, 5793447.86 - y_ref)) assert num.allclose(z[0],9000.0 ) assert num.allclose(stage[0][4],100.0 ) assert num.allclose(stage[0][5],100.0 ) #(100.0 - 9000)*10 assert num.allclose(xmomentum[0][4], -89000.0 ) #(100.0 - -1000.000)*10 assert num.allclose(xmomentum[0][5], 11000.0 ) fid.close() #tidy up os.remove(bath_dir_filename) os.rmdir(bath_dir) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename1) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(elevation_dir) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename1) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(ucur_dir) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename1) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(vcur_dir) # remove sww file os.remove(sww_file) def test_asc_csiro2sww4(self): """ Test specifying the extent """ import tempfile bath_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() bath_dir_filename = bath_dir + os.sep +'ba19940524.000' #bath_dir = 'bath_data_manager_test' #print "os.getcwd( )",os.getcwd( ) elevation_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() #elevation_dir = 'elev_expanded' elevation_dir_filename1 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.000' elevation_dir_filename2 = elevation_dir + os.sep +'el19940524.001' fid = open(bath_dir_filename, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -9000.000 -1000.000 -3000.0 -2000.000 -1000.000 9000.000 -1000.000 -3000.000 -4000.000 6000.000 2000.000 -5000.000 -9000.000 -1000.000 -3000.0 -2000.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -900.000 -100.000 -300.0 -200.000 -100.000 900.000 -100.000 -300.000 -400.000 600.000 200.000 -500.000 -900.000 -100.000 -300.0 -200.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(elevation_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -990.000 -110.000 -330.0 -220.000 -110.000 990.000 -110.000 -330.000 -440.000 660.000 220.000 -550.000 -990.000 -110.000 -330.0 -220.000 """) fid.close() ucur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ucur_dir_filename1 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.000' ucur_dir_filename2 = ucur_dir + os.sep +'uc19940524.001' fid = open(ucur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 -10.000 90.000 -10.000 -30.000 -40.000 60.000 20.000 -50.000 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(ucur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 -10.000 99.000 -11.000 -30.000 -40.000 66.000 22.000 -50.000 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 """) fid.close() vcur_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() vcur_dir_filename1 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.000' vcur_dir_filename2 = vcur_dir + os.sep +'vc19940524.001' fid = open(vcur_dir_filename1, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 -10.000 80.000 -20.000 -30.000 -40.000 50.000 10.000 -50.000 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 """) fid.close() fid = open(vcur_dir_filename2, 'w') fid.write(""" ncols 4 nrows 4 xllcorner 148.00000 yllcorner -38.00000 cellsize 0.25 nodata_value -9999.0 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 -10.000 88.000 -22.000 -30.000 -40.000 55.000 11.000 -50.000 -90.000 -10.000 -30.0 -20.000 """) fid.close() sww_file = tempfile.mktemp(".sww") #sww_file = 'a_test.sww' asc_csiro2sww(bath_dir,elevation_dir, ucur_dir, vcur_dir, sww_file, fail_on_NaN = False, elevation_NaN_filler = 0, mean_stage = 100, minlat = -37.6, maxlat = -37.6, minlon = 148.3, maxlon = 148.3, verbose=self.verbose #,verbose = True ) # check the sww file fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file, netcdf_mode_r) # Open existing file for read x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] geo_ref = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) #print "geo_ref",geo_ref x_ref = geo_ref.get_xllcorner() y_ref = geo_ref.get_yllcorner() self.failUnless(geo_ref.get_zone() == 55, 'Failed') assert num.allclose(fid.starttime, 0.0) # (-37.45, 148.25) assert num.allclose(x_ref, 610120.388) # (-37.45, 148.25) assert num.allclose(y_ref, 5820863.269 )# (-37.45, 148.5) #Easting: 632145.632 Northing: 5820863.269 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 30 ' 0.00000 '' #print "x",x #print "y",y self.failUnless(len(x) == 4,'failed') # 2*2 self.failUnless(len(x) == 4,'failed') # 2*2 #Zone: 55 #Easting: 632145.632 Northing: 5820863.269 #Latitude: -37 45 ' 0.00000 '' Longitude: 148 30 ' 0.00000 '' # magic number - y is close enough for me. assert num.allclose(x[3], 632145.63 - x_ref) assert num.allclose(y[3], 5820863.269 - y_ref + 5.22155314684e-005) assert num.allclose(z[0],9000.0 ) #z is elevation info #print "z",z # 2 time steps, 4 points self.failUnless(xmomentum.shape == (2,4), 'failed') self.failUnless(ymomentum.shape == (2,4), 'failed') #(100.0 - -1000.000)*10 #assert num.allclose(xmomentum[0][5], 11000.0 ) fid.close() # is the sww file readable? #Lets see if we can convert it to a dem! # if you uncomment, remember to delete the file #print "sww_file",sww_file #dem_file = tempfile.mktemp(".dem") domain = load_sww_as_domain(sww_file) ###, dem_file) domain.check_integrity() #tidy up os.remove(bath_dir_filename) os.rmdir(bath_dir) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename1) os.remove(elevation_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(elevation_dir) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename1) os.remove(ucur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(ucur_dir) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename1) os.remove(vcur_dir_filename2) os.rmdir(vcur_dir) # remove sww file os.remove(sww_file) def test_get_min_max_indexes(self): latitudes = [3,2,1,0] longitudes = [0,10,20,30] # k - lat # l - lon kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices( latitudes,longitudes, -10,4,-10,31) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes == latitudes_new and \ longitudes == longitudes_news, 'failed') ## 2nd test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices( latitudes,longitudes, 0.5,2.5,5,25) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes == latitudes_new and \ longitudes == longitudes_news, 'failed') ## 3rd test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices(\ latitudes, longitudes, 1.1,1.9,12,17) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [2, 1] and \ longitudes_news == [10, 20], 'failed') ## 4th test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices( latitudes,longitudes, -0.1,1.9,-2,17) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [2, 1, 0] and \ longitudes_news == [0, 10, 20], 'failed') ## 5th test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices( latitudes,longitudes, 0.1,1.9,2,17) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [2, 1, 0] and \ longitudes_news == [0, 10, 20], 'failed') ## 6th test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices( latitudes,longitudes, 1.5,4,18,32) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [3, 2, 1] and \ longitudes_news == [10, 20, 30], 'failed') ## 7th test m2d = num.array([[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10,11],[12,13,14,15]], #array default# kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices( latitudes,longitudes, 1.5,1.5,15,15) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] m2d = m2d[kmin:kmax,lmin:lmax] #print "m2d", m2d #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(num.alltrue(latitudes_new == [2, 1]) and num.alltrue(longitudes_news == [10, 20]), 'failed') self.failUnless(num.alltrue(m2d == [[5,6],[9,10]]), 'failed') def test_get_min_max_indexes_lat_ascending(self): latitudes = [0,1,2,3] longitudes = [0,10,20,30] # k - lat # l - lon kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices( latitudes,longitudes, -10,4,-10,31) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes == latitudes_new and \ longitudes == longitudes_news, 'failed') ## 3rd test kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices(\ latitudes, longitudes, 1.1,1.9,12,17) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [1, 2] and \ longitudes_news == [10, 20], 'failed') def test_get_min_max_indexes2(self): latitudes = [-30,-35,-40,-45] longitudes = [148,149,150,151] m2d = num.array([[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10,11],[12,13,14,15]], #array default# # k - lat # l - lon kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices( latitudes,longitudes, -37,-27,147,149.5) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax #print "m2d", m2d #print "latitudes", latitudes #print "longitudes",longitudes #print "latitudes[kmax]", latitudes[kmax] latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_new = longitudes[lmin:lmax] m2d = m2d[kmin:kmax,lmin:lmax] #print "m2d", m2d #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_new",longitudes_new self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [-30, -35, -40] and longitudes_new == [148, 149,150], 'failed') self.failUnless(num.alltrue(m2d == [[0,1,2],[4,5,6],[8,9,10]]), 'failed') def test_get_min_max_indexes3(self): latitudes = [-30,-35,-40,-45,-50,-55,-60] longitudes = [148,149,150,151] # k - lat # l - lon kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices( latitudes,longitudes, -43,-37,148.5,149.5) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax #print "latitudes", latitudes #print "longitudes",longitudes latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == [-35, -40, -45] and longitudes_news == [148, 149,150], 'failed') def test_get_min_max_indexes4(self): latitudes = [-30,-35,-40,-45,-50,-55,-60] longitudes = [148,149,150,151] # k - lat # l - lon kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices( latitudes,longitudes) #print "kmin",kmin;print "kmax",kmax #print "lmin",lmin;print "lmax",lmax #print "latitudes", latitudes #print "longitudes",longitudes latitudes_new = latitudes[kmin:kmax] longitudes_news = longitudes[lmin:lmax] #print "latitudes_new", latitudes_new #print "longitudes_news",longitudes_news self.failUnless(latitudes_new == latitudes and \ longitudes_news == longitudes, 'failed') def test_tsh2sww(self): import os import tempfile tsh_file = tempfile.mktemp(".tsh") file = open(tsh_file,"w") file.write("4 3 # [attributes]\n \ 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 \n \ 1 1.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 0.02 \n \ 2 0.0 1.0 0.0 10.0 0.03 \n \ 3 0.5 0.25 8.0 12.0 0.04 \n \ # Vert att title \n \ elevation \n \ stage \n \ friction \n \ 2 # [] [] \n\ 0 0 3 2 -1 -1 1 dsg\n\ 1 0 1 3 -1 0 -1 ole nielsen\n\ 4 # [boundary tag] \n\ 0 1 0 2 \n\ 1 0 2 3 \n\ 2 2 3 \n\ 3 3 1 1 \n\ 3 0 # [attributes] ...Mesh Vertices... \n \ 0 216.0 -86.0 \n \ 1 160.0 -167.0 \n \ 2 114.0 -91.0 \n \ 3 # [boundary tag] ...Mesh Segments... \n \ 0 0 1 0 \n \ 1 1 2 0 \n \ 2 2 0 0 \n \ 0 # ...Mesh Holes... \n \ 0 # ...Mesh Regions... \n \ 0 # ...Mesh Regions, area... \n\ #Geo reference \n \ 56 \n \ 140 \n \ 120 \n") file.close() #sww_file = tempfile.mktemp(".sww") #print "sww_file",sww_file #print "sww_file",tsh_file tsh2sww(tsh_file, verbose=self.verbose) os.remove(tsh_file) os.remove(tsh_file[:-4] + '.sww') def test_urs2sww_test_fail(self): points_num = -100 time_step_count = 45 time_step = -7 file_handle, base_name = tempfile.mkstemp("") os.close(file_handle) os.remove(base_name) files = [] quantities = ['HA','UA','VA'] mux_names = [WAVEHEIGHT_MUX_LABEL, EAST_VELOCITY_LABEL, NORTH_VELOCITY_LABEL] for i,q in enumerate(quantities): #Write C files columns = 3 # long, lat , depth file = base_name + mux_names[i] f = open(file, 'wb') files.append(file) f.write(pack('i',points_num)) f.write(pack('i',time_step_count)) f.write(pack('f',time_step)) f.close() tide = 1 try: urs2sww(base_name, remove_nc_files=True, mean_stage=tide, verbose=self.verbose) except ANUGAError: pass else: self.delete_mux(files) msg = 'Should have raised exception' raise msg sww_file = base_name + '.sww' self.delete_mux(files) def test_urs2sww_test_fail2(self): base_name = 'Harry-high-pants' try: urs2sww(base_name) except IOError: pass else: self.delete_mux(files) msg = 'Should have raised exception' raise msg def test_urs2sww(self): tide = 1 base_name, files = self.create_mux() urs2sww(base_name #, origin=(0,0,0) , mean_stage=tide , remove_nc_files=True, verbose=self.verbose ) sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) assert num.allclose(geo_reference.get_absolute([[x[0],y[0]]]), [e,n]) # Make x and y absolute points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # elevation = - depth #momentum = velocity_ua *(stage+depth) # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files # answer_x = n*(e+tide+n) actual_x = xmomentum[0,0] #print "answer_x",answer_x #print "actual_x",actual_x assert num.allclose(answer_x, actual_x) #Meters #Check the momentums - va #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) # -(-elevation) since elevation is inverted in mux files #momentum = velocity_va *(stage+elevation) # = e*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files answer_y = e*(e+tide+n) * -1 # talking into account mux file format actual_y = ymomentum[0,0] #print "answer_y",answer_y #print "actual_y",actual_y assert num.allclose(answer_y, actual_y) #Meters assert num.allclose(answer_x, actual_x) #Meters # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation assert num.allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs2sww_momentum(self): tide = 1 time_step_count = 3 time_step = 2 #lat_long_points =[(-21.5,114.5),(-21.5,115),(-21.,114.5), (-21.,115.)] # This is gridded lat_long_points =[(-21.5,114.5),(-21,114.5),(-21.5,115), (-21.,115.)] depth=20 ha=2 ua=5 va=-10 #-ve added to take into account mux file format where south # is positive. base_name, files = self.write_mux(lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, depth=depth, ha=ha, ua=ua, va=va) # write_mux(self,lat_long_points, time_step_count, time_step, # depth=None, ha=None, ua=None, va=None urs2sww(base_name #, origin=(0,0,0) , mean_stage=tide , remove_nc_files=True, verbose=self.verbose ) sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] #assert allclose(stage[0,0], e + tide) #Meters #print "xmomentum", xmomentum #print "ymomentum", ymomentum #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*water height #water height = mux_depth + mux_height +tide #water height = mux_depth + mux_height +tide #momentum = velocity*(mux_depth + mux_height +tide) # answer = 115 actual = xmomentum[0,0] assert num.allclose(answer, actual) #Meters^2/ sec answer = 230 actual = ymomentum[0,0] #print "answer",answer #print "actual",actual assert num.allclose(answer, actual) #Meters^2/ sec # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage #assert allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation #assert allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs2sww_origin(self): tide = 1 base_name, files = self.create_mux() urs2sww(base_name , origin=(0,0,0) , mean_stage=tide , remove_nc_files=True, verbose=self.verbose ) sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) # x and y are absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) time = fid.variables['time'][:] #print "time", time assert num.allclose([0.,0.5,1.], time) assert fid.starttime == 0.0 #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) assert num.allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) #momentum = velocity*(stage+elevation) # -(-elevation) since elevation is inverted in mux files # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files answer = n*(e+tide+n) actual = xmomentum[0,0] assert num.allclose(answer, actual) #Meters # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation assert num.allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs2sww_minmaxlatlong(self): #longitudes = [150.66667, 150.83334, 151., 151.16667] #latitudes = [-34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34] tide = 1 base_name, files = self.create_mux() urs2sww(base_name, minlat=-34.5, maxlat=-34, minlon= 150.66667, maxlon= 151.16667, mean_stage=tide, remove_nc_files=True, verbose=self.verbose ) sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) # Make x and y absolute x = fid.variables['x'][:] y = fid.variables['y'][:] geo_reference = Geo_reference(NetCDFObject=fid) points = geo_reference.get_absolute(map(None, x, y)) points = ensure_numeric(points) x = points[:,0] y = points[:,1] #Check that first coordinate is correctly represented #Work out the UTM coordinates for first point zone, e, n = redfearn(-34.5, 150.66667) assert num.allclose([x[0],y[0]], [e,n]) #Check first value stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] elevation = fid.variables['elevation'][:] assert num.allclose(stage[0,0], e +tide) #Meters #Check the momentums - ua #momentum = velocity*(stage-elevation) #momentum = velocity*(stage+elevation) # -(-elevation) since elevation is inverted in mux files # = n*(e+tide+n) based on how I'm writing these files answer = n*(e+tide+n) actual = xmomentum[0,0] assert num.allclose(answer, actual) #Meters # check the stage values, first time step. # These arrays are equal since the Easting values were used as # the stage assert num.allclose(stage[0], x +tide) #Meters # check the elevation values. # -ve since urs measures depth, sww meshers height, # these arrays are equal since the northing values were used as # the elevation assert num.allclose(-elevation, y) #Meters fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) os.remove(sww_file) def test_urs2sww_minmaxmintmaxt(self): #longitudes = [150.66667, 150.83334, 151., 151.16667] #latitudes = [-34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34] tide = 1 base_name, files = self.create_mux() urs2sww(base_name, mint=0.25, maxt=0.75, mean_stage=tide, remove_nc_files=True, verbose=self.verbose) sww_file = base_name + '.sww' #Let's interigate the sww file # Note, the sww info is not gridded. It is point data. fid = NetCDFFile(sww_file) time = fid.variables['time'][:] assert num.allclose(time, [0.0]) # the time is relative assert fid.starttime == 0.5 fid.close() self.delete_mux(files) #print "sww_file", sww_file os.remove(sww_file) def test_read_asc(self): """Test conversion from dem in ascii format to native NetCDF format """ import time, os from file_conversion import _read_asc #Write test asc file filename = tempfile.mktemp(".000") fid = open(filename, 'w') fid.write("""ncols 7 nrows 4 xllcorner 2000.5 yllcorner 3000.5 cellsize 25 NODATA_value -9999 97.921 99.285 125.588 180.830 258.645 342.872 415.836 473.157 514.391 553.893 607.120 678.125 777.283 883.038 984.494 1040.349 1008.161 900.738 730.882 581.430 514.980 502.645 516.230 504.739 450.604 388.500 338.097 514.980 """) fid.close() bath_metadata, grid = _read_asc(filename, verbose=self.verbose) self.failUnless(bath_metadata['xllcorner'] == 2000.5, 'Failed') self.failUnless(bath_metadata['yllcorner'] == 3000.5, 'Failed') self.failUnless(bath_metadata['cellsize'] == 25, 'Failed') self.failUnless(bath_metadata['NODATA_value'] == -9999, 'Failed') self.failUnless(grid[0][0] == 97.921, 'Failed') self.failUnless(grid[3][6] == 514.980, 'Failed') os.remove(filename) #### TESTS FOR URS 2 SWW ### def create_mux(self, points_num=None): # write all the mux stuff. time_step_count = 3 time_step = 0.5 longitudes = [150.66667, 150.83334, 151., 151.16667] latitudes = [-34.5, -34.33333, -34.16667, -34] if points_num == None: points_num = len(longitudes) * len(latitudes) lonlatdeps = [] quantities = ['HA','UA','VA'] mux_names = [WAVEHEIGHT_MUX_LABEL, EAST_VELOCITY_LABEL, NORTH_VELOCITY_LABEL] quantities_init = [[],[],[]] # urs binary is latitude fastest for i,lon in enumerate(longitudes): for j,lat in enumerate(latitudes): _ , e, n = redfearn(lat, lon) lonlatdeps.append([lon, lat, n]) quantities_init[0].append(e) # HA quantities_init[1].append(n ) # UA quantities_init[2].append(e) # VA #print "lonlatdeps",lonlatdeps file_handle, base_name = tempfile.mkstemp("") os.close(file_handle) os.remove(base_name) files = [] for i,q in enumerate(quantities): quantities_init[i] = ensure_numeric(quantities_init[i]) #print "HA_init", HA_init q_time = num.zeros((time_step_count, points_num), num.float) for time in range(time_step_count): q_time[time,:] = quantities_init[i] #* time * 4 #Write C files columns = 3 # long, lat , depth file = base_name + mux_names[i] #print "base_name file",file f = open(file, 'wb') files.append(file) f.write(pack('i',points_num)) f.write(pack('i',time_step_count)) f.write(pack('f',time_step)) #write lat/long info for lonlatdep in lonlatdeps: for float in lonlatdep: f.write(pack('f',float)) # Write quantity info for time in range(time_step_count): for point_i in range(points_num): f.write(pack('f',q_time[time,point_i])) #print " mux_names[i]", mux_names[i] #print "f.write(pack('f',q_time[time,i]))", q_time[time,point_i] f.close() return base_name, files #------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_File_Conversion,'test') runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()