import unittest import copy import os import numpy as num from anuga.coordinate_transforms.geo_reference import Geo_reference from anuga.geometry.polygon import is_inside_polygon from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.util import file_function from anuga.config import netcdf_mode_r, netcdf_mode_w, netcdf_mode_a from anuga.config import g from boundaries import Reflective_boundary, \ Field_boundary, Transmissive_momentum_set_stage_boundary, \ Transmissive_stage_zero_momentum_boundary from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.generic_boundary_conditions\ import Transmissive_boundary, Dirichlet_boundary, \ Time_boundary, File_boundary, AWI_boundary from anuga.file.sww import get_mesh_and_quantities_from_file from shallow_water_domain import Domain from anuga.abstract_2d_finite_volumes.mesh_factory \ import rectangular_cross from sww_interrogate import get_maximum_inundation_elevation, \ get_maximum_inundation_location, get_maximum_inundation_data, \ get_flow_through_cross_section, get_energy_through_cross_section class Test_sww_Interrogate(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_maximum_inundation(self): """Test that sww information can be converted correctly to maximum runup elevation and location (without and with georeferencing) This test creates a slope and a runup which is maximal (~11m) at around 10s and levels out to the boundary condition (1m) at about 30s. """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile #Setup from mesh_factory import rectangular # Create basic mesh (100m x 100m) points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(20, 5, 100, 50) # Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.default_order = 2 domain.set_minimum_storable_height(0.01) domain.set_name('runuptest') swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True # FIXME (Ole): Backwards compatibility # Look at sww file and see what happens when # domain.tight_slope_limiters = 1 domain.tight_slope_limiters = 0 domain.use_centroid_velocities = 0 # Backwards compatibility (7/5/8) Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([1.0,0,0]) #---------- First run without geo referencing domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -0.2*x + 14) # Slope domain.set_quantity('stage', -6) domain.set_boundary( {'left': Br, 'right': Bd, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime = 50): pass # Check maximal runup runup = get_maximum_inundation_elevation(swwfile) location = get_maximum_inundation_location(swwfile) #print 'Runup, location', runup, location assert num.allclose(runup, 11) or num.allclose(runup, 12) # old limiters assert num.allclose(location[0], 15) or num.allclose(location[0], 10) # Check final runup runup = get_maximum_inundation_elevation(swwfile, time_interval=[45,50]) location = get_maximum_inundation_location(swwfile, time_interval=[45,50]) # print 'Runup, location:',runup, location assert num.allclose(runup, 1) assert num.allclose(location[0], 65) # Check runup restricted to a polygon p = [[50,1], [99,1], [99,49], [50,49]] runup = get_maximum_inundation_elevation(swwfile, polygon=p) location = get_maximum_inundation_location(swwfile, polygon=p) #print runup, location assert num.allclose(runup, 4) assert num.allclose(location[0], 50) # Check that mimimum_storable_height works fid = NetCDFFile(swwfile, netcdf_mode_r) # Open existing file stage = fid.variables['stage'][:] z = fid.variables['elevation'][:] xmomentum = fid.variables['xmomentum'][:] ymomentum = fid.variables['ymomentum'][:] for i in range(stage.shape[0]): h = stage[i]-z # depth vector at time step i # Check every node location for j in range(stage.shape[1]): # Depth being either exactly zero implies # momentum being zero. # Or else depth must be greater than or equal to # the minimal storable height if h[j] == 0.0: assert xmomentum[i,j] == 0.0 assert ymomentum[i,j] == 0.0 else: assert h[j] >= domain.minimum_storable_height fid.close() # Cleanup os.remove(swwfile) #------------- Now the same with georeferencing domain.time=0.0 E = 308500 N = 6189000 #E = N = 0 domain.geo_reference = Geo_reference(56, E, N) domain.set_quantity('elevation', lambda x,y: -0.2*x + 14) # Slope domain.set_quantity('stage', -6) domain.set_boundary( {'left': Br, 'right': Bd, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime = 50): pass # Check maximal runup runup = get_maximum_inundation_elevation(swwfile) location = get_maximum_inundation_location(swwfile) assert num.allclose(runup, 11) or num.allclose(runup, 12) # old limiters assert num.allclose(location[0], 15+E) or num.allclose(location[0], 10+E) # Check final runup runup = get_maximum_inundation_elevation(swwfile, time_interval=[45,50]) location = get_maximum_inundation_location(swwfile, time_interval=[45,50]) assert num.allclose(runup, 1) assert num.allclose(location[0], 65+E) # Check runup restricted to a polygon p = num.array([[50,1], [99,1], [99,49], [50,49]], + num.array([E, N], #array default# runup = get_maximum_inundation_elevation(swwfile, polygon=p) location = get_maximum_inundation_location(swwfile, polygon=p) assert num.allclose(runup, 4) assert num.allclose(location[0], 50+E) # Cleanup os.remove(swwfile) def test_get_flow_through_cross_section(self): """test_get_flow_through_cross_section(self): Test that the total flow through a cross section can be correctly obtained from an sww file. This test creates a flat bed with a known flow through it and tests that the function correctly returns the expected flow. The specifics are u = 2 m/s h = 1 m w = 3 m (width of channel) q = u*h*w = 6 m^3/s #---------- First run without geo referencing """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # Setup from mesh_factory import rectangular # Create basic mesh (20m x 3m) width = 3 length = 20 t_end = 3 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(length, width, length, width) # Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.default_order = 2 domain.set_minimum_storable_height(0.01) domain.set_name('flowtest') swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True h = 1.0 u = 2.0 uh = u*h Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) # Side walls Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([h, uh, 0]) # 2 m/s across the 3 m inlet: domain.set_quantity('elevation', 0.0) domain.set_quantity('stage', h) domain.set_quantity('xmomentum', uh) domain.set_boundary( {'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime = t_end): pass # Check that momentum is as it should be in the interior I = [[0, width/2.], [length/2., width/2.], [length, width/2.]] f = file_function(swwfile, quantities=['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'], interpolation_points=I, verbose=False) for t in range(t_end+1): for i in range(3): assert num.allclose(f(t, i), [1, 2, 0], atol=1.0e-6) # Check flows through the middle for i in range(5): x = length/2. + i*0.23674563 # Arbitrary cross_section = [[x, 0], [x, width]] time, Q = get_flow_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, verbose=False) assert num.allclose(Q, uh*width) # Try the same with partial lines x = length/2. for i in range(5): start_point = [length/2., i*width/5.] #print start_point cross_section = [start_point, [length/2., width]] time, Q = get_flow_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, verbose=False) #print i, Q, (width-start_point[1]) assert num.allclose(Q, uh*(width-start_point[1])) # Verify no flow when line is parallel to flow cross_section = [[length/2.-10, width/2.], [length/2.+10, width/2.]] time, Q = get_flow_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, verbose=False) #print i, Q assert num.allclose(Q, 0, atol=1.0e-5) # Try with lines on an angle (all flow still runs through here) cross_section = [[length/2., 0], [length/2.+width, width]] time, Q = get_flow_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, verbose=False) assert num.allclose(Q, uh*width) def test_get_flow_through_cross_section_with_geo(self): """test_get_flow_through_cross_section(self): Test that the total flow through a cross section can be correctly obtained from an sww file. This test creates a flat bed with a known flow through it and tests that the function correctly returns the expected flow. The specifics are u = 2 m/s h = 2 m w = 3 m (width of channel) q = u*h*w = 12 m^3/s This run tries it with georeferencing and with elevation = -1 """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # Setup from mesh_factory import rectangular # Create basic mesh (20m x 3m) width = 3 length = 20 t_end = 1 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(length, width, length, width) # Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary, geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000)) domain.default_order = 2 domain.set_minimum_storable_height(0.01) domain.set_name('flowtest') swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True e = -1.0 w = 1.0 h = w-e u = 2.0 uh = u*h Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) # Side walls Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([w, uh, 0]) # 2 m/s across the 3 m inlet: domain.set_quantity('elevation', e) domain.set_quantity('stage', w) domain.set_quantity('xmomentum', uh) domain.set_boundary( {'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime = t_end): pass # Check that momentum is as it should be in the interior I = [[0, width/2.], [length/2., width/2.], [length, width/2.]] I = domain.geo_reference.get_absolute(I) f = file_function(swwfile, quantities=['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'], interpolation_points=I, verbose=False) for t in range(t_end+1): for i in range(3): #print i, t, f(t, i) assert num.allclose(f(t, i), [w, uh, 0], atol=1.0e-6) # Check flows through the middle for i in range(5): x = length/2. + i*0.23674563 # Arbitrary cross_section = [[x, 0], [x, width]] cross_section = domain.geo_reference.get_absolute(cross_section) time, Q = get_flow_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, verbose=False) assert num.allclose(Q, uh*width) def test_get_energy_through_cross_section(self): """test_get_energy_through_cross_section(self): Test that the specific and total energy through a cross section can be correctly obtained from an sww file. This test creates a flat bed with a known flow through it and tests that the function correctly returns the expected energies. The specifics are u = 2 m/s h = 1 m w = 3 m (width of channel) q = u*h*w = 6 m^3/s Es = h + 0.5*v*v/g # Specific energy head [m] Et = w + 0.5*v*v/g # Total energy head [m] This test uses georeferencing """ import time, os from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile # Setup from mesh_factory import rectangular # Create basic mesh (20m x 3m) width = 3 length = 20 t_end = 1 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular(length, width, length, width) # Create shallow water domain domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary, geo_reference = Geo_reference(56,308500,6189000)) domain.default_order = 2 domain.set_minimum_storable_height(0.01) domain.set_name('flowtest') swwfile = domain.get_name() + '.sww' domain.set_datadir('.') domain.format = 'sww' domain.smooth = True e = -1.0 w = 1.0 h = w-e u = 2.0 uh = u*h Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) # Side walls Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([w, uh, 0]) # 2 m/s across the 3 m inlet: domain.set_quantity('elevation', e) domain.set_quantity('stage', w) domain.set_quantity('xmomentum', uh) domain.set_boundary( {'left': Bd, 'right': Bd, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=1, finaltime = t_end): pass # Check that momentum is as it should be in the interior I = [[0, width/2.], [length/2., width/2.], [length, width/2.]] I = domain.geo_reference.get_absolute(I) f = file_function(swwfile, quantities=['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'], interpolation_points=I, verbose=False) for t in range(t_end+1): for i in range(3): #print i, t, f(t, i) assert num.allclose(f(t, i), [w, uh, 0], atol=1.0e-6) # Check energies through the middle for i in range(5): x = length/2. + i*0.23674563 # Arbitrary cross_section = [[x, 0], [x, width]] cross_section = domain.geo_reference.get_absolute(cross_section) time, Es = get_energy_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, kind='specific', verbose=False) assert num.allclose(Es, h + 0.5*u*u/g) time, Et = get_energy_through_cross_section(swwfile, cross_section, kind='total', verbose=False) assert num.allclose(Et, w + 0.5*u*u/g) def test_get_maximum_inundation_from_sww(self): """test_get_maximum_inundation_from_sww(self) Test of get_maximum_inundation_elevation() and get_maximum_inundation_location() from This is based on test_get_maximum_inundation_3(self) but works with the stored results instead of with the internal data structure. This test uses the underlying get_maximum_inundation_data for tests """ initial_runup_height = -0.4 final_runup_height = -0.3 #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup computational domain #-------------------------------------------------------------- N = 10 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular_cross(N, N) domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.set_name('runup_test') domain.set_maximum_allowed_speed(1.0) # FIXME: This works better with old limiters so far domain.tight_slope_limiters = 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup initial conditions #-------------------------------------------------------------- def topography(x, y): return -x/2 # linear bed slope # Use function for elevation domain.set_quantity('elevation', topography) domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.) # Zero friction # Constant negative initial stage domain.set_quantity('stage', initial_runup_height) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup boundary conditions #-------------------------------------------------------------- Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) # Reflective wall Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([final_runup_height, 0, 0]) # Constant inflow # All reflective to begin with (still water) domain.set_boundary({'left': Br, 'right': Br, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Test initial inundation height #-------------------------------------------------------------- indices = domain.get_wet_elements() z = domain.get_quantity('elevation').\ get_values(location='centroids', indices=indices) assert num.alltrue(z < initial_runup_height) q_ref = domain.get_maximum_inundation_elevation() # First order accuracy assert num.allclose(q_ref, initial_runup_height, rtol=1.0/N) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Let triangles adjust #-------------------------------------------------------------- for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 0.1, finaltime = 1.0): pass #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Test inundation height again #-------------------------------------------------------------- q_ref = domain.get_maximum_inundation_elevation() q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww') msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, q_ref) assert num.allclose(q, q_ref, rtol=1.0/N), msg q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww') msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, initial_runup_height) assert num.allclose(q, initial_runup_height, rtol = 1.0/N), msg # Test error condition if time interval is out try: q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww', time_interval=[2.0, 3.0]) except ValueError: pass else: msg = 'should have caught wrong time interval' raise Exception, msg # Check correct time interval q, loc = get_maximum_inundation_data('runup_test.sww', time_interval=[0.0, 3.0]) msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, initial_runup_height) assert num.allclose(q, initial_runup_height, rtol = 1.0/N), msg assert num.allclose(-loc[0]/2, q) # From topography formula #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Update boundary to allow inflow #-------------------------------------------------------------- domain.set_boundary({'right': Bd}) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Evolve system through time #-------------------------------------------------------------- q_max = None for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 0.1, finaltime = 3.0, skip_initial_step = True): q = domain.get_maximum_inundation_elevation() if q > q_max: q_max = q #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Test inundation height again #-------------------------------------------------------------- indices = domain.get_wet_elements() z = domain.get_quantity('elevation').\ get_values(location='centroids', indices=indices) assert num.alltrue(z < final_runup_height) q = domain.get_maximum_inundation_elevation() # First order accuracy assert num.allclose(q, final_runup_height, rtol=1.0/N) q, loc = get_maximum_inundation_data('runup_test.sww', time_interval=[3.0, 3.0]) msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, final_runup_height) assert num.allclose(q, final_runup_height, rtol=1.0/N), msg assert num.allclose(-loc[0]/2, q) # From topography formula q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww') loc = get_maximum_inundation_location('runup_test.sww') msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, q_max) assert num.allclose(q, q_max, rtol=1.0/N), msg assert num.allclose(-loc[0]/2, q) # From topography formula q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww', time_interval=[0, 3]) msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, q_max) assert num.allclose(q, q_max, rtol=1.0/N), msg # Check polygon mode # Runup region polygon = [[0.3, 0.0], [0.9, 0.0], [0.9, 1.0], [0.3, 1.0]] q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww', polygon = polygon, time_interval=[0, 3]) msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, q_max) assert num.allclose(q, q_max, rtol=1.0/N), msg # Offshore region polygon = [[0.9, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.9, 1.0]] q, loc = get_maximum_inundation_data('runup_test.sww', polygon = polygon, time_interval=[0, 3]) msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, -0.475) assert num.allclose(q, -0.475, rtol=1.0/N), msg assert is_inside_polygon(loc, polygon) assert num.allclose(-loc[0]/2, q) # From topography formula # Dry region polygon = [[0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.0], [0.4, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]] q, loc = get_maximum_inundation_data('runup_test.sww', polygon = polygon, time_interval=[0, 3]) msg = 'We got %s, should have been None' % (q) assert q is None, msg msg = 'We got %s, should have been None' % (loc) assert loc is None, msg # Check what happens if no time point is within interval try: q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww', time_interval=[2.75, 2.75]) except AssertionError: pass else: msg = 'Time interval should have raised an exception' raise Exception, msg # Cleanup try: os.remove(domain.get_name() + '.sww') except: pass #FIXME(Ole): Windows won't allow removal of this def test_get_maximum_inundation_from_sww(self): """test_get_maximum_inundation_from_sww(self) Test of get_maximum_inundation_elevation() and get_maximum_inundation_location(). This is based on test_get_maximum_inundation_3(self) but works with the stored results instead of with the internal data structure. This test uses the underlying get_maximum_inundation_data for tests """ initial_runup_height = -0.4 final_runup_height = -0.3 #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup computational domain #-------------------------------------------------------------- N = 10 points, vertices, boundary = rectangular_cross(N, N) domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.set_name('runup_test') domain.set_maximum_allowed_speed(1.0) # FIXME: This works better with old limiters so far domain.tight_slope_limiters = 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup initial conditions #-------------------------------------------------------------- def topography(x, y): return -x/2 # linear bed slope # Use function for elevation domain.set_quantity('elevation', topography) domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.) # Zero friction # Constant negative initial stage domain.set_quantity('stage', initial_runup_height) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup boundary conditions #-------------------------------------------------------------- Br = Reflective_boundary(domain) # Reflective wall Bd = Dirichlet_boundary([final_runup_height, 0, 0]) # Constant inflow # All reflective to begin with (still water) domain.set_boundary({'left': Br, 'right': Br, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Test initial inundation height #-------------------------------------------------------------- indices = domain.get_wet_elements() z = domain.get_quantity('elevation').\ get_values(location='centroids', indices=indices) assert num.alltrue(z < initial_runup_height) q_ref = domain.get_maximum_inundation_elevation() # First order accuracy assert num.allclose(q_ref, initial_runup_height, rtol=1.0/N) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Let triangles adjust #-------------------------------------------------------------- for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 0.1, finaltime = 1.0): pass #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Test inundation height again #-------------------------------------------------------------- q_ref = domain.get_maximum_inundation_elevation() q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww') msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, q_ref) assert num.allclose(q, q_ref, rtol=1.0/N), msg q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww') msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, initial_runup_height) assert num.allclose(q, initial_runup_height, rtol = 1.0/N), msg # Test error condition if time interval is out try: q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww', time_interval=[2.0, 3.0]) except ValueError: pass else: msg = 'should have caught wrong time interval' raise Exception, msg # Check correct time interval q, loc = get_maximum_inundation_data('runup_test.sww', time_interval=[0.0, 3.0]) msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, initial_runup_height) assert num.allclose(q, initial_runup_height, rtol = 1.0/N), msg assert num.allclose(-loc[0]/2, q) # From topography formula #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Update boundary to allow inflow #-------------------------------------------------------------- domain.set_boundary({'right': Bd}) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Evolve system through time #-------------------------------------------------------------- q_max = None for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 0.1, finaltime = 3.0, skip_initial_step = True): q = domain.get_maximum_inundation_elevation() if q > q_max: q_max = q #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Test inundation height again #-------------------------------------------------------------- indices = domain.get_wet_elements() z = domain.get_quantity('elevation').\ get_values(location='centroids', indices=indices) assert num.alltrue(z < final_runup_height) q = domain.get_maximum_inundation_elevation() # First order accuracy assert num.allclose(q, final_runup_height, rtol=1.0/N) q, loc = get_maximum_inundation_data('runup_test.sww', time_interval=[3.0, 3.0]) msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, final_runup_height) assert num.allclose(q, final_runup_height, rtol=1.0/N), msg assert num.allclose(-loc[0]/2, q) # From topography formula q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww') loc = get_maximum_inundation_location('runup_test.sww') msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, q_max) assert num.allclose(q, q_max, rtol=1.0/N), msg assert num.allclose(-loc[0]/2, q) # From topography formula q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww', time_interval=[0, 3]) msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, q_max) assert num.allclose(q, q_max, rtol=1.0/N), msg # Check polygon mode # Runup region polygon = [[0.3, 0.0], [0.9, 0.0], [0.9, 1.0], [0.3, 1.0]] q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww', polygon = polygon, time_interval=[0, 3]) msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, q_max) assert num.allclose(q, q_max, rtol=1.0/N), msg # Offshore region polygon = [[0.9, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.9, 1.0]] q, loc = get_maximum_inundation_data('runup_test.sww', polygon = polygon, time_interval=[0, 3]) msg = 'We got %f, should have been %f' % (q, -0.475) assert num.allclose(q, -0.475, rtol=1.0/N), msg assert is_inside_polygon(loc, polygon) assert num.allclose(-loc[0]/2, q) # From topography formula # Dry region polygon = [[0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.0], [0.4, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]] q, loc = get_maximum_inundation_data('runup_test.sww', polygon = polygon, time_interval=[0, 3]) msg = 'We got %s, should have been None' % (q) assert q is None, msg msg = 'We got %s, should have been None' % (loc) assert loc is None, msg # Check what happens if no time point is within interval try: q = get_maximum_inundation_elevation('runup_test.sww', time_interval=[2.75, 2.75]) except AssertionError: pass else: msg = 'Time interval should have raised an exception' raise Exception, msg # Cleanup try: os.remove(domain.get_name() + '.sww') except: pass #FIXME(Ole): Windows won't allow removal of this if __name__ == "__main__": suite = unittest.makeSuite(Test_sww_Interrogate, 'test') runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() #verbosity=2)