import sys from anuga.shallow_water.forcing import Inflow, General_forcing from anuga.utilities.system_tools import log_to_file from anuga.geometry.polygon import inside_polygon, is_inside_polygon from anuga.geometry.polygon import plot_polygons, polygon_area from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import mean from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric, sign from anuga.config import g, epsilon from anuga.config import minimum_allowed_height, velocity_protection import anuga.utilities.log as log import numpy as num from math import sqrt class Below_interval(Exception): pass class Above_interval(Exception): pass class Generic_box_culvert: """Culvert flow - transfer water from one rectangular box to another. Sets up the geometry of problem This is the base class for culverts. Inherit from this class (and overwrite compute_discharge method for specific subclasses) Input: Two points, pipe_size (either diameter or width, height), mannings_rougness, """ def __init__(self, domain, end_point0=None, end_point1=None, enquiry_gap_factor=0.2, width=None, height=None, verbose=False): # Input check self.domain = domain self.domain.set_fractional_step_operator(self) self.end_points= [end_point0, end_point1] self.enquiry_gap_factor = enquiry_gap_factor if height is None: height = width self.width = width self.height = height self.verbose=verbose self.filename = None # Create the fundamental culvert polygons from polygon self.create_culvert_polygons() self.compute_enquiry_indices() self.check_culvert_inside_domain() self.compute_exchange_triangle_indices() #self.print_stats() def __call__(self): # Time stuff time = self.domain.get_time() timestep = self.domain.get_timestep() inlet_indices = self.exchange_triangle_indices[0] outlet_indices = self.exchange_triangle_indices[1] areas = self.domain.areas stage = self.domain.quantities['stage'].centroid_values elevation = self.domain.quantities['elevation'].centroid_values xmom = self.domain.quantities['xmomentum'].centroid_values ymom = self.domain.quantities['ymomentum'].centroid_values # Inlet averages inlet_heights = stage[inlet_indices]-elevation[inlet_indices] inlet_areas = areas[inlet_indices] inlet_water = num.sum(inlet_heights*inlet_areas) average_inlet_water = inlet_water/self.exchange_areas[0] # Outlet averages outlet_heights = stage[outlet_indices]-elevation[outlet_indices] outlet_areas = areas[outlet_indices] outlet_water = num.sum(outlet_heights*outlet_areas) average_outlet_water = outlet_water/self.exchange_areas[1] # Transfer transfer_water = timestep*inlet_water stage[inlet_indices] = elevation[inlet_indices] + average_inlet_water - transfer_water xmom[inlet_indices] = 0.0 ymom[inlet_indices] = 0.0 stage[outlet_indices] = elevation[outlet_indices] + average_outlet_water + transfer_water xmom[outlet_indices] = 0.0 ymom[outlet_indices] = 0.0 def print_stats(self): print '=====================================' print 'Generic Culvert Operator' print '=====================================' print "enquiry_gap_factor" print self.enquiry_gap_factor for i in [0,1]: print '-------------------------------------' print 'exchange_region %i' % i print '-------------------------------------' print 'exchange triangle indices and centres' print self.exchange_triangle_indices[i] print self.domain.get_centroid_coordinates()[self.exchange_triangle_indices[i]] print 'end_point' print self.end_points[i] print 'exchange_polygon' print self.exchange_polygons[i] print 'enquiry_point' print self.enquiry_points[i] print '=====================================' def compute_exchange_triangle_indices(self): # Get boundary (in absolute coordinates) domain = self.domain bounding_polygon = domain.get_boundary_polygon() centroids = domain.get_centroid_coordinates(absolute=True) self.exchange_triangle_indices = [] self.exchange_areas = [] for i in [0,1]: exchange_polygon = self.exchange_polygons[i] # Check that polygon lies within the mesh. for point in exchange_polygon: msg = 'Point %s in polygon for forcing term' % str(point) msg += ' did not fall within the domain boundary.' assert is_inside_polygon(point, bounding_polygon), msg exchange_triangle_indices = inside_polygon(centroids, exchange_polygon) if len(exchange_triangle_indices) == 0: region = 'polygon=%s' % (exchange_polygon) msg = 'No triangles have been identified in ' msg += 'specified region: %s' % region raise Exception, msg # Compute exchange area as the sum of areas of triangles identified # by polygon exchange_area = 0.0 for j in exchange_triangle_indices: exchange_area += domain.areas[j] msg = 'Exchange area %f in culvert' % i msg += ' has area = %f' % exchange_area assert exchange_area > 0.0 self.exchange_triangle_indices.append(exchange_triangle_indices) self.exchange_areas.append(exchange_area) def set_store_hydrograph_discharge(self, filename=None): if filename is None: self.filename = 'culvert_discharge_hydrograph' else: self.filename = filename self.discharge_hydrograph = True self.timeseries_filename = self.filename + '_timeseries.csv' fid = open(self.timeseries_filename, 'w') fid.write('time, discharge\n') fid.close() def create_culvert_polygons(self): """Create polygons at the end of a culvert inlet and outlet. At either end two polygons will be created; one for the actual flow to pass through and one a little further away for enquiring the total energy at both ends of the culvert and transferring flow. """ # Calculate geometry x0, y0 = self.end_points[0] x1, y1 = self.end_points[1] dx = x1 - x0 dy = y1 - y0 self.culvert_vector = num.array([dx, dy]) self.culvert_length = sqrt(num.sum(self.culvert_vector**2)) assert self.culvert_length > 0.0, 'The length of culvert is less than 0' # Unit direction vector and normal self.culvert_vector /= self.culvert_length # Unit vector in culvert direction self.culvert_normal = num.array([-dy, dx])/self.culvert_length # Normal vector # Short hands w = 0.5*self.width*self.culvert_normal # Perpendicular vector of 1/2 width h = self.height*self.culvert_vector # Vector of length=height in the # direction of the culvert gap = (1 + self.enquiry_gap_factor)*h self.exchange_polygons = [] self.enquiry_points = [] # Build exchange polygon and enquiry points 0 and 1 for i in [0, 1]: i0 = (2*i-1) p0 = self.end_points[i] + w p1 = self.end_points[i] - w p2 = p1 + i0*h p3 = p0 + i0*h self.exchange_polygons.append(num.array([p0, p1, p2, p3])) self.enquiry_points.append(self.end_points[i] + i0*gap) # Check that enquiry points are outside exchange polygons for i in [0,1]: polygon = self.exchange_polygons[i] # FIXME (SR) Probably should calculate the area of all the triangles # associated with this polygon, as there is likely to be some # inconsistency between triangles and ploygon area = polygon_area(polygon) msg = 'Polygon %s ' %(polygon) msg += ' has area = %f' % area assert area > 0.0, msg for j in [0,1]: point = self.enquiry_points[j] msg = 'Enquiry point falls inside a culvert polygon.' assert not inside_polygon(point, polygon), msg def compute_enquiry_indices(self): """Get indices for nearest centroids to self.enquiry_points """ domain = self.domain enquiry_indices = [] for point in self.enquiry_points: # Find nearest centroid N = len(domain) points = domain.get_centroid_coordinates(absolute=True) # Calculate indices in exchange area for this forcing term triangle_id = min_dist = sys.maxint for k in range(N): x, y = points[k,:] # Centroid c = point distance = (x-c[0])**2+(y-c[1])**2 if distance < min_dist: min_dist = distance triangle_id = k if triangle_id < sys.maxint: msg = 'found triangle with centroid (%f, %f)'\ %tuple(points[triangle_id, :]) msg += ' for point (%f, %f)' %tuple(point) enquiry_indices.append(triangle_id) else: msg = 'Triangle not found for point (%f, %f)' %point raise Exception, msg self.enquiry_indices = enquiry_indices def check_culvert_inside_domain(self): """Check that all polygons and enquiry points lie within the mesh. """ bounding_polygon = self.domain.get_boundary_polygon() for i in [0, 1]: for point in list(self.exchange_polygons[i]) + self.enquiry_points: msg = 'Point %s did not '\ %(str(point)) msg += 'fall within the domain boundary.' assert is_inside_polygon(point, bounding_polygon), msg def adjust_flow_for_available_water_at_inlet(self, Q, delta_t): """Adjust Q downwards depending on available water at inlet This is a critical step in modelling bridges and Culverts the predicted flow through a structure based on an abstract algorithm can at times request for water that is simply not available due to any number of constrictions that limit the flow approaching the structure In order to ensure that there is adequate flow available certain checks are required There needs to be a check using the Static Water Volume sitting infront of the structure, In addition if the water is moving the available water will be larger than the static volume NOTE To temporarily switch this off for Debugging purposes rem out line in function def compute_rates below """ if delta_t < epsilon: # No need to adjust if time step is very small or zero # In this case the possible flow will be very large # anyway. return Q # Short hands domain = self.domain dq = domain.quantities time = domain.get_time() I = self.inlet idx = I.exchange_indices # Find triangle with the smallest depth stage = dq['stage'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx]) elevation = dq['elevation'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx]) depth = stage-elevation min_depth = min(depth.flat) # This may lead to errors if edge of area is at a higher level !!!! avg_depth = mean(depth.flat) # Yes, but this one violates the conservation unit tests # FIXME (Ole): If you want these, use log.critical() and # make the statements depend on verbose #print I.depth #print I.velocity #print self.width # max_Q Based on Volume Calcs depth_term = min_depth*I.exchange_area/delta_t if min_depth < 0.2: # Only add velocity term in shallow waters (< 20 cm) # This is a little ad hoc, but maybe it is reasonable velocity_term = self.width*min_depth*I.velocity else: velocity_term = 0.0 # This one takes approaching water into account max_Q = max(velocity_term, depth_term) # This one preserves Volume #max_Q = depth_term if self.verbose is True: log.critical('Max_Q = %f' % max_Q) msg = 'Width = %.2fm, Depth at inlet = %.2f m, Velocity = %.2f m/s. ' % (self.width, I.depth, I.velocity) msg += 'Max Q = %.2f m^3/s' %(max_Q) log.critical(msg) if self.log_filename is not None: log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) # New Procedure for assessing the flow available to the Culvert # This routine uses the GET FLOW THROUGH CROSS SECTION # Need to check Several Polyline however # Firstly 3 sides of the exchange Poly # then only the Line Directly infront of the Polygon # Access polygon Points from self.inlet.polygon # The Following computes the flow crossing over 3 sides of the exchange polygon for the structure # Clearly the flow in the culvert can not be more than that flowing toward it through the exhange polygon #q1 = domain.get_flow_through_cross_section(self.culvert_polygons['exchange_polygon0'][1:3]) # First Side Segment #q2 = domain.get_flow_through_cross_section(self.culvert_polygons['exchange_polygon0'][2:]) # Second Face Segment #q3 =domain.get_flow_through_cross_section(self.culvert_polygons['exchange_polygon0'].take([3,0], axis=0)) # Third Side Segment # q4 = domain.get_flow_through_cross_section([self.culvert_polygons['exchange_polygon0'][1:4]][0]) #q4=max(q1,0.0)+max(q2,0.0)+max(q3,0.0) # To use only the Flow crossing the 3 sides of the Exchange Polygon use the following Line Only #max_Q=max(q1,q2,q3,q4) # Try Simple Smoothing using Average of 2 approaches #max_Q=(max(q1,q2,q3,q4)+max_Q)/2.0 # Calculate the minimum in absolute terms of # the requsted flow and the possible flow Q_reduced = sign(Q)*min(abs(Q), abs(max_Q)) if self.verbose is True: msg = 'Initial Q Reduced = %.2f m3/s. ' % (Q_reduced) log.critical(msg) if self.log_filename is not None: log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) # Now Keep Rolling Average of Computed Discharge to Reduce / Remove Oscillations # can use delta_t if we want to averageover a time frame for example # N = 5.0/delta_t Will provide the average over 5 seconds self.i=(self.i+1)%self.N self.Q_list[self.i]=Q_reduced Q_reduced = sum(self.Q_list)/len(self.Q_list) if self.verbose is True: msg = 'Final Q Reduced = %.2f m3/s. ' % (Q_reduced) log.critical(msg) if self.log_filename is not None: log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) if abs(Q_reduced) < abs(Q): msg = '%.2fs: Requested flow is ' % time msg += 'greater than what is supported by the smallest ' msg += 'depth at inlet exchange area:\n ' msg += 'inlet exchange area: %.2f '% (I.exchange_area) msg += 'velocity at inlet :%.2f '% (I.velocity) msg += 'Vel* Exch Area = : %.2f '% (I.velocity*avg_depth*self.width) msg += 'h_min*inlet_area/delta_t = %.2f*%.2f/%.2f '\ % (avg_depth, I.exchange_area, delta_t) msg += ' = %.2f m^3/s\n ' % Q_reduced msg += 'Q will be reduced from %.2f m^3/s to %.2f m^3/s.' % (Q, Q_reduced) msg += 'Note calculate max_Q from V %.2f m^3/s ' % (max_Q) if self.verbose is True: log.critical(msg) if self.log_filename is not None: log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) return Q_reduced def compute_rates(self, delta_t): """Compute new rates for inlet and outlet """ # Short hands domain = self.domain dq = domain.quantities # Time stuff time = domain.get_time() self.last_update = time if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): log_filename = self.log_filename # Compute stage, energy and velocity at the # enquiry points at each end of the culvert openings = self.openings for i, opening in enumerate(openings): idx = self.enquiry_indices[i] stage = dq['stage'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx])[0] depth = h = stage-opening.elevation # Get velocity xmomentum = dq['xmomentum'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx])[0] ymomentum = dq['xmomentum'].get_values(location='centroids', indices=[idx])[0] if h > minimum_allowed_height: u = xmomentum/(h + velocity_protection/h) v = ymomentum/(h + velocity_protection/h) else: u = v = 0.0 v_squared = u*u + v*v if self.use_velocity_head is True: velocity_head = 0.5*v_squared/g else: velocity_head = 0.0 opening.total_energy = velocity_head + stage opening.specific_energy = velocity_head + depth opening.stage = stage opening.depth = depth opening.velocity = sqrt(v_squared) # We now need to deal with each opening individually # Determine flow direction based on total energy difference delta_total_energy = openings[0].total_energy - openings[1].total_energy if delta_total_energy > 0: inlet = openings[0] outlet = openings[1] # FIXME: I think this whole momentum jet thing could be a bit more elegant inlet.momentum = self.opening_momentum[0] outlet.momentum = self.opening_momentum[1] else: inlet = openings[1] outlet = openings[0] inlet.momentum = self.opening_momentum[1] outlet.momentum = self.opening_momentum[0] delta_total_energy = -delta_total_energy self.inlet = inlet self.outlet = outlet msg = 'Total energy difference is negative' assert delta_total_energy >= 0.0, msg # Recompute slope and issue warning if flow is uphill # These values do not enter the computation delta_z = inlet.elevation - outlet.elevation culvert_slope = (delta_z/self.length) if culvert_slope < 0.0: # Adverse gradient - flow is running uphill # Flow will be purely controlled by uphill outlet face if self.verbose is True: log.critical('%.2fs - WARNING: Flow is running uphill.' % time) if self.log_filename is not None: s = 'Time=%.2f, inlet stage = %.2f, outlet stage = %.2f'\ %(time, self.inlet.stage, self.outlet.stage) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) s = 'Delta total energy = %.3f' %(delta_total_energy) log_to_file(log_filename, s) # Determine controlling energy (driving head) for culvert if inlet.specific_energy > delta_total_energy: # Outlet control driving_head = delta_total_energy else: # Inlet control driving_head = inlet.specific_energy if self.inlet.depth <= self.trigger_depth: Q = 0.0 else: # Calculate discharge for one barrel and # set inlet.rate and outlet.rate if self.culvert_description_filename is not None: try: Q = interpolate_linearly(driving_head, self.rating_curve[:,0], self.rating_curve[:,1]) except Below_interval, e: Q = self.rating_curve[0,1] msg = '%.2fs: ' % time msg += 'Delta head smaller than rating curve minimum: ' msg += str(e) msg += '\n ' msg += 'I will use minimum discharge %.2f m^3/s ' % Q msg += 'for culvert "%s"' % self.label if hasattr(self, 'log_filename'): log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) except Above_interval, e: Q = self.rating_curve[-1,1] msg = '%.2fs: ' % time msg += 'Delta head greater than rating curve maximum: ' msg += str(e) msg += '\n ' msg += 'I will use maximum discharge %.2f m^3/s ' % Q msg += 'for culvert "%s"' % self.label if self.log_filename is not None: log_to_file(self.log_filename, msg) else: # User culvert routine Q, barrel_velocity, culvert_outlet_depth =\ self.culvert_routine(inlet.depth, outlet.depth, inlet.velocity, outlet.velocity, inlet.specific_energy, delta_total_energy, g, culvert_length=self.length, culvert_width=self.width, culvert_height=self.height, culvert_type=self.culvert_type, manning=self.manning, sum_loss=self.sum_loss, log_filename=self.log_filename) # Adjust discharge for multiple barrels Q *= self.number_of_barrels # Adjust discharge for available water at the inlet Q = self.adjust_flow_for_available_water_at_inlet(Q, delta_t) self.inlet.rate = -Q self.outlet.rate = Q # Momentum jet stuff if self.use_momentum_jet is True: # Compute barrel momentum barrel_momentum = barrel_velocity*culvert_outlet_depth if self.log_filename is not None: s = 'Barrel velocity = %f' %barrel_velocity log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) # Compute momentum vector at outlet outlet_mom_x, outlet_mom_y = self.vector * barrel_momentum if self.log_filename is not None: s = 'Directional momentum = (%f, %f)' %(outlet_mom_x, outlet_mom_y) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) # Update momentum if delta_t > 0.0: xmomentum_rate = outlet_mom_x - outlet.momentum[0].value xmomentum_rate /= delta_t ymomentum_rate = outlet_mom_y - outlet.momentum[1].value ymomentum_rate /= delta_t if self.log_filename is not None: s = 'X Y MOM_RATE = (%f, %f) ' %(xmomentum_rate, ymomentum_rate) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) else: xmomentum_rate = ymomentum_rate = 0.0 # Set momentum rates for outlet jet outlet.momentum[0].rate = xmomentum_rate outlet.momentum[1].rate = ymomentum_rate # Remember this value for next step (IMPORTANT) outlet.momentum[0].value = outlet_mom_x outlet.momentum[1].value = outlet_mom_y if int(domain.time*100) % 100 == 0: if self.log_filename is not None: s = 'T=%.5f, Culvert Discharge = %.3f f'\ %(time, Q) s += ' Depth= %0.3f Momentum = (%0.3f, %0.3f)'\ %(culvert_outlet_depth, outlet_mom_x,outlet_mom_y) s += ' Momentum rate: (%.4f, %.4f)'\ %(xmomentum_rate, ymomentum_rate) s+='Outlet Vel= %.3f'\ %(barrel_velocity) log_to_file(self.log_filename, s) # Execute momentum terms # This is where Inflow objects are evaluated and update the domain self.outlet.momentum[0](domain) self.outlet.momentum[1](domain) # Log timeseries to file try: fid = open(self.timeseries_filename, 'a') except: pass else: fid.write('%.2f, %.2f\n' %(time, Q)) fid.close() # Store value of time self.last_time = time # FIXME(Ole): Write in C and reuse this function by similar code # in def interpolate_linearly(x, xvec, yvec): msg = 'Input to function interpolate_linearly could not be converted ' msg += 'to numerical scalar: x = %s' % str(x) try: x = float(x) except: raise Exception, msg # Check bounds if x < xvec[0]: msg = 'Value provided = %.2f, interpolation minimum = %.2f.'\ % (x, xvec[0]) raise Below_interval, msg if x > xvec[-1]: msg = 'Value provided = %.2f, interpolation maximum = %.2f.'\ %(x, xvec[-1]) raise Above_interval, msg # Find appropriate slot within bounds i = 0 while x > xvec[i]: i += 1 x0 = xvec[i-1] x1 = xvec[i] alpha = (x - x0)/(x1 - x0) y0 = yvec[i-1] y1 = yvec[i] y = alpha*y1 + (1-alpha)*y0 return y def read_culvert_description(culvert_description_filename): # Read description file fid = open(culvert_description_filename) read_rating_curve_data = False rating_curve = [] for i, line in enumerate(fid.readlines()): if read_rating_curve_data is True: fields = line.split(',') head_difference = float(fields[0].strip()) flow_rate = float(fields[1].strip()) barrel_velocity = float(fields[2].strip()) rating_curve.append([head_difference, flow_rate, barrel_velocity]) if i == 0: # Header continue if i == 1: # Metadata fields = line.split(',') label=fields[0].strip() type=fields[1].strip().lower() assert type in ['box', 'pipe'] width=float(fields[2].strip()) height=float(fields[3].strip()) length=float(fields[4].strip()) number_of_barrels=int(fields[5].strip()) #fields[6] refers to losses description=fields[7].strip() if line.strip() == '': continue # Skip blanks if line.startswith('Rating'): read_rating_curve_data = True # Flow data follows fid.close() return label, type, width, height, length, number_of_barrels, description, rating_curve