import sys from anuga.shallow_water.forcing import Inflow, General_forcing from anuga.utilities.system_tools import log_to_file from anuga.geometry.polygon import inside_polygon, is_inside_polygon from anuga.geometry.polygon import plot_polygons, polygon_area from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import mean from anuga.utilities.numerical_tools import ensure_numeric, sign from anuga.config import g, epsilon from anuga.config import minimum_allowed_height, velocity_protection import anuga.utilities.log as log import inlet import numpy as num import math class Below_interval(Exception): pass class Above_interval(Exception): pass class Generic_box_culvert: """Culvert flow - transfer water from one rectangular box to another. Sets up the geometry of problem This is the base class for culverts. Inherit from this class (and overwrite compute_discharge method for specific subclasses) Input: Two points, pipe_size (either diameter or width, height), mannings_rougness, """ def __init__(self, domain, end_point0=None, end_point1=None, enquiry_gap_factor=0.2, width=None, height=None, verbose=False): # Input check self.domain = domain self.domain.set_fractional_step_operator(self) self.end_points = [end_point0, end_point1] self.enquiry_gap_factor = enquiry_gap_factor if height is None: height = width self.width = width self.height = height self.verbose=verbose self.filename = None # Create the fundamental culvert polygons and create inlet objects self.create_culvert_polygons() #FIXME (SR) Put this into a foe loop to deal with more inlets self.inlets = [] polygon0 = self.inlet_polygons[0] enquiry_pt0 = self.enquiry_points[0] inlet0_vector = self.culvert_vector self.inlets.append(inlet.Inlet(self.domain, polygon0, enquiry_pt0, inlet0_vector)) polygon1 = self.inlet_polygons[1] enquiry_pt1 = self.enquiry_points[1] inlet1_vector = - self.culvert_vector self.inlets.append(inlet.Inlet(self.domain, polygon1, enquiry_pt1, inlet1_vector)) self.print_stats() def __call__(self): # Time stuff time = self.domain.get_time() timestep = self.domain.get_timestep() inflow = self.inlets[0] outflow = self.inlets[1] # Determine flow direction based on total energy difference delta_total_energy = inflow.get_average_total_energy() - outflow.get_average_total_energy() if delta_total_energy < 0: inflow = self.inlets[1] outflow = self.inlets[0] delta_total_energy = -delta_total_energy delta_z = inflow.get_average_elevation() - outflow.get_average_elevation() culvert_slope = delta_z/self.culvert_length # Determine controlling energy (driving head) for culvert if inflow.get_average_specific_energy() > delta_total_energy: # Outlet control driving_head = delta_total_energy else: # Inlet control driving_head = inflow.get_average_specific_energy() # Transfer from culvert_routines import boyd_generalised_culvert_model Q, barrel_velocity, culvert_outlet_depth =\ boyd_generalised_culvert_model(inflow.get_average_height(), outflow.get_average_height(), inflow.get_average_speed(), outflow.get_average_speed(), inflow.get_average_specific_energy(), delta_total_energy, g, culvert_length=self.culvert_length, culvert_width=self.width, culvert_height=self.height, culvert_type='box', manning=0.01) transfer_water = Q*timestep inflow.set_heights(inflow.get_average_height() - transfer_water) inflow.set_xmoms(0.0) inflow.set_ymoms(0.0) outflow.set_heights(outflow.get_average_height() + transfer_water) outflow.set_xmoms(0.0) outflow.set_ymoms(0.0) def print_stats(self): print '=====================================' print 'Generic Culvert Operator' print '=====================================' print "enquiry_gap_factor" print self.enquiry_gap_factor for i, inlet in enumerate(self.inlets): print '-------------------------------------' print 'Inlet %i' % i print '-------------------------------------' print 'inlet triangle indices and centres' print inlet.triangle_indices[i] print self.domain.get_centroid_coordinates()[inlet.triangle_indices[i]] print 'polygon' print inlet.polygon print 'enquiry_point' print inlet.enquiry_point print '=====================================' def create_culvert_polygons(self): """Create polygons at the end of a culvert inlet and outlet. At either end two polygons will be created; one for the actual flow to pass through and one a little further away for enquiring the total energy at both ends of the culvert and transferring flow. """ # Calculate geometry x0, y0 = self.end_points[0] x1, y1 = self.end_points[1] dx = x1 - x0 dy = y1 - y0 self.culvert_vector = num.array([dx, dy]) self.culvert_length = math.sqrt(num.sum(self.culvert_vector**2)) assert self.culvert_length > 0.0, 'The length of culvert is less than 0' # Unit direction vector and normal self.culvert_vector /= self.culvert_length # Unit vector in culvert direction self.culvert_normal = num.array([-dy, dx])/self.culvert_length # Normal vector # Short hands w = 0.5*self.width*self.culvert_normal # Perpendicular vector of 1/2 width h = self.height*self.culvert_vector # Vector of length=height in the # direction of the culvert gap = (1 + self.enquiry_gap_factor)*h self.inlet_polygons = [] self.enquiry_points = [] # Build exchange polygon and enquiry points 0 and 1 for i in [0, 1]: i0 = (2*i-1) p0 = self.end_points[i] + w p1 = self.end_points[i] - w p2 = p1 + i0*h p3 = p0 + i0*h self.inlet_polygons.append(num.array([p0, p1, p2, p3])) self.enquiry_points.append(self.end_points[i] + i0*gap) # Check that enquiry points are outside inlet polygons for i in [0,1]: polygon = self.inlet_polygons[i] # FIXME (SR) Probably should calculate the area of all the triangles # associated with this polygon, as there is likely to be some # inconsistency between triangles and ploygon area = polygon_area(polygon) msg = 'Polygon %s ' %(polygon) msg += ' has area = %f' % area assert area > 0.0, msg for j in [0,1]: point = self.enquiry_points[j] msg = 'Enquiry point falls inside a culvert polygon.' assert not inside_polygon(point, polygon), msg # FIXME(Ole): Write in C and reuse this function by similar code # in def interpolate_linearly(x, xvec, yvec): msg = 'Input to function interpolate_linearly could not be converted ' msg += 'to numerical scalar: x = %s' % str(x) try: x = float(x) except: raise Exception, msg # Check bounds if x < xvec[0]: msg = 'Value provided = %.2f, interpolation minimum = %.2f.'\ % (x, xvec[0]) raise Below_interval, msg if x > xvec[-1]: msg = 'Value provided = %.2f, interpolation maximum = %.2f.'\ %(x, xvec[-1]) raise Above_interval, msg # Find appropriate slot within bounds i = 0 while x > xvec[i]: i += 1 x0 = xvec[i-1] x1 = xvec[i] alpha = (x - x0)/(x1 - x0) y0 = yvec[i-1] y1 = yvec[i] y = alpha*y1 + (1-alpha)*y0 return y def read_culvert_description(culvert_description_filename): # Read description file fid = open(culvert_description_filename) read_rating_curve_data = False rating_curve = [] for i, line in enumerate(fid.readlines()): if read_rating_curve_data is True: fields = line.split(',') head_difference = float(fields[0].strip()) flow_rate = float(fields[1].strip()) barrel_velocity = float(fields[2].strip()) rating_curve.append([head_difference, flow_rate, barrel_velocity]) if i == 0: # Header continue if i == 1: # Metadata fields = line.split(',') label=fields[0].strip() type=fields[1].strip().lower() assert type in ['box', 'pipe'] width=float(fields[2].strip()) height=float(fields[3].strip()) length=float(fields[4].strip()) number_of_barrels=int(fields[5].strip()) #fields[6] refers to losses description=fields[7].strip() if line.strip() == '': continue # Skip blanks if line.startswith('Rating'): read_rating_curve_data = True # Flow data follows fid.close() return label, type, width, height, length, number_of_barrels, description, rating_curve