1 | % To run, open matlab, so to this directory and enter cg
2 |
3 | clear
4 | f=figure;
5 | slope=0.1; %bed slope
6 | T=20; %period
7 | l=slope*9.8*T^2/pi^2; %characteristice length (lo in C&G58)
8 | A=0.5; %amplitude
9 | dd=0.1; %resolution of grid in the sigma-alpha plane
10 |
11 | %define the potential phi according to the C&G solution (eqn 2.21 C&G58)
12 | for sigma=[1:200];
13 | for lambda=[1:200];
14 | Phi(sigma,lambda)=A*besselj(0,(sigma-1)*dd)*cos((lambda-1)*dd);
15 | end
16 | end
17 |
18 | %solve for x, t, u and eta (equations 2.16-2.19 C&G58)
19 | for sigma=[2:199];
20 | for lambda=[2:199];
21 | u(sigma,lambda)=-(Phi(sigma+1,lambda)-Phi(sigma-1,lambda))/dd/2./(sigma*dd);
22 | eta(sigma,lambda)=1/4.*(Phi(sigma,lambda+1)-Phi(sigma,lambda-1))/dd/2-1/2.*(u(sigma,lambda)).^2; % stage
23 | t(sigma,lambda)=1/2.*(lambda*dd)+u(sigma,lambda);
24 | x(sigma,lambda)=-1/4*(Phi(sigma,lambda+1)-Phi(sigma,lambda-1))/dd/2+1/16*(sigma*dd).^2+1/2*u(sigma, lambda).^2;
25 | end
26 | end
27 |
28 | %plot using Matlab interpolation routines
29 | figure
30 | ti=-50:250;
31 | tj=1:99;
32 | [XI,YI] = meshgrid(ti/10,tj/10);
33 | Z = griddata(x(:,:),t(:,:),eta(:,:),XI,YI);
34 | mesh(XI,YI,Z)
35 |
36 | %show animation using dimensional variables according to C&G58 scaling
37 | figure(f)
38 | a=0;
39 | for tp=1:99
40 | plot(l/slope-l*XI(1,:),l-l*slope*XI(1,:),'k')
41 | hold on
42 | plot(l/slope-l*XI(1,:),l+l*slope*Z(tp,:),'b')
43 | text(l,l+l*slope/8,num2str(tp/10*T/pi))
44 | axis([0 1.1*l/slope l-l*slope/4 l+l*slope/4])
45 | pause(0.1)
46 | hold off
47 | a=a+1;
48 | % fname=[num2str(a) '.jpg'];
49 | % saveas(f,fname)
50 | F(a) = getframe;
51 | end
52 | movie(F,5)
53 | % figure
54 | % plot3(x, t, eta,'.')
55 |