import os import time from shallow_water_domain_avalanche import * from Numeric import array, zeros, Float, sqrt from config import g, epsilon from numpy import sin, cos, tan from scipy import linspace from parameters import * def analytical_sol(X,t): N = len(X) u = zeros(N,Float) h = zeros(N,Float) w = zeros(N,Float) z = zeros(N,Float) mom = zeros(N,Float) for i in range(N): # Calculate Analytical Solution at time t > 0 if X[i] <= -2.0*c0*t + 0.5*m*t**2.0: u[i] = 0.0 h[i] = 0.0 elif X[i] <= c0*t + 0.5*m*t**2.0: u[i] = 2.0/3.0 * (X[i]/t - c0 + m*t) h[i] = 1.0/(9.0*g) * (X[i]/t + 2.0*c0 - 0.5*m*t)**2.0 else: u[i] = m*t h[i] = h_0 z[i] = bed_slope*X[i] w[i] = h[i] + z[i] mom[i] = u[i]*h[i] return u,h,w,z,mom def height(X): N = len(X) y = zeros(N,Float) for i in range(N): if X[i]<=0.0: y[i] = 0.0 else: y[i] = h_0 return y def stage(X): N = len(X) w = zeros(N,Float) for i in range(N): if X[i]<=0.0: w[i] = bed_slope*X[i] else: w[i] = bed_slope*X[i] + h_0 return w def elevation(X): N = len(X) y=zeros(N, Float) for i in range(N): y[i] = bed_slope*X[i] return y """ #=========================================================================# #The following values are set in h_0 = 10.0 # depth upstream. Note that the depth downstream is 0.0 L = 2000.0 # length of stream/domain n = 100 # number of cells cell_len = L/n # length of each cell points = zeros(n+1, Float) for i in range (n+1): points[i] = i*cell_len - 0.5*L bed_slope = 0.005 # bottom slope, positive if it is increasing bottom. c0 = sqrt(g*h_0) # sound speed m = -1.0*g*bed_slope # auxiliary variable #==========================================================================# """ boundary = { (0,0): 'left',(n-1,1): 'right'} domain = Domain(points,boundary) domain.order = 2 domain.set_timestepping_method('rk2') domain.set_CFL(1.0) domain.beta = 1.0 domain.set_limiter("minmod") def f_right(t): z_r = bed_slope*(0.5*L) h_r = h_0 #+ bed_slope*cell_len w_r = z_r + h_r u_r = m*t #['stage', 'xmomentum', 'elevation', 'height', 'velocity'] return [w_r, u_r*h_r, z_r, h_r, u_r] T_right = Time_boundary(domain,f_right) #T_right = Transmissive_boundary(domain) #D_right = Dirichlet_boundary([bed_slope*(0.5*L)+h_0, (m*domain.time)*h_0, bed_slope*(0.5*L), h_0, m*domain.time]) D_left = Dirichlet_boundary([-1.0*bed_slope*(0.5*L), 0.0, -1.0*bed_slope*(0.5*L), 0.0, 0.0]) domain.set_boundary({'left':D_left,'right':T_right}) domain.set_quantity('stage',stage) domain.set_quantity('elevation',elevation) X = domain.vertices C = domain.centroids yieldstep = finaltime = 15.0 t0 = time.time() while finaltime <= 15.1: for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = yieldstep, finaltime = finaltime): domain.write_time() #The following is for computing the error and plotting the result Mom = domain.quantities['xmomentum'] Height = domain.quantities['height'] Stage = domain.quantities['stage'] Velocity = domain.quantities['velocity'] Elevation = domain.quantities['elevation'] #The following is for computing the error Uc,Hc,Wc,Zc,Mc = analytical_sol(C,domain.time) HeightC = Height.centroid_values MomC = Mom.centroid_values StageC = Stage.centroid_values VelC = Velocity.centroid_values ElevationC = Elevation.centroid_values print "number of cells=",n W_error = (1.0/n)*sum(abs(Wc-StageC)) M_error = (1.0/n)*sum(abs(Mc-MomC)) U_error = (1.0/n)*sum(abs(Uc-VelC)) print "stage_error %.10f" %(W_error) print "momentum_error %.10f"%(M_error) print "velocity_error %.10f" %(U_error) #The following is for plotting the result. Uv,Hv,Wv,Zv,Mv = analytical_sol(X.flat,domain.time) HeightV = Height.vertex_values MomV = Mom.vertex_values StageV = Stage.vertex_values VelV = Velocity.vertex_values ElevationV = Elevation.vertex_values from pylab import clf,plot,title,xlabel,ylabel,legend,savefig,show,hold,subplot hold(False) clf() plot1 = subplot(311) plot(X.flat,Wv,'b-', X.flat,StageV.flat,'k--', X.flat,ElevationV.flat,'k:') #plot(X.flat,Wv, X.flat,StageV.flat, X.flat,ElevationV.flat) #xlabel('Position') ylabel('Stage') #plot1.set_ylim([-1.0,21.0]) #plot1.set_xlim([-480.0,-420.0])#([-9.0e-3,9.0e-3]) #legend(('analytical solution', 'numerical solution', 'discretized bed'), 'upper left', shadow=False) plot2 = subplot(312) plot(X.flat,Mv,'b-', X.flat,MomV.flat,'k--') #xlabel('Position') ylabel('Momentum') #plot2.set_xlim([-300.0,300.0]) plot2.set_ylim([-310.0,10.0])#([-90.0,10.0]) #legend(('analytical solution', 'numerical solution'), 'lower right', shadow=False) plot3 = subplot(313) plot(X.flat,Uv,'b-', X.flat,VelV.flat,'k--') xlabel('Position') ylabel('Velocity') #plot3.set_xlim([-300.0,300.0]) plot3.set_ylim([-45.0,5.0])#([-30.0,5.0]) #legend(('analytical solution', 'numerical solution'), 'lower right', shadow=False) finaltime = finaltime + 10.0 file = "A-case3-" file += str(n) file += ".eps" savefig(file) show()