1 | from scipy import sin, cos, sqrt, linspace, pi, dot |
2 | from Numeric import Float |
3 | from numpy import zeros,array |
4 | from gaussPivot import * |
5 | from analytical_prescription import * |
6 | from parameter import * |
7 | import os, time, csv, pprint |
8 | from domain_johns import * |
9 | from config import g, epsilon |
10 | from rootsearch import * |
11 | from bisect_function import * |
12 | |
13 | #Analytical computations################################################################# |
14 | def root_g(a,b,t): |
15 | dx = 0.01 |
16 | def g(u): |
17 | return u + 2.0*A*pi/T*sin(2.0*pi/T*(t+u)) |
18 | while 1: |
19 | x1,x2 = rootsearch(g,a,b,dx) |
20 | if x1 != None: |
21 | a = x2 |
22 | root = bisect(g,x1,x2,1) |
23 | else: |
24 | break |
25 | return root |
26 | def shore(t): |
27 | a = -1.0#-0.2#-1.0 |
28 | b = 1.0#0.2#1.0 |
29 | #dx = 0.01 |
30 | u = root_g(a,b,t) |
31 | xi = -0.5*u*u + A*cos(2.0*pi/T*(t+u)) |
32 | position = 1.0 + xi |
33 | return position, u |
34 | |
35 | |
36 | |
37 | |
38 | #Numerical computations################################################################### |
39 | def newtonRaphson2(f,q,tol=1.0e-15): ##1.0e-9 may be too large |
40 | for i in range(30): |
41 | h = 1.0e-4 ##1.0e-4 may be too large. |
42 | n = len(q) |
43 | jac = zeros((n,n),Float) |
44 | if 1.0+q[0]-x<0.0: |
45 | temp1 = 1.0+q[0]-x |
46 | q[0] = q[0]-temp1 |
47 | q[1] = v |
48 | return q |
49 | f0 = f(q) |
50 | for i in range(n): |
51 | temp = q[i] |
52 | q[i] = temp + h |
53 | f1 = f(q) |
54 | q[i] = temp |
55 | jac[:,i] = (f1 - f0)/h |
56 | if sqrt(dot(f0,f0)/len(q)) < tol: return q |
57 | dq = gaussPivot(jac,-f0) |
58 | q = q + dq |
59 | if sqrt(dot(dq,dq)) < tol*max(max(abs(q)),1.0): return q |
60 | print 'Too many iterations' |
61 | |
62 | def elevation(X): |
63 | N = len(X) |
64 | z = zeros(N,Float) |
65 | for i in range(N): |
66 | z[i] = (h_0/L)*X[i] - h_0 |
67 | return z |
68 | |
69 | def height(X): |
70 | N = len(X) |
71 | z = zeros(N,Float) |
72 | for i in range(N): |
73 | z[i] = h_0 - (h_0/L)*X[i] |
74 | return z |
75 | |
76 | def velocity(X): |
77 | N = len(X) |
78 | return zeros(N,Float) |
79 | |
80 | boundary = { (0,0): 'left',(N-1,1): 'right'} |
81 | |
82 | domain = Domain(points,boundary) |
83 | domain.order = 2 |
84 | domain.set_timestepping_method('rk2') |
85 | domain.set_CFL(1.0) |
86 | domain.beta = 1.0 |
87 | domain.set_limiter("minmod") |
88 | |
89 | |
90 | def f_CG(t): |
91 | timing = t*sqrt(g*h_0)/L |
92 | w, u = prescribe(0.0,timing) |
93 | wO = w*h_0 |
94 | uO = u*sqrt(g*h_0) |
95 | zO = -h_0 |
96 | hO = wO - zO |
97 | pO = uO * hO |
98 | #[ 'stage', 'xmomentum', 'elevation', 'height', 'velocity'] |
99 | return [wO, pO, zO, hO, uO] |
100 | def f_JOHNS(t): |
101 | timing = t*sqrt(g*h_0)/L |
102 | w, u = prescribe_at_O_JOHNS(timing) |
103 | wO = w*h_0 |
104 | uO = u*sqrt(g*h_0) |
105 | zO = -h_0 |
106 | hO = wO - zO |
107 | pO = uO * hO |
108 | #[ 'stage', 'xmomentum', 'elevation', 'height', 'velocity'] |
109 | return [wO, pO, zO, hO, uO] |
110 | |
111 | T1 = Time_boundary(domain,f_JOHNS) |
112 | D2 = Dirichlet_boundary([50.5, 0.0, 50.5, 0.0, 0.0]) |
113 | domain.set_boundary({'left':T1,'right':D2}) |
114 | |
115 | domain.set_quantity('height',height) |
116 | domain.set_quantity('elevation',elevation) |
117 | domain.set_quantity('velocity',velocity) |
118 | |
119 | |
120 | Ver = domain.vertices |
121 | n_V = len(Ver) |
122 | AnalitW_V = zeros((n_V,2), Float) |
123 | AnalitP_V = zeros((n_V,2), Float) |
124 | AnalitZ_V = zeros((n_V,2), Float) |
125 | AnalitH_V = zeros((n_V,2), Float) |
126 | AnalitU_V = zeros((n_V,2), Float) |
127 | |
128 | Cen = domain.centroids |
129 | n_C = len(Cen) |
130 | AnalitW_C = zeros(n_C, Float) |
131 | AnalitP_C = zeros(n_C, Float) |
132 | AnalitZ_C = zeros(n_C, Float) |
133 | AnalitH_C = zeros(n_C, Float) |
134 | AnalitU_C = zeros(n_C, Float) |
135 | |
136 | waktu = 10.0 #3.0*60.0 |
137 | WAKTU = 10.0#12690.0 #Note: Tp=15.0*60.0 |
138 | yieldstep = finaltime = waktu |
139 | t0 = time.time() |
140 | counter=1 |
141 | |
142 | shorelines_numerical_johns = zeros(int(WAKTU/waktu), Float) |
143 | shorelines_analytical = zeros(int(WAKTU/waktu), Float) |
144 | time_instants = zeros(int(WAKTU/waktu), Float) |
145 | print "the initial time_instants=", time_instants |
146 | |
147 | |
148 | while finaltime < WAKTU+0.1: |
149 | for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = yieldstep, finaltime = finaltime): |
150 | domain.write_time() |
151 | time_instants[counter-1] = domain.time |
152 | |
153 | Stage = domain.quantities['stage'] |
154 | Momentum = domain.quantities['xmomentum'] |
155 | Elevation = domain.quantities['elevation'] |
156 | Height = domain.quantities['height'] |
157 | Velocity = domain.quantities['velocity'] |
158 | |
159 | StageV = Stage.vertex_values |
160 | MomV = Momentum.vertex_values |
161 | ElevationV = Elevation.vertex_values |
162 | HeightV = Height.vertex_values |
163 | VelV = Velocity.vertex_values |
164 | |
165 | StageC = Stage.centroid_values |
166 | MomC = Momentum.centroid_values |
167 | ElevationC = Elevation.centroid_values |
168 | HeightC = Height.centroid_values |
169 | VelC = Velocity.centroid_values |
170 | |
171 | table = zeros((len(Ver.flat),6),Float) |
172 | for r in range(len(Ver.flat)): |
173 | for c in range(6): |
174 | if c==0: |
175 | table[r][c] = Ver.flat[r] |
176 | elif c==1: |
177 | table[r][c] = StageV.flat[r] |
178 | elif c==2: |
179 | table[r][c] = MomV.flat[r] |
180 | elif c==3: |
181 | table[r][c] = ElevationV.flat[r] |
182 | elif c==4: |
183 | table[r][c] = HeightV.flat[r] |
184 | else: |
185 | table[r][c] = VelV.flat[r] |
186 | |
187 | outname = "%s%04i%s%f%s" %("numerical_johns_", counter, "_", domain.time, ".csv") |
188 | outfile = open(outname, 'w') |
189 | writer = csv.writer(outfile) |
190 | for row in table: |
191 | writer.writerow(row) |
192 | outfile.close() |
193 | |
194 | |
195 | for s in range(2*n_V): |
196 | heiL = HeightV.flat[s] |
197 | momR = MomV.flat[s+1] |
198 | if heiL >= 1e-6: |
199 | if abs(momR)==0.0: #<1e-15: |
200 | break |
201 | #print "s+1=",s+1 |
202 | shorelines_numerical_johns[counter-1] = Ver.flat[s+1] |
203 | #print "shorelines_numerical_johns=",shorelines_numerical_johns[counter-1] |
204 | |
205 | |
206 | |
207 | #print "Now the ANALYTIC" |
208 | pos_shore, vel_shore = shore(domain.time*sqrt(g*h_0)/L) #dimensionless |
209 | pos_shore = pos_shore*L |
210 | vel_shore = vel_shore*sqrt(g*h_0) |
211 | |
212 | shorelines_analytical[counter-1] = pos_shore |
213 | |
214 | #The following is for calculating the error at centroids |
215 | for i in range(n_C): |
216 | x = Cen[i] |
217 | if x < pos_shore: |
218 | sta, vel = prescribe(x/L,domain.time*sqrt(g*h_0)/L) #dimensionless |
219 | AnalitW_C[i] = sta*h_0 |
220 | AnalitU_C[i] = vel #It needs dimensionalisation |
221 | AnalitZ_C[i] = (h_0/L)*x - h_0 |
222 | AnalitH_C[i] = AnalitW_C[i] - AnalitZ_C[i] |
223 | AnalitP_C[i] = AnalitH_C[i]*AnalitU_C[i] #It needs dimensionalisation |
224 | else: |
225 | AnalitW_C[i] = (h_0/L)*x - h_0 |
226 | AnalitU_C[i] = 0.0 |
227 | AnalitZ_C[i] = (h_0/L)*x - h_0 |
228 | AnalitH_C[i] = 0.0 |
229 | AnalitP_C[i] = 0.0 |
230 | AnalitU_C = AnalitU_C*sqrt(g*h_0) #This is the dimensionalisation |
231 | AnalitP_C = AnalitP_C*sqrt(g*h_0) #This is the dimensionalisation |
232 | |
233 | error_W = (1.0/n_C)*sum(abs(StageC-AnalitW_C)) |
234 | error_P = (1.0/n_C)*sum(abs(MomC-AnalitP_C)) |
235 | error_U = (1.0/n_C)*sum(abs(VelC-AnalitU_C)) |
236 | table = zeros((1,4),Float) |
237 | for r in range(1): |
238 | for c in range(4): |
239 | if c==0: |
240 | table[r][c] = domain.time |
241 | elif c==1: |
242 | table[r][c] = error_W |
243 | elif c==2: |
244 | table[r][c] = error_P |
245 | else: |
246 | table[r][c] = error_U |
247 | outname = "%s%04i%s%f%s" %("error_johns_", counter, "_", domain.time, ".csv") |
248 | outfile = open(outname, 'w') |
249 | writer = csv.writer(outfile) |
250 | for row in table: |
251 | writer.writerow(row) |
252 | outfile.close() |
253 | |
254 | |
255 | #The following is for ploting the quantities at vertex values |
256 | for i in range(n_V): |
257 | vector_x = Ver[i] |
258 | for k in range(2): |
259 | x = vector_x[k] |
260 | if x < pos_shore: |
261 | sta, vel = prescribe(x/L,domain.time*sqrt(g*h_0)/L) #dimensionless |
262 | AnalitW_V[i,k] = sta*h_0 |
263 | AnalitU_V[i,k] = vel #It needs dimensionalisation |
264 | AnalitZ_V[i,k] = (h_0/L)*x - h_0 |
265 | AnalitH_V[i,k] = AnalitW_V[i,k] - AnalitZ_V[i,k] |
266 | AnalitP_V[i,k] = AnalitH_V[i,k]*AnalitU_V[i,k] #It needs dimensionalisation |
267 | else: |
268 | AnalitW_V[i,k] = (h_0/L)*x - h_0 |
269 | AnalitU_V[i,k] = 0.0 |
270 | AnalitZ_V[i,k] = (h_0/L)*x - h_0 |
271 | AnalitH_V[i,k] = 0.0 |
272 | AnalitP_V[i,k] = 0.0 |
273 | AnalitU_V = AnalitU_V*sqrt(g*h_0) #This is the dimensionalisation |
274 | AnalitP_V = AnalitP_V*sqrt(g*h_0) #This is the dimensionalisation |
275 | |
276 | |
277 | table = zeros((len(Ver.flat),6),Float) |
278 | for r in range(len(Ver.flat)): |
279 | for c in range(6): |
280 | if c==0: |
281 | table[r][c] = Ver.flat[r] |
282 | elif c==1: |
283 | table[r][c] = AnalitW_V.flat[r] |
284 | elif c==2: |
285 | table[r][c] = AnalitP_V.flat[r] |
286 | elif c==3: |
287 | table[r][c] = AnalitZ_V.flat[r] |
288 | elif c==4: |
289 | table[r][c] = AnalitH_V.flat[r] |
290 | else: |
291 | table[r][c] = AnalitU_V.flat[r] |
292 | |
293 | outname = "%s%04i%s%f%s" %("analytical_", counter, "_", domain.time, ".csv") |
294 | outfile = open(outname, 'w') |
295 | writer = csv.writer(outfile) |
296 | for row in table: |
297 | writer.writerow(row) |
298 | outfile.close() |
299 | |
300 | #put this |
301 | from pylab import clf,plot,title,xlabel,ylabel,legend,show,hold,subplot,ion#,savefig |
302 | hold(False) |
303 | clf() |
304 | |
305 | plot1 = subplot(311) |
306 | plot(Ver.flat/1e+4,AnalitW_V.flat,'b-', Ver.flat/1e+4,StageV.flat,'g-', Ver.flat/1e+4,ElevationV.flat,'k-') |
307 | #plot(Ver,StageV, Ver,ElevationV) |
308 | #plot(Ver/L,StageV/h_0, Ver/L,ElevationV/h_0) |
309 | #xlabel('Position') |
310 | ylabel('Stage') |
311 | #plot1.set_xlim([0.0,1.2]) |
312 | plot1.set_ylim([-6.0,6.0])#([-9.0e-3,9.0e-3]) |
313 | #legend(('Analytical Solution', 'Numerical Solution', 'Discretized Bed'), |
314 | # 'upper right', shadow=False) |
315 | |
316 | plot2 = subplot(312) |
317 | plot(Ver.flat/1e+4,AnalitP_V.flat,'b-', Ver.flat/1e+4,MomV.flat,'g-') |
318 | #plot(Ver/L, VelV/sqrt(g*h_0)) |
319 | #xlabel('Position') |
320 | ylabel('Momentum') |
321 | #plot2.set_xlim([0.0,1.2]) |
322 | #legend(('Analytical Solution','Numerical Solution'), |
323 | # 'upper right', shadow=False) |
324 | |
325 | plot3 = subplot(313) |
326 | plot(Ver.flat/1e+4,AnalitU_V.flat,'b-', Ver.flat/1e+4,VelV.flat,'g-') |
327 | #plot(Ver/L, VelV/sqrt(g*h_0)) |
328 | xlabel('Position / 10,000') |
329 | ylabel('Velocity') |
330 | #plot2.set_xlim([0.0,1.2]) |
331 | legend(('Analytical Solution','Numerical Solution'), |
332 | 'upper center', shadow=False) |
333 | |
334 | #filename = "%s%04i%s%f%s" %("numerical_johns_", counter,"_", domain.time, ".png") |
335 | #savefig(filename) |
336 | show() |
337 | #raw_input("Press ENTER to continue") |
338 | counter = counter+1 |
339 | finaltime = finaltime + waktu |
340 | |
341 | |
342 | |
343 | table = zeros((int(WAKTU/waktu), 2),Float) |
344 | for r in range(int(WAKTU/waktu)): |
345 | for c in range(2): |
346 | if c==0: |
347 | table[r][c] = time_instants[r] |
348 | else: |
349 | table[r][c] = shorelines_numerical_johns[r] |
350 | |
351 | outname = "%s" %("shore_numerical_johns.csv") |
352 | outfile = open(outname, 'w') |
353 | writer = csv.writer(outfile) |
354 | for row in table: |
355 | writer.writerow(row) |
356 | outfile.close() |
357 | |
358 | |
359 | table = zeros((int(WAKTU/waktu), 2),Float) |
360 | for r in range(int(WAKTU/waktu)): |
361 | for c in range(2): |
362 | if c==0: |
363 | table[r][c] = time_instants[r] |
364 | else: |
365 | table[r][c] = shorelines_analytical[r] |
366 | |
367 | outname = "%s" %("shore_analytical.csv") |
368 | outfile = open(outname, 'w') |
369 | writer = csv.writer(outfile) |
370 | for row in table: |
371 | writer.writerow(row) |
372 | outfile.close() |
373 | |